New York, John Wiley &Sons, 1929. (22) Meggers, W. F., and Scribner, B. F., “Index to the Literature on. Spectrochemical Analysis, 1920-1939,” Phi...
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V O L U M E 2 1 , NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1949 (16) Kolthoff, I. M . , IND. ENG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED., 17, 615 (1945). (17) Kolthoff, I. >I., and Furman, N. H., “Potentiometric Titrations,” New York, John Wiley Br Sons, 1931. (18) Kolthoff, I. M., and Lingane, J. J., “Polarography,” New York, Interscience Publishers, 1941. (19) Kolthoff, I. M . , and Matsuyama, G., ISD. ENG.CHEM.,Ais.4~ E D . ,17, 615 (1945) (20) Kolthoff, I. M . , and Sandell, E. B., “Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,” Ken. Yoi,k, Macmillan Co., 1943. (21) Lundell, G. E. F., and Hoffman, J. I.. ”Outlines of Methods of Chemical Analysis.” Kern York, John Wiley 6: Sons, 1929. 122) SIeggers, W. F., and Scribner, B. F., “Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, 1920-1939,” Philadelphia, Ainericaii Society for Testing Materials, 1041. (23) hfLIUller, 11. H.. ISD. ESG. C H E Y . . A S I L . ED., 13, 667-754 (1941). (24) Prodinger, IT., “Orgmic Reagents Used in Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,” New York, Elsevier Publishing Co., 1940. (25) Sandell. E. B., “Coloriinetric Determination of Traces of Metals,” New Y o I , ~Interscience . Publishers, 1947.

249 (26) Saunderson. J. L., Crtldecourt, V . J . , and Peterson, E. W., J . OpticaZSoc. A m . , 35, 6S1 (1945). ( 2 7 ) Sawyer, R. 4., “Experimental Spectroscopy,” New York. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1944. (28) Scott, V. IT., “Standard XIetliods of Chemical Analysis,” New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1939. (‘291 Scrihner, B. F., and hleggers. W.E’., “Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part 11, 1940-1945,” Philadelphia. American Society for Testing Materials, 1947. (30) Snell, F. D., and Snell, C . T., “Colorimetric Methods of Analysis,’’ Vol. I (Inorganic), Vol. I1 (Organic), New York. D. Van Kostrand Co., 1936. (31) Standel:, G . IT.. ISD.ESG. CHEM., ANAL.ED.,16, 67.5 (1944). (32) 1-oe, J. II., “Photometric Chemical Analysi3,” New York, John Wiley Br Sons, 1925. (33) Yoe, J. H., arid Sarver, L. A., “Organic Analytical Reagents,” New York, John Wile>-& Sons. 1941. R E C E I V E DS o l e m b e r I ? , 1948.

PETROLEUM HARRY LEVIN. The Texas Company, Beacon,


111: trend of developmerit and progress in analysis is a good index of dcvelopmerit and progress in the petroleum industry geiierally, as these have paralleled each other closely. This revic.w iiicludes the period from just before our entry into Korld War I1 until September 1918. So much progress in this field arid iti clieniistry generally has been stimulated by requirements ‘imposed by wartime products and processes, that’ reaching t h a t far into tlic past seemed necessary to give a good picture of the advniicv that have been made. As i t 1 other industrial fields, the increased acceptance of relatively nctwcr tools of analysis i j quickly manifested. I n this c:ategor,y ai’e microchemistry, refractometry, polarography, chioiriiit,ogi,ai)li?’, radiation chemistry including ultraviolet, irifrai,ed, and Itaman, emission spectrometry, x-ray, mass q)cctronietry, arid refinements in high and low temperature ltriitlytical distillation. CRUDE OIL

lloi~iic (103) determined salt in crude oil by dissolving the

sariiplc iri xylene, adding a destabilizer to prevent emulsification, extract iny the salts with water, and titrating x i t h silver nitrate. Neilsoii (27f) used a somewhat similar procedure, employing pheiiol tJo break emulsions, and removing interfering sulfur compouirds by preliminary treatment with cadmium salts. hf ukherjee (169),using alumina, applied a chromatographic method in wliicli fluorescence of solutions of the adsorbate was used to diffc:reritiate crude oils. GAS

1,udernan (142) described a method for determining the dissolution temperature of aniline and butanes and Francis (71) applied dissolution temperature in o-nitrotoluene t o determine the composition of binary mixtures of iso- and n-butane. Ferber (67) used alumina and active carbon at low temperatures in a study of adsorption and desorption for analysis of gaseous hydrocarboii mixtures, in which olefins were preliminarily hydrogenated, as the method is for paraffin hydrocarbons. Turner (225) employed a column of charcoal for adsorption and by heating separated the constituents in the zones up to, and including, hexane. Miller (164) analyzed mixtures of propane, isobutane, and n-butane for plant control by a simple weathering test conducted in a centrifuge tube. Liljenstein (138) used a combination absorption-weathering test in which the volume of residue was the



basis for determining isobutane and heavier and pentanes arid heavier; it is used for plant control purpoLea. I-Iamblen (90) used a weathering test for plant control, in determining propane contamination in butane. Tooke ( 2 2 3 , in plant control, used a time-temperature distillation curve t o analyze n-butaiie for isobutanc, propane, and pentane. Solomon (21.3) described a hydrometer for determining the density of small samples of liquefied butane-isobutane niiutures. Echols (62) analyzed three-component light hydrocarbon niivturea by isothermal distillat ion. Eberl (61) employed silver sulfate in dilute sulfuric acid to determine ethylene in butane, claiming no butane absorption. Cuneo (50), in determining butadiene in mixtures with saturated and other unsaturated hydrocarbons, used a mercuric nitrate reagent to obtain a volumetric determination of mono-olefins plus diolefins. Francis (72) employed mercuric sulfate in dilute sulfuric acid to determine ethylene and claimed the reagent was applicable t o determination of total olefins. Mapstone (166) studied numerous reagents for determining ethylene and total olefin in gas and concluded t h a t mercuric sulfate reagent was best. Stanerson (214) collected gaseous sample in cold chloroform, titrated this solution with bromine in glacial acetic acid, and concluded t h a t the method is comparable in results with hydrogenation but simpler t o conduct. Houtman (104) employed aqueous hydrochloric acid at room temperature to determine isobutene in mixtures with other unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbon gases; only isobutane reacted to form tertbutyl chloride. Cyclopentadiene was determined colorimetrically by Chrig (228) after prior condensation with benzaldehyde to form its highly colored fulvene I n determining ethylacetylene and vinylacetylene in C, hydrocarbon gases, Thomas (261) employed silver nitrate titration, hydrogenation, bromine titration, and maleic anhydride absorption. Robey (194) improved the hydrogenation procedure of Mclfillan by correcting for nonideal behavior of gaseous hydrocarbons. Corner (46) employed selective hydrogenation involving a nickel-kieselguhr catalyst partially deactivated with mercury t o determine cyclopropane in the presence of propylene. Ransley (183) described a micromethod for analyzing gaseous mixtures, applicable to 0.1 ml. of sample, in Rhich the volume is kept constant and the individual constituents are determined from changes in pressure on reaction with specified reagents. Pyke (181), employing the apparatus of Blacet and Leighton in microdeterminations of gaseous olefins, used a paste containing


250 mercuric acetate, boron trifluoride, ethyl etherate, and ethylene glycol on a platinum loop absorbent holder. A novel technique was described by Gooderham ( M ) ,who analyzed mixtures of gases by determining volumes in a series of burets containing reagents, soap films being the meters. The method is stated to be rapid and accurate but requires 1 liter of sample. Savelli (197) studied various low temperature distillation apparatus and methods employed in analysis of hydrocarbon gases, as well as dew point and reagent methods for determining composition of gaseous mixtures. Reporting on cooperative work on analysis of a sample consisting of nonhydrocarbon and hydrocarbon gases, Shepherd (208) concluded that need for standardization is apparent. Uhrig (229) determined traces of oxygen in hydrocarbon gases by a modification of the MacHattie procedure in which oxygen reacts d t h copper wetted with an ammoniacal solution. Trace quantities of basic nitrogen in hydrocarbon gases were determined by Donn (57) by collection in substantially nonaqueous standard sulfuric acid in acetone. Balis (13) describes a microcombustion procedure for the simultaneous determination of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine in gaseous compounds; the method is also employed to determine traces of incompletely burned material in hot exhaust gases. Powell (178) employed ultraviolet absorption to determine cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene. Brady (29) used infrared absorption for the determination of impurities in butadiene and claimed that the butadiene values by difference agreed very well with gravimetric maleic anhydride results. Short-cut infrared procedures for the rapid determination of key components were described by Seyfried (205). The principles of mass spectrometry and its applications in hydrocarbon gas analysis were described by Washburn (235) and its application to plant hydrocarbon problems, by Roberts (192). Commenting on results obtained by cooperating laboratories which applied mass spectrometry to the analysis of a standard sample of natural gas, Shepherd (209) concluded that the reproducibility is better than with chemical methods. Johnsen (108) avoided the need for the customary pressure measurement in mass spectrometric analysis by employing the ratio of the peaks of the two components, in binary mixtures. Electrical computing instruments to solve the simultaneous equations associatedwith mass spectrometry and absorption spectrometry n-ere described by Morgan (167). Turkevitch (224) reported on a study to determine the position of the tracer atom in deuterated hydrocarbons. D'Ouville (69) employed thermoconductivity cells for gas analysis in studying synthesis of hydrocarbons. Starr (215) in a study of low temperature fractional distillation showed that much faster charging rates and distillation rates than are customary can be employed, without loss in precision. GASOLIVE

Because gasoline is such a comples and important mixture of hydrocarbons, distillation is frequently used to produce fractions of much lesser complexity for further examination by other means, and this has resulted in the development of numerous high efficiency fractionating apparatus and methods. Selker (204) described a low holdup concentric glass tube column of high efficiency, capable of handling small samples. Baker (12) studied a number of popular fractionating columns and concluded that the spinning band type is particularly good for small samples. Lecky (125) showed excellent results with a column packing consisting of a long continuous nickel gauze spiral m-ound around a glass tube. Bragg (30) compared concentric glass tube columns, glass bubble cap columns, empty glass columns, and Stedman columns packed with several forms of wire cloth packing. Schaffner (198) described a rectifying unit claimed superior for low pressure distillations, involving alternately heated and cooled zones in the distilling tube. Todd

(222) report,ed the characteristics of an adiabatic distillation unit the column of which is packed with metal spiral packing, and claimed it suitable up to 400" C. a t atmospheric pressure or in vacuum. Langdon (184) claimed numerous advantages for a rather unconventional column in which the feed is charged a t the top and the higher boiling fraction is removed a t the bottom. In a symposium on high temperature analytical distillation, experiences with apparatus and methods were reviewed by Reed (186, 187), Goldsbarry (81), Donne11 (58), Borns (26), Marschner (159), Hall (89), Brandt ( S f ) , Willingham (242), and Collins (44). Automatic analytical distillation units ITere described by Steffens (216), Smith (211), and Melpolder (16g). The separating possibilities of azeotropic distillation were excellently reviewed by Mair (166)and Ewe11 (65),and vacuum and molecular distillation by Hickman (94),and a general revieT was presented by Walsh (23sj. Thermometric methods Tvere used by Corson ( 4 7 ) and Bishop (22) to determine aromatic hydrocarbons in cycloparaffins; by Sefton (203)to determine cyclopentadiene in aromatic hydrocarbons; and by Cerveny ( 4 1 ) to determine naphthalene, Tetralin, and Decalin in a ternary mixture. Benzene was detected and determined in other aromatic hydrocarbons by Dolin (56) on the basis of the intensity of the red reaction product obtained when the sample is nitrated, and extracted with ether and the estract is treated with butanone and alcoholic sodium hydroxide followed by acetic acid; the acetic acid eliminates the interfering colors produced by the homologs. Gambrill (75)determined the aromatic content of aviation gasoline from the solubility of picric acid in the mixture, applying corrections for olefins and naphthenes. The outstanding possibilities of chromatography in hydrocarbon analysis were demonstrated by Mair (152), who determined aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline by percolation through a column of silica gel, following the change in nature of the percolate by refractive index on small successive fractions leaving the bottom of the column; by a modification determined aromatics and mono-olefin hydrocarbons (151); and extended the technique to higher boiling hydrocarbons such as kerosene (153), for which he employed a 52-foot adsorption column. The adsorption technique has been used by Dinneen (65) for the examination of naphtha derived from shale oil and Conrad (45) has modified the method of Nair to render it faster and simpler by a technique involving ultraviolet radiation and measurement of zones in the column, to avoid the necessity of refractive index determinations. Kurtz (121) analyzed gasoline for hydrocarbon types by testing distillation fractions for bromine number and solubility in a mixture of phosphorus pent,oxide and strong sulfuric acid, and provided methods for, cross checking the data. Mills (166) reported refinements in this procedure for determining total aromatics plus olefins. Berg (19) used a mixture of sulfuric and acetic acids to determine aromatics plus olefins, and claimed this reagent extracts the olefins completely. To avoid the complications of olefins \Then gasoline fractions are analyzed for aromatic hydrocarbons, Love (141) brominated the sample and removed unreacted hydrocarbons by steam distillation. The distillate was treated with strong sulfuric acid to constant refractive index; the change in refractive index was a measure of the aromatics and the refractive index a t constant value the basis for computing paraffins and naphthenes. The capacity for adding halogen has been extensively used a9 a measure of unsaturation in hydrocarbon analysis. Lewis (131)employed a modification of the bromide-bromate method to determine bromine addition number, claiming speed and simplicity; sulfur compounds interfere, resulting in low bromine numbers. Uhrig (2%) dissolved the sample in chloroform and titrated directly with bromine in glacial acetic acid to the orangeyellow end point of an excess of bromine and reported that the solvents employed are factors in the determination. Jordan

V O L U M E 21, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 4 9 ( 1 1 2 ) , studying the method of Kaufman (bromine in methanol and sodium bromide) and the method of McIlhiney (bromine in carbon tetrachloride) on styrene and indene found, anomalously, that half the consumed bromine appeared as hydrobromic acid in the Kaufman method but obtained very little hydrobromic in the RIcIlhiney procedure. Another modification of the bromide-bromate method for determining unsaturation was described by Johnson (109), who found it suitable for petroleum products boiling below anthracene (this method has been adopted by A.S.T.M. for the analysis of petroleum products). An electrometric version of the bromide-bromate method was described by DuBois (60) who worked a t ice temperature and employed a dead-stop end point. The method was shown to be more reliable than visual titration, particularly on samples containing high boiling aromatic hydrocarbons. Joshel (114), finding the usual halogenation methods and methods involving potassium permanganate or perbenzoic acid unsuitable for unsaturation of hydrocarbons in the terpene series, adopted a hydrogenation procedure involving acetic acid as solvent and palladium as catalyst. From studies of unsaturation in isoprene-isobutylene copolymers, Gallo ( 7 4 ) claimed a superior method involving iodine-mercuric acetate in trichloroacetic acid as reagent. This solvent apparently accelerated the halogenation. Bond (25) employed nitrogen tetroxide for a less indirect determination of unsaturated hydrocarbons in the gasoline range. The reagent f o r m products of low volatility from which the unreacted hydrocarbons are recovered by steam distillation and measured. Bond (24) also made a direct det'ermination of styrene in complex mixtures in the naphtha range by reaction with nitrous acid, weighing the crystalline styrene nitrosite; most other unsaturated hydrocarbons do not interfere. Cyclopentadienes in mixtures with other hydrocarbons were depolymerized by Powell (179), who determined the composition of the monomers promptly on the basis of the difference in reaction rate with acetone and with benzaldehyde to produce colored fulvenes whose intensities were measured with a spectrophotometer. Both cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene react promptly with benzaldehyde but the reaction rates are very different -with acetone. Bergmann (go) determined dicyclopentadiene from the saponification value of the esters that result when it is refluxed with an excess of formic acid. Lipkin determined the nature of hydrocarbon mixtures from relatively easily determinable physical properties; naphthene rings in mixtures of paraffins and naphthenes (137) from a correlation of density or refractive index and the temperature coefficient of density, and claimed applicability to samples of wide boiling range. He derived equations for calculating refractive index and density (136) with rat.her good accuracy. Density and temperature coefficient of density formed the basis of his method for determining the proportion of ring and chain for aromatic molecules (135) and when applied to pure compound data rather good results were obtained. He proposed an equation for double bond index (138), claimed useful for classifying and identifying aromatic or olefinic types in petroleum fractions without interference by paraffins and naphthenes. It involves specific dispersion, molecular weight, and number of double bonds per molecule; simple means for obtaining these data indirectly are given. Instrumental methods of analysis have found very extensive application in the field of gasoline analysis. Groennings (85) modified the specific dispersion method of Grosse and Wackher for determining aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline, by providing more specific corrections for the interference of different classes of olefins. Hindin (97) employed an Abbe type instrument and white light to obtain refractive index which in conjunction with density enabled him to determine whether a saturated sample was substantially aromatic. Polarographic methods were used by Laitinen (129) for determining olefins and acetylenes and by Burdett (38) for naphthalenes in petroleum fractions. Jones

251 (111) discussed the utility of ultraviolet spectra and the effect of structure and gave references to absorption spectra of hydrocarbons. Schnurmann (201 ) discussed the application of ultraviolet absorption to analysis of mixtures of close boiling aromatics, emphasized the need for standardization, and stressed the importance of rigorously treated solvents for this type of investigation. Cole (43) claimed that for samples of low benzene concentration, ultraviolet absorption of the vapors serves better to measure benzene in toluene than the liquid. This author used an interferometer to determine toluene in air. Barnes (15) and Brattain ( 3 2 ) discussed the principles and the mechanism which make infrared absorption analysis possible. (The latter, 33, described an infrared spectrophotometric method for the quantitative analysis of gaseous mixtures of Cd hydrocarbons.) The qualitative conipositon of the sample must be known and not more than about nine constituents may be present a t one time. Xitroparafhs were analyzed by infrared absorption by Sielsen (173), who used a variable-thickness cell. Kent ( l l s ) ,Heigl (92), and Webb (237) described methods for analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures in the gasoline range, involving distillation into fractions, each of which contains a relatively small number of constituents, followed by infrared absorption analysis of the fractions. Herald (93) determined the composition of a blend of iso-octane and n-heptane, used in knock testing, by infrared absorption analysis and Anderson ( 8 )described an infrared procedure for determining impurities in commercial isooctane used in knock testing; the impurities totaled as many as 8 in number and their sum was 0.5y0maximum. Johnston (110) working on refinery products in the gasoline range used silica gel to adsorb, concentrate, and separate the olefins from other hydrocarbon types and applied infrared absorption analysis 'to a fraction of the material desorbed from the gel, differentiating a-olefins from olefins with internal double bonds. Avery (11), studying the infrared spectra of trimethylpentanes a t temperatures of 0" and -195" C., pointed out the advantagesof the lower temperature a t which narrower band widths are obtained. Grosse (86) identified certain narrow distillation fractions as paraffins by comparing their Raman spectra with those of pure hydrocarbons and observed that the intensity of the Raman lines is proportional to the concentration of the hydrocarbons, visual estimation being useful in binary and ternary mixtures. Interfering substances were eliminated by treatment Ivith reagents or hydrogenation. Rank (182) emphasized the possibilities of analysis by Raman spectra and obtained the spectra of numerous hydrocarbons. Fenske (66) gave the spectra of a large number of hydrocarbons, suitable for qualitative and quantitative analytical utilization. Glockler (79) reviewed a number of papers on the theory of the Raman effect and related topics. Rosenbaum (195) discussed t,he application of Raman spectra to the quantitative analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures and described a semiempirical procedure to simplify the method. Brown (36) applied the mass spectrometer to the analysis of normally liquid hydrocarbons (C, to C,) but was handicapped by the unavailability of the pure hydrocarbons necessary for calibration. Taylor (219) reported experiences in extending the use of the mass spectrometer to mixtures of organic compounds in both liquid and gaseous condition, including oxygenated compounds, aromatics, halides, sulfur compounds, and Ce to Cp hydrocarbons. Roberts (193) presented the mass spectra of numerous organic compounds as an aid in analyzing mixtures of them. Bloom (23) compared the mass spectra of numerous isomers of octane, studied the effects of groupings, and concluded that the deduction of structure of complicated molecules by mass spectrometry is far from realization. The joint effort of the American Petroleum Institute (Research Project 44) and the National Bureau of Standards (170) resulted in a wealth of information useful in analysis. This comprised the compilation of fundamental data on physical and thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons and infrared, ultra-



violet, Raman, and mass spectrograms of many pure hydrocarhons. Wagner and eo-workers (230-2%?), studied a number of popuh r methods for determining peroxides in hydrocarbons, including those involving iodometric reagents, ferrothiocyanate, and ferrous-titanous reagents. A colorimetric method for determining aminophenol arid phenylenediamine inhibitors in gasoline, involving phosphotungstic acid, was described by Williams (241). The important problem of determining tetraethyllead in gasoline continues to intrigue investigators. Schwartz (202) modiBed the Baldeschn-ieler procedure to employ a mixture of nitric acid and potassium chlorate for bringing the lead into aqueous solution. The determination was completed gravimetrically or by titration; speed and accuracy are claimed. Gonick (82) treated gasoline with a solution of,iodine in carbon tetrachloride to convert the lead to inorganic form and after several operations completed the determination alkalimetrically. L made an exhaustive investigation of existing methods for determining lead in gasoline and proposed two new methods n-hich iqvolve direct evaporation of sample with hydrochloric acid or iodine reagent. The determination is completed iotlomctrically after addition of an excess of dichromate solution. Gordon (84) also employed iodine in a microdetermination. Scrvmm (17 2 ) described a rapid method of rather limited application, involving an excess of alcoholic potassium triiodide; the excess of iodine was determined with thiosulfate. The method is claimed applicable primarily to ordinary aviation fuels, for highly unsaturated stocks interfere. Rorup ( 2 7 ) described a polarographir rn~thnd for which simplicity of operation is claimed. KEROSENE AND HEAVIER FUELS

Because ui the greater complexity of the hydrocarbon niixtures in the fuels boiling above gasoline, aniline point dissolution temperature is commonly used as a coarse indication of paraffinicity. Matteson (161) employed infrared radiation and a sensitive photocell to recognize the dissolution temperature of dark petroleum products and aniline. Williams (240)determined the aniline point of dark oils with a special glass cell where the layer of liquid was approximately 2 mm. thick. The observation was made x i t h the unaided eye. Brown (35) determined the aniline point of petroleum products with a semiautomatic device involving the use of an electric eye; the method was equally useful for light colored oils. Rescorla (189) studied numerous tests reported for deterniining the stability of fuel oils. The methods include simple evaporation a t high temperature, controlled oxidation, determination of insolubles, or acid treatment to determine reactive substances. The author concludes that a special resin test and arid flocculation are best. LUBRICATING O I L

Deanesly (63)described a method for determining the hydrocarbon type composition of oils and claims it is more accurate and more widely applicable than the Waterman method. I t is based on determinations of aromaticity or unsaturation of the sample, the structure of the sample when completely saturated, density, refractive index, specific dispersion, bromine number, molecular weight, and carbon and hydrogen ratio. Lipkin (134) modified the silica gel adsorption method of Mair to render it suitable for the determination of aromatics in higher boiling fractions. A solution of the sample in pentane is percolated through the gel and the aromatics are desorbed with a mixture of benzene and methyl alcohol; evaporation of the solvents leaves the aromatics as residue for weighing. The method was used for gas oil and lubricating oil. A manometric method for determining water in insulating oil, hesed on change in vapor pressure of lithium chloride before and

after exposure, was used by Evans (64). Aepli ( 2 ) described a u apparatus in which the sample can be taken from a stream and its water content determined by titration with Fischer reagent without exposure to the atmosphere. Acker ( I ) , using Karl Fischer reagent to determine water in oil, employed direct titration electrometrically and claimed that back-titration procedures with Fischer reagent introduce an uncertainty because of the instability of the reagent. Radioactive hydrogen (tritium) n-ae employed by Joris (113) in determining the solubility of water in hydrocarbons, by measuring radioactivity of the solution. Methods for studying oxidation stability of lubricating oils under catalyzed and stirring conditions were described by Lamb (123) and Loane (140) and comparisons were made with engine experiences on the same oils and between stability and concentration of inhibitor. A corrosion test employing a ratio of oil volume to bearing surface, similar to that found in full scale engines and operating under dynamic conditions, is described by 1IacCoull (146),who reports correlation with multicylinder engine behavior. A catalyzed oxidation-corrosion test which is claimed to give good correlation with performance, is described by Pope (177). A method for determining oil in wax with methyl ethyl ketone as solvent is described by Lee (126). Benjamin (18) employed a fluorescence method for determining oil in blends with other oils and in oil-water emulsions. A very exhaustive examination of used engine lubricating oils and a review of the methods employed to analyze them are given by Hilfreich (95). ASPHALT

Asphalt was recovered from road materials by Ford (69) by extraction with benzene or carbon disulfide and distillation of the solution in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide a t atmospheric pressure. The method is compared with the Abson and Siegmann methods. Knowles (117) determined wax in asphalt by eliminating the asphaltene-resin fraction rvith liquid propane a t elevated temperature and determined the wax on the propane soluble matter v,-ith methyl isobutyl ketone a t low temperature. Thie method avoids the losses of wax, due to destructive distillation, of the Holde method. Methods for determining the componente of asphalts-asphaltenes, resins, oils, etc., are described by Strieter (217), Hoiberg (101), and Hubbard (105). Cropper (49) determined small amounts of anthracene in tars, etc., by chromatog raphy with alumina as adsorbent, isolating the band containing anthracene, recognized by fluorescence in ultraviolet, and its s u b sequent solution in chlorobenzene. The optical density of thir solution a t 380 and a t 370 millimicrons was the basis of the determination. iinderson (7) described a rather novel viscometer -5th which viscosities can be determined on a wide range of asphaltic products a t one temperature. Its principal feature is the use of three capillaries of decreasing bore arranged in series with intervening bulbs, the widest capillary at the bottom for most viscoup samples and the narrowest a t the top for the least viscous. The viscometer is cleaned without removal from the bath by drawing solvent through it. Young (243) found the Gardner-Holdt ab bubble viscometer satisfactory for determining viscosities of high polymers in volatile solvents. SPECIA LTI E9

IVebber ( W 8 ) reviewed methods for quantitative analysis of grease and Barnett (16) suggested numerous improvements in the A.S.T.hI. method. A number of rapid methods for grease analysis claimed suitable for plant control n-ere described in a report of an A.S.T.M. committee (6). A disk viscometer for determining the apparent viscosity of a few milligrams of liquid or plastic samples was described by McKibben (148). The sample is placed on one of two disks, one of which turns against


V O L U M E 21, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 4 9 the other under spring tension, and the torque transmitted to the stationary disk is measured. A rapid method for the volumetric determination of organic sulfonates in detergents was described by Marron (158). The reagent is p-toluidine hydrochloride and elids b y alkali titration of the organic sulfonate. Brooks (34) analyzed oil-soluble petroleum sulfonates by adsorption on Attapulgus clay. A method for the analysis for oil-soluble petroleum sulfonates, involving countercurrent extraction, etc., was recently adopted by A.S.T.M. (6). Burchfield (37‘) and Parker (176) described methods for identifying natural and synthetic rubber and rubberlike polymers by simple laboratory techniques. T h e former involves p H and gravity of pyrolysis products and the latter involves time of rzact>ionin an acid decomposition of the sample. POLLUTION

Gilber ( 1 7 ) determined aromatics in air by extracting a large w n p l e with methyl alcohol to dissolve the aromatics, which were tJhen determined from the refractive index of the solution. Coulson-Smith (48) determined acetylene in air colorimetrically using ammoniacal cuprous chloride as reagent following removal of hydrogen sulfide and phosphide by passage of the air through a tube containing paper impregnated with copper sulfate. Geissman (16) modified the method of Coulson-Smith, employing a photoelectric colorimeter for measuring color intensity, and used standards made of air-acetylene mixtures. llikita (163) studied gasoline engine exhaust odors and described a colorimetric method for aldehydes involving Schiff’s reagent, which correlates nith nasal evaluations of the pungent odor of exhaust gases. Sol1 (174) modified the method of Scott for determining oil in water by ‘‘fixing” the sample so the oil does not separate on standiug, by ammoniacal precipitation of iron hydroxide from specially prepared ferric chloride and extracted the oil, occluded in tlir hydroside, with ether. Small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solutions were determined by Alorris (168) by extraction with carbon tetrachloride folloived by treatment with formaldehyde-sulfuric acid reagent ; the brown coloration war B memure of the aromatics. Lykken ( f i b ) ,working 011 hydrocarbon mixtures, determined phenols by dissolvirig them in acetic acid and making nitrosophenol, Jyhich upon rendering ammoniacal gave a colored quinoid, the iiitensity of nhich was measured with a photoelectric colorimeter. I t is iniportant to select for standardization a phenol corresponding to that present in the unknown. Lisle (139) described a simple test, involving silver nitrate-methylene blue test paper upon n.liich many carcinogenic hydrocarbons are stated to produw a hluz color upo~r irradiation a t 4300 A. units. ELEMENTS

’L‘heuse of additives, inhibitors, and newer protluctioii proembe>

has added importance to the determination of element I charaeteristic of these additives, etc., and the study of used oils has also contributed. dgruss ( 3 ) determined halogens ill inillera1 oil by conibustiou iri a Parr oxygen bomb coritaining sodium hiciirlionate solution in which the halogen is determined by titratiorl with silver nitrate. He also used digestion with alcoholic potassium hydroxide to recognize types of halogen combinations and digestioii with alcoholic solutions of thiourea to yield derivatives which are subsequently converted to picrates for identification. Elving ( 6 3 ) fused the sample with an alkali metal in an evacuated steel tube and determined the halide by conventioual methods. Hucli&bay ( 106) described a special combustion procedure for determining traces of fluorine in organic compounds; the fluorine reaction product was absorbed in aqueous reagent n-here it was determined with sodium alizarin sulfonate indicator. Levin (128) determined phosphorus by ignition with sodium naphthenate, conversion of the ash to orthophosphate, and precipitation

253 as phosphomolybdate, the volume of precipitate on ceutrifugiiig being a measure of phosphorus content. Hindin (99) adapted the lamp sulfur method to the precise d e t,ermination of hydrogen in liquid organic compounds, collecting and weighing the water, and used the hydrogen values (98) for calculating the naphthene-paraffin composition of a mixture of these hydrocarbon types resulting from analysis of gasoline The lamp combustion procedure was extended by Simmons (210) to the determination of carbon and hydrogen in petroleum distillates with excellent precision. The products of combustionwater and carbon doxide-Iyere absorbed in the customary manner. Clark ( 4 2 ) , studying carbon and hydrogen miprodetermination, emphasized the importance of preburning to ensure purity of the oxygen and the need for high catalyst activity to ensure complete combustion of oxidation-resistant mineral oils. Small amounts of oxygen in organic compounds were determined by Kalton (e.94)by a modification of the Gnterzaucher procedure whereby pyrolysis is conducted in an atmosphere of helium over carbon pellets a t 1120” C. and the carbon monoxide is collected and determined colorimetrically by means of a n indicating gel. As little as 0.01% of oxygen is determinable. Assaf ( 9 ) determined copper in oils after wet oxidation, by Litration with dithizone. Rittershausen (191 ) extracted the metallic elements from oil and grease by reflusing with hydrochloric acid in a special extractor and analyzed the extract b! convent,ional methods, claiming that the extraction procedure yields more reliable results than those based on ignition. Emission spectrometry was used by Calkins (40) to determine metallir vlemcnts of additives in lubricating oils; graphite electrodes n w e saturated, under special conditions, n-ith the oil under test and then sparked in the usual manner. Emission spectrometry was used by Burdett (39) and hlarling (167‘)for the determination of contaminants and minor constituents of silica-alumina cracking catalysts. Russell (196) reviewed the applications of emission spectrometrv to samples i n a petroleum laboratory. SULFUR AND ITS C0,MPOUNDS

Ball ( 1 4 ) described a system of analysis for determining type$ uf sulfur compounds in petroleum distillates, claiming the method

to be an improvement but admitting its inadequacies. KoonP ( f d 0 ) determined mercaptan (thiol) sulfur in refinery caustic.

scrubbing solutions by acidification, extraction with naphtha, treatment with an excess of standard silver nitrate, and determination of the excess by titration with ammonium thiosulfate to ferric ammonium sulfate indicator. Tamele (218) determined mercaptans in aqueous alkaliue solutions potentiometrically with silver nitrate, using a polished silver rod or one coated Lvith silver sulfide as indicator electrode; interferences are discussed. SchindLer ($00) found that preliminary removal of free sulfur by conversion to mercuric sulfide, before titrating mercaptan sulfur in naphthas with silver nitrate, is conducive t.o low results, apparently because mercuric sulfide adsorbs mercaptan. Pompeo ( 1 76) described a semiautomatic electrometer and method for determining mercaptan sulfur in plant control of gasoline sweteninp operations, Davies (61) described a potentiometric method for mercaptan sulfur without interference by element,ary sulfur, and Kolthoff (218) titrated mercaptans with silver nitrate amperometrically, employing a rotating platinum electrode. To detect hydrogen sulfide, Behrens (17) passed the gas over a lead acetate tape which moves between a light and a photocell on which it is focused, reductiori iri trarisrnission due to lead sulfide causing a n alarm to sound. Shaw (%’Or),employing a special flask, determined hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan by passing the gas through cadmium chloride for both and through acidified cadmium chloride for hydrogen sulfide. Field (68) determined hydrogen sulfide colorimetricaliy Kith uranyl cadmium reagent, analysis being made by visual comparisons; and also spectrophotometrically after production of a bismuth sulfide suspension.



French (73) and McKee (147) made improvements in the isatin test for thiophene and Hartough (91), studying the application of a ceric nitrate test, concluded that it can be used to distinguish some thiophenes but in general can not be relied upon to distinguish individual thiophene derivatives. Kolthoff (119)employed amalgamated zinc in a Jones reductor to reduce disulfides to mercaptans which R ere subsequently determined amperometrically by titration n-ith silver nitrate; mercaptans initially present were removed first by precipitaS tion with silver nitrate. Carbon disulfide in benzene T ~ determined colorimetrically by Dick (64)n-ith diethylamine and copper acetate as reagents. Levin (130) determined free sulfur in lubricating oil by reaction with copper gauze from which the hydrogen sulfide is subsequently liberated, collected in cadmium chloride, and determined iodometrically. Brady (68) determined thiophene, carbon osywlfide, and carbon disulfide in producer gas spectrophotometricallv by measuring ultraviolet absorption after treatment with selective reagents. Total sulfur in organic compounds was determined by Theilacker (220) by a modification of the hydrogenation method of ter Meulen, on a semimicro scale: the hydrogen sulfide ITas absorbed in zinc acetate, and the determination completed iodonietrically. Luke (143) determined total sulfur in rubber by wet oxidation to sulfate, reduction to sulfide, liberation of hydrogen sulfide, and its determination iodometrically. I t is claimed that unlike gravimetric methods this procedure is applicable to samples containing barium, lead, etc. Hinckley (96) determined total sulfur in naphthalene by combustion in purified air and turbidimetric determination of barium sulfate. Hagerman (88) determined total sulfur in organic materials by passing them downward through a heated vertical stainless steel tube packed with quartz and sand, collecting the resulting sulfur gases in hydrogen peroxide, and completing the determination alkalimetrically: simplicity ?f operation is claimed. Thiosulfate in used doctor solution was determined by Uhrig (887) by precipitation of the lead with carbon dioxide, addition of formaldehyde t o eliminate interference of sulfite, and titration v i t h iodine after acidification with acetic acid. CATALYSTS

Webb (236) discussed precautions to be taken in determining particle size distribution of silica-alumina catalysts by mechanical screening and liquid sedimentation methods. Various methods of evaluating cracking catalysts were reported a t a symposium of the American Petroleum Institute by Innes (lor),Matheson (160), Wiley (IS9), Mills (165), Scheumann (199), Pratt (180), Ray (184),Alexander ( 4 ) , Shankland (806), MeReynolds (160), Rice (190), Berkhimer ( $ I ) , Hornaday (102), and Grote (87). XUmerous methods for evaluating cracking catalysts were also reviewed by Rescorla (188). Goff (80) described a procedure with Fischer reagent for determination of water in the sulfuric acid alkylation catalyst. MISCELLANEOUS

Mair (164) and Glasgow (78) described a method for determining freezing point and its use in estimating impurities, attaining a high degree of precision and reliability. FSeezing point has been used to determine impurities in styrene by Smoker (213)and by Ray (185) to determine the purity of low purity dicyclopentadiene after adding to it high purity dicyclopentadiene to raise the over-all concentration of the mixture enough to make a freezing point technique applicable. Aston (10) described a melting point calorimeter for evaluating purity of organic material. Maclean (149)claimed that ultraviolet spectrophotometry is sometimes more sensitive than other physical means for determining uniformity of solvents and used ultraviolet absorption curves t o detect impurities. Lipkin (133) described a pressure viscometer for propane and butanes. Zeitfuchs (2.45) described a viscometer suitable for

opaque and very viscous liquids. Hoiberg ( l o o ) ,measuring the time required for a drop of sample to fall a fixed distance in a mixture of alcohol and water of suitable proportions, attained a high degree of precision for density determination. The method was applicable to very small samples. Forziati (70) described the assembly and calibration of a density balance for very high precision on small liquid hydrocarbon samples. Kirby (116) employed Barger's isotonic method for determining the mean molecular weight of bitumens, resins, oil, etc. Young (244)determined molecular weight of. gajoline hydrocarbons by vapor density with a vacuum micromanometer which he describes. The determination is made a t room temperature and an absolute pressure of less than 1 mm. of mercury. Improvements in the determination of thermal value of gasoline in an oxygen bomb calorimeter are described by Levin ( l a g ) ,Dean (52),and LeTourneau (167): each involves very simple modifications of conventional methods. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Mary J. Cardascia for her fine work in the mechanical preparation of the manuscript and that of C. J. Anderson, whose valued aid in checking the references of the paper assured the accuracy of this


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