Norelco-Unicam Spectrophotometers excel in measurement of enzyme reaction rates SP 500 S e r i e s II
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The SP 800 permits automatic analysis of k i n e t i c r e a c t i o n s on 4 samples against 4 references. This precision instrument will prove to be the most versatile and the most reliable instrument for ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry. Unique features such as a second sample position for turbid solution analysis, an automatic lamp change, a flat-bed recorder; a beam balancing smoothing cam, a thermostatted monochromator and monitored electronics are included. In reaction rates or flow through systems, the double beam SP 800 is a vital research aid where your samples and your references are examined automatically at preset time intervals or over preselected wavelength ranges. In addition, the new SP 500 Series II provides a new concept in single beam instrumentation: automatic sample changing for kinetics and unattended operation for analysis of up to 50 samples with the SP 40. Readouts i n c l u d e d : d i r e c t m e t e r , n u l l b a l a n c e and recorder. For more detailed information please write— Philips Electronic Instruments, 750 S. Fulton Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York 10550. World's
in Quality
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