Pharmacopocia” was presented by Jos. P ... - ACS Publications

presented, in abstract, a paper by E. 0. Eaton, on “Estimating ... Other papers on the program whose authors \rere not present were read either in f...
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Pharmacopocia” was presented by Jos. P. Rcmington and \vas followed by a general discussion of matters pertaining to the pharmacopoeia. S E C O K D SESSIOX.

W. 0. Emery presented two papers entitled, “Estimation of Antipyrine in Acetanilid or Acetphenetidin Mix tures” and

“Estimation of Codeine in Acetanilid or Acetphenctidin Xlixtures.” F. P. Dunnington presented a paper on “Somc Cnfaniiliar Facts about Familiar Detergents.” R. Norris Shreve read a paper on “Suggested Modifications of the U. S. P. Assay of Opium.” M . I. Wilbert discussed “The Influence of Patents and Trade Marks on the United States Pharmacopoeia,” and L. F. Kebler presented, in abstract, a paper by E . 0. Eaton, on “Estimating Small Quantities of Morphine in Mixtures.” A. G. Murray present.ed a paper on “Estimating Small Quantities of Nitrogen.” Other papers on the program whose authors \rere not present were read either in full or in abstract by the secretary. T H I R D SI3SSIOS

Chairman B. L. llurray presented his annual address on “Our Advances and Retrogressions in Pharmaceutical Chemistry,” and a committee consisting of Chas. Caspari, Jr., 31. I. Wilbert and R. Norris Shreve \vas appointed by the acting chairman to report on recommendations contained therein. L. F. Kebler then presented two paper:: on “Standard for Tincture of Ginger” and “Standards and Methods.” A. Seidell presented a paper on “A Bromine-Hydrobromic Acid Method for the Determination of Phenols.” These papers were discussed collectively, follo~vedby a general discussion of drug assaying and pharmacopoeial standards and tests FOURTH SESSIOK;.

The follo\ving resolutions were passed: Iiesolved, “That the Division of Pharmaccutical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society respectfully urge the United States Pharmacopoeial Revision Committee to change the present form of stating solubility data from the parts of solvent to dissolve unit quantity of substances, to the grams Lveight of substances which are dissolved per IOO grams of the saturated solution.” On motion this resolution was referred to the Committee on Revision of the U. S.Pharmacopoeia. Resolved, “That the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society recommend to the Committee of Revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia (IX) the retention of the form and style of spelling the names of the substances now used in the Eighth Revision, and t h a t the official names of the nciv substances to be admitted be brief and distinctive.” R a s o h e d , ”That it is the sense of the members of the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society present, t h a t in stating the strengths of acids in the U . S. P. they be stated in such terms as hydrogen chloride, HCl (‘absolute hydrochloric acid’).” The chairman then called L. F. Kebler to the chair and Chas. Caspari, Jr., presented the report of the committee on the chairman’s address, favoring the suggestion made b], the chairman and recommending t h a t a committee of three, including the chairman of the Division, be appointed to confer with the president or other suitable officers of the Society in regard to the connection which the Division should have with the publication of pharmaceutical literature in the Society s journals. This report TTas adopted. The chairman took the chair and the following resolutions

introduced by 11. I . brilbcrt wcre passed and referred to the Society’s Cornniittec on Patents. R e s o h r d , “That the members of the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemi3try of the American Chemical Society favor amending the present patent l a m so as t o provide adequate protection for the original invention of a useful article or process for making the same.’’ Resoleed “That \vc depreciate the issuing of product patents for substances of a chemical nature.” R c s o l w d “That ~1-c favor a literal interpretation of the present Trade Xark Registration law so t h a t names used solely as generic titles for widely used substances will become public property on the expiration of the period for which they arc registered.” The following resolution introduced by F. R. Eldred \vas passed and referred to the Bureau of Standards. Rcrolzed “That, as the members of the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry feel the need of accurate tables giving the refractive indices of mixtures of alcohol and water and having the same range as the specific gravity tables for alcohol, we suggest that the Bureau of Standards should consider the preparation of such tables.” The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Chairman, B. I,. Xurray; V i c e - C h a i r m a n , L. A. Brown; Secretary, Frank R. Eldred ; ;Members of Exccutizv Committae, I,. F. Kebler, Atherton Seidell. The Division adjourned sine die. FRAXXR. ELDRED, Secq’.

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE FERTILIZER DIVISION.’ Meeting called to order December 28th by Chairman Mr. Paul Rudnick. The following papers were presented: Paul R u d n i c k . Address. “Fertilizer Chemistry, a Report of Progress.” Uiwt L. Havtwell arid F . R. Pember. “The Effect of the ‘ITet Process’ on the Availability of Low-Grade Nitrogenous Material .” F . B.Porter. “.4 Method for Testing Out Problems in Acid Phosphate Manufacture.” I . K . Phelps. “Exact Work in Fertilizer Analysis.” C. H . -/o;ies. “Activity of Organic Nitrogen as Measured by the Alkaline Permanganate Method.” H . G. Ucll. “Fertilizer Economics.” E . 1’1. Hart. “The Sulfur Requirements of Crops in Relation to the Soil and -4ir Supply.” johiz Phillips Street. “Note on the Permanganate Methods for Availability of Organic Nitrogen.” A . J . Patteii. “Conductivity Method of Making Keutral Ammonium Citrate Solution.” There n-as much interest and discussion on the papers relating t o Availability of Organic Nitrogen and Neutral Ammonium Citrate. The folloming Committee reports were given : Committee on Nitrogen; Committee on Potash; Committec on Phosphate Rock ; Committee on Fertilizer Legislation. Officers mere elected for 1 9 x 2 : Chairman, Paul Rudnick; V i c e - C h a i r m a n , J. P. Street; Secretarj; J. E. Breckenridge; Executive Committee, F. B. Carpenter, ,4. Lowenstein, W. J. Jones, Jr., and G. Farnham. J. E. BRECKESRJDGE, Sccrc2ar~~. 1 Forty-fifth General Meeting American Chemical Society. Washington, December. 1911.