Photoacoustic spectroscopy and the effect of amplified spontaneous

similar photoacoustic waveforms from lasingand ASE. Linear calibration curves were generated with the laser tuned to 468 and 495 nm. At 495 nm Pr3+ ha...
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Anal. Chem. 1992, 84, 2429-2433


Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and the Effect of Amplified Spontaneous Emission Gregory L. Klunder, Robert J. Silva,' and Richard E. RUSSO* Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, MS 90-2024, Berkeley, California 94720

Ampllfled spontaneous emleslon (ASE), whlch results from dye fluorescence, causes puked dye lasers to produce an output that Is spectrally Impure. The effect of such an output can create Inaccurate analytlcal Information, partlcularly In absorption and photothermal spectroscopies. The spectral output of laser dye LD-466 has been characterized. ASE was shown to have a broad-band spectral output, 445-495 nm, and was most Intense when ladng was Inefflclent, on the edges of the dye galn curve. A lo9 M Prs+solution produced sknllar photoacowrtlcwavefomw from ladngand ASE. Llnear calbratlon curves were generatedwlth the laser tuned to 468 and 495 nm. At 495 nm Pfi+ has no absorbance and the photoacoustic slgnals were produced from ASE.

INTRODUCTION The ability to select lasing wavelengthsover a broad spectral range makes dye lasers versatile light sources for the analytical chemist. Laser dyes are available which cover wavelengths from around 400 nm to greater than 900 nm with some individual dyes spanning as much as 80 nm. In high-gain short-pulse dye lasers the broad tuning range of the dye can result in an output which is not spectrally pure.' Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), a broad-band spectral background resulting from the dye fluorescence, exhibits laserlike properties (e.g. low divergence and spectral narrowing): reduces the laser efficiency, and increases background noise in the laser o ~ t p u t . ~Dye - ~ lasers operate most efficiently at the maximum of the dye gain curve. As the laser is tuned toward the extremes of the dye gain curve, the lasing efficiency is reduced and the amount of ASE increases. Minimization of ASE can be attained by reducing the number of amplifier stages in the laser cavity with a trade-off of reduced power. Many studies have concentrated on the fundamentals of ASE without much focus on ita effect on analytical experiments.l4V8 Nogar and Kellere described the effects of laser sidebands on resonant ionization mass spectroscopy of lutetium. Their study concentrated on a narrow bandwidth (50 cm-l) around the laser line. In ours and other laboratories,'0-13 a pulsed dye laser is routinely used to perform ~~


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-234, Livermore, CA 94650. (1) Przybyleki, M.; Otto, B.; Gerhardt, H. Appl. Phys. E 1989, 49, 201-203. (2) Ganiel, U.;Hardy, A.; Neumann, G.;Treves, D. ZEEE J. Quantum Electron. 1975, 11, 881-892. (3) Nair. L. G.; Dasgupta, K. ZEEE J. Quantum Electron. 1985,21, 1782-1794. (4) Haag, G; M u , M.; Marowsky, G. ZEEE J. Quantum Electron. 1983,19,1149-1160. (5) Lowenthal, D. D.; Eggleston, J. M. ZEEE J. Quantum Electron. 1986,22, 1165-1173. (6) Dujardin, G.; Flamant, P. Opt. Commun. 1978,24, 243-247. (7) Johnston, T. F., Jr. Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology; Academic: New York, 1987; Vol. 14, pp 96-141. (8)Allen, L.; Peters, G. T. Phys. Lett. A 1970, 3 1 , 9 5 9 6 . (9) Nogar, N. S.; Keller, R. A. Anal. Chem. 1985,57, 2992-2993. (10) Schrepp, W.; S t u p e , R.; Kim, J. I.; Walther, H. Appl. Phys. E 1983,32,207-209. This article not subject to

photoacoustic spectroscopy. Spectra of the analyte under different matrix conditions are collected and used to determine complexation information. Thus, a nonspectrally pure output of the dye laser could alter the spectra. In this study, we examined the spectral output for a laser dye, LD-466, over the operating range of the dye. The ASE is shown to generate a photoacoustic signal and provide a linear calibration curve similar to a lasing line.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Dye Laser Spectra. The experimental setup used to study the spectral output of the dye laser is shown in Figure 1. A pulsed (20pulses/s)NdYAG laser (SpectraPhysica,Model DCR3) was used to pump a tunable dye laser (Spectra Physics, Model PDL-2). The Spectra Physics dye laser has separatelytranversepumped oscillator,amplifier,and preamplifiercells. Wavelength selection is achieved in the oscillator by changing the angle of a grating (600 lines/") which is in the Littrow configuration and is fully illuminated with a prism beam expander. Each dye cell increases the output power, but will also add to the amount of ASE. The major contribution to ASE was from the preamp. In studies where the preamp of the dye laser was not involved, the NdYAG pump beam was blocked from irradiating the preamp dye cell instead of removing it from the optical path, assuring the same alignment of the laser. A grating acting as the back mirror of the laser cavity determines the output wavelength. The dye laser spectral output should be Lorentzian with a line width of 0.07 cm-l. The dye laser beam was scattered off of a diffuser and the image of the scattered beam was aligned slightly off center of the entrance slits (20 pm) of the 0.85-m double monochromator (SPEXModel 1404,1800lines/" grating) to avoid saturation of the PMT. Two neutral density filters (ND 1 and 2, optical density 1and 3, respectively) were also needed when scanning the laser line (asin Figure 2) to avoid saturation of the PMT. An optical density of 1(ND 1)was used to study the ASE with the preamplifier stage in the dye laser. Scattered light off the prism was observed by a fast photodiode (UnitedDetector Technology, Model PIN-1ODFP) which was used to monitor fluctuations in the pulse power of the dye laser. A gated integrated boxcar averager (Stanford Research Systems, Model SR250,50-Qinput impedance) was used to acquire the signal from the photodiode. The width of the boxcar was 6 ns, which is approximately the width of the laser pulse. An IBM-PC recorded the measurements on a pulse-by-pulsebasis with an A/D board (Data Translation, ModelDT-2801A). At each wavelength,50 pulses were averaged to yield the laser output spectra. Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS). The photoacoustic spectroscopysetup has been described previ0us1y.l~Briefly,the tunable pulsed dye laser beam passes through a rectangular cuvette containing the analyte solution. A piezoelectric crystal attached to the bottom of the cuvette monitors the amplitude of the thermal expansion pulse generatedby the opticalabsoprtion and nonradiative relaxation of the analyte species. In these experiments praseodymium was chosen as the analyte. Laser (11) Beitz, J. V.; Bowers, D. L.; Doxtader, M. M.; Maroni, V. A.; Reed, D. T. Radiochim. Acta 1988,44/45,87-93. (12)Pollard, P. M.; Liezers, M.; McMillan, J. W.; Phillips, G.; Thomason, H. P.; Ewart, F. T. Radiochim. Acta 1988,44/45,95-101. (13) Torres, R. A.; Palmer, C. E. A.; Baisden, P. A.; Rueso, R. E.;Silva, R. J. Anal. Chem. 1990,622, 298-303.

U.S.Copyright. Publlshed 1992 by the American Chemical Soclety





cI1 /N.1*bL.l.r-F1 x-y

Rcccider u





I 7 NDXl I

p$'.$ VA

Flgure 1. Experimentalsetup for measuring ASE. Key: ND = neutral density fitters, PO = photodiode,NL = nonlinearcrystals, VA = variable attenuator, PMT = photomultiplier tube, P = prism (ASE experiments) or photoacoustic cell (PAS experiments).


Figwo 3. Laser scan In 0.2-nm increments with monochromator set at 466 nm, wlthout (solld) and with (dashed)the preamplifier in the dye laser and a neutral density filter (OD = 1).





465.65 465.70 Laser wavelength (nm)



Flgure 2. Laser scan in 0.005-nm increments with monochromator set at 466 nm with two neutral density filters, OD 1.0 and 3.0.

dye LD-466 (Exciton) with an operating range from 445 to 495 nm was found to be suitable to overlap the 468- and 481-nm absorption bands of praseodymium. The dye was prepared in 1L of methanolwith 1g of DAEiCO1' added to extend the lifetime of the dye. A high-power variable attenuator (NRC Model 9355 ) was placed between the dye laser and the cuvette to control the laser power. The average laser power was measured with a power meter (Scientech 365 with a Model 380101 head). Conventional Spectroscopy. The absorbance spectrum of praseodymium was obtained using an IBM Model 9420 UV/vis spectrophotometer. A 0.04 M P9+in 0.1 M HClOl sample was referenced with a 0.1 M HClOd solution. Reagents. A lo00 ppm stock solution of P9+was prepared from the chloride salt (FisherScientific)in 0.1 M perchloric acid. A seriesof analytesolutionswere prepared from the stocksolution.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To demonstrate the influence of ASE on photoacoustic spectroscopy, the spectral output over the lasing profiie of the dye, LD-466, was characterized. A series of wavelength scans was recorded, f i i t by tuning the dye laser with the monochromator at a fiied wavelength (Figures 2 and 3) and then by scanning the monochromator with the laser a t a fixed wavelength (Figure 4). These results provide information as to where in the dye gain curve ASE starta to appear and the spectral range that it covers. The broad-band spectral output from the ASE is expected to follow the gain curve (fluorescence) of the dye. Thus, as the dye laser is tuned to wavelengths on the ends of the dye gain curve (lessefficient lasing), the ASE can be observed by setting the monochromator to a wavelength in the center of the gain curve. (14)Von Trebra, R.; Koch, T. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1982,93,315-317.

For Figure 2, the monochromator was set to 466 nm and the dye laser was tuned over this region with the smallest allowable incrementa of the dye laser grating, 0.005 nm. The spectrum shows that the 466-nm dye laser peak actually appears at 465.67 nm and has a fwhm of 0.007 nm with a shoulder on the red side of the peak. The wavelength mismatch is due to the laser scanning controls being slightly out of calibration; however, this has no significant effect on the resulta. The specifications for the PDL-2 indicate the line width should be 0.07 cm-' (0.0015 nm at 466 nm) and have a Lorentzian profile. The monochromator band-pass (20 pm slits, 0.2 cm-', 0.004 nm at 466 nm) and scanning incrementa of the dye laser contribute to the measured line width and the shoulder. Two neutral density fiiters which reduced the total intensity by 4 orders of magnitude were used to prevent saturating the PMT. In the narrow spectral region around the 466-nm laser line, the peak of the dye gain profiie, amplified spontaneous emission does not seem to be present in any significant amount due to the high efficiency of lasing. The 466-nm wavelength was monitored over the operating range of LD-466; the dye laser was tuned from 445 to 496 nm in 0.2-nm incrementa with the monochromator at 466 nm (Figure 3). When the laser is not tuned to 466 nm, the light that is recorded by the PMT is strictly due to ASE. The M E starts to appear when the dye laser is tuned to wavelengths less than 455 and greater than 485 nm. The spectrum represented by the dashed curve was obtained with 5 mW of average lasing power (measuredat the peak lasingwavelength, 466 nm) without the preamplifier cell in the dye laser. The solid curve represents the spectrum with the preamp in the laser and using the same power. In the latter case a neutral density fiiter (OD = 1)was required to prevent the ASE at the shorter dye laser wavelengths from saturating the PMT. Without the preamplifier, no neutral density fiitarwas needed. Including the preamplifier increased the amount of ASE at 445-nmdye laser wavelength by #-fold. The true magnitude of the laser line was shown in Figure 2 and is not represented here due to inexact overlap of the monochromatorwavelength with the dye laser scan rate. In obtaining these spectra, the neutral density filters which were used for obtaining the data in Figure 2 have been eliminated. The actual magnitude of the laser line would be 3 and 4 orders of magnitude larger than is shown with and without the preamp, respectively. The laser line width appears to be broad with a shoulder on the blue side of the peak, again due to the band-pass of the monochromator and the tuning of the dye laser.



Wavelength (nm) 500 440

Wavelength (nm) 500 440

Wavelength (nm) 500








Wavelength (nm) 500

F A B C D Fburs 4. Spectra obtalned by scanning the monochromator wth the dye laser set at fixed wavelengths: (A) 440 nm, (B) 445 nm, (C) 450 nm, (D) 490 nm, (E) 495 nm, (F) 500 nm.

To show the broad-band output of the ASE,the dye laser was set at a wavelength while the monochromator was scanned from 440 to 500 nm; several spectra are presented in Figure 4. These spectra were obtained without the preamplifier cell in the dye laser (minimal ASE) and by keeping all the recording settings constant. With the laser at 440 or 445 nm (A,B),no lasing was observed and the ASE has a noisy spectral output that spans from 445 to 495 nm, i.e. the gain profiie of the LD-466dye. Setting the laser to 450 nm (C), lasing was observed and ASE was still present, although reduced significantly. On the high end of the dye gain curve, asimilar trend was expected as the dye laser was set to nonlasing wavelengths. In Figure 4D,with the dye laser set at 490 nm, a strong lasing line with a small amount of broad-band ASE was present. When the dye laser was set further out on the dye gain curve at 495nm (E), a weak lasing line and increased amount of ASE were observed. With the dye laser set to 500 nm, off the dye gain curve, it was expected that a large amount of ASE and no lasing would be present. As seen in Figure 4F, a surprise lasing line appeared at 472 nm, in the middle of the broad-band M E . This anomaly has been attributed to a "grating ghost" which diffracts light at 472 nm when the grating is tuned to 500nm, as well as light at 500nm. Gratings which have been mechanically ruled are prone to imperfections, resulting in grating ghosts. The ghost wavelength is much weaker than the desired wavelength and is offset by some increment, in this case approximately 28 nm. In Figure 4E,a peak appears on the blue side of the broad-band ASE at 467 nm, which is 28 nm less than the 495 nm to which the dye laser is tuned. When the dye laser is tuned to 500 nm (F), the 472-nm ghost increases the efficiency of the laser cavity at that wavelength to the point where lasing is stimulated. Spectra obtained with the preamplifier cell in the dye laser showed the ASE to have similar spectral characteristics with increased intensity. Pulse-to-pulse variations of the laser intensity during experiments are monitored with a fast photodiode which has a flat response (*7%) over a spectral range of 450-950 nm. The response of the photodiode will be the s u m of all the light in the wavelength response range, which includes both

4.P! 440







Wavelength (nm)

Fbure 5. Photodiode response with (dashed) and without (sdkl) the

preampllfler in the dye laser.

ASE and lasing, similar to using a power meter. With the laser beam blocked, the response of the photodiodewas offset to a value of zero. Figure 5 shows the photodiode response as the dye laser is scanned from 446 to 498 nm. For both spectra, the dye laser output was adjusted to an average power of 5 mW at 466 nm. Without the preamp (solid curve), the photodiode response has a maximum around 466 nm and goes to zero at the extremes of the dye gain curve. When the preamp is in the dye laser (dashed curve), the photodiode response is broader and is nonzero at the extremes. Even when the laser is tuned below 450 nm, where the response of the photodiode falls off by 50%, the signal is approximately 0.6 V. The photodiode is respondingto the broad-band ASE and not the wavelength set by the laser. Although the photodiode provides a good measure of the relative intensity of all the light as seen by the sample, the actual intensity at the wavelength indicated by the laser grating position may be misrepresented. Figure 6 shows the absorbance spectra for a 0.04 M P9+ solution in 0.1 M HC104 using the IBM spectrophotometer.



Table I. Photoacoustic Response (PAS)for Selected Dye Laser Wavelengths and Photodiode Signals (PD)


laser wavelength (nm)



ratio PAS/PD

445 450 468 495 500 445 468

0.53 0.42 0.53 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.40

1.15 0.85 1.92 0.23 1.96 0.07 0.07

2.17 2.02 3.62 0.45 3.84 0.14 0.18

M P++

HzO blank

Wavelength (nm)



8 1.2-

Figure 8. Absorbance spectra of 0.04 M Pr3+ in 0.1 M HC104.

1.0U v)





470 480 Laser wavelength (nm)





Figure 8. Photoacoustic spectra of P P with (dashed) and without

(solld)the preamplifier In the dye laser.







100 120 Time (ns)


160 ,I80


Figure 7. Oscllloscope traces of the photoacoustic waveforms: (A) lasing, (B) ASE.

The spectrum shows the bands at 468 and 481 nm that can be excited by the LD-466 dye. In photoacoustic spectroscopy, pulsed light passing through the cuvette will be absorbed by the analyte and will generate a thermoelastic expansion pulse which is monitored by the piezoelectric transducer. Oscilloscope traces of the transient photoacoustic waveforms generated from ASE and lasing are very similar, as seen in Figure 7. The PAS signal is obtained by gating a boxcar and measuring the amplitide of the second peak as a function of wavelength. To obtain the photoacousticspectrum, which is identical to an absorption spectrum, the intensity of the peak is plotted versus dye laser wavelength. Curve A is the acoustic waveform generated with the laser tuned to the 468-nm peak of P13+ and an average power of 20 mW. When the laser grating was tuned to 495 nm (weak lasing, strong ASE) and the average power adjusted to 20 mW (preamp in cavity), ASE generated the photoacoustic waveform in curve B. Although ASE is more intense when the laser is at 445 nm, we chose to use 495 nm where Pr3+has no absorption. The delay in the signal, approximately 20 ns, is most likely due to a slight change in the position of the laser beam in the cuvette. The 20 ns time delay may correspond to a shift in cm, which may be due to adjusting the position of only grating in the dye laser. Table I presente the measured photoacousticamplitude at different laser wavelengths with approximately the same photodiode (PD) response, Le. same average power. With the laser set at 468 nm (no ASE), a strong photoacoustic signal was observed, as expected. In the absence of lasing,

at 445 nm, a relatively strong PAS response was also recorded whichoccurred strictlyfrom the ASE. At 450nm where lasing is observed (see Figure 4 0 , the PAS signal is smaller due to a reduction of the ASE intensity, even though there is a small amount of absorption of the Pr3+ from lasing at 450 nm contributing to the PAS response. The ASE intensity was less at longer wavelengths (see Figure 21, and this is reflected in the PAS response at 495 nm. Although lasing is present at 495 nm, there is no PS+ absorption and the weak PAS signal is due to ASE. The anomaly observed in Figure 4F with the laser set to 500 nm is also reflected in the observed PAS signal. Compared to a laser setting of 468 nm, the PAS response is larger than would be expected given the PD response. The ASE and the lasing observed in Figure 4F both overlap the absorption spectra of Pr3+and contribute to the PAS signal. Photoacousticspectra of PS+obtained with (dashed curve) and without (solid curve) the preamplifier are presented in Figure 8. The data were collected simultaneously with the photodiode responses shown in Figure 5. In both spectra the 468-nm band has the same shape and amplitude; however, the absorption band at 481 nm is larger with the preamp. When normalized to the PD response, the peak amplitudes are the same. The major differences in the two spectra appear on the ends where ASE is more prevalent. Below 450 nm, the PAS signal should start to increase due to the large PS+ absorption band at 446 nm. Without the preamp, the PAS signal decreases due to inefficient lasing. With the preamp, the signal begins to increase as expected;however, this is due to the absorption of the broad-band ASE and not lasingbelow 450 nm. Above 490 nm (weak lasing but no Pr3+absorption), a strong PAS signal is generated with the preamp, whereas, without the preamp the photoacoustic spectrum closely resembles the absorption spectrum. With the preamp in the laser cavity, the ASE significantly alters the Pr3+ spectrum. Normalization of these spectra near the ends is not possible due to the near zero division without the preamp. Note that



broad-band ASE absorption. In a separate experiment, a solution on Nd3+ was scanned using laser dye LD-466. Neodymium has absorption bands at 510 and 521 nm and no absorption in the 445-495-nm range. Only the water background was measured, indicating that the ASE must overlap an absorption band of the analyte to generate a PAS signal.

CONCLUSIONS In this study, we have demonstrated that the impure spectral output of dye lasers can play an important role in photoacoustic spectroscopy. ASE may also effect other analytical techniques, in particular, other photothermal spectroscopies.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Concentration (mM) Figure 9. Calibration curves produced from lasing at 468 and ASE with the laser tuned to 495 nm (dashed).

nm (solid)

ASE is still present without the preamp, although the effects are not as noticeable. Calibration curves shown in Figure 9 were generated with the laser set at 468 (solid) and 495 nm (dashed). In both cases, the laser was adjusted to yield an average output power of 20 mW. The calibration curve for 495 nm is due to the

We acknowledgeothers who have been a part of this project, Pat Grant, Rich Torres, and Cindy Palmer. This work was prepared by Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) participants as part of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program. The YMP is managed by the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office of the U.S. Department of Energy, Las Vegas, NV. RECEIVED for review March 16, 1992. Accepted July 23, 1992.