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261-263 Great Neck Road
ι. literature Write to:
COMPANY Great Neck, L. Ι., Ν. Υ.
PHOTOVOLT Line-Operated Electronic
pHMETER A truly universal instrument • for laboratory and industrial application •
for all types and designs of electrodes
for p H , titration, and oxidation-reduction potentials
with 7" scale from p H 0 to 1 4 , no reversal or switching
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• available with or without portable wooden housing • furnished with shielded glass electrode, also available with shielded compartment for unshielded micro electrodes Hermetically sealed amplifier for permanently reliable service even in humid atmospheres. Minimum grid current for accurate measurement of non-aqueous samples including oils. W r i t e for 7-page descriptive
Bulletin jf110 to
PHOTOVOLT CORP. 95 Madison A v e .
Also: Photoelectric Colorimeters end Fluorescence Meters, Reflection Meter», Densitometer·, Electronic Photometers
New York 16, Ν . Υ .