C. F. Decker, A. Aras, and Lucile E. Decker,. Anal. Biochem, 8 ... Division, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 751 Main Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut. PERKIN-E...
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WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT P-E ATOMIC ABSORPTION THE EXPERTS REPORT: " . . . w e hear w i l d l y enthusiastic reports about the speed, sensitivity and precision of t h e P e r k i n - E l m e r a t o m i c a b s o r p t i o n e q u i p m e n t . . . he showed us the results o f some 400 check analyses a l l obtained in some 2 or 3 days." Ralph H. Muller, Anal Chem 36, 85A, August 1964. " . . . a t o m i c a b s o r p t i o n . . . h a s provided the analytical chemist with an invaluable tool for rapid and accurate measurement of metallic components of solutions.

Apparatus: Perkin-Elmer M o d e l 3 0 3 . . . " Robert G. Shafto, Products Finishing, August 1964. " W e are the p r o u d possessors o f a PerkinElmer ( M o d e l 303) A t o m i c A b s o r p t i o n Spectrophotometer. By means o f this wonderful electronic instrument w e are able to accurately d e termine trace metals and other elements from ppm to p p b . . . " Brochure, Clarendon Laboratory, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1964J. "Last November, C o l o r a d o State University acquired a M o d e l 303 Perkin-Elmer Atomic Absorption . . . Analyses that once extended more than a week a n d involved a dozen tedious

steps can now be completed in a matter of minutes." W. L. Lindsay, Colo Farm and Home Research, 14^ May-June 1964. "The recent advances in atomic a b s o r p tion spectroscopy have greatly simplified the analysis of biological fluids for many elements . . . A Perkin-Elmer M o d e l 214 . . . was used." C. F. Decker, A. Aras, and Lucile E. Decker, Anal. Biochem, 8, 344 (1964). "Detailed analysis of each lot (of reagents) was Fisher innovation in 1879, new tool here is (Perkin-Elmer M o d e l 303) atomic absorption Spectrophotometer." The Laboratory, 32.3, Fisher Scientific, 1964.

Is there an idea here for y o u ? There is . . . if you're looking for a faster, more sensitive a n d precise method of measuring 40 metallic elements. For complete specifications write to Instrument Division, Perkin-Elmer C o r p o r a t i o n , 751 M a i n Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut.

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