Philips Petroleum Co. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - Philips Petroleum Co. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (3), pp 41A–41A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60135a738. Publication Date: March 1958. Copyright © 19...
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R. Wiley; "Determination of Small Amounts of Vanadium in Heavy Fuel," D. M. Zall; "X-ray Spectrographs Analysis of Silica and Alumina in Inorganic Glasses," W. A. McLeran, Jr.; "Microdetermination of Ammonia and Its Application to Biological Problems," S. P. Bessman; and "A Micro Method for the Determination of Creatine and Creatinine in Plasma," J. T. Tilden and H. M. Nitowsky.

Determines Weight Size & Shape Of: large molecules, polymers, and biological materials

API Program Announced The preliminary program for the API's Division of Refining 23rd midyear meeting has been announced. The meeting will be held at the Statler Hotel in Los Angeles, Calif., May 12 to 15. Thirteen papers of direct interest to analytical chemists are planned, all to be given in afternoon and evening sessions on April 12. These will cover such topics as computer simulation of laboratory operations, determination of volatile catalyst components, separability of aromatic hydrocarbons, estimation of insoluble material in used lubricating oils, and others. Hotel reservations can be made by addressing the API Housing Bureau, Convention and Visitors Bureau, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 404 South Bixel St., Los Angeles 54, Calif. Further information about the analytical portion of the program may be obtained from B. J. Heinrich, Philips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla.

SAMA Meets at Palm Springs The Scientific Apparatus Makers Association will hold its 40th annual meeting at El Mirador Hotel in Palm Springs, Calif., April 20 to 24. The five-day meeting will include a group of speakers, plus a series of committee meetings, group discussions, and the association's annual business session. Topics to be discussed by guest speakers include the business outlook, problems of instrument companies, reducing marketing costs, and industrial relations. About 350 instrument company executives are expected to attend the meeting, which will be presided over by R. E. Welch, president of the association.



P H O T O M E T E R A rentorfca&iy sensitive, accurate i n i t r a n ^ ^ ; m r n»^-«ealtering studies of compounds with high moiecufai1 «sjflioifr.Vjfa, parttclesiie determinations in the micron and S u i ^ f c J ^ fonge-^-and for recording haze and turbidity in m o v i t ^ streams of $qtjid*. Spedftt WFpftniHem of the tastrammt M u d · tt» feffewttigt a. Measurement of droplet sizes of oeroseJs. b. Blood-specificity studies. c. RadioNon effects on' nucleic acid, proteins, and other biological materials. d. Measurement of minute imperfections m glass and plastic. e. Measures contamination of fuels and hydraulic fluids. f. Measures atmospheric impurities for control purposes. g. Checks, turbidity, of wastes for sewage disposât plants, h. Measures hase in beer and wine. i. Measures transmittance of highly apajque materials such

as dye.

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Amines has just published a new bulletin with complete technical a n d ordering data for the Mjth^Siejftffiqgj.:- Photometer illustrated above. Send for a c o p ^ | % » * # | # f # ! # # ; # * * 9 · . Bulte)tfi·

AI HA To Meet in Atlantic City The 19th annual meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association will be held in Atlantic City, N. J., Far further information, circle number 41 A on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A V O L . 3 0 , N O . 3 , MARCH 1 9 5 8


41 A