TEe world's largest
single-train urea plant (1500MT/D)is NO W on-stream...
Since August 23, our new urea plant at Osaka has been flawlessly producing a record-breaking 1500 metric tons per day. The new facility features the latest and the most advanced MITSUI TOATSU process— the Total Recycle-C Improved Process.
This simplified and economical process permitted the Osaka plant to go into smooth ^operation only 17 months after the groundbreaking ceremony, MITSUI TOATSU processes have been employed in 43 plants >in 19 countries, with an additional il plants m under construction. These plants sWitly account for more than 33% of world's urea production capacity.
MITSUI TOATSU is a new name. And one to remember every time you think of fertilizers, industrial chemicals, synthetic resins, plastics, pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs-, agricultural chemicals and building materials
MITSUI TOATSU CHEMICALS, INC. 2 - 5 , Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Cable: M I T S U I T O A T S U Telex: No. 0 2 2 2 - 3 6 2 2 , MITUI T O A T U TOK