Photoelectron spectra of psychotropic drugs. 2 ... - ACS Publications

Jan 11, 1977 - portant phenothiazine tranquilizers and related molecules. Phenothiazines with an /V-aminopropyl side chain and various ring substituen...
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Photoelectron Spectra of Psychotropic Drugs. 2. Phenothiazine and Related Tranquilizers’ L. N. Domelsmith, Linda L. Munchausen,2a and K. N. Houk*2b Contributionfrom the Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State Uniuersity, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803. Receiued January 11, 1977

Abstract: Photoelectron spectra of phenothiazine, N-methylphenothiazine, and four biologically active derivatives-promazine, chlorpromazine, thioridazine, and trifluoperazine-have been measured. Assignments of various ionization potentials ( I P’s) to particular molecular orbitals have been made on the basis of qualitative models, correlations with IP‘s of similar molecules, substituent effects, and CNDOj2 calculations. In contrast to previous deductions from calculations, solution oxidation potentials, or charge-transfer spectra, these studies show that N-alkylation of phenothiazine lowers the first, as well as higher, r ionization potentials: phenothiazine (IP, = 7.26 eV), N-methylphenothiazine ( 7 . I5 eV), and promazine (7.20 eV). The dis-

crepancies between gas-phase ionization potentials and solution oxidation potential and charge-transfer studies are attributed to differential solvation effects rather than conformational effects. There are also significant discrepancies between ionization potentials measured here and orbital energies obtained by CND0/2 and ab initio calculations. The first ionization potentials, as well as averages of the first five P ionization potentials, for the pharmacologically active phenothiazines fall in the order trifluoperazine (7.31 eV), promazine (7.20 eV), chlorpromazine (7.16 eV), and thioridazine (7.00 eV) and do not correlate with

antipsychotic activity based on dosage data for man.

Introduction A principal goal of molecular pharmacology is to determine how the structure of a molecule influences its biological activity. The shapes and conformations (topographies) of molecules, as well as the reactivities of molecules towards different types of reagents, are determined by their electronic structures. Considerable progress has been made in the calculation of conformations of drugs, and various activity indices, calculated quantum mechanically, have shed light on the electronic features required for various types of drug activity. W e have attempted to complement computational data of this type with experimental measurements of the electronic properties of pharmaceutically important molecules. Our photoelectron spectroscopic investigations of hallucinogenic phenethylamines and tryptamines indicated that this technique not only provides valuable information about the electronic structures of these psychotropic drugs, but that the ionization potentials of these compounds are reasonably well correlated with hallucinogenicity in man and various animal indices of activity.’ W e have now extended these investigations to a series of clinically important phenothiazine tranquilizers and related molecules. Phenothiazines with an N-aminopropyl side chain and various ring substituents are potent n e ~ r o l e p t i c sAlthough .~ a great deal of information has been accumulated concerning the substituents necessary for activity in a variety of biological tests, the influence of these substituents on the electronic structure of the phenothiazine has not been clearly delineated. In 1959, Karreman, Isenberg, and Szent-Gyorgi suggested that phenothiazine tranquilizers were good electron donors and might act as charge- or electron-transfer donors a t drug receptor sites.4 This suggestion was based on calculations of the highest occupied molecular orbital ( H O M O ) energies by the Huckel method. Since that time, charge-transfer complex formation between phenothiazines and various acceptors has been successfully d e m o n ~ t r a t e d . Phenothiazines ~,~ also form rather stable radical cations, and it has been suggested that these radicals may be of some importance in the biological activities of phenothiazines.6 Although phenothiazine, 1, and a variety of substituted phenothiazines readily form charge-transfer complexes, phenothiazine itself is not active as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. The aminoalkyl side chain of pharmacologically active phenothiazines, such as 3-7, is necessary for receptor binding and determines the type of activity that these Journal of the American Chemical Society



as)t& NI







Phenothiazine N-Methylphenothiazine Promazine Chlorpromazine








multiply biologically active compounds will display, e.g., antipsychotic, anti-Parkinsonian, or antihistamine a ~ t i v i t yThe .~ amino group must be separated from the phenothiazine nucleus by a three-carbon side chain for tranquilizing activity, and this implies that the phenothiazine nucleus and the ammonium group interact with two sites of fixed relative disposition in the r e ~ e p t o r This . ~ is likely a topographic rather than electronic effect, although without experimental evidence on the influence of the side chain on electronic structures, this conclusion is tentative. An N-alkylamino side chain not only provides, after protonation at physiological pH, an ammonium group which can hydrogen-bond with an electron-rich site of a biological receptor, but may cause considerable changes in the preferred conformation of the phenothiazine at the ring nitrogen. Thus, Malrieu and Pullman proposed that N-alkylation converts the preferred “H-intra” conformation of the parent phenothiazine to a preferred “H-extra” conformation, the alkyl group taking the place of h y d r ~ g e n I. n~ accord with their Huckel calculations for these conformations, N-alkylphenothiazines have higher oxidation potentials* and higher energy charge transfer (CT) transitions in complexes with acceptorsg than the parent

/ September 28, 1977







I /

ph 8 96

, I1

H - intra




ti - e x t r a

does. These abnormal effects, which indicate that ionization potentials of N-alkylphenothiazines are higher than that of the parent, seem to require a change in conformation upon substitution, since alkyl groups ordinarily lower ionization potentials. One goal of our studies was to determine whether the gas phase ionization potentials of N-alkylphenothiazines were higher than that of phenothiazine, since one might also attribute higher oxidation potentials and blue-shifted CT maxima to solvation effects. An electronegative substituent a t position 2 is necessary for high neuroleptic activity, as well as for activity in a variety of biological tests. However, the types of substituents at position 2 which activate the drug do not follow the types of reactivity orders usually found in organic reactions. Chlorine and thiomethyl, which are weakly electron-withdrawing substituents,I0 give neuroleptic drugs of similar activity (chlorpromazine and thioridazine, respectively).’ I The methylsulfinyl group, a potent electron withdrawer,I0 gives a less potent drug (Mesoridazine), while an even more potent electron withdrawer, trifluoromethyl, gives a drug of high activity (trifluoperazine).’ The second goal of our research was to determine the influence of substituents on the electronic structures of phenothiazines, with the long range goal of elucidating the mechanism of drug activation or deactivation by the 2 substituent. Although solid-state ionization potentials (IP’s) of phenothiazine have been measured by photoelectric threshold measurements,I2 and solution IP’s have been estimated from charge-transfer transition e n e r g i e ~ photoelectron ,~ spectroscopy is a more precise method than these. W e have shown earlier that the activity of phenethylamine and tryptamine psychotomimetics is not accounted for by the first IP’s, but if higher (especially second) IP’s are also taken into account, correlations with activities are obtained.’ This was rationalized on the basis that all high-lying occupied orbitals of a donor can contribute to charge-transfer, dispersion, or polarization stabilization of a complex with an acceptor, and the two highest energy occupied MO’s not only are most important due to their high energies, but changed energy more than the others upon substitution. A photoelectron spectrum provides all IP’s below 21 eV, and, when properly assigned, indicates the character of the orbital from which the electron was removed. This information is significant since the d i k e orbitals are more likely to be involved in charge transfer complex formation than 0 or n-like orbitals. However, a correlation between the charge on the side-chain nitrogen and the neuroleptic activity of phenothiazine drugs has been proposed.I3 If the side-chain basicity is important in determining activity, then the nitrogen lone-pair ionization potentials may be found to correlate with activity. This paper reports a study of the PE spectra of phenothiazine (1) and five of its derivatives, N-methylphenothiazine (2), promazine (3), chlorpromazine (4), thioridazine (5), and trifluoperazine ( 6 ) ,the last four of which have significant neuroleptic a ~ t i v i t y . ~ , ’ ~

Molecular Orbitals of Phenothiazines The *-molecular orbitals (MO’s) of phenothiazine can be

PhS -


--. :.-.PL@ 8 7-9.0 4 _ -- -- -_P hAa-T92


-9 25






Figure 1. Molecular orbital energy levels for benzene and substituted benzenes.

constructed formally from the x-MO’s of benzene and the nitrogen and sulfur r-type lone pair orbitals of a dialkyl amine and a dialkyl sulfide, respectively. For this crude model, we shall assume that Koopmans’ theoremlj is valid, so that the negatives of SCF orbital energies, are assumed to be good approximations to photoelectron ionization potentials, IP,. Ipj = -c,SCF The highest occupied MO’s of benzene are degenerate and give rise to an IP of 9.25 eV.15 Ortho-dialkylation of benzene to give, for example, benzocyclohexene, splits this degeneracy and gives rise to a first I P of 8.44 eV, arising from the “Phs” orbital, and a second I P of 8.96 eV due to the ‘‘PhA” orbital.16 These designations refer to the symmetry of these orbitals with respect to the plane of symmetry perpendicular to the molecular plane of benzocyclohexene.

v PhS


If two benzene rings are symmetrically linked by substituent bridges that transmit little or no conjugative interaction between the two ring systems, the orbital eneriges of the linked system are expected to be similar to those of the separated disubstituted benzenes themselves. For example, the first four IP’s of 9,10-dihydroanthracene, 8, fall in the 8.6 to 9.1 eV region (8.61,8.7-9.0 (2 bands), 9.12 eV).I7 These arise from the orbitals corresponding to the bonding and antibonding combinations of Phs and PhA orbitals of the two benzene rings. Because of the small coefficients in the PhA orbitals at the site of fusion, the inductive lowering of the PhA orbitals upon substitution of the more electronegative benzo group for the ethano group is expected to be small. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1, where the Phs and PhA energies that 9,lO-dihydroanthracene would have, if there were no conjugation between the phenyl groups, a r e estimated. The Phs orbitals are expected to be influenced more by the inductive effect, due to the larger coefficients at the site of ring fusion. The large difference in inductive effects on the two orbitals is reasonable, if it is realized that the “inductive” effect of the benzo group probably results mainly from the lowering of the energies of the CH2 T-like orbitals, and these are known (cf. benzene benzocyclohexene) to influence the Phs orbitals much more than the PhA. The PhA orbitals will interact to a small extent via through-space or through-bond interactions, and give rise to IP’s around 9.0 and 9.12 eV, while the Phs orbitals can interact more strongly due to the larger coefficients at fused positions. Assuming that through-space interactions dominate over through-bond interactions (the latter would reverse the assignments), we have assigned the 8.61 eV band to the Phs-


Domelsmith, Munchausen, Houk

/ PES of Psychotropic Drugs










Figure 2. Correlations between the molecular orbitals of phenothiazine and those of the aromatic and heteroatom lone-pair fragments.

orbital and the -8.9 eV band to the Phs+. These orbitals are shown schematically on the left side Qf Figure 2. As a second step in the formal construction of phenothiazine MOs, we consider bringing a sulfur lone pair orbital (dimethyl sulfide lone pair I P = 8.65 eV)Is into the vicinity of an amine lone pair (dimethylamine lone pair I P = 8.94 eV).I9 An inphase combination, ns, and an out-of-phase coqbination, nA, will be generated as the lone-pair orbitals overlap. Because of the similarity in IP’s of these two types of lone pairs, both ns and nA will contain more or less equal contributions from the two lone pair centers and will be approximately symmetric (ns) or antisymmetric (nA) with respect to a plane bisecting a line joining these atoms (right side of Figure 2). Finally, interaction of the a-MO’s of 9,l O-dihydroanthracene with the loqe-pair combinations, ns and nA, will give the highest energy phenothiazine MO’s, a l - P 6 , shown in the center of Figure 2. The dihydroanthracene orbitals Phs- and PhA-, which have a node through the central atoms cannot interact conjugatively with the lone pair orbitals because of the symmetry mismatch. These orbitals Should be stabilized by the inductive effects of the S and N atoms. I n the C N D 0 / 2 calculations carried out on the x-ray crystallographic coordinates of phenothiazine,20 the Phs- and PhA- orbitals correlate with a 3 and i ~ of 4 phenothiazine (Figure 2). Comparing the IP’s of these orbitals in 9,lO-dihydroanthracene and phenothiazine indicates that Phshas been stabilized by 0.6 eV, while PhA- has been stabilized by 0.4 eV. The remaining shapes and energies of phenothiazine valence MO’s obtained from C N D O / 2 calculations are also shown in Figure 2. The calculations giye results in good accord with qualitative ideas about orbital interactions. The Phs+ and PhA+ orbitals are of the proper symmetry to interact with the lone pair orbitals, but the approximate S and A symmetry of these orbitals will lead to strong mixing only between Phs+ and n 5 on the one hand, and between P h i + and nA, on the other. These interactions lead to bonding combinations, Phs+ ns and PhA+ 4- nA, which are a 6 apd a 5 , respectively, in the C N D 0 / 2 calculations. These orbitals are heavily aromatic, a 5 having qnly 2q.h of its electron density on S and 2% on N, and a 6 havjng less than 1% electron density on S and 32% on N . The antibonding orbitals, Phs+-ns and PhA+-pA, are T I and a2,respectively, in the C N D 0 / 2 calculations (Figure 2). Both the a1 and a 2 orbitals are more heavily localized on S than on N (42% and 18% in T I ,and 28% and 17% in 8 2 , for S and N , respectively]. The lower energy orbitals, 7 5 and 7 6 , do not retain familiar shapes, because they are composed of contributions not only from the fragmept orbitals discussed, but from lower energy aromatic orbitals as well. However, the qualitative model does adeqqately account for the order of orbital energies obtained from calculations. That is, a 3 and a 4 are


Journal of the American Chemical Society

similar in energy to Phs- and PhA- of dihydroaqthracene, X I and a 6 are Phs+-type and are very different in energy due to the substantial overlap between Phs+ and n s orbitals arising from the large coefficients on the aromatic rings a t the site of substitution, and x 2 and a 5 are less split due to the smaller coefficients on the aroqatic moieties a t the sites of substitution. The same order of MO’s predicted for phenothiazine is found by Huckel MO calculations on anthracene and C N D O / 2 calculations on 9,lO-dimethylanthracene.Because these molecules have two fewer a electrons than phenothiazine, the orbital corresponding to the H O M O of phenothiazine corresponds to the lowest unoccupied MO of the anthracenes. The finding of an antibonding HOMO for phenothiazine in the Huckel calculptions by Karreman, Isenberg, and S z e ~ t - G y O r g iwas ~ corrected by Orloff and Fitts by using sulfur d-orbitals in the More recently, Kaufman and Kermap’s C N D 0 / 2 cqlculations for a number of substituted phenothiazines indicate that the HOMO is, in each case, a bonding 0 r b i t a 1 . I ~Popkie ~ and Kaufman have also carried out extensive a b initio calculations on chlorpromazine and phenothiazine. I 3b

Photoelectron Spectra of Phenothiazines Photoelectron spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer PS- 18 photoelectroq spectrometer, operating with a resolution of about 25 meV. All of the compounds studied here were sublimed in the target chamber at temperatures of 85-135 “C. Xenon and argon were used as calibrants. The photoelectron spectra of phenothiazine ( l ) , Nmethylphenothiazine (2), and promazine (3), are shown ip Figure 3, while those of chlorpromazine (4), thioridazine ( 5 ) , and trifluoperazine ( 6 ) are shown in Figure 4. The ionization potentials of the phenothiazines and related Compounds are tabulated in Table I. Band assignments for the phenothiazines were made by comparison with the photoelectron IP’s of diphenyl splfide (measured here), diphenylamine, 9,l O-dihydroanthracene, and acridan, 9, and by comparison with C N D 0 / 2 orbital energies.

w I

H 9

Phenothiazine, N-methylphenothiazine, and promazine have four well-resolved bands before the onset of u ionizations a t 10.5 eV. However, the shoulder on the high I P side of the third band in the N-methylphenothiazine spectrum indicates that this band consists of two overlapping ionizations. This conclusion is also consistent with the CNDO/T calculatioqs and the qualitative model discussed in the previous section of this paper. The assignments which we have made for thevarious ionizations qre plotted in Figure 5. The shaded areas represent error limits on our measurements of vertical (band maxima) ionization potentials. The reasoning used to make these assignments is discussed below. Phenothiazine. The band a t 1.26 eV in the PES of phenothiazine is assigned as A I (Figure 2). This value is similar to that found for the first I P of acridan (7.33 eV)22which arises from an orbital similar to that calculated for a ] .Although it has been suggested that the strong electron donor properties of phenothiazines are due to the S atom,23 Bloor and coworkers, in their studies of charge transfer complexes, have concluded that the S atom produces no dramatic changes in electron donor strength of phenothiazines and related compounds, while the introductioq of the amino group enhances the electron donor properties ~ i g n i f i c a n t l yThe . ~ ~ small dif-

1 99:20 September 28,1977

6509 Table 1. Photoelectron Ionization Potentials of Phenothiazines and Models Reference 7.26 f 0.08, 8.35 f 0.05,9.22 f 0.05,9.44 f 0.10, 10.43 f 0.08 7.15 f 0.07, 8.23 f 0.05, 9.06 f 0.05,9.25 f 0.20, 10.24f0.09, 10.43f0.20, 11.12f0.14 7.20 f 0.06, 8.26 f 0.05, 9.00 f 0.06,9.25 f 0.07, 9.44 f 0. IO, 10.26 f 0.07 7.16 f 0.08, 8.25 f 0.05, 8.99 f 0.08,9.27 f 0.07, 10.22 f 0.09, 11.24 f 0.06 7.00 f 0.08, 7.98 f 0.12, 8.41 f 0.06, 8.95 f 0.05, 9.40 f 0.06 7.31 f 0.08, 8.41 f 0.07, 9.32 f 0.11,9.42 f 0.20, 10.52 f 0.13 7.33, 8.83,9.13, 10.86 7.86, 8.46, 9.25,9.25, 10.2, 10.5 7.44, 9.04, 9.25

Phenothiazine (1) N-Methylphenothiazine ( 2 ) Promazine (3) Chlorpromazine (4) Thioridazine ( 5 ) Trifluoperazineu ( 6 ) Acridanh (7) Diphenyl sulfide Diphenylamine (I

Three ionizations fall within the 8.41-eV band. I







This work This work This work This work This work This work Reference 22 This work Reference 22

A band with no reported I P falls in the 8.83 to 9.1 3-eV region.






















I o n i z a t i o n Potential Ionization


Figure 4. Photoelectron spectra of chlorpromazine, thiordiazine, and trifluoperazine.

Figure 3. Photoelectron spectra of phenothiazine, N-methylphenothiazine and promazine.

ference in the first IP of acridan (7.33 eV) and phenothiazine (7.26 eV) is consistent with Bloor’s conclusion. Additionally, a comparison of the IP’s of diphenyl sulfide (7.86 eV) and diphenylamine (7.44 eV)** reveals the larger effect of the amino bridge over the S bridge in lowering IPI. The shape of the first band is also consistent with substantial N lone-pair character. That is, alkylamines generally have broad ionization bands, because the ground state (pyramidal) and radical cation (planar) geometries differ significantly.2s Aromatic P ionization bands are generally sharper, due to larger Franck-Condon factors for the 0-0 transition.15 A comparison of the shapes of the first five bands for phenothiazine indicates that the first ionization potential is most heavily amine-lone-pair in character, and that the amine portion of phenothiazine is pyramidal in the neutral ground state, and planar in the radical cation ground state. The C N D 0 / 2 calculations described earlier (Figure 2) do not indicate unusually high amine lone-pair character in P I , and further apparent disagreements between empirical deductions and C N D 0 / 2 calculations are apparent in higher energy bands, as discussed below.

The band a t 8.35 eV is assigned as x2. Ionization from this orbital occurs a t 0.5-0.8 eV less than ionization from the analogous acridan orbital. The second band in phenothiazine and substitued analogs is considerably sharper than the other bands. Because lone pair ionizations of various relatively rigid sulfides are generally quite sharp, with very strong 0-0 bands, and rapidly decreasing intensity in higher vibrational bands,24 it appears that the second IP of phenothiazines and substituted derivatives arises from an orbital which is most heavily Slone-pair in character. This conclusion, like the conclusion that P I is heavily amine-lone-pair in character, conflicts with the deductions from C N D 0 / 2 calculations described earlier. The a b initio calculations of Popkie and Kaufman would provide a better theoretical prediction than C N D 0 / 2 for the character of the P I and “2 orbitals, but in the absence of eigenvector information in their paper,13bwe conclude from the band shapes in the PE spectra that I P I arises from an orbital heavily amine-lone-pair-like, and x2 from an orbital more S-lonepair-like. However, as shown by substituent effects discussed below, both of these orbitals are significantly delocalized. The band at 9.22 eV is assigned as q 4 ) and the shoulder at

Domelsmith, Munchausen, Houk / PES of Psychotropic Drugs










8 23

m - -”m--






- -





7 98

8 26


9 00



9 22





9 44

-m9 27

9 44

10.0 -

10 26


11.0 -

Figure 5. Correlation diagram for the molecular orbitals of phenothiazines. (Shaded areas represent limits of error.)

9.44 eV as x4(3). Because of the lack of resolution of the bands, and the unreliability of C N D 0 / 2 calculations (or, indeed, other semiempirical S C F calculational methods) for prediction of the correct order of IP’s for two orbitals so close in energy, we cannot make a definitive assignment of the order of IP’s arising from orbitals labeled x3 and ~4 in Figure 3. The assignments of x3(4) and a 4 ( 3 ) to the 9.22 and 9.44 eV ionizations shows that there is a slight stabilization of these orbitals relative to the analogous orbitals of acridan, which are reported a t 8.8-9.13 eV. This assignment is consistent with the presence of a node through N and S so that these atoms only inductively stabilize x3 and x4. The band a t 10.43 eV is assigned as arising from xs. This IP is 0.43 eV lower than that in acridan, consistent with the relatively large donor influence of sulfur, for low energy orbitals. Sulfur should also give rise to a second IP due to the in-plane lone pair. However, this appears a t 1 1.17 eV in dimethyl sulfide,24and above l l eV in thioanisole,28so that this I P is expected in the u envelope above 11 eV. N-Methylphenothiazine. The spectra of phenothiazine and N-methylphenothiazine are extremely similar, but the IP’s of the latter are lower (0.1-0.2 eV) than those of phenothiazine, and the third band of the N-methyl compound is more nearly resolved into two maxima. The close correspondence between the phenothiazine and N-methylphenothiazine spectra indicates that the same assignments are appropriate for the two compounds. The first band in N-methylphenothiazine is slightly broader than that in phenothiazine, while the second band has become sharper upon N-methylation. This supports further the contention that X I is amino-like and a2 is sulfidelike. That is, the alkyl group lowers the amine lone pair ionization potential so that “nA” (Figure 2) becomes more N centered and “ns” more S centered. By contrast to the conclusions drawn from Huckel calculations, oxidation potentials, and charge-transfer transition energies, the gas-phase ionization potential of N-methylphenothiazine is lower than that of phenothiazine. The methyl

Journal of the American Chemical Society



group exerts its normal electron-donor effect, and if conformational differences are important, they result in an increase in first ionization potential which only partially cancels out the effect of electron donation by methyl. The effect of N-methylation is much smaller here than that in less conjugated amines (cf. the change in going from dimethylamine (8.94 eV) to trimethylamine (8.50 eV)I9 or N-methylaniline (7.73 eV) to N,N-dimethylaniline (7.5 1 eV)).26.27The methyl effect on all IP’s is approximately constant, increasing somewhat on the higher IP bands, so that no additional information on assignments can be obtained from a comparison of the IP’s of 1 and 2. Promazine. The PES of promazine is remarkably similar to those of phenothiazine and N-methylphenothiazine. In fact, the IPSof promazine and N-methylphenothiazine are the same within experimental error, except for that of the 7r4 band. The slightly higher first IP of promazine (7.20 eV) as compared to that of N-methylphenothiazine (7.1 5 eV) probably arises from a slight change in band shape, which causes a shift in the band maximum. Thus, the aminopropyl and methyl groups affect the phenothiazine nucleus to the same extent. The maximum of the third band of promazine is shifted to a lower ionization potential than that in phenothiazine, and there is considerably less separation between the second and third bands. It can be crudely estimated that 7r3(4) and x 4 ( 3 ) appear around 9.0 and 9.4 eV, and an additional band due to ionization of the side-chain tertiary amine lone-pair IP should appear in this region (-8.5 eV), a t a value near those of trimethylamine (8.5 eV)26 and N,N-dimethylphenethylamine (8.43 eV).’ Chlorpromazine. The spectrum of chlorpromazine is very similar to those of promazine and phenothiazine. The third band is now barely resolved into two bands, but the shapes of the various ionization bands are remarkably similar to those in the simpler analogs. Only a small shift is observed for A I , which now occurs a t 7.16 eV, while the remaining x orbitals show no significant shifts; e.g. x2, 8.25 eV; x3(4), 8.99 eV; x4(3),

/ September 28, 1977

651 1 9.27 eV; and ~ 5 10.22 , eV. The lone-pair orbital of the sidechain N still appears to be a t approximately 8.5 eV. The band at 11.24 eV can be assigned as a lone pair orbital on chlorine by comparison with the analogous orbital of chlorobenzene ( 1 1.42 eV).I5 Kaufman’s C N D 0 / 2 calculations on promazine and chlorpromazine in their crystallographic conformations predict lower orbital energies for chlorpromazine than for promazine, by approximately 0.16 eV per orbital, for the three highest occupied M O ’ S , ’and ~ ~ a b initio calculations indicate a 0.1-0.3 eV increase in the first five IP’s by the 2-C1 substituent, in contrast to our experimental observations, which indicate essentially no IP change except for the 0.17 eV decrease in the fifth IP. PES studies on benzene and chlorobenzene show that the chlorine substituent on the aromatic ring inductively increases the IP of the orbital with a node a t the site of substitution (benzene 9.25 eV; chlorobenzene 9.71 eV),I5 but causes little change in the first IP which arises from the orbital having a large coefficient a t the chlorine site. I n the latter, the inductive raising of the IP is offset by a conjugative lowering effect so that this IP of chlorobenzene (9.31 eV) is about the same as that of benzene itself (9.25 eV).I5 This same effect is observed in the photoelectron spectra of phenol (8.75,9.45 eV) and p-chlorophenol (8.69, 9.76 eV).26a Rao and co-workers have found that chlorine increases the first four IP’s of dimethylaniline by 0.1 5-0.20 eV,26bwhile the first IP of benzamide is decreased by about 0.1 eV by either a para or meta chlorine.26cAs noted by Rao,26bhalogens may either serve as donors or as acceptors ( I P lowering or raising, respectively), depending on the other substituent on the aromatic ring. Thioridazine. The PE spectrum of thioridazine, 5, is similar to that of the promazines, 3 and 4, but has an additional broad band at 7.98 eV and a larger separation between the two bands near 9 eV. The first band (7.00 eV) is assigned as and has the lowest IP of the compounds studied in this work; it is approximately 0.2 eV lower than T Iof promazine. The thiomethyl group is a strong donor, which lowers the IP of benzene (9.25 eV) by 1.18 eV to a value of 8.07 eV in thioanisole.28 The thiomethyl leaves the second orbital of benzene essentially unchanged (IP = 9.28 eV in thioanisole), while the third orbital of thioanisole, consisting of the bonding combination of the benzene H O M O (9.25 eV) and the sulfur lone pair (IP of dimethyl sulfide = 8.67 eV), gives rise to an IPof 10.15 eV. In thioanisole, the band due to ionization from an orbital which is principally S lone pair in character is relatively broad, due to the nearly equal energy of two rotamers, which have different IP’s. The second band in the thioridazine spectrum has a similar appearance to the first of thioanisole. The thiomethyl lone pair destabilizes the promazine H O M O by 0.2 eV. This is close to the destabilization of the thioanisole HOMO (0.14 eV) upon substitution of a second thiomethyl, but is much lower than the H O M O destabilization (1.18 eV) of benzene caused by the first thiomethyl group.28aThe sulfur lone pair should be stabilized by this interaction, but will also be destabilized by mixing with lower-lying x orbitals of the phenothiazine skeleton. One of the principal interactions should involve the sulfur lone pair, n(S), and x2 of promazine, whose I P is nearly the same as that of the sulfur lone pair in dimethyl sulfide. For this reason, we label the second (7.98 eV) and third (8.41 eV) K ionization potentials as ~2 - n(S) and 7r2 n(S), although there should be mixing of n(S) with all the R orbitals of phenothiazine. By comparison with the N lone pair IP of N-methylpiperidine (8.29 eV),29the side chain n(N) band of 4 probably falls near 8.3 eV, under the second and third bands. The first band of thioridazine has sharpened very slightly relative to that in chlorpromazine, and this is compatible with the first IP being due to an orbital more heavily centered on the ring sulfur in thioridazine than in chlorpromazine. Kauf-


man and Kerman’s C N D O / 2 calculations on thioridazine predict an 0.06 eV increase in the first I P of thioridazine as compared to promazine, and 0.61 and 0.83 eV decreases in the second and third I P ’ s . ~There ~ ~ seems to be little correspondence between C N D 0 / 2 calculations and experiment in these systems. Trifluoperazine. The strong electron withdrawal by the trifluoromethyl groups is manifested in the higher IP’s of trifluoperazine, 6, as compared to promazine. The first IP of 6 is 0.1 eV higher than that of promazine. The second band ( 4 now overlaps with two additional nitrogen lone-pair IP’s from the side-chain piperazine moiety. For comparison, we measured the PES of N,N’-dimethylpiperazine, and found a single broad band at 8.42 eV whose shape is similar to that of the 8.41 eV band in 6 . The IP’s arising from x3 and x4 in 6 appear a t about 9.32 eV, indicating that these are raised by 0-0.3 eV as compared to these bands in promazine. The 10.52-eV band corresponds to ~ 5 raised , by 0.3 eV as compared to promazine. Kaufman and Kerman’s C N D 0 / 2 calculations predict 0.40, 0.43, and 0.01 eV increases in IP’s one through three upon conversion of promazine to trifluoperazine.’ 3a The results here are in the right direction, but the first I P of trifluoperazine increased much less experimentally than was predicted by the calculations.

Comparisons of Gas-Phase Ionization Potentials with Charge-Transfer Maxima and Oxidation Potentials The stability of charge-transfer complexes between phenothiazines and several types of aromatic electron acceptors is reduced by the presence of electron-withdrawing groups on the phenothiazine ring and by alkylation of the phenothiazine nitrogen. Charge-transfer complex formation studies indicate that the donor abilities of phenothiazines decrease in the order: phenothiazine > promazine > ~ h l o r p r o m a z i n e .Bloor ~ - ~ and co-workers predicted IP’s of 7.02 eV for phenothiazine and 7.18 eV for promazine based on frequencies of charge-transfer band maxima in CH2C12 solvent.5b By contrast, the direct measurements of IP’s in the gas phase reported here indicate that chlorpromazine (7.16 eV) slightly surpasses promazine (7.20 eV) in electron donor ability, and promazine is very similar to, but slightly better than, phenothiazine (7.26 eV) as an electron donor. This conclusion is true whether the first IP’s or the first five IP’s are compared. In Table 11, various previous estimates of ionization potentials of phenothiazines are compared to those obtained here. Additional data on stability constants of charge-transfer complexes are also included in the table. The curious feature of these comparisons is the decrease in donor ability of phenothiazine upon N-alkylation or 2-chlorinatio11, as measured by photoelectric threshold measurements (IP(p)),I2 CT m a ~ i m a ,or~ solution .~ oxidation potentials.8 These data contrast with the IP’s measured here, which decrease upon Nalkylation or 2-chlorination, indicating increased donor ability. Further anomalies are observed with other charge-transfer complexes. For 2-substituted phenothiazines, charge-transfer complexes of phenothiazine with tetracyanoethylene give transition energies of 1.433, 1.408, 1.458, and 1.493 eV for the parent, 2-thiomethyl- 2-chloro, and 2-trifluoromethyl compounds, r e s p e ~ t i v e l y Thus, . ~ ~ in this series, the thiomethyl appears to lower the first IP by 0.025 eV (cf. our value of 0.20 eV from the comparison of promazine with thioridazine). The trifluoromethyl raises the apparent IP by 0.06 eV (cf. our value of 0.1 1 eV from the promazine, trifluoperazine comparison), and the chloro raises the IP by 0.025 eV (cf. our decrease of 0.04 eV from the promazine, chlorpromazine comparison). Thus, the changes in charge-transfer transition energies in CT complexes with TCNE and changes in gas phase ionization potentials are considerably different. With chlorpromazine,

Domelsmith, Munchausen, Houk

/ PES of Psychotropic Drugs

6512 Table 11. Ionization Potentials, Oxidation Potentials, and Charge-Transfer Spectra of Phenothiazines. Compound


Phenothiazine (1) N-Methylphenothiazine (2) Promazine (3) Chlorpromazine (4)

7.26 7.15 7.20 7.16


E,, ( m V ) c



6.8 6.7


X,,,(CT)‘ 575 nm 543nm 540nm

IP(CT)f 7.02(7.28)g 7.17 7.18


0.293 0.205


1.40 1.19

Photoelectron spectroscopy, this work. Photoelectric threshold (ref 12a). A solid state IP of 4.36 eV has been measured for phenothiazine.’2b ~ E,, vs. sce, ref 8. This value is for N-(N-P-hydroxyethylpiperazinyl)propylphenothiazine. Complex with t e t r a ~ y a n o b e n z e n e f. ~From C T maxima with tetracyanobenzene using IP(CT) = 0 . 1 4 7 ~ 4.463 ~ ~ eV.5b g From C T complex with bromanil using huCT = 0.85IP 4.32 eV.9CValues of 6.82-7. I O are obtained using other acceptors.30 Equilibrium constant with p-dinitrobenzene. For comparison, N,N’dimethylaniline (IP = 7.51 eV) has an equilibrium constant about half that of promazine.9b


reaction with T C N E precludes observation of a charge-transfer Relationships between the Electronic Structuresof complex.3’ Phenothiazinesand Their Biological Activities The differences in solution phase and gas phase donor abilities of phenothiazines may arise from several effects. The The photoelectron spectra and calculations described in this ability of a molecule to enter into charge- transfer complexapaper provide considerably more data about the electronic tion will depend on its shape and the extent of overlap of its structure of phenothiazine and its antipsychotic derivatives donor orbitals with those of the acceptor. The shapes of these than has been previously available. The most obvious concluphenothiazines are not all the same: in the crystalline state, the sions of this work are: (1) phenothiazine and its derivatives are potent electron donors, but there is little difference in elecdihedral angles between the benzene ring planes are 153O for phenothiazine,20 15 1O for N-methylphen~thiazine,~~ tron-donor ability between the antipsychotic agents differing 140° for promazine h y d r ~ c h l o r i d e and , ~ ~ 139O for c h l ~ r p r o m a z i n e . ~ ~in clinical potency; (2) the various side chains present in active compounds have essentially no influence upon the electronic The opening of the dihedral angle should raise the energy of structure of the aromatic portion of these molecules; (3) the al and a2, and lower that of ?r3 and a4.Our I P measurements 2-substituents act as electron donors ( I P decreasers) in the do not show this effect, but instead indicate that donors raise order, MeS > CI = H > CF3, and this influence is felt more all orbital energies, and acceptors lower all orbital energies. The change in dihedral angles appears insignificant as far as or less equally on all the valence orbitals. influence on IP changes is concerned. The fact that the side chain does not directly influence the electronic structure of the aromatic portion of the molecule is The extent of overlap possible between donor and acceptor fully in accord with the idea that the side chain amino group, orbitals may diminish as the side-chain size is increased, prewhich is protonated a t physiological pH, and the aromatic venting close approach of the two addends. However, the most phenothiazine nucleus, coordinate to different sites a t the reimportant difference between gas phase and solution measurements probably arises from differential solvation of difceptor(s). Thus, the main function of the side chain is to fix the relative spatial disposition of these two moieties.36 A P-amiferent species. That is, as the side-chain size is increased, there noethyl side chain leads to antihistamine or anti-Parkinson may be inhibition of solvation of the phenothiazine moiety. For activity, while a variety of y-aminopropyl side chains produce example, the Baker-Nathan order of carbonium ion stabilities antipsychotic a ~ t i v i t y . ~Thus, ’ subtle changes in the relative (cation stabilities decreasing with substitution of larger alkyl disposition of the ammonium and aromatic moieties cause group) is known to arise from solvation phenomena, because significant differences in pharmacological behavior, and our the intrinsic gas-phase stability of cations increases as the size results indicate this is not due to differences in electronic of the alkyl substituent increases.35 For the N-alkyl phenostructures of the aromatic moieties. thiazines, solvent may be less able to stabilize the partially Because of the variations in activity with variations in side positive phenothiazine moiety in charge-transfer complexes, chain, it is difficult to directly compare the IP’s of the phenoor the radical cation formed in oxidation. thiazine portion of the molecule to activity. That is, for the Finally, we note that our observation of a difference between compounds studied here, the dosages used to control acute trends in donor ability in solution and in the gas-phase removes paranoia have been reported as (in pmol/day); chlorpromazine the necessity for suggesting a change in phenothiazine con(-1000); thioridazine (-400); trifluoperazine ( ~ 3 0 0 )while ,~~ formation upon alkylation. That is, N-methylation of phenosimple phenothiazines are less effective as neuroleptics. Cole thiazine lowers the intrinsic IP of the molecule in the gas-phase. cites Gardos’ clinical estimates of potency as 1:1:12 for the At the same time, this molecule becomes more difficult to former three compounds.39 Other common clinical phenothioxidize and a poorer charge-transfer donor in solution. azine neuroleptics (Gardos’ potencies in parentheses) include The suggestion by Malrieu and Pullman that the conformesoridazine, 7 (2), fluphenazine (50), and perphenazine (1 l ) , mation of N-alkylphenothiazines differs from that of the the last two of which have 2-CF3 and 2-CI substituents, reparent compound has been found not to be the case in the spectively, and 6-hydroxyethyl substituents in place of the crystalline compound^,^^^^^ and our results imply that these nitrogen N - m e t h ~ I . When ~ ~ , ~promazines ~ with various 2molecules are very similar-Le., have the same conformasubstituents are compared in animal tests (suppression of rat tion-in the gas phase. conditioned avoidance response), activity increases in the seAt the temperatures of 85-1 35’ used to volatilize the pheries: H = C O N H N H 2 = O M e < Ac < CI < CF3.40.41A vanothiazines for PE spectra, the phenothiazines are undergoing riety of other data are available to substantiate this order of conformational changes, so that our spectra undoubtedly activity. Thus, 2-trifluoropromazine (triflupromazine) is three represent the IP’s of mixtures of conformational isomers. times more active than c h l ~ r p r o m a z i n e and , ~ ~ fluphenazine, Nevertheless, the relative sharpness of the bands arising from perphenazine, and acetophenazine, have the relative potencies the aromatic moieties indicate that conformational isomers, of 8:2: 1.39 However, it is notable that all of the clinically useful if present, probably involve mainly gauche and anti side-chain phenothiazines are very similar in activity. Although Cole conformations, rather than the “H-intra” and “H-extra” type ranks the clinical potencies as thioridazine < chlorpromazine of conformations of Malrieu and P ~ l l m a nsince , ~ these con< perphenazine < fluphenazine, he notes that there is little to formations would be expected to have substantially different choose among these compounds, with greater differences beIPS.

Journal of the American Chemical Society



/ September 28, 1977

6513 tween them being manifested in side effects.39 Thus, there seems little doubt about the order of antipsychotic or various in activities, but the scale is very compressed, with 2-substituents causing less profound changes in activity than side-chain variation. It is tempting, if over-optimistic, to suggest that all of the phenothiazines are very good electron donors, and that the various 2-substituents cause very small changes in IP’s, as well as small changes in activity. The changes in molecular complexation ability caused by the 2-substituent may well be less than changes in transport and partitioning properties. For example, the partitioning of several phenothiazines between dodecane and water at pH 7 has been measured.42Of the compounds studied here, chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, and promazine have partition coefficients of 366,97, and 42, r e ~ p e c t i v e l yThis . ~ ~ suggests that trifluoperazine is even more inherently active than is suggested by dosage data, while part of the relative ineffectiveness of promazine may be attributed to the relatively low affinity of this compound for lipid membranes. Thus, we have neither sufficient electronic data nor biological data to rule out that the influence of IP’s on activity is not caused by decreases in IP’s. Thus, the molecule with the highest IP’s, trifluoperazine, is the most active, that with the lowest IP’s, thioridazine, is also quite active, and promazine and chlorpromazine, which differ substantially in activity, have essentially identical IP’s. One conclusion that could be made is a negative one: the difference in activities of various 2-substituted phenothiazines does not arise from differences in abilities of the aromatic ring of phenothiazines to participate as donors in molecular complex formation a t the active site. This negative conclusion is suppwted by the good correlations between IP’s and activities of ha1lucinogens.I In the latter case, we pointed out that the ability of a molecule to serve as a donor in molecular complex formation was related to IP’s of the molecule, regardless of the mechanism-charge transfer, polarization, or dispersion-by which the complex is stabilized. If not an increase in IP, what could the electronic function of the 2-substituent be, if, indeed, it is an electronic, and not a steric effect? It has been suggested that a direct interaction between receptor and the 2-substituent occurs.38 However, another likely possibility, we feel, is that it is the electronwithdrawing character of the 2-substituent which is responsible for the activation of the promazine nucleus. That is, all of the common substituents in clinically important antipsychotics will lower the L U M O and other vacant orbital energies, and may make the aromatic ring a better charge-transfer acceptor, or may deactivate certain portions of the phenothiazine ring toward attqck, preventing metabolic destruction. The energy of the L U M O of the aromatic ring could also be important if dispersion energy stabilized a molecular complex between the aromatic ring and the receptor.’ This proposition gains support, slim as it is, from our C N D O / 2 calculations on phenothiazine, which indicate that the L U M O and the next two vacant orbitals all have more electron density on the sulfur atom and the 2-position than on any other position on the ring. Thus, attachment a t the 2position of a substituent which lowers vacant orbital energies, rather than a t the 1-, 3-, or 4-positions, will have the largest vacant orbital lowering effect. If it is the L U M O of phenothiazines which is important in activity, then there should be a general trend toward increasing activity with increasing IP. This would result from the correlation between increasing IP and increasing EA from simple donor and acceptor substitue n t ~However, . ~ ~ thiomethyl and chlorine both decrease IP’s (raise occupied energies) and increase electron affinities (lower vacant orbitals energies),43 so that these compounds show a decrease in IP vs. promazine even though they are more active.

A more well-behaved series of substituents which both lower IP’s and EA’s (e.g., Me*N-, MeO-, Me-) or both raise IP’s and EA’s (e.g., -COMe, -CN, -SOMe, -S02Me, -CF3, -NO) would provide a better test of the relationships between electron structure (and I P S ) and antipsychotic activity. As noted before, the 2-methyl and 2-methoxy promazines have antipsychotic activity.3’ These substituents have essentially no effect on the first electron affinity of benzene, and slightly lower the second,44so that the 2-substituted promazines should be similar to promazine in activity, unless partition constants are substantially different. Acceptors a t the 2-position are well situated to withdraw electron density from sulfur, and a possible role of these groups is to deactivate the sulfur toward in vivo oxidation, which diminishes or eliminates activity.45 Alternatively, the 2-substituent may protect the 3-position from attack by electrophiles. That is, if metabolism and deactivation of the phenothiazine were to occur by attack of, or complexation by, an electrophilic species a t the 3-position of phenothiazine, which is known to be the most nucleophilic site in these molecules,46 the CI, SMe, and CF3 groups should all deactivate this position by diminishing the H O M O coefficient at C-3. Substituents at C-4 will be much less effective due to the near node a t C-4 in the phenothiazine HOMO (Figure 2). These speculations on the role of the 2-substituent are subject to experimental test, and by accumulating detailed information about the electronic structures of a more extensive series of neuroleptically active and inactive phenothiazines, we hope to gain insight into those electronic features common to the clinically active neuroleptics. Finally, although no direct relationship has been found between ionization potentials and neuroleptic activity in a limited series of phenothiazines, it is of interest that the ionization potentials of two promazines are good predictors of the ability of these molecules to displace d-LSD from high-affinity binding sites in rat brain h ~ m o g e n a t e s . ~Thus, ’ the averages of the first and second IP’s of dopamine, mescalipe, 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM), dimethyltryptamine, p r o m e t h a ~ i n echlorpromazine ,~~ and LSD are 8.54, 8.16, 8.15, 7.90, 7.73, 7.71, and 7.65, respectively,’ while the relative potencies (-log ED50) of these compounds are 3.52,4.40, 5.30, 6.52, 7.00, 7.00, and 8.22, re~pectively.~’ Surprisingly, even for compounds of the phenethylamine, tryptamine, and phenothiazine classes taken together, decreasing ionization potential parallels increasing binding ability. This lends some support to the idea that the activities of phenothiazines with the appropriate side chain is related to the IP of these molecules, and, thus, to the ability of the aromatic moiety to enter into molecular complex formation at the receptor site. Further small changes in activity caused by the variations of the 2-substituent do not appear, however, to be related to IP variations. With guarded optimism, in light of the pitfalls open to the unwary,49 we are pursuing the investigation of correlations between ionization potentials and activity, and of the electronic structures of psychotropic drugs.

Acknowledgment. We are grateful to the Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories and Wyeth Laboratories for generous samples of the promazines used in this work. Financial support of this research by the National Institutes of Health (GM2 13 1 1) is gratefully acknowledged. References and Notes (1) Part 1. L. N. Domelsmith, L. L. Munchausen, and K. N Houk, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,99, 4311 (1977). (2) (a) Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, La.: (b) Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Grant Recipient, 1972-1977, Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1975-1977. (3) (a) C. L. Zirkle and C. Kaiser in “Medicinal Chemistry”, Vol. 11, 2nd ed, pp

Domelsmith, Munchausen, Houk / PES of Psychotropic Drugs

6514 1410-1469, A. Burger, Ed., Wiley-lnterscience, New York, N.Y., 1970; (b) M. Gordon, P. N. Craig, and C. L. Zirkle. Adv. Chem. Ser., No. 45, 140 ( 1964). (4) G. Karreman, I. Isenberg, and A. Szent-Gyorgi, Science, 130, 1191 (1959). (5) (a) R. Foster, "Organic Charge-Transfer Complexes", Academic Press, New York, N.Y.. 1969: (b) J. E. Bloor, B. R. Gilson, R. J. Haas, and C. L. Zirkle, J. Med. Chem., 13, 922 (1970); (c) M. A. Slifkin, "Charge Transfer Interactions of Biomolecules", Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1971. (6) Review: D. C. Borg in H. M. Swartz, J. R. Bolton and D. C. Borg, "Biological Applications of Electron Spin Resonance", Wiley-lnterscience. New York, N.Y., 1972, Chapter 7; C. M. Gooiey. H. Keyzer, and F. Setchell, Nature, (London), 223, 80 (1969). (7) J.-P. Malrieu and B. Pullman, Theoret. Chim. Acta, 2, 293 (1964). (8) P. Kabasakalian and J. McGlotten, Anal. Chem., 31, 431 (1959). (9) R. Foster and P. Hanson, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 482 (1965); (b) R. Foster and C. A. Fyfe, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 490 (1965): (c) M. Kinoshita, Bull. Chem. Soc., Jpn., 35, 1609 (1962). (10) This conclusion comes from various Hammett-Taft relationships: P. R. Wells, "Linear Free Energy Relationships", Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1968. For example, upconstants are 0.22(SMe), 0.24(CI), 0.49(SOMe) and 0.53(CF3)for the substituents mentioned here. (11) (a) P. Seeman and T. Lee, Science, 188, 1217 (1975); (b) F. Medzihradsky and H.-L. Lin. Life Sciences, 16, 1429 (1975). (12) (a) J. E. Lyons and J. C. Mackie, Nature (London), 197, 589 (1963):(b) D. A. Reams and M. Calvin, J. Chem. Phys., 34, 2026 (1961). (13) (a) J. J. Kaufman and E. Kerman, Int. J. Ouant. Chem., Ouant. Biol. Symp., 1, 259 (1974). Int. J. Ouant. Chem., 10, 559 (1976); (b) H. E. Popkie and J. J. Kaufman, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 10, 56 (1976). (14) T. Koopmans, Physica, 1, 104 (1934). (15) D. W. Turner, C. Baker, A. D. Baker, and C. R. Brundle, "Molecular Photoelectron Spectroscopy", Wiley-lnterscience, London, 1970. (16) F. Brogli, E. Giovannini, E. Heilbronner, and R. Schurter, Chem. Ber., 106, 961 (1973). (17) F. K. Cartledge and B.-H. Chen, unpublished results. (18) (a) D. C. Frost, F. G. Herring, A. Katrib, C. A. McDowell, and R. A. N. McLean, J. Chem. Phys., 76, 1030 (1972); (b) H. Bock and G. Wagner, Angew. Chem. lnt. Ed., 11, 150 (1972): (c) S. Cradock and R. A. Whiteford, J. Chem. SOC., Faraday Trans. 2, 68, 281 (1972). (19) (a) V. I. Vovna and F. I. Viiesov, Opt. Spectrosc., 36, 251 (1974): (b) C. A. McDowell. Can. J. Chem., 49, 1135 (1971). (20) J. D. Bell, J. F. Blount, 0. V. Briscoe. and H. C. Freeman, Chem. Commun., 1656 (1968). (21) M. K. Orloff and D. D. Fitts, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 47, 596 (1961). (22) H. J. Haink, J. E. Adams, and J. R. Huber, Ber., 78, 436 (1974). (23) See, for example, ref 4 and references cited in ref 5b. (24) See, for example, P. Moliere, H. Bock, G. Becker. and G. Fritz, J. Organomet. Chem., 61, 127 (1973); P. D. Mollereand K. N. Houk, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 99, 3226 (1977). (25) D. H. Aue, H. M. Webb, and M. T. Bowers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 4136 (1975). (26) (a) A. D. Baker, D. P. May, and D. W. Turner, J. Chem. SOC.8,22 (1968);

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Journal of the American Chemical Society / 99:20 / September 28, 1977