PHILADELPHIA QUARTZ COMPANY - Industrial & Engineering

PHILADELPHIA QUARTZ COMPANY. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (9), pp 123A–123A. DOI: 10.1021/i650585a796. Publication Date: September 1958. Copyright ...
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w a t e r - w h i t e clarity. T h i s improve­ m e n t has been m a d e possible by newly employed manufacturing techniques. Dept. IEC, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wil­ mington, Del. 29 INSTRUMENTS

Low-Pressure Drop Flowmeters N e w . flowmetering systems p r o ­ vide both r a t e and totalizing indica­ tion with accuracies of ±1%, over ranges from 3 to 600 g.p.m. I m p e l ­ ler t r a n s m i t t e r s are available in stainless steel or a l u m i n u m alloy. Dept. IEC, Revere Corp. of America, Wallingford, Conn. 30

Flow Rate Transmitters P n e u m a t i c flow r a t e t r a n s m i t t e r uses magnetic method t o convert linear motion of a r o t a m e t e r meter­ ing float into a r o t a r y motion for flow r a t e indication, transmission, or a l a r m . T h e magnetic linkage be­ tween the metering float and indi­ cator cannot be broken, according to the m a n u f a c t u r e r . Dept. IEC, Brooks Rotameter Co., Lansdale, Pa. 31


SILICATE . «s** » « * -°use SOlu,'£ *"" ~ EXCERPTS..


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Paper Coating A casein-pigment mixture with total solids of 5 5 % to 6 5 % (is) designed to give weight and smoothness with no tendency to stick to the paper dryers. Sodium sesquisilicate (Metso 99) was recommended as a flow modifier for casein coatings of this high-solids type. The effect of the Metso 99 is apparently a combination of deflocculation of the pigment and the solu­ bility of the casein. From 6 to 14% of the sesquisilicate, based on the weight of the casein, seems to be the recommended range. The silicate is added in the form of a 20% solution in­ troduced after the other ingredients were combined and brought to a smooth mixture. The pH of the final combination was between 10 and 12 and its working life of 24 hours was more than sufficient.

Asbestos Shingles Asbestos shingles are being increasingly used for house sidings. In many cases the decorative finishes on these are made with a potassium silicate as the vehicle for the pigment. An inventor who objects to the brittleness of sodium silicate for this serv­ ice says he can soften the film by incorporating an emulsion of rubber latex and oil. He begins by mixing a 10° to 25° Baume solution of potassium silicate* with an equal weight of silica, barium sulfate, titanium oxide or similar pigment. To this he adds about 5% by volume of rubber latex emulsified with a suitable vegetable or animal oil. An alkali-stable dye is added in desirable amounts where color is required. The combination is suitable also for concrete, stucco, brick and stone. •Our Kasil 44 (percent ratio K 2 0:2.50Si0 2 )

Ceramics . . . Kasil SS Pwd. (powdered potassium silicate) is useful not only in cements and the like, but also in special ceramic coatings. Its lower maturing temperature in combination with clays and its freedom from blooming, characteristic of sodium silicate films under damp, cool conditions, are features that make the Kasils of importance for surface applications.

Pneumatic flowrate transmitter

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SODIUM SILICATES . SODIUM METASILICATE · SODIUM SESQUISILICATE· SODIUM ORTHOSILICATE· POTASSIUM SILICATES Associates: Philadelphia Quartz Co. of California: Berkeley t los Aneeles. California: Tacoma. Washington; National Silicates Limited, Toronto. Canada

VOL. 50, NO.





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