Photoreaction of Matrix-Isolated Dihydroazulene-Functionalized

Jan 3, 2013 - Seth Morton,. ∥. Michael Åxman ... and Paul S. Weiss*. ,†,‡,§. †. California ... efficiency of the dihydroazulene photoreactio...
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Photoreaction of Matrix-Isolated Dihydroazulene-Functionalized Molecules on Au{111} Bala Krishna Pathem,†,‡ Yue Bing Zheng,†,‡,§ Seth Morton,∥ Michael Åxman Petersen,⊥ Yuxi Zhao,†,‡ Choong-Heui Chung,†,§ Yang Yang,*,†,§ Lasse Jensen,*,∥ Mogens Brøndsted Nielsen,*,⊥ and Paul S. Weiss*,†,‡,§ †

California NanoSystems Institute, ‡Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and §Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, United States ∥ Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States ⊥ Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Dihydroazulenes are photochromic molecules that reversibly switch between two distinct geometric and conductivity states. Molecular design, surface attachment, and precise control over the assembly of such molecular machines are critical in order to understand molecular function and motion at the nanoscale. Here, we use surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy on special atomically flat, plasmonically enhanced substrates to measure the photoreaction kinetics of isolated dihydroazulene-functionalized molecules assembled on Au{111}, which undergo a ring-opening reaction upon illumination with UV light and switch back to the initial isomer via thermal relaxation. Photokinetic analyses reveal the high efficiency of the dihydroazulene photoreaction on solid substrates compared to other photoswitches. An order of magnitude decrease in the photoreaction cross section of surface-bound dihydroazulenes was observed when compared with the cross sections of these molecules in solution. KEYWORDS: Photoswitch, dihydroazulene, self-assembly, self-assembled monolayers, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, plasmonics, molecular devices, density functional theory


Similarly, we have demonstrated that the functional molecules can be decoupled with either nonconductive alkyl chains or conductive phenyl rings and their photoisomerizations were measured both by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at ensemble and single-molecule scales, respectively.23,26,27 An approximately 4-fold decrease in photoisomerization cross section was observed when the conductivity of the tether (that is used to decouple the functional moiety from the substrate) was increased.27 Hence, it is desirable to decouple (electronically) the functional group from the surface and to isolate the molecules from each other in order to elucidate the single molecular photokinetic behavior. Much research has focused on identifying, understanding, and optimizing molecular switch candidates capable of responding to a variety of external stimuli such as light,23,24,26,28−36 electric field,19,37−40 electrochemical

unctionalization of solid substrates with molecules capable of performing specific functions when subjected to external stimuli is of great interest in the fields of electronics (display technologies),1−5 biology,6−9 medicine,10−13 energy,14,15 and nanoelectromechanics.16−22 The functional molecules should be able to switch reversibly between two or more stable or metastable states. Moreover, these molecules must retain their functionality when they are assembled on solid substrates in order to be efficiently utilized in electromechanical applications. The conductivity of the underlying substrate also plays a critical role in the photoisomerization of functional molecules. For instance, it is well established that the photoisomerization of functional molecules is quenched when deposited on conductive substrates due not only to the underlying substrates but also to the surrounding environment.22−25 It has been shown that photoisomerization of azobenzene molecules is completely quenched when they are adsorbed directly on the Au{111} surface. However, when azobenzene was functionalized with bulky 3,3′,5,5′-tert-butyl legs, the azobenzene moiety was lifted off the substrate, and did photoisomerize.23 © 2013 American Chemical Society

Received: July 13, 2012 Revised: December 31, 2012 Published: January 3, 2013 337 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 337−343

Nano Letters


Figure 1. Schematic of UV-light-induced photoreaction of functionalized dihydroazulene (DHA′, left) to a vinylheptafulvene (VHF′, right) isolated as single molecules in a dodecanethiol (C12) matrix and the back reaction via thermal relaxation.

potential,16,19−21 or heat.41,42 Mapping microwave polarizability and local barrier height have been used to measure the conductances and locations of buried bonds.43,44 Of all the external stimuli mentioned above, light offers a straightforward means to excite and to probe the functional molecules assembled on solid substrates, because it is noninvasive, preserves the surface integrity, and is easily addressable. Various families of molecular switches have been synthesized to meet such requirements, including, azobenzenes,23,24,26,31,32 spiropyrans,45−47 stilbenes,48−50 diarylethenes,51−54 rotaxanes,16,19−21,55 oligo(phenylene ethynylene)s,37,38,56−59 dithienylethenes,60−63 and dihydroazulenes34,42,48,64−70 (DHAs). However, the quest for highly efficient surface-bound molecular switches continues. Photoreaction quantum yields of DHA molecules are higher than those of equivalent azobenzenes and stilbenes, and yet DHA systems have not been extensively studied as molecular switches on solid substrates, until recently in single-molecule junctions.34,70 When irradiated with UV light, DHA undergoes a 10-electron retro-electrocyclization to vinylheptafulvene (VHF) that exists in equilibrium between s-cis and s-trans conformations.71 It is also known that VHF undergoes a ringclosing reaction to DHA via thermal relaxation through the s-cis conformation. Unlike many other photoisomerization reactions, this reconfiguration has little impact on the external contours of the functional molecules indicating that steric hindrance due to interactions with neighboring molecules and the concurrent efficiency reduction may be limited (cf. azobenzene).22,24,72 It has been shown that the absorption maximum of DHA can be tuned by tailoring the substituents on the functional moiety. Although reversible transformation between DHA and VHF isomers has been established in solution,48,66,67,71,73−80 photochromism has not been extensively studied when these molecules are bound to solid substrates.34 To that end, we have designed a S-(4-((4-(1,1-dicyano-1,8a-dihydroazulen-2yl)phenyl)ethynyl)phenyl) ethanethioate molecule (henceforth DHA′) and studied its photokinetics by assembling these as isolated single molecules on Au{111} substrates patterned as nanohole arrays. By attaching an acetyl-protected thiolate via a tolane linker to the five-membered ring of DHA, we were not only able to separate the functional moiety spatially from the underlying substrate but also to restrict the photoreaction to just the s-cis conformation.23,24,26 We employed highly sensitive plasmonically SERS to monitor the kinetics of photoreaction due to its high sensitivity to molecular conformation, nondestructive nature, and high throughput.22,26,81 While the effect of UV intensity on photoisomerization does play a role,

this Letter limits the measurements and analyses to demonstrate the photoswitching of novel functional molecules assembled on solid substrates and to compare the quantitative photoisomerization cross sections with other classes of photoswitches studied under similar irradiation conditions. We interpret and compare our experimental measurements and analyses with supporting density functional theory calculations. We have recently demonstrated a sensitive means to follow the photoisomerization kinetics of functional molecules assembled on atomically flat surfaces using SERS.22,26,27,82 By employing Au nanohole array substrates, we have shown that the Raman spectra of the molecules are enhanced using plasmonics, which are otherwise not detectable when substrates without nanoholes are used.26 We employ the same technique here to follow the photoreaction kinetics of DHA′ molecules assembled on Au{111} nanohole array substrates. Focused ion beam (FIB) lithography (Nova 600 NanoLab, FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR, U.S.A.) was used to fabricate cylindrical nanoholes (with diameters of 175 nm) in square arrays (with periods of 300 nm) into Au thin films. Note that the observed Raman enhancement is from the areas between the holes with the majority of the enhancement due to the flat areas next to the holes.83 The samples were prepared by flame-annealing Au{111} nanohole array substrates and then subsequently immersing them in 1:4 mixtures of ethanolic solutions of DHA′ and dodecanethiol (C12) in the dark such that the final solution concentrations were 1 mM. The samples were then stored in the dark and under nitrogen atmosphere for 24 h. Subsequently, the samples were rinsed with ethanol and then vapor annealed over C12 solutions at 80 °C for 2 h in order to increase the crystallinity of the matrices by backfilling the C12 molecules into existing defect sites. This procedure resulted in the formation of tightly packed large domains of the host molecular monolayer matrix with dilute DHA′ molecules isolated as single molecules within the domains of the C12 matrix.24,26,84,85 Thus, random diffusion of isolated DHA molecules on the substrates was restricted by the surrounding matrix. The samples were stored in the dark until further analysis. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the assembly of isolated single molecules in a host C12 matrix. The isolation of DHA′ was tested and confirmed by STM measurements (vide infra) and was consistent with prior results on the assembly and isolation of molecules in two-dimensional matrices.24,25 The molecules initially exist in the thermodynamically favored, closed-ring DHA isomer and switch to the corresponding 338 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 337−343

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Figure 2. Scanning tunneling microscope images of (A) dihydroazulene-functionalized molecules isolated within the domains of dodecanetiol matrix in a 400 Å × 400 Å area and (B) high-resolution image showing a single molecule in 250 Å × 250 Å area. Imaging conditions: Vs = −1 V, It = 5 pA.

time course measurements were performed at regular time intervals until the ratio of peak intensities saturated. The NWChem program package88 was used to calculate the Raman spectra of DHA′ and VHF′ molecules attached to a Au3 cluster. The ground-state geometry and normal modes were calculated using the B3LYP functional89 and the LANL2DZ effective core potential for the Au atoms and the 6-311G* basis set for all other atoms. The vibrational frequencies have been scaled by 0.98. The Raman spectra were calculated using finite differentiation of polarizabilities obtained using the LC-ωPBEh functional. This functional was used to avoid overpolarization when calculating the Raman spectra of the molecules on the Au3 cluster.90 The differential Raman cross sections were calculated assuming an incident laser wavelength of 633 nm. The differential Raman cross sections were broadened using a Lorentzian function with a full width at half-maximum (fwhm) of 20 cm−1. The Raman intensities for mixtures of open and closed isomers (Imixed) were calculated as:

vinylheptafulvene (henceforth VHF′) isomer upon illumination with 365 nm UV light. The thermal back reaction occurs at 30 °C. A Renishaw inVia Raman system (Renishaw Inc., Hoffman Estates, Illinois, U.S.A.) was employed for Raman analyses. A 632.8 nm He−Ne laser was chosen as the Raman excitation source taking into consideration the resonant plasmon energy selected for the Au substrates. Laser power and beam diameter were ∼17 mW and ∼1 μm, respectively. All Raman measurements were performed under ambient conditions. Each measurement was a convolution of 50 sweeps in the wavelength range of interest with a set integration time of 150 s. Raman spectra, individual peak intensities, and the time constants from the exponential curves were calculated using Wire 3.2 (Renishaw Inc.) and OriginPro (OriginLab, Northampton, MA, U.S.A.) software packages. Single-molecule STM measurements were performed on the samples used for Raman analyses prepared under the same conditions. Our results on these molecules and from our previous measurements on azobenzene molecules24 indicate that majority of the molecules are isolated as single molecules within the domains of the matrix molecules. Figure 2 shows STM images collected at Vs = −1 V, and It = 5 pA in which each protrusion is attributed to a single dihydroazulene molecule isolated with the alkanethiol matrix. The consistency in the sizes and shapes of the features indicate that they are predominantly due to single molecules. Since the features in STM images are convolutions of topography and electronic structure, protruding features were observed due to the enhanced conductance of the DHA′ molecules when compared with the surrounding nonconductive alkanethiol matrix. As the DHA′ molecules physically protrude out of the matrix, they effectively image STM tip when scanned, as in previous work.56,86,87 The ordered, molecularly resolved alkanethiol matrix surrounds the isolated DHA′ molecules (Figure 2B). The samples were analyzed in a dark room by exposing the substrates to a ∼365 nm UV lamp source. Time course measurements were performed over a period of 60 min. The power of the UV source was held constant (570 μW/cm2), similar to our previous measurements.26 After each successive UV illumination time period, Raman spectra were collected at the same location of the substrate. Since it is common to observe a slight increase in temperature where the laser is focused during the Raman measurements, the sample was allowed to cool down naturally after the final UV measurements before performing the thermal relaxation measurements. The sample was then held at a constant temperature of 30 °C and

I mixed = X openI open + X closedI closed

where Xopen and Xclosed are the mole fractions of the open and closed isomers, respectively, and Iopen and Iclosed are the Raman intensity of the open and closed isomers, respectively. The calculated DHA′ Raman spectrum (Figure 3) revealed five distinct peaks in the range of 950−1800 cm−1, with peak positions at 1068, 1140, 1532, and 1585 cm−1. The peak at 1068 cm−1 is due to the ring breathing modes of the tether (parallel to the S−C bond) that was employed to attach the functional moiety to the underlying Au substrate. The motion symmetrically localized around the CC stretch attached to the functional moiety has an intense peak positioned at 1140 cm−1. The C−C stretching modes and in-plane H wagging motion of the five-membered ring of the functional moiety give rise to a distinct peak at 1532 cm−1 and the prominent C−C stretch in the five-membered ring of the functional moiety results in peak at 1585 cm−1 (Supporting Information Figure S1). In order to follow the surface photokinetics, we simulated the Raman spectra of the VHF′ isomer and the intermediate spectra of DHA′ and VHF′ at different mole fractions. The corresponding vibrational frequencies of VHA are found at 1068, 1140, 1529, and 1593 cm−1. As can be seen from Figure 3, the intensities of all the peaks decrease dramatically as the photoreaction proceeds from DHA′ to VHF′, except for the peak at 1068 cm−1, labeled P1. Since this peak arises from the vibrational modes of the tether unit (Figure 4), the photoreaction has no effect on the peak intensity. The peak labeled P2, on the other hand, is directly 339 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 337−343

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Figure 5. Series of experimental Raman spectra as a function of 365 nm UV light illumination time (the legend shows the duration of light illumination). The ratio of peaks labeled P1 and P2 was used to follow the kinetics of surface-bound molecular photoreaction. The spectra are offset for clarity.

Figure 3. Series of theoretical simulations of SERS spectra as a mixture of different mole fractions of functionalized dihydroazulene (DHA′) and corresponding vinylheptafulvene (VHF′), spectra are offset for clarity. Peaks labeled P1 and P2 were used to follow the photoreaction spectroscopically.

of P2 with that of P1 provides a direct measurement of the progress of the photoreaction on the surface. Hence, we measured the ratio of the peaks P2 and P1 (P2/P1) and monitored it as a function of UV illumination time. The series of Raman spectra in Figure 5 show that the intensity of P2 decreases dramatically with UV illumination time, indicating the forward photoreaction of DHA′ to VHF′, while the intensity of P1 remains constant. The UV measurements were stopped when the ratio of peak intensities saturated. The samples were then cooled to room temperature for a few minutes and were maintained at a constant temperature of 30 °C. Time-course Raman measurements were performed at constant temperature. Relevant series of Raman spectra can be seen in Figure 6; the intensities of peaks other than P1 increased as a function of time. The peak intensities in the Raman spectra after 60 min were observed to be close to those of the initial (preillumination) measurements, however, the ratios of the peaks were still lower than the initial values, indicating that the thermal back reaction was not yet complete. By 120 min, the peak ratios saturated.

affected by the cross-conjugation in the five-membered ring of the functional moiety and the intensity of C−H bending vibrational modes decreases as the photoreaction proceeds from DHA′ to VHF′ (see Figure 4). Thus, experimentally monitoring the intensities of peaks labeled P1 and P2 provides a direct measure of the fractions of reactant and product. Figure 4 shows the vibrational modes of DHA′ and VHF′ isomers that give rise to peaks P1 and P2, respectively. Figure 5 shows a series of Raman spectra collected over time, as described in the experimental section above. Four distinct peaks in the 1000−1700 cm−1 range are observed. The spectra are measured as a function of illumination time and are offset for clarity. Although peaks P1 and P2 are well resolved, the peaks at 1580 and 1610 cm−1 were not completely resolved and thus were not considered for quantification. Also, it can be seen that the intensity of peak P1 remains constant, which is in agreement with simulations. We thus chose P1 as an internal standard. Since the peak intensity of P1 is the least affected by the DHA′→VHF′ photoreaction, comparison of the intensity

Figure 4. Vibrational modes P1 of (A) functionalized dihydroazulene (DHA′) and (B) vinylheptafulvene (VHF′) isomers. Vibrational modes P2 of (C) DHA′ and (D) VHF′ isomers. 340 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 337−343

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when assembled and isolated on surfaces, compared to other photochromic molecules measured, including azobenzenes and stilbenes.34 As a comparison figure of merit, isolated azobenzenes with saturated tethers exhibit photoisomerization time constants of ∼38 min studied using the same measurement conditions and techniques26 and ∼54 min when studied using high-resolution STM.24 Figure 7B shows the exponential increase in P2/P1 as a function of thermal relaxation time. The ratio of peak intensities increased as a function of time and eventually saturated after 120 min, indicating completion of the surfacebound VHF′→DHA′ thermal back reaction. The time constant calculated was similar to that of the UV-induced forward reaction measurement, 38 ± 7 min. The ratio (P2/P1) of peak intensities from theoretical calculations was also plotted as a function of VHF′ mole fractions in order to compare with the experimentally observed trend. A decreasing trend in the peak ratio with increasing mole fraction of VHF′ was observed, consistent with our experiments. Since we codeposited to isolate the DHA′ molecules, we thereby restricted the adsorption of the DHA′ molecules largely to within the domains of the host alkanethiolate molecules. As can be seen in Figure 2A, the functional molecules are distributed within domains and are not isolated at domain boundaries and step edges under these conditions (vs postmatrix deposition insertion33,56,85,86). We predominantly observe molecules isolated as single molecules on the surface. However, there is no doubt that some molecules can assemble as dimers, trimers, and/or, clusters, but these were rarely observed in STM images here compared to the number of isolated DHA molecules found (Figure 2A). We note that such clustering also leads to spectral shifts, which can be used to separate clustered fractions if they appear in sufficient numbers.22 The result is that the signals from various clustered molecules would be spread out and would not contribute significantly to the results reported (it is possible in some cases to direct assembly to a particular clustered state).25 In order to improve the efficiency of controlled molecular motion and function of surfaces functionalized with switches, molecules with higher photoisomerization quantum yield have

Figure 6. Series of experimental Raman spectra as a function of thermal relaxation time (the legend shows the thermal relaxation time at 30 °C). The spectra are offset for clarity.

Figure 7A shows an exponential fit to the decay curve plotted for P2/P1 peak ratios with respect to UV illumination time. The error bars are from five measurements performed on five different nanohole array substrates. The P2/P1 ratio saturated after about 25 min of UV illumination. The minimal deviation in the data points after the 25 min mark from five different measurements indicates the robustness of the SERS measurement technique. The data were fit with an exponential curve with the formula Y = Y0 + A*exp(R0t), where R0 is the decay constant of the best fit curve with units of time−1. The time constant was then calculated by taking the inverse of the decay constant in units of minutes. The time constant extracted for the DHA′ to VHF′ photoreaction was 9 ± 2 min. This is in agreement with our previous single-molecule measurements where the onset of photoreaction was observed to occur after 10−20 min of UV illumination.34 The correlation of the singlemolecule measurements with those of the ensemble measurements of surface-bound molecules reveals that the photoreaction quantum yield of the DHA moieties is higher even

Figure 7. (A) The peak area ratio (P2/P1) as a function of UV light irradiation time fit to an exponential decay. The extracted time constant for dihydroazulene to vinylheptafulvene (DHA′→VHF′) photoreaction was 9 ± 2 min. (B) Data showing the increase in P2/P1 ratio as a function of thermal relaxation time at a constant temperature of 30 °C, also fit to an exponential curve. The time constant for the VHF′→DHA′ thermal back reaction was 38 ± 7 min. The errors bars are from five sets of measurements. 341 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 337−343

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Academic Computing Fellowship from the Pennsylvania State University Graduate School and the Penn State Center for Nanoscale Science and the National Science Foundation (Grant OCI−0821527). M.A.P. and M.B.N. thank the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the Grant agreement “SINGLE” no 213609 and The Danish Council for Independent Research Natural Sciences. We thank N. Bodzin at UCLA for assistance with FIB lithography.

to be employed. Trans→cis photoreaction of azobenzene, for example, has an average quantum yield of ∼0.2 and a yield of ∼0.5 for the reverse reaction,91,92 whereas DHA→VHF photoreaction in acetonitrile has a quantum yield of 0.55.74 We calculated the photoisomerization cross sections of the current DHA′ system and compared them to those of our previous measurements of azobenzene-functionalized molecules performed under identical conditions to get a quantitative estimate of the photoisomerization efficiency. By using the formula σ = hc/(λτI0), where h is Planck′s constant, c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength of irradiation (365 nm), τ is the time constant, and I0 the power of the UV light source (570 μW/cm2), we get the photoisomerization cross section (in units of cm2). In solution, we observe switching times of 1 min,34 corresponding to σsoln = 2 × 10−17 cm2; similarly, we found that the photoisomerization cross section of surfacebound DHA′ molecules with a rate constant of 9 min under these conditions gives σbound = 1.5 × 10−18 cm2, which is in reasonable agreement with our previous single-molecule measurements.34 These cross sections for surface-bound molecules are nearly an order of magnitude lower than those observed in solution. However, when compared with measurements of azobenzene-functionalized molecules studied under the identical conditions and with those measured using STM, we find that the surface-bound photoreaction cross section for DHA′ is higher, where σAzo varied between 4 × 10−19 and 8 × 10−20 cm2 depending upon the conductivity of the tether and the degree of spatial separation of the functional moiety from the underlying substrate.23,26 In conclusion, we have designed novel photochromic dihydroazulene-functionalized molecules and isolated them as single molecules on Au{111} substrates patterned as nanohole arrays. The cross sections derived from SERS measurements as a function of UV illumination time reveal the high photoswitching efficiency of the functional molecules, compared to previous studies of various other surface-bound photoswitches. Furthermore, the reversibility of the dihydroazulene photoreactions via thermal relaxation has been established.

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S Supporting Information *

Vibrational modes of prominent peaks of DHA′, plot of P2/P1 peak area ratio of calculated spectra at different mole fractions, synthesis of DHA′ and corresponding UV, H NMR and 13C NMR data. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected] (Y.Y.); [email protected] (L.J.); [email protected] (M.B.N.); [email protected] (P.S.W.). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS B.K.P., Y.B.Z., and P.S.W. thank the Department of Energy (Grant DE-FG02-07ER15877), the Penn State Center for Nanoscale Science (a NSF-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center), and the Kavli Foundation for support of this work. L.J. acknowledges the CAREER program of the National Science Foundation (Grant CHE0955689) for financial support. S.M. acknowledges an 342 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 337−343

Nano Letters


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