Photoreactions Providing Sinks and Sources of Halocarbons in

reactions providing sinks or sources for halocarbons in aquatic envi- ronments. Photochemical sinks involve direct photoreactions of aro- matic haloca...
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Downloaded by UNIV OF LEEDS on June 18, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0244.ch013

Photoreactions Providing Sinks and Sources of Halocarbons in Aquatic Environments Richard G . Zepp and Leroy F. Ritmiller Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, G A 30613

This chapter discusses laboratory and field studies used to test concepts and develop mathematical relationships that describe


reactions providing sinks or sources for halocarbons in aquatic environments. Photochemical sinks involve direct photoreactions of aromatic halocarbons and photoredox reactions between halocarbons and natural substances. Direct photoreactions

of halogenated aromatic

compounds involve dehalogenation through photohydrolysis and other reactions. Reductive dehalogenation of certain halocarbons is enhanced through their sorption to natural organic matter (NOM).


mechanisms for the enhancement include reduction mediated by photoejected electrons, NOM excited states, or complexes. Sources of halocarbons in the sea may include haloperoxidase-catalyzed reactions between photochemically produced H O and NOM or reactions involving 2


photochemically produced halide radicals.

O R G A N O H A L O G E N A T E D C O M P O U N D S , referred to here as halocarbons, are widely distributed in the environment (1-4). Some industrially produced compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls and D D T [l,l'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4-chlorobenzene]] are biologically refractory and toxic pollutants of water and land. Volatile synthetic halocarbons such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), a significant component of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, cause depletion of the ozone layer (5). Halogenated com­ pounds also are produced naturally. The widespread occurrence of natural This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright Published 1995 American Chemical Society

Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



haloearbons in terrestrial and aquatic environments was reviewed by Gribble (I ) and by Asplund and Grimvall (2). Some haloearbons are produced by both natural and industrial sources. Unfortunately, the few data concerning the magnitude of the natural sources are conflicting. For example, based on measured concentrations of methyl bromide in the sea and troposphere, Singh et al. (β) estimated that the net annual global flux from ocean to air is about 0.3 teragrams (1 Tg is 1 Χ 10 g). This net emission is much larger than that derived from human activities (0.05-0.08 Tg per year) (7, 8). On the other hand, Penkett and co-workers (7) concluded that human activities were the main source of methyl bromide. Photochemical reductions and oxidations in aquatic environments provide sinks or sources for haloearbons. Such photoreactions are an important process in the dissipation of low-volatility haloearbons, such as halogenated agrochemicals, in aquatic environments (reference 9 contains lead references). For ex­ ample, field studies of Crossland and Wolff (JO) demonstrated the rapid dis­ sipation of pentachlorophenol residues by its photoreaction in English ponds. Evidence emerged that volatile haloearbons such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methylchloroform) may have significant sinks in the aquatic environment (11). Reactions of haloearbons with photochemically produced reactive tran­ sients help provide these sinks. Although halocarbon sinks are present in the sea, some evidence suggests that the ocean is a net source of the single-carbon haloearbons methyl chlo­ ride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, and bromoform (8). Production of hal­ oearbons in natural waters is very poorly understood. Reactive oxygen species produced photochemically in surface waters may participate in the production of haloearbons. Halide radicals, hypobromite and hypoiodite, react with the dissolved organic matter in natural waters to produce haloearbons. These spe­ cies can be produced through reactions between halide ions and reactive ox­ ygen species that are produced photochemically in the upper layers of the sea. Moreover, photoreduction of oxygen produces hydrogen peroxide. Through interactions with haloperoxidases, hydrogen peroxide may be i n ­ volved in the natural production of haloearbons. This chapter reviews past studies of other investigators and presents pre­ viously unpublished laboratory studies relating to photochemical reactions of haloearbons in aquatic environments. Kinetics considerations relevant to the modeling of haloearbons in natural waters are briefly considered. Then direct and indirect photoreactions that provide sinks for haloearbons are examined with consideration of the effects of sorption onto dissolved N O M and sus­ pended sediments. Photoreductive dehalogenation is emphasized. Finally, the role of photochemically produced reactive oxygen species in the production of haloearbons in the aquatic environment is discussed. The main emphasis is on field and laboratory studies that provide predictive capability and a mech­ anistic understanding of the processes.

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Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Sinks ù Sources of Halocarbons


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Experimental Section Materials. Except as noted, all halocarbons used i n the experiments were reagent grade and were used as received. 2,2-Bis(4-ehlorophenyl)-l,ldichloroethylene ( D D E , obtained from Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI) was purified by recrystallization from 95% ethanol. 2-Chloroethanol (Aldrich) was purified as described by Zepp and co-workers (12). Other halocarbons and reagents were the purest grade that could be obtained commercially and were used as received. The water used was first deionized and then distilled from alkaline permanganate. The Contech fulvic acid was obtained commercially from Contech E T C , Ottawa, Canada. Characteristics of this humic substance were previously de­ scribed (13). Natural organic matter ( N O M ) isolated from the Suwannee River at the point where it drains the Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia, was frac­ tionated by Leenheer and Noyes (14) according to hydrophobicity and acid-base properties. The symbols used for these fractions are defined as follows: SHPO-A, strong hydrophobic acids; W H P O - A , weak hydrophobic acids; H P O - N , neutral hydrophobic fraction; and HPI-A, hydrophilic acids. N O M also was obtained from the Greifensee, a highly eutrophic lake near Zurich, Switzerland (15). Finally, a soil-derived humic acid was obtained com­ mercially from Fluka A G . Natural water samples were obtained from the A u cilla River near Lamont, Florida, and the Oglethorpe Pond, a small eutrophic water body near Lexington, Georgia. Procedures. Continuous irradiations of halocarbon solutions were conducted with monochromatic radiation in a merry-go-round apparatus (12) or in a Schoeffel reaction chemistry system. Reactions were followed through analysis for remaining halocarbon or analysis of chloride ions produced by the photoreactions. Dark controls were used i n all cases to correct for thermal production of chloride ions. Ferrioxalate actinometers were used to determine the irradiance (16). The irradiance at the photoreaction cell surface was typ­ ically about 10 nanoeinsteins/cm *s. The Fe(II) concentrations were deter­ mined by using a modified version of the ferrozine procedure described by Stookey (17). Electronic absorption spectra were obtained by using a Shimadzu model 265 spectrophotometer. Analysis for D D E , 7-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane), and ρ,ρ'-dichlorobenzophenone in natural water samples, solutions of humic sub­ stances, or suspensions of soils and sediments was conducted by first adding acetonitrile (25% by volume) to the irradiated solution or suspension, followed by the addition of an equal volume of isooctane. The resulting mixture was briefly agitated and then sonicated for 15 min. The isooctane layer was ana­ lyzed by gas chromatography with a Hewlett-Packard model 5890 gas chro2

Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



matograph equipped with an electron-capture detector. Chloride ion concen­ trations were determined by ion-exchange chromatography with conductivity detection, as described by Zepp and co-workers (12).

Results and Discussion

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Kinetics Considerations.

Kinetics concepts and data concerning

halocarbon sources and sinks can be used for a variety of purposes. For ex­ ample, such information is required in mathematical models to evaluate the fate and exposure concentrations of low-volatility toxic organohalogens in wa­ ter (18, 19). Moreover, kinetics relationships and data concerning physical, chemical, and biological processes are needed to predictively model aquatic sinks of volatile haloearbons (11). The rate of any type of halocarbon photoreaction at a certain wavelength λ, r , depends upon the rate of light absorption by the photoreactive chromophore, J , and the quantum efficiency of the reaction, φ (eq 1). k



^ = ί,Α


where /


= 2.303Ε € ί[Ρ] 0Λ



Ε represents the scalar irradiance, € is the molar absorptivity (or molar extinction coefficient) of the chromophore, I is the light path length, and [P] is the concentration of the chromophore that initiates the photoreaction (e.g., the halocarbon itself, a natural substance, or a complex of the halocarbon with a natural substance). The rate of light absorption depends on the spectral overlap between the light source and the spectrum of the chromophore that initiates the photoreaction. The quantum yield is the fraction of absorbed radiation that results in photoreaction. According to the Kasha-Vavilov law, the quantum yield for a photoreaction in solution in which only a single substance is the chromophore (e.g., direct photoreactions) is generally wavelength-independent, although there are some exceptions. With indirect photoreactions in natural waters, a mixture of chromophobes is involved. Thus, the apparent quantum yield for an indirect photoreaction in a natural water sample usually is significantly wavelength-dependent. The light absorption rate of a given chromophore in a water body depends both on the solar spectral irradiance reaching the water surface and on changes in the spectral irradiance as it penetrates down into the water (20, 21 ). Light absorption and scattering in the stratosphere and troposphere affect 0 λ


Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Sinks 6- Sources of Halocarbons


the solar spectral irradiance, especially in the ultraviolet region, a part of the irradiance that has particularly pronounced photochemical and photobiological effects in natural waters. For example, changes in total ozone strongly affect the irradiance in the ultraviolet-B (UV-B) region (280-315 nm). As solar ra­ diation penetrates down into natural water bodies, dissolved and particulate substances in the photic zone influence the irradiance and thus affect photoreaction rates through both light absorption and scattering (20-22). The solar spectral irradiance at a given wavelength decreases in an approximately exponential fashion with increasing depth z. This depth dependence can be expressed in terms of a diffuse attenuation coefficient, Κ , which is the slope of a natural log plot of the irradiance versus depth. χ is usually expressed per meter and depends on wavelength and water composition. Typically, ultraviolet radiation penetrates less deeply than visible radiation. Attenuation coefficients vary over many orders of magnitude in nat­ ural waters, with the highest values (least light penetration) in inland water bodies and the lowest values (highest penetration) in open seawater. The pho­ tic zone for solar ultraviolet radiation, which is very important for halocarbon photoreactions, ranges from tens of meters in the open ocean and clear lakes to only a few centimeters in some inland wetlands. The spectral properties of water bodies are linked to water composition. Baker and Smith (20 ) developed algorithms that relate Κ to certain parameters such as chlorophyll a concentrations. Assuming that the water column is mixed more rapidly than photoreaction occurs, it can be shown (22, 23) that v , the depth-averaged rate for a pho­ toreaction at depth z, is expressed approximately by:

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where ν is the near-surface rate and K is the diffuse attenuation coefficient for the mixed water column. At sufficiently great depths that all the active radiation is absorbed, ϋ approximately equals υ /[ζΚ ]. For example, in open seawater the average rate of a photoreaction involving UV-B radiation in the top 100 m is about 10% of the near-surface rate. Halocarbon concentrations in natural waters are typically very low. At such low concentrations and with constant irradiance, the rate is usually directly proportional to halocarbon concentration; that is, a pseudo-first-order rate ex­ pression applies. The kinetic data sometimes are expressed as half-lives that equal 0.693/& (where fc is the pseudo-first-order rate constant). More references and a detailed discussion of the modeling of aquatic photo­ chemical and photobiological processes, including the effects of vertical mix­ ing, were given by Plane et al. (23), Smith (24), Zepp and Cline (25), and Sikorski and Zika (26). 0λ


ζ λ




Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Other recent papers provide useful background discussions of this general area. Hoigné (27) gave an excellent discussion of aquatic photochemical k i ­ netics with stress on factors affecting sources and sinks of reactive transients that mediate indirect photoreactions. Recent chapters by Sulzberger (28 ) and Faust (29) are highly recommended for more in-depth discussion of hetero­ geneous photoredox kinetics involving metal oxide surfaces.

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Types of Halocarbon Photoreactions.

In the following sections,

we discuss several types of halocarbon photoreactions that provide sinks in aquatic environments. Emphasis in this chapter is placed on photoreactions that result in dehalogenation, in which halide ions (X") are produced from haloearbons (RX). Here the term "direct photoreactions" indicates reactions that involve direct light absorption by the halocarbon itself (eq 4). hv


• R O H 4- R* + X " 4- other products


Direct photoreactions are mediated by halocarbon excited state(s) that react to form products. Dehalogenations can involve either photohydrolysis (i.e., photonucleophilic replacement of halogen by O H ) or homolysis of the car­ bon-halogen bond to form free radicals. Photohydrolysis is the most important dehalogenation pathway for aromatic haloearbons. Indirect photoreactions of haloearbons involve reactions with reactive transients that are produced on absorption of light by natural substances, with N O M playing a key role as the source of the transients. These transients include reductants such as solvated electrons (e ~) (eq 5). aq

RX + e aq

• R' + Χ"


Excited states of N O M (S*) can transfer electronic energy to or possibly can participate in redox reactions with haloearbons (eq 6). R X + S*

• R' + -Χ" +




Also, reactive oxygen species such as hydroxyl radicals (ΌΗ), organoperoxyl radicals (R0 *), hydroperoxyl-superoxide radicals, and singlet molecular oxy­ gen ( 0 ) can oxidize haloearbons. Dehalogenation often is not a major path­ way in indirect photooxidations, however. Complexation of haloearbons with natural substances can enhance the rates of photoreactions that provide sinks, lonizable haloearbons, such as halogenated organic carboxylic acids, potentially could form complexes with photoreactive transition metals, such as iron. In addition, dissolved N O M and sediments are known to sorb or "bind" ionic and nonionic haloearbons, and sorbed haloearbons may photoreact more efficiently (eq 7). 2



Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Sinks (? Sources of

RX + N O M τ=± R X - N O M



> R' + X " + N O M

, +


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Evidence is presented here that sorption to N O M enhances the photoreaction rates of halocarbons. Possible enhancement mechanisms are photoinduced electron transfer involving photoejected electrons or N O M excited states and/or formation of photoreactive complexes with NOM-associated electron donors, such as nitrogen bases. Direct and indirect photodehalogenations can involve free radicals (R") that react mainly with N O M to produce the reduced hydrocarbon (eq 8) or with oxygen to produce various oxygenated products (eq 9). Κ




R* 4- 0

• oxygenated products



The overall photoreaction rate of a given halocarbon in a certain aquatic en­ vironment is the sum of the rates of the direct photoreactions of the uncomplexed halocarbon, indirect photoreactions involving reactive transients that are produced by natural substances, and photoreactions of halocarbon com­ plexes. After first discussing the effects of sorption on photoreaction kinetics, we then discuss these various reaction pathways in more detail.

Sorption and Complexation Effects on Photoreactions. Sorption of hydrophobic halocarbons onto suspended sediments, biota, or N O M can have complex effects on photoreaction rates and quantum efficien­ cies. Hydrophobic or ionic halocarbons, with their great tendency to sorb on sediments or N O M , are most likely to be affected by heterogeneous photo­ reactions. A flurry of publications (e.g., 30-34 and references cited therein) provided abundant experimental evidence that extremely hydrophobic pollut­ ants (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, D D T , and mirex) have a strong tendency to associate with the particulate and dissolved organic matter in water bodies. The various photochemical processes that occur with natural sorbents present are conceptualized in Scheme I. Two general diffusional processes are important in such heterogeneous reactions. The first involves movement of the reactant molecules to and from the sorbent, and the second involves mass transport into and back out of unreactive sorbent components. If these transport processes are more rapid than the photoreactions and if reactive site limitations on the sorbent are not present, then equilibrium considerations apply and the overall reaction rate is described by equation 10. ν

= C




Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.










light I


light J



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Scheme I. Conceptual model for direct and indirect photoreactions in heteroge­ neous systems. Symbols: Ρ represents the photoreactive halocarbon in solution, R-P represents halocarbon sorbed in reactive components of the sorbent, and U-P represents the halocarbon sorbed in unreactive components of the sorbent. Sorbents are sediments, natural organic matter, or biota. The types of reaction are direct with light absorption by P; and indirect with light absorption by sorbent.

where C is the total concentration of halocarbon, Σ denotes summation over all phases, k is the first-order rate constant for reaction in phase i in the system, and F denotes the fraction of halocarbon present in phase i (35). Either acceleration or retardation of photoreaction can occur, depending on the relative magnitudes of the rate constants in the various phases and the extent of sorption. If reactive site limitations on the sorbent are present, then the reaction kinetics can be described by Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate ex­ pressions of the form (35): T




( 1 1 >


where k and Κ are constants. Such expressions predict that plots of rate (and quantum yield) versus halocarbon concentration C are concave downward, with the rate becoming zero order (independent of C ) with increasing C and first order (directly proportional to C ) at low C . T



Direct Photoreactions.








Direct photoreaction (eq 4) is important only for haloearbons (e.g., aromatic compounds) that significantly absorb radiation at wavelengths >295 nm, the cutoff for solar spectral irradiance at the earths surface. Because saturated chlorinated and fluorinated organic compounds, including methylchloroform and chlorofluorocarbons, absorb solar radiation very weakly, their direct pho­ toreaction is very slow in the sea and in fresh waters. As discussed in a later section, photoreactions of these compounds may be accelerated by sorption and indirect photoreactions in natural waters. Saturated and olefinic polybrominated and iodinated organic compounds have long absorption tails that extend beyond 295 nm. Direct photoreaction of such compounds in aquatic environments may be significant. Although Zika and co-workers (36) investigated the direct photoreaction of methyl iodide, there are few other environmentally relevant studies of direct photoreactions of saturated haloearbons in water. Kropp (37), however, re-

Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Sinks & Sources of Halocarbons

viewed the photochemistry of saturated and olefinic halocarbons in organic solvents. These halocarbons photoreact by carbon-halogen bond homolysis to produce free radicals. In polar reaction media, electron transfer between rad­ ical pairs within the solvent cage produces ionic intermediates with certain halocarbons, such as iodinated compounds. Carbenes also are formed in these photoreactions. Direct photoreactions of halogenated aromatic compounds in water have received considerably more attention. The products of direct photoreactions include photonucleophilic replacement of halogen by O H , reductive dehalo­ genation (i.e., replacement of halogen by hydrogen), photooxidation, and photoisomerization. Several such reactions are exemplified by the photoreactions of D D E in natural waters (eq 12) (38).

As shown in Table I, photoreactions of certain halogenated aromatic com­ pounds and conjugated dienes are very rapid with full exposure to solar ra­ diation. Field studies of Crossland and Wolff (10) showed that direct photo­ reaction of pentachlorophenol was its dominant fate in selected ponds in southern England (Figure 1). Direct photoreaction is the only photoreaction pathway in distilled water. Quantum yields observed in air-saturated, distilled water have generally been Table I. Direct Photoreaction Rates of Selected Halocarbons in Sunlight Substance Pentachlorophenol 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 3,4-Diehloroaniline Picloram Trifluralin Hexachlorocyclopentadiene DDE


Quantum Yield

Half-Life (h)

Water Water-CH CN Hexane Water Water Water Water

0.014 0.0022 0.049 0.080 0.052 0.066 0.0020

1.0 52 2 0.5 3 16 0.5

Water Water Hexane

0.26 0.24 0.30

0.03 12 9



Measurements were made at midday in midsummer at a latitude of 40° Ν.

Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Ref. 10 76 75 77 78 25 79 38




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20 30 Time (days)




Figure 1. Mean concentration-time profile for pentachlorophenol in three out­ door ponds near Headcorn, Kent, United Kingdom, during April-May. Rapid loss between treatments was attributed to direct photoreaction. (Reproduced with permission from reference 10. Copyright 1985 Pergamon.)

observed to be nearly the same as those observed in the aqueous phase of natural fresh waters. Concentrations of natural substances such as nucleophiles that could undergo direct photoreactions with or quench photoreactions of haloearbons are relatively low in comparison with oxygen (0.3 mM), an ex­ cellent excited-state quencher. Quenching by oxygen reduces excited-state life­ times to no more than about 1 μ$ and thereby limits the efficiency of diffusional excited-state reactions with constituents of natural waters. In marine waters, concentrations of bromide (about 0.8 mM) and chloride (about 0.55 M) are sufficiently high to affect direct photoreaction quantum yields in some cases. Peijnenburg and co-workers (39) provided interesting empirical kinetics relationships for the direct photohydrolysis of a series of monocyclic aromatic halides. Although quantum yields for these reactions must be affected by a variety of competing excited-state primary processes (e.g., radiationless decay to ground state, intersystem crossing, and reaction), it was possible to estimate the reaction quantum yields by using quantitative structure-activity relation­ ships (QSARs) based on carbon-halogen bond strength and steric factor descriptors. Haloearbons


on Natural



Photoreactions of

aromatic haloearbons that strongly absorb solar radiation can be greatly ac­ celerated in natural water samples or in aqueous solutions of N O M or humic substances (Table II). Although these effects can be due in part to indirect photoreactions or formation of photoreactive complexes, the results in Table II can be most simply explained in terms of increases in direct photoreaction rates of sorbed halocarbon in comparison to halocarbon in aqueous solution.

Huang et al.; Aquatic Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


SinL· à- Sources of Halocarbons



Table II. Photoreaction Kinetics (313 nm) of p,p'-Dichlorobenzophenone and D D E in Selected Natural Water Samples and Humic Substance Solution Reaction Medium

DOC (mg/L)

ρ φ '-Dichlorobenzophenone Aucilla River water Contech fulvic acid Distilled water

27 35 I 12

-2~ 16

Time [seconds]xl0






Time (seconds]xl0





20 6

Figure 3. Effects of trichloroacetate (0.0050 M) on the absorption (720 nm) of solvated electrons produced by laser flash photolysis (355 nm) of argon-saturated solutions (pH 6.2) of natural organic matter isolated from the Suwannee River near Fargo, Georgia (12). A, no added trichloroacetate; B, with added trichloroacetate.

and humic substances to determine rates and quantum yields for electron production under continuous irradiation. The concentration of chloroethanol was sufficiently high that, based on its known rate constant for scavenging of solvated electrons (48), it quantitatively reacted with the electrons in bulk solution. As the results in Table IV indicate, the quantum yields (355 nm) varied considerably, depending on the source of the ΝΟΜ. Table IV. Quantum Yields (355 nm) for the Production of Solvated Electrons 10


Source of Natural Organic Solute Greifensee, Switzerland

DOC (mg/L)

X Quantum Yield

Laser Flash





Suwannee River, Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia a S H P O - A fraction 12 W H P O - A fraction 16 H P O - N fraction 32 H P I - A fraction 21

560 620 520 460


Contech fulvic acid




Fluka humic acid
