Applications are possible in any area where knowledge of the elemental com- position of micro-areas or micro-par- ticles is of interest. Possible fiel...
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CARBON BY X-RAY VACUUM X-RAY SPECTROGRAPH With recent advances in the generation of X-rays, analyzing crystals, and thin window detectors — even Boron Ka has been detected. When incorporated in the Norelco Vacuum Spectrograph, these components permit determination of Carbon, using X-ray fluorescence excitation techniques. This major breakthrough in X-ray fluorescence is made possible with : • Demountable X-ray Tube with a selection of interchangeable targets, easily replaced filaments, and thin exit windows. • X-ray Generator capable of 4 kw output operating at low kv and high ma for efficient excitation of desired X-rays. • Analyzing Crystals with long "d" spacing, such as Barium Stéarate to reflect longer wavelengths. • Flow Proportional Detector with thin windows for the detection of the long wavelengths.

VACUUM SIMULTANEOUS SPECTROMETER The Norelco Vacuum Simultaneous Spectrometer has been designed for the determination of up to six elements simultaneously —on a continuous or static sample. This instrument features: • Continuous or static introduction of sample without breaking vacuum — no time delay. • Analyzing of liquids, solids, slurries, or powders — continuously or statically. • Reliability as required for production and process control—solid state electronics and modular design. • Optimum coupling of X-ray optics — permitting routine analysis of light elements down to and including Sodium. Time for the determination of Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, and Fe in slags, cements, and related materials, including introduction of sample — 1 to 2 minutes.

NEW DESIGNS FOR THE NORELCO VACUUM X-RAY SPECTROMETER MACRO ANALYSIS A worthwhile and time saving device — the Macro Probe attachment — is now available for use with the Norelco Vacuum X-ray Spectrometer, enabling the analysist to work with X-ray an-

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alyzing beams in the range of 50 to 1000 microns (0.05 to 1.0 mm) in diameter, this attachment can be installed, on location, to existing spectrometers. An optical microscope views the specimen during analysis, and continuously bending crystal X-ray optics are used in the spectrometer to give good line resolution and high signal-to-background ratios. Analysis for all elements in the normal X-ray fluorescent range of the Vacuum Spectrometer is possible.

EIGHT POSITION SAMPLE TABLE Now the Norelco Vacuum Spectrometer can be equipped to handle twice the normal work load of the present instrument. A new eight position sample table has been designed which permits push button advance of eight samples for analysis without breaking vacuum. V a c u u m X-Ray S p e c t r o m e t e r s already in the field can be readily modified to handle this new device.

ANALYSIS OF X-RAY SPECTRA NOW EXTENDED TO - Γ τ ] ΓΝ\ [ ô ] Π ] ELECTRON PROBE MICROANALYZER Another major step forward in the field of micro-chemical analysis has now been achieved and if you have need to analyze any of the elements down to atomic number 5, including carbon or oxygen, in the micro range, the Norelco Electron Probe Microanalyzer will do the job. Applications are possible in any area where knowledge of the elemental com­ position of micro-areas or micro-par­ ticles is of interest. Possible fields of study include micro-segregations, dif­ fusion couples, thin surface layers, precipitation studies, biological studies, corrosion problems, atmospheric pollu­ tion and micro-geological studies. The value of the Microprobe technique for analysis of elements above Sodium has previously been demonstrated in the fields of metallurgy, geology and biology. The Norelco Electron Probe Microanalyzer will now analyze for carbon, oxygen, fluorine, etc. New attachments permit detection of light and heavy elements without changing components and without sacrifice of instrument re­ liability. This significant development is compatible with previously announced instrument features. The basic design concept of t h e Norelco Microprobe has been thor­ oughly proven with over three years of daily application in the solution of

research problems. Because of this proven workability in daily application it has been possible to provide an in­ strument with a practical and highly simplified design. Unequaled performance is assured with a superior light optical system, a high intensity electron beam, and an X-ray optical system which provides maximum sensitivity and excellent sig­ nal to noise ratio.

The complete catalog of accessories permits us to suggest a custom designed package for you. The standard items include: Multiple Focusing X-ray Channels, Kossel Camera, Beamscanner, Sample Stage Drive and many other features as listed in our catalog. Consistant results are inevitable when using this electron probe which pro­ vides utmost versatility and ease of operation.

LOOK FOR US AT PITTSBURGH You are invited to visit booths number 2, 3, and 26 in the PennSheraton Hotel during The Pitts­ burgh Conference of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectros­ copy, March 2nd through 6th, 1964. Share the excitement of this breakthrough and discuss

with us the usefulness of this instrumentation, the time saving advantages, and the economic assistance it can afford in your laboratory. If you cannot visit our exhibits duringtheconference,writetous : Philips Electronic Instruments,



750 South Fulton Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York 10550, or phone 914-664-4500, mention your specific area of interest and we will gladly send more detailed information and the catalog you request.


A Division of Philips Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries Corp. Dept. AI-14, 7 5 0 South Fulton Avenue, Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ. In Canada:

Research & Control Instruments · Philips Electronics Ltd. · 116 Vanderhoof Avenue · Leaside, Toronto 17, Ontario


Circle No. 58 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 36, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1964


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