VOL.7, No. 6
mentary text on distillation, Professor Robinson's hook is still the finest ever published. D. B. K ~ m s UNIVERSITY O* IILL~NOIS URBAN*, ILLINOIS
CHEXICAL SOC~TY LONDON. , ENGLAND. Richard Clay & Sons, Ltd., Bungay, Suffolk, England, 1930. 336 pp. 13.5 X 20.5 cm. 10s. 6d. net (postage 6d. extra).
This annual volume contains a review Pharmaceutical Mathematics. EDWARDof the prowess of chemistry during the SFEASE,Ph.C., B.S., professor of phar- year 1929 with valuable references t o the macy and dean of the schaol of phar- original literature. The fields covered by specialists are: General and Physical macy, Westem Reserve University, ~ h m i s t v y , H. HUNTER (pp. 1143); Cleveland, Ohio. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York City, 1930. xii Inorganic Chemistry, H. BASSETT (pp. 34-73); Organic Chemistry, Part I, Ali126 pp. 20 X 14 cm. 51.76. phatic Division, W., N. HAWORTH and This hook is intended for use as a textE. L. Hmsr (pp. 74-114), Part 11, Homobook in teaching the mathematics of cyclic Division, G. M. BENNBTI (pp. pharmacy to students of pharmacy and 115-51), Part 111, Heterocyclic Division, nursing. The principal topics considered S. G. P. PLANT(pp. 152-84); Analytical are weights and measures, percentage, C h i s t r y , B . A. ELLISand J. J. FOX dosage, specific gravity, temperature (pp. 185-204); Biochemistry, A. C. CHIBscales, dilution, alligation, simple chemical NALL and J. PRYDB(pp. 205-52); Minprohlems and commercial problems, all eralogical Chmistry (192&29), L J . from a strictly pharmaceutical standpoint. SPENCER( P P 253-74); CrystuUography, The book is a brief one, because the J. D . BERNALand W. A. WOOSTER(pp. mathematics of pharmacy consists only 275-307). of special applications of certain topics of arithmetic, and there is little or nothing BULLETINS of the rather abstruse mathematics which is used in physics and physical chemistry. ~xperim&tal Research in Education. WALTER S. MUNROE, Director, and Instead of this, we find that pharmaceuMAXD. E N G E L ~ RAssistant, T, Bureau tical arithmetic is intensely "practical," of Educational Research, University in that the student is shown how to salve of Illinois. Uniw. of IlJinois Bulletin problems, with no attention paid t o the No. 48. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., rigorous demonstration of reasons under1930. 105 pp. 15.5 X 23 cm. $0.50. lying the methods used.
The author appears t o have done his work well, and the hook is attractively printed and bound. I t should be interesting and useful to students of chemistry who are contemplating the subsequent study of pharmacy or nursing. T H E O D OJ.~ BRADLEY MASSACHIISBTTS
This bulletin describes in some detail the procedure of controlled experimentation. Ajax Northrup Electric Furnaces. Bulletin No. 6. THE AJAXELECTROT~ER~~IC CORPORATION, Ajax Park, Trenton, N. J.. 1930. 12 pp. 20.5 X 27 cm. Free.
Annual Reports on the hogress of Chemistry for 1929. Volume X m . THE
I n this bulletin are described various installations of Ajax-Northrup m l e s s or high-frequency induction furnaces.
Common sense is generally a guide that never deceives. One must not hesitate t o fight ideas that seem contrary to it, even when professed by eminent men.-4EoncEs CLAUDE