Photoluminescence of solutions with applications ... - ACS Publications

Photoluminescence of solutions with applications to photochemistry and analytical chemistry (Parker, C. A.). David M. Hercules. J. Chem. Educ. , 1969,...
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t,or with referral t o "Oxidation Potentids" by W. M. Latimer, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall (l952j, which also contains some good stndy problems on these subjects. I n Chapter 5, The Solubility of Ionic Salts, t,he varioos energy berms involved in t h e free energy of soh~tionare discussed and related t o variations in the solubility prodncts with position of the ions in t h e periodic chart, i.e., wibh ion sizes and charges. The concept of hydrate formation leads into the development of coordination chemistry in Chapter 6, Transition Metal Chemistry and llelat,ed Topics. The related topics are ligand field theory, which is considered very briefly; stability condants of complexes; erect of coordination 011 electrode potentials; and st,ahilities of vxrioos oxidsli