Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc

A North American Philips Company. Analytical X-ray Group. 85 McKee Drive, Mahwah, NJ 07430. (201)529-3800. CIRCLE 157 ON READER SERVICE CARD...
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Philips means elemental analysis with commitment and imagination.

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Booths 600-615 at PITCON and see for yourself. •••;


• You'll seethe PW1800 ... our newest diffractometer that offers both a unique approach to X-ray diffraction and the best price/ performance ratio of any standard instrument available. • You'll see the latest in X-ray fluorescence ... and how our attention to quality has combined proven hardware design techniques with the latest in software control. • And you'll see a scanning electron microscope that provides high resolution images at low voltage and brings elemental analysis to the micro l e v e l . . . with fully automatic focus and stigmation control. Find out what Philips can mean to you. See us at PITCON. Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc. A North American Philips Company Analytical X-ray Group 85 McKee Drive, Mahwah, NJ 07430
