142 on Readers' Service Card. LUMETRON. Colorimeter. Mod. 450 for. Messier. Tubes. A new photoelectric instrument of high accuracy for the measurement...
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A complete line of pH meters, incorporating permanently frictionless taut-suspension indicating meters, modern electronic tubes and circuits. Simple in operation and maintenance; featuring sealed amplifier plug-in units.

Electronic pH METERS High Precision pH Meter Model 110

Two-way pH Meter Model 85

• Single range 0-14, scale length 7", readable to 0.02 pH unit. • Temperature control 0-100° C, voltage selector for 80-260 volts. • Available — carrying cover and baseboard for bottles, beakers. Write for Bulletin #105

• Single range 0-14, scale length 3 " , readable to 0.05 pH Unit. • Available— compact battery pack for field use ($38.00 addtl.). • Fully stabilized, simple, usable with all types of electrodes. Write for Bulletin #195


$135 Standard Laboratory pH Meter Model 115

Portable pH Meter Model 125

• Single range 0-14, scale length 4", readable to 0.05 pH unit. • Temperature control 20-100° C, available with carrying case. • Additional millivolt scale for redox m e a s u r e m e n t s and titrations. Write for Bulletin #225

• Single range 0-14, scale length 5Vi", readable to 0.03 pH unit. • Only 3 batteries, standard radio type, 2,000 hours of service. • Available — carrying frame for instrument, beakers, bottles. Write for Bulletin #118



P H O T O V O L T Tester Model 25 for Checking and Adjusting pH Meters A compact, inexpensive instrument without batteries; for checking performance of PHOTOVOLT and other pH meters. Requires neither electrodes nor buffers. Write for Bulletin # 1 3 8 $ 6 8

C O R P O R A T I O N 95 Madison Avenue, N e w York 16, Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 142 on Readers' Service Card








Mod. 450 for

Nessler Tubes A n e w photoelectric instrument of high accuracy f o r t h e measurement of pale colors a n d f a i n t turbidities. • For a l l analytical colorimetric determinations in which only a slight coloration can b e d e v e l o p e d . • For sanitary e x a m i n a t i o n of d r i n k a b l e w a t e r a n d f o r analysis of w a t e r f o r municipal a n d industrial purposes. • For color standardization of lightly colored liquids such as kerosenes, sugar solutions, solvents, varnishes, liquid w a x e s , v e g e t a b l e oils, beverages, cosmetics. • Replaces visual color comparison in Nessler tubes.

• • • • • •

High sensitivity... full scale for 0.001 microgram quinine sulphate Micro-fluorimetry... liquid volumes down to 1 ml Low blank readings... linear instrument response High sensitivity nephelometry... minute turbidities Fluorescence evaluation of powders, pastes, and solids; also for spot-tests on filter paper without elution Selection of filters, interference filters, and sample holders Write for Bulletin No. 392 to:

W r i t e for literature




95 Madison Avenue

95 Madison Ave.


New York 1 6 , Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card

pH Meters,


N e w York 16, Ν. Υ.



Circle No. 141 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 2 , N O . 1 0 , SEPTEMBER 1 9 6 0 ·

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