Photoinduced Processes between Pyrene-Functionalized Silicon

Jun 3, 2015 - *B.A.K. e-mail: [email protected]., *V.M. e-mail: [email protected]., *P.C. e-mail: [email protected]. Cite this:Chem. Mater...
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Photoinduced Processes between Pyrene-Functionalized Silicon Nanocrystals and Carbon Allotropes Raffaello Mazzaro,†,‡ Mirko Locritani,† Jennifer K. Molloy,† Marco Montalti,† Yixuan Yu,§ Brian A. Korgel,*,§ Giacomo Bergamini,† Vittorio Morandi,*,‡ and Paola Ceroni*,†,∥ †

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Via Selmi 2, 40126 Bologna, Italy IMM Bologna, CNRNational Research Council, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy § Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Materials Institute, Center for Nano- and Molecular Science and Technology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United States ∥ Centro Interuniversitario per la Conversione Chimica dell’Energia Solare (SOLAR-CHEM), 44121 Ferrara, Italy ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Two families of strongly luminescent silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) cofunctionalized with dodecyl chains and pyrene chromophores perform as lightharvesting antennae and interact with carbon allotropes. The energy harvested in the SiNC core can thus be used to populate, for example, the lowest triplet excited state of C60.


with pyrene dyes amplified the brightness of the SiNCs by nearly 300%.24 Here, we report the effect of the distance between the chromophore (pyrene) and the Si nanocrystal core on the energy transfer efficiency. Moreover, the presence of multiple pyrene dyes linked to the silicon core by a long C11 alkyl tether [SiNC(C11)Py in Scheme 1] enable us to study the interaction with carbon allotropes: C60, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and graphene (Scheme 1). TEM analysis shows the decoration of SWCNTs and graphene flakes by SiNCs. Additional energy transfer processes were found to occur from the SiNCs to these carbon materials, showing that we can take advantage of the energy harvested by the hybrid antenna to promote successive photoinduced processes.

Silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) in the quantum-size range (2−12 nm) can luminesce with tunable color, ranging from visible to near-infrared, by changing size.1,2 Silicon is also an abundant element that is nontoxic3 and can be grafted to a variety of molecules via covalent bonds to carbon.4,5 These properties make SiNCs suitable for a range of applications, including sensing,6,7 bioimaging,1,8 photovoltaics,9,10 batteries,11,12 and light-emitting diodes (LEDs).13−15 Various synthetic methodologies have been reported for colloidal SiNCs.5,16−21 One route to SiNCs that provides systematic and widely tunable size and emission color utilizes hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) as a starting material to produce oxide-embedded SiNCs that can be liberated by etching and passivated with an alkyl ligand monolayer by thermal hydrosilylation in the presence of alkene capping ligands.22,23 These SiNCs can be produced with a reliable size, surface passivation, solvent dispersibility, stability, and luminescence color. The photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield can reach values as high as 45% with lifetimes in the range of hundreds of microseconds.24 One drawback of SiNCs is their relatively weak light absorption due to the indirect gap of Si.25 A way to enhance their light absorption is to couple the quantum dots to multiple organic chromophores able to transfer their excitation energy to the silicon core. Recently, we showed that functionalization © XXXX American Chemical Society


General Methods. C60 was a commercial, high-purity product from Sigma-Aldrich. SWCNTs were a Unidym Superpurified #SP2167 sample provided by Prof. Davide Bonifazi. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization has been carried out with a FEI Tecnai F20 instrument, equipped with a Schottky emitter and operated at 200 keV. High-resolution (HRTEM) and scanning transmission (STEM) high angle annular dark field Received: March 26, 2015 Revised: May 20, 2015


DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01769 Chem. Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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silylation with either 1-dodecene or a combination of 1dodecene and pyrene chromophore (Py), as shown in Scheme 1. Two different alkyl tether lengths (C11 and C3) and two different Si core diameters were used. The nanocrystals were synthesized at either 1100 or 1200°C and had average diameters determined by TEM of 2.9 ± 0.7 and 5.3 ± 2.0 nm, respectively (see Supporting Information, Figure S1). We refer to these as 3 and 5 nm SiNCs. X-ray diffraction of these nanocrystals is characteristic of diamond cubic Si (PDF# 0271402, a = b = c = 5.43088 Å). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirms the formation of Si−C bonds on the nanocrystals surface with limited surface oxidation (Figure S2, Supporting Information). The FTIR spectrum of SiNC (Figure 1) shows features due to ν(C−H) stretching at 3000−2850 cm−1 and δ(C−H)

Scheme 1. Schematic Representation of the Synthesis and the Interaction with Carbon-Based Materials

(HAADF) imaging have been extensively employed. The nanocrystal size has been determined manually, on the basis of the acquired HRTEM and STEM images. Photophysical Measurements. Photophysical measurements were carried out in air-equilibrated or deaerated toluene solutions at 298 K. Solutions were deaerated by freeze−pump−thaw cycles. UV− visible absorbance spectra were recorded with a PerkinElmer λ650 spectrophotometer, using quartz cells with 1.0 cm path length. Emission spectra were obtained with a PerkinElmer LS-50 spectrofluorometer equipped with a Hamamatsu R928 phototube or an Edinburgh FLS920 spectrofluorometer equipped with a Ge detector for emission in the NIR spectral region. Correction of the emission spectra for detector sensitivity in the 700−1200 nm spectral region was performed.26 Emission quantum yields were measured following the method of Crosby and Demas27 {using [Ru(bpy)3]Cl2 in air-equilibrated water (ΦPL = 0.04028) and 1,1′,3,3,3′,3′-hexamethylindotricarbocyanine iodide (HITCI) in air-equilibrated ethanol (ΦPL = 0.3029) as standards}. Luminescent excited state lifetimes in the range from 0.5 ns to 1 μs were measured by an Edinburgh FLS920 spectrofluorometer equipped with a TCC900 card for data acquisition in time-correlated single-photon counting experiments (0.2 ns time resolution) with a 340 nm pulsed diode and a LDH-P-C-405 pulsed diode laser. Emission intensity decay measurements in the range from 10 μs to 1 s were performed on a PerkinElmer LS-50 spectrofluorometer equipped with a pulsed Xe lamp. The nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy experiments on silicon nanocrystals were performed by an Ultrafast Systems apparatus equipped with a Hamamatsu R928 phototube connected to a Tektronix TDS380 (400 MHz) oscilloscope and a Continuum Surelite I-10 Nd:YAG laser source (λex = 532 nm). Wide-field luminescence microscopy was carried out by an Olympus IX 71 inverted microscope equipped with a xenon lamp (450 W) for fluorescence excitation and a Basler Scout scA640-70gc CCD camera for image acquisition. The lamp was attenuated with an absorptive filter (Thorlabs NE30B) and coupled to a fluorescence cube mounting the filter set (Chroma 11001v2 blue). Images with 40× magnification were taken using an Olympus UPLFLN 40× objective. The estimated experimental errors are 2 nm on the absorption and PL band maximum, 5% on the molar absorption coefficient and luminescence lifetime, and 10% on the luminescence quantum yield.

Figure 1. FTIR spectra of SiNC and SiNC(C11)Py of 3 nm diameter.

bending at 1500−1350 cm−1; the presence of the oxygen is evidenced by the strong ν(Si−O) stretching at 1024 cm−1. For SiNC(C11)Py, the covalent attachment of the ligand to the surface is confirmed by the presence of aromatic ν(C−H) stretching at 3100−2890 cm−1, ν(CC) stretching at 1640 cm−1, and δ(C−H) bending at 1480 and 940−800 cm−1. There is no evidence of ν(Si−H) (ca. 2100 cm−1), consistent with effective functionalization. The optical properties (Table 1) of SiNC(C11)Py dispersed in toluene at room temperature were compared to those of the corresponding alkyl-functionalized nanocrystals (SiNC) and to those of SiNC(C3)Py. The absorption spectrum of SiNC(C11)Py [solid red line in Figures 2a and S3a (Supporting Information) for 3 and 5 nm diameter, respectively] shows the structured absorption band of the pyrene chromophore superimposed on the unstructured SiNC absorption (SiNC, solid blue line). The absorbance maximum for the Py occurs at 345 nm. On the basis of the molar absorption coefficients of Py (ε345nm = 4.4 × 104 M−1 cm−1) and SiNC (ε400nm = 5 × 104 and 5.3 × 105 M−1 cm−1 for 3 and 5 nm diameter),23 we can estimate that there are, on average, 3.5 and 50 pyrene chromophores attached to each 3 and 5 nm nanocrystal, respectively. Upon excitation of the pyrene chromophores of SiNC(C11)Py at 345 nm, a very weak pyrene emission is observed with a maximum at 390 nm [solid red line in Figures 2b and S3b (Supporting Information) for 3 and 5 nm diameter, respectively]: ΦPL = 0.006, compared to 0.06 for Py

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Synthesis and Structural and Photophysical Characterization. Hydride-terminated SiNCs were obtained via thermal disproportionation of commercially available HSQ followed by chemical etching with a solution of HF and HCl to remove the oxide matrix, as described in the Supporting Information. The SiNCs were treated by thermal hydroB

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Table 1. Photophysical Properties of SiNC, SiNC(C11)Py, and SiNC(C3)Py Dispersed in Air-Equilibrated Toluene at 298 Ka diameter (nm)

λex (nm)

λPL (nm)


τ (ns)

ηq (%)

ηsens (%)

SiNC SiNC(C11)Py

3 3


− 5 5

− − 90

− − 30



70 × 103 2.0, 11 90 × 103 90


a For comparison, the properties of the model compound Py are also reported. The quenching efficiency of the pyrene emission (ηq) and the sensitization efficiency of the Si core emission (ηsens) are presented. bFor more details, see the Supporting Information. cThese values are higher than those reported in ref 24 since the PL quantum yield of the standard was changed from 0.028 to 0.040.28

chromophore in air-equilibrated solution (Table 1), and quenching efficiency ηq = 90%. Moreover, the shape of the emission band is different from that of Py: SiNC(C11)Py displays a shoulder at 470 nm, which is typical of an excimer emission.30 The pyrene emission intensity decay can be fitted by a double exponential (Table 1), in which the shorter component is assigned to the quenched pyrene monomer, while the longer component is assigned to the pyrene excimer. Indeed, the percentage of the longer lifetime increases by recording the emission intensity at 470 nm compared to that at 400 nm. The excimer emission was not present for the shorter chain SiNC(C3)Py (Figure S4, Supporting Information). The pyrene chromophores are embedded within the dodecyl ligand layer on the nanocrystals when linked by the shorter C3 tether, which eliminates the interaction between pyrene units, whereas the longer C11 tether places the Py units far enough away from the dodecene monolayer that *Py−Py interactions become possible. Photoexcitation of the Si core at 400 nm gives rise to similar PL spectra for both the SiNC(C11)Py and SiNC. Py does not absorb any light at this wavelength. In particular, for the 3 nm SiNC(C11)Py a slight decrease of the emission quantum yield (13% compared to 16% for SiNC, Table 1) is accompanied by a red shift of the emission maximum (Figure S5a, Supporting Information). No difference in the luminescent decay was observed in argon-purged toluene, indicating that dioxygen does not quench the SiNC emission. To evaluate the sensitized emission of the Si core by pyrene, we compared the emission intensity of the silicon core (λmax = 700 and 970 nm for 3 and 5 nm diameter SiNCs) recorded for two optically matched solutions of SiNC(C11)Py at the excitation wavelengths of 345 nm, where 50% of the light is absorbed by pyrene units for both 3 and 5 nm diameter, and 420 nm, where 100% of light is absorbed by the silicon core. The sensitization is higher in the case of SiNC(C11)Py of 3 nm diameter (ηsens = 70%) compared to the 5 nm nanocrystals (ηsens = 30%, Table 1). These results are confirmed by the excitation spectra (see e.g., Figure S6, Supporting Information) collected at λem = 690 nm. Upon excitation at 345 nm, the 3 nm SiNC(C11)Py shows a brightness of 140% compared to the 3 nm SiNCs. The sensitization efficiency is lower than that observed for the SiNC(C3)Py (Table 1) because of the longer average distance between pyrene and Si core, which slows down the

Figure 2. Absorption (a) and PL spectra (b) of 3 nm diameter SiNC (blue line) and SiNC(C11)Py (solid red line) in air-equilibrated toluene. PL spectra were recorded for SiNC(C11)Py with two different excitation wavelengths (solid red line, λex = 345 nm; dotted red line, λex = 400 nm) to photoexcite either the pyrene or SiNCs, respectively. The measurements were made with the dispersion concentration adjusted to optically match the amount of absorbed light under each excitation condition. For comparison, the absorbance and PL spectra for a mixture of SiNC and Py in the proper ratio is shown as a dashed green line (λex = 345 nm).


DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01769 Chem. Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Chemistry of Materials energy transfer process. On the other hand, the quenching efficiency of pyrene is only slightly lower than that of SiNC(C3)Py, because in the case of SiNC(C11)Py, the radiative decay of the fluorescent pyrene monomer excited state competes not only with the energy transfer process but also with excimer formation. Interaction of Silicon Nanocrystals with CarbonBased Materials. When the tether length is long enough to allow the Py units to extend away from the dodecene passivation layer into the solution, it provides the possibility for Py interactions with other molecules and surfaces in the surrounding environment. This is not the case when the Py units are buried in the ligand passivation layer. The observation of excimer formation for the long-tether SiNC(C11)Py units indicates that the Py is exposed significantly to the surroundings. It is well-known that pyrene interacts strongly with carbon allotropes like carbon nanotubes and graphene by π−π stacking.31,32 We carried out a series of experiments exposing SiNC(C11)Py to C60, carbon nanotubes, and graphene. C60 was added to a dispersion of 3 nm SiNC(C11)Py in airequilibrated toluene. The absorption spectra (Figure S7, Supporting Information) are the mere superposition of the spectra of SiNC(C11)Py and of C60, showing no evidence of ground-state interaction.33 Photoexcitation at 345 nm induces predominantly pyrene light absorption, but due to energy transfer, the PL spectrum is dominated by the Si nanocrystals band at 700 nm. The addition of C60 led to a decrease in Si nanocrystal PL and a concomitant decrease of the lifetime. Figure 3a shows a Stern−Volmer plot of the ratio of the lifetimes in the absence (τ0) and presence of C60 (τ) as a function of C60 concentration. This plot is linear, suggesting a dynamic quenching process (eq 1):30 SiNC(C11)Py interacts with C60 only in the excited state and not in the ground state, in agreement with the spectrophotometric titration. τ 0/τ = 1 + k qτ 0[C60]


From this equation, the quenching constant (kq) can be evaluated: kq = 5.4 × 109 M−1 s−1. This value is very high and close to the diffusion limit. In order to understand the mechanism of quenching, we investigated the sensitization of the lowest-energy triplet excited state of C60 (3C60) through an excitation of the silicon nanocrystals. The transient absorption spectrum of 3C60 with a maximum at 730 nm34−36 is superimposed on the transient spectrum derived from the silicon nanocrystals (Figure S8, Supporting Information), so we decided to probe the population of 3C60 by monitoring the sensitized emission from the lowest-energy singlet excited state of dioxygen 1O2 (Figure 3b). Indeed, it is known that 3C60 sensitizes with unitary efficiency the population of 1O237,38 that radiatively deactivates with a maximum at 1270 nm. Figure 3c reports the emission band of 1O2 obtained for SiNC(C11)Py dispersed in toluene upon the addition of C60 (1.5 × 10−5 M) exciting at 420 nm, where light is selectively absorbed by the nanocrystals, compared to that of C60 in toluene upon excitation at 350 nm for optically matched solutions at the excitation wavelength. The most important results are the following: (i) SiNC(C11)Py, as well as SiNC, does not sensitize 1O2 emission, in agreement with the lack of sensitivity to dioxygen of the emission quantum yields of the silicon nanocrystals; (ii) upon addition of C60 (1.5

Figure 3. Quenching process occurring for SiNC(C11)Py (diameter 3 nm) dispersed in air-equilibrated toluene in the presence of C60. (a) Stern−Volmer plot reporting the lifetimes of the Si core emission at 700 nm of SiNC(C11)Py. λex = 345 nm. (b) Simplified chart showing the energy transfer processes (black curved lines). (c) PL spectra of 1 O2 registered upon excitation at 420 nm of SiNC(C11)Py upon addition of C60 (1.5 × 10−5 M, solid line), compared to that of C60 (1.5 × 10−5 M, dotted line) in toluene upon excitation at 330 nm for optically matched solutions at the excitation wavelength. For comparison purposes, the tail of the PL spectra of silicon nanocrystals has been subtracted.

× 10−5 M) to SiNC(C11)Py, the silicon nanocrystal emission is quenched with an efficiency of ca. 85%; and (iii) a concomitant sensitization of 1O2 emission takes place with an efficiency of ca. 40%, as evaluated by the comparison of the emission intensity obtained for the sample containing only C60. This result demonstrates that energy transfer from the silicon core to C60 takes place. D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01769 Chem. Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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(Figure 5) highlight that nanocrystals are preferentially located on the SWCNTs rather than on the carbon-film-coated copper grid.

To evaluate the occurrence of a concomitant photoinduced electron transfer between SiNC(C11)Py and C60, transient absorption spectra in the NIR region were registered, but no signal of C60− (λmax = 1080 nm)39 was detected. It is worth noting that the silicon nanocrystals have a transient absorption spectrum extending to the NIR, so we cannot exclude the formation of a small amount of C60− under our experimental conditions. Upon addition of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to a sample of SiNC(C11)Py (3 nm diameter) in air-equilibrated toluene, the emission intensity of the silicon core at 700 nm (Figure 4a) decreases (after correction for the

Figure 5. (a) TEM micrograph and (b) STEM-HAADF micrograph of SWCNTs coated by SiNC(C11)Py.

To test the interaction of SiNC(C11)Py with graphene, it was not possible to study the solution phase behavior, because of the lack of dispersibility of exfoliated graphene in a solvent suitable for SiNC(C11)Py. Therefore, we immersed a graphene film grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) (details on the growth are reported by Ortolani et al.41) in a solution of the nanocrystal, and we studied their interaction. Details regarding the SiNCs deposition and the preparation of substrates are reported in the Supporting Information. The nanocrystals (Figure 6) form a uniformly dispersed monolayer of nanoparticles, without the formation of thick aggregates. The very low thickness of the graphene film, between one and three layers, allows us to obtain a deeper insight into the crystalline structure of the nanoparticles, by enhancing the contrast for a light element such as silicon, as previously reported by Panthani et al.42

Figure 4. (a) PL spectra of SiNC(C11)Py (λex = 345 nm) upon addition of an increasing amount of a 40 μg/mL solution of SWCNT in dichloromethane. (b) Ratio of PL intensities at 390 nm (red circles), 470 nm (green circles), and 700 nm (black triangles), as well as silicon nanocrystals lifetimes (empty squares) in the absence (I0, τ0) and presence (I, τ) of increasing amounts of SWCNTs.

light absorbed and scattered by the SWCNT at the excitation wavelength) with no change of the corresponding lifetime. This result is in line with a static quenching,30 in which the SiNC(C11)Py and SWCNTs are associated in the ground state thanks to π−π stacking, as previously reported for pyrene and CNTs.40 The addition of SWCNTs causes quenching also of the pyrene emission. This result is indicative of an interaction of the pyrene unit with the carbon nanotube, creating a competitive path to the excimer formation. In particular, the excimer emission band at 470 nm is quenched with the same slope as the silicon nanocrystal emission, while the pyrene monomer emission band at 390 nm is quenched to a lower degree. This experimental finding is consistent with the fact that two opposite mechanisms are active: the pyrene emission is quenched by an interaction with the carbon nanotube, but it is revived by the suppression of the excimer formation. Further confirmation of the ground-state interaction is provided by TEM of the adduct formed by SWCNTs and SiNC(C11)Py. The HRTEM and STEM-HAADF micrographs

Figure 6. Low-magnification TEM micrographs of 3 nm (a) and 5 nm (b) SiNC(C11)Py deposited on CVD graphene. (c, d) Highmagnification HRTEM image of nanocrystals supported on graphene, showing the Si(111) lattice fringes at 0.31 nm. E

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formation of pyrene excimer deactivates the fluorescent excited state of pyrene, yielding a competitive pathway with respect to energy transfer to the silicon core. Tethers that are long enough for the pyrene to extend beyond the capping ligand layer into the surrounding solution enable association with molecules and substrates in the surroundings, such as the carbon allotropes studied here: C60, single-walled carbon nanotubes, and graphene. TEM analysis shows the interaction of SiNCs with SWCNTs and graphene. The detailed study of this interaction by spectroscopical techniques elucidates the occurrence of quenching processes. An energy transfer process can occur either to or from the Si nanocrystals. Energy is transferred from the organic chromophore to the silicon core in the case of pyrene, whereas energy flows from the quantum dots to nearby fullerenes to populate their lowest-energy triplet excited state. This means that electronic energy harvested by the hybrid SiNC(C11)Py material can be further exploited by an interaction with external systems. Studies are in progress to covalently link SWCNTs and SiNCs to further elucidate their interaction and the possibility of electron-transfer processes in the case of semiconducting SWCNTs.

The emission of SiNC(C11)Py (3 nm diameter) is significantly lower in intensity on the graphene layer, as evidenced by both the PL spectrum and the wide-field luminescence image reported in Figure 7. The wide-field


* Supporting Information S

Synthetic procedures, NMR spectra, additional TEM and SEM images, and detailed photophysical characterization. The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01769.

Figure 7. (a) Wide-field luminescence microscope image of SiNC(C11)Py (3 nm diameter) deposited on quartz and graphenecoated quartz. The image shows the graphene film edge. (b) Emission intensity profile registered by wide-field luminescence microscopy along the white line in panel a.


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image shows luminescent stripes on the graphene that are likely due to breaks in the graphene films. SEM images of SiNC(C11)Py with a diameter of 5 nm (Figure S9, Supporting Information; the smallest particles are not visible by SEM) on quartz slides partially covered by CVD graphene show a uniform distribution of the nanocrystals on graphene and quartz. Therefore, the different emission intensity registered on quartz and graphene is not due to a different distribution on the two substrates, but it is ascribed to a quenching mechanism. The luminescence lifetimes registered on quartz and graphene are similar, as expected for a static quenching (see previous discussion on SWCNTs). The most likely quenching mechanism is energy transfer, as previously reported for CdSe quantum dots.43

*B.A.K. e-mail: [email protected]. *V.M. e-mail: [email protected]. *P.C. e-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Prof. Davide Bonifazi for providing us a sample of SWCNTs. This research is supported by the European Commission ERC Starting Grant (PhotoSi, 278912). Y.Y. and B.A.K. acknowledge financial support of this work from the Robert A. Welch Foundation (Grant no. F-1464) and the US NSF (Grant no. CHE-1308813).

CONCLUSION Ligand-stabilized Si quantum dots can be covalently coupled to organic chromophores to obtain a hybrid light-harvesting antenna, in which the light absorbed by the multiple peripheral chromophores is funneled to the silicon core and yields sensitized emission of the nanocrystals. The efficiency of energy transfer from the light-harvesting chromophore to the Si nanocrystal depends on the length of the bridge connecting the pyrene unit to the silicon core: as expected, the longer tether slows down the energy transfer process. The lengthening of the tether brings about another significant difference in the optical properties: it enables the formation of pyrene excimers, which are prevented in the case of the shorter bridge since the pyrene chromophores are embedded in the dodecyl chains. The


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01769 Chem. Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX