in here . · ·
NEW EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Features: Packless design, u n b r e a k a b l e piston rings, full ports a n d nonshock closing, a n d con venient grouping of controls. Uses: F o r filling operations, draulic systems, a n d elevators.
Manufacturer: Depl. IEC, J. D. Gould Co., 4707 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis 78, Ind. Circle number 9 , page
Coupler for Aluminum Pipelines
is t h e solution to your air
O n e of the difficulties w i t h pipe line couplers has been t h a t they have not been strong e n o u g h to withstand high pressures. N o w a coupler has been developed t h a t will withstand working pressures u p to 1000 p.s.i.
scrubbing problem
Yes, somewhere in these files, repre senting more than two decades of leadership in the wet collection field, is a problem similar to yours . . . a problem solved by Schneible MultiWash Collectors. Dust, fumes, condensable vapors, soluble or acid gases and odors, all have yielded to the highly efficient Multi-Wash action developed by Schneible engineers. Multi-Wash units are flexible, too. They can be constructed of any of several corrosion resistant alloys, or have their interior surfaces covered with special coatings. Also, plain car bon steel can be used in many cases by recirculating an alkaline solution, resulting in large savings to the user. Why not write TODAY for more information, or call us direct? We are in business to serve you.
H e a v y breach-acting j a w s secure the coupler with a q u a r t e r t u r n . N o metal p a r t of the coupler is exposed to the m a t e r i a l within the line. Dept. IEC, John Bean Division, Food Machinery and Chemical Corp., San Jose, Calif. Circle number
10, page
New Latex Binders for Paints
Cable Address: CBSCO European licensee: Elei S. A, Zurich, Switzerland
A new latex binder for paints is reported to have good w e a t h e r re sistance a n d the ability to form a strong, d u r a b l e film quickly. N o n toxic a n d nonirritating to the skin, it m a y be formulated into paints which brush on easily. Surfaces treated with p a i n t having the latex incor porated h a v e shown good resistance to mildew. Dept. IEC, Monsanto Chemical Co., Springfield, Mass.
C l a u d e B. Schneible C o .
Circle number
P.O. Box I I , North End Station Detroit 2, Michigan · Phone TRinity 5-8212 Name Title Company Address City Zone
SERVING INDUSTRY THE WORLD OVER Circle No. 114 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 123 A
114 A
Aluminum pipelines coupler
1 1, page
Portable pH Recorder for Plant Use Product: Portable p H recording in s t r u m e n t r e q u i r i n g no external power supply. Features: Covers total p H range from 0 to 14 in two partial ranges of
.. α t y p e ο η d size for a n y requirement Single a n d Double Reductions are a v a i l a b l e in Horizontal Right A n g l e type with output shaft either a b o v e or below the worm shaft. These units may be h a d for vertical drives w i t h output shaft e x t e n d e d either up or d o w n . Reduction ratios r a n g e from 7y/s to 60:1 a n d in horsepowers from .081 to 262.89. P h i l a d e l p h i a W o r m G e a r Reducers a r e built to provide efficient a n d d e p e n d a b l e power transmission under the most rigorous e n d severe conditions. For d e t a i l e d information write for C a t a log W G - 5 1 .
gear® GEAR
ERIE AVE. & G STREET, PHILADELPHIA 34, PENNA. Offices in all Principal Cities INDUSTRIAL GEARS & SPEED REDUCERS LIMITORQUE VALVE CONTROLS FLUID MIXERS · FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Virginia Gear & Machine Corp. · Lynchburg, Vo. Circle No. 114 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 123 A