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Pharmaceutical Microbiology. - ACS Publications

have reached the degree of speed, ease of use, and comprehensive- ness which many ... allied medical sciences which concisely presents the fundamental...
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Prob:rbly the greatest impediineiit against subscribing to the service is the price. Colleges, universities, medical schools, and simi1:rr educational institutes pay $1250 annually, while industrial organizat'ions, governmental agencies, anti nonprofit organizations primarily engaged in industrial and/or governriiental contract research and services are charged $1950 for the first copy. It appears likely that these figures may increase in fut,ure years, : t ~subscribers to Chemical Abstructs, Index Jfedicus, arid similar publishing ventures may have learned in recent years. In an article by Eugene Garfield [Science, 146, 649 (1064)j it is ihinied that, t,he irides ' I . . . is the first really serious attenipt 3 t universal bibliographical control of the science 1iter:iturc siiicca the turri of t'he century." Whether cit:itioiis froin 600 jouriials i r i 1964 represent, "u~iiversal bibliographiwl control" iiial- lie subject to serious question, On the other hnritl there is :L i a o i i tiiiuing need for the bibliographic coverage (if the scientific>literah r e siiice the existing indexing and abstrnctirig services niuy nrlt h:tve reached the degree of speed, ease of use! ;tiid c*omprehensiveness which inany scientists maj- desire. 1Ioreover. t.lie iriclex. it' ~~rmtinuetl over a period of generatioils, nil1 provide fut~urehistorians with aii irivaluable soiir('e to {,lie history of itleas in scier1c.e. Seeri f r o i i i this perspecativc the SI Cifnfion Tti6/('.r requires c,:treful ev:ilu:i tioii.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology. €31- 1 1 . a c o u H A R R I ~13ailliew, . Tindall arid Cox, London. 1064. vii + 269 l i p . 15 >< 2:; $7.00.

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The author hns wrii,teii :I test for [lie studeiit of ptiarrnacy :mcl :tllied iiiedicd sciences which concisely presents the fundameiitxls and tevhniques most, iiiiporlant to those interested in patho1ogic:rl iiiit~riibiologyand public health. The first part ( i f t,his bok, sides inrluding chapt,ers on basic iiiicrobiology, roiitairis esc,elleri( direcations for experinierital techriiques such as: slide preparation :md staining, culture media preparatioii and use, tmcterial 1-ouiits, anti isolation of colonies. The second sed ion deals with applied microbiology arid ( ~ ~ i i c e rit~self i s Lvvitli tiurii:tii diseases, their prtl11~2-

CORRECTION Ti I,i IAO, author of a S o t e (Purihcatioii oi Xrniiiopterin) which appeared in J . Jlecl. ('hcm . 8, 139 (1905). 1vishe.s to apologize t o Dr. Seegei aiid co-workers for overlooking their paper [I). 11. Seeger, D. I3 Cosulich. .J. 11. Smith, Jr.. and 11. E. Hultquist. ,J. .lm ('hem. ,Sot., 71, 1753 (1949)] iii which they described t h c x purificatioii of aminopterin by essentially tlw +anw method.