Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc

chromatograms. Circle the number below or call Carle direct at our new. Anaheim facility (714) 761-900iWi. T. Johns and E. A. Berry, U.S. Patent No. 4...
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H o w Carle's Patented" "HTS" m a k e s GC analysis of s a m p l e s with hydrogen easy and practical It's no secret to chromatographers that hydrogen spells trouble—which is why Carle scientists invented the HTS. Determining hydrogen is devilish because of a TCD's non-linear, low sensitivity response to hydrogen when helium is the carrier. "HTS" stands for Hydrogen Transfer System—a unique device just granted a patent in January, 1978* Taking advantage of the remarkable properties of a palladium alloy, the HTS beats the devil by selec­ tively transferring the entire hydrogen peak from the column effluent into a nitrogen carrier—while leaving all other components in the helium carrier. Carle "puts a price on the answer" with eight different factory-dedicated gas chromatographs incor­ porating an HTS. Priced from $3690 to $7435, each one analyzes a different type of hydrogen containing sample. These "answers for a price" all depend on the Hydrogen Transfer System for their unique ability to detect hydrogen in complex mixtures.

The HTS chromatographs, a Carle exclusive, offer five significant benefits to anyone who needs to analyze a mixture containing hydrogen: 1 ) Excellent, near-equal sensitivity for both hydrogen and all the other components—regardless of whether major or minor H2 concentrations are involved. 2 ) Practical for analyzing virtually all sample types that have hydrogen present—from refinery gases to chlorine streams. 3 ) Predictable response to hydrogen from 150 ppm up to 100%. In many cases detection limit extends down to 20 ppm. 4 ) All positive peaks without any type of polarity switching during the analysis. 5 ) Eliminates the errors inherent in other approaches using multiple instruments on the same sample.

To learn more about the Hydrogen Transfer System, send for your free copy of The HTS Story—16 pages explaining how it works, detailing operational parameters and showing performance data and sample chromatograms. Circle the number below or call Carle direct at our new Anaheim facility (714) 761-900" -

«sf T. Johns and E. A. Berry, U.S. Patent No. 4^067,227^,^—' Mr. Johns is Director of Research-at Carle Insfriffients and Mr. Berry is Senior Electronic Engineer. —



C A R L E I N S T R U M E N T S . I N C . A Hach Company

1200 Knollwood Circle, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 761-9000 Circle No. 53

See HTS gas chromatographs

at Cleveland: Booths
