phoenix precision instrument co. - ACS Publications

FOR BULLETIN. R-1000. No obligation. For your convenience, just attach this ad to your letterhead — or write: **. PHOENIX PRECISION. INSTRUMENT CO. ...
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16,000 rpm—32,700 χ G for Continuous as well as Batch Operations Continuous Flow adaptation now designed into the SEHVALL Superspeed Kefrigerated Centrifuge, brings time- and trouble-saving versatility to low-temperature centrifugation. By use of the SERVALL "SzentGyorgyi—Blum" Continuous Flow Attach­ ment, large volumes of sample may be centrifuged at a flow rate of up to 200 ml per minute without the laborious process of doing the job "a rotor-full at a time." Sediment is collected in one, two, four, or eight tubes, while supernatant is drained off as it is clarified. Temperatures of — 0°C. may be established, and held within ± 1 ° C . In addition to the SS-1 rotor with Continuous Flow adaptation, ten versatile rotors for batch work may be used in the stainless steel evap­ orating chamber. The largest of these has a maximum operating capacity of 1,770 ml.— Wide speed range—dual automatic controls — exclusive Self-Centering Assembly — still the lowest-priced Refrigerated Centrifuge in the Superspeed Range. Write for Bulletin AC-121R

Ivan Sorvall, Inc. NORWALK




Since 1943 the World's largest manufacturer of Superspeed Centrifuges. For further information, circle number 62 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A

NOW . . . an automatic, recording CHROMATOGRAPHIC REFRACTOMETER

that cuts research work

up to 7 5 % No longer is it necessary for you to perform all the time-consuming work associated with chromatographic analysis. This differential refractometer does all the work — reliably — accurately. Simply start the test, and the analysis is made automatically — unattended. The final product . . . an accurate, permanent recording of the results . . . a record you can examine immediately or file for future use. Operation is so simple that even your most inexperienced personnel can perform critical analyses with ease. What's more, where great differentials are encountered the exclusive Phoenix range-extension system permits set­ ting the indicator on scale without the an­ noyance of changing cells . . . without upsetting the zero calibration . . . and without loss of sensitivity or accuracy. A single dial adjust­ ment is all that's required. SEND FOR BULLETIN R-1000. No obligation. For your convenience, just attach this ad to your letterhead — or write: "* PHOENIX PRECISION INSTRUMENT CO. 3805 N. 5th STREET, PHILADELPHIA 40, PA.


Far further information, circle number 62 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A 62




INSTRUMENTATION proper atmosphere in which to conduct pure science. In technology, the team works beautifully, and despite fumbles and excessive whistle-blowing by the referee the technique pays off. Any budget director can prove this, and over-all planning and policy are de­ signed to keep things that way. When the same administrative and managerial setup presides over a purely scientific venture, the problem had better be simple and well defined, for there is grave danger that there will be more planning than work. One likes to picture a research committee, well armed with progress reports, deciding in solemn conclave that Ε = mc!. Herr Albert would have fainted at the suggestion. An alarming amount of the direction, subsidy, grants, and other fundamental aspects of scientific research hinge upon the decisions of people who have not worked in a laboratory for 20 years. Perhaps we should heed the remarks of Louis Pasteur. To two of his critics at the Sorbonne he once said, "You Monsieur, are unfamiliar with the microscope," and to the other, "And you, Monsieur, have been away from the laboratory entirely too long." There is ample evidence that the Russians have established an intellectual aristocracy. Their ballerinas, compos­ ers, scientists, and engineers are showered with money, facilities, and honors. That this is done at the expense of millions of others who trudge the dull and depressing treadmill of a drab existence is something which no American would tolerate. Never­ theless, the sober opinion of our best scientists indicates that there are several lessons which we can learn from this and which can be incorporated into our more pleasant way of life. As VannevarBush has said, "Every promis­ ing Russian boy is given all the education he can absorb. If he flunks, they put him in the army. In America, we put him in the army anyway." And he adds, "In our country a professor earns 2'/ 2 times as much as a laborer. In Russia he earns 8 times as much." All shrieks from the market place notwithstanding, there is nothing wrong with American science, as the Nobel Awards for the last four decades prove. It functions as brilliantly as subsidy, encouragement, and public favor permit. If we are terrified by events and by progress, the solution is very simple. It happens that we possess a very typical and blunt American expression for the remedy—"Put up—or shut up." A N e w Pressure-Sensing Device

We have made preliminary measure­ ments on a new pressure-sensitive