Pittsburgh Conference Exhibit Features New Instrumentation

host to scores of analytical chemists and spec- troscopists March 3 to 8, when the. Analytical ChemistryGroup, Pitts- burgh Section, ACS, and the Spec...
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Pittsburgh Conference Exhibit Features N e w Instrumentation Pittsburgh, Pa. This city was host to scores of analytical chemists and spectroscopists M a r c h 3 to 8, when the Analytical Chemistry Group, P i t t s burgh Section, ACS, and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh held their eighth annual joint conference. T h e Exposition of Modern Laboratory Equipment, presented in conjunction with the conference, displayed m a n y recent advances in modern instrumentation for the analyst. These well-attended events emphasized several new trends in instrumentation through the media of papers given and equipment shown. One of these trends was simplification of instrumentation, some of which has been made possible through such electronic developments as printed circuits, multiple purpose electronic tubes, a n d transistors. Low-cost, limited range instruments (infrared spectrophotometers, flame photometers, and mass spectrometers) have also made their appearance in the field as a further trend. T h e combined techniques of mass spectroscopy with chromatography, and ultraviolet with chromatography, received a certain a m o u n t of attention. T h e following instruments are typical of recent developments.

This unit is reported to be t h e first of its type t o be commercially available for monitoring inorganic elements in inorganic or organic streams. Consisting of a spectrometer, x-ray power supply, a n d ratio recording console, the Quantrol has m a n y potential industrial applications. T h e company reports t h a t gaging applications, such as measurement of tin and zinc plating weights, have been completely developed. Other uses, like the measurem e n t of concentration of various elements in ore concentrates, are now under way. Still other applications, among them the measurement of copper or bromine in solutions, are being studied for specific chemical process problems. 1

See item 1

Double-Beam Infrared Spectroph oto meter Baird-Atomic exhibited its recently announced K M - 1 infrared spectrophotometer, shown here with the 80 X 100 m m . prism mounted on top of the instrument. This prism is the h e a r t of t h e double-beam, recording instrument. T h e K M - 1 features high-quality infrared absorption analyses in the medium price range, as well as further expandability with use of supplementary accessory equipment. 2

See item 2

Process Control Equipment Applied Research Laboratories demonstrated its Quantrol, a new two-channel, x-ray fluorescence analyzer designed for process control applications.

N e w Apparatus for Radiation Applications New models of two nuclear instruments were also shown a t t h e Pittsburgh See item 4

See item 6

See item 7

See item 8 VOL. 29, NO. 5, MAY 1957


81 A


See item 11

See item 12

Conference by Baird-Atomic, Inc. The radiation survey meter, Model 414, can be used for monitoring radiation in hot laboratories and at reactor installations. The company reports that the

instrument, which incorporates a new one-tube circuit design for reliability and long battery life, can detect and measure x-ray, gamma, and beta radiation.

the logical choke . · ·




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For further Information, circle number 82 A on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A 82 A



S e e item

The non-overloading linear amplifier, Model 215, is recommended by BairdAtomic for pulse height analysis of xrays in the presence of high energy gamma rays because it is designed to amplify small pulses in the presence of much larger overload pulses. 3 Infrared Family Expanded

A new addition to its growing family of infrared instruments was introduced at Pittsburgh by Beckman Instruments, Inc. This latest member, shown on page 81A by E. P. Evans of Beckman, is the IR^5 infrared spectrophotometer, a lowcost, double-beam instrument, selling for less than $5000. It is a null-rtype single monochromator instrument, featuring a horizontal type X-Y recorder, hermetically sealed optics, and both single and double beam operation. Fixed operating parameters simplify operation. According to the company, the instrument has a minimum of controls and produces reliable spectra with a scanning time of 16 minutes for the 2 to 16 micron region. 4 Power Supply for Spectrophotometer

Beckman Instruments also announced a new power supply for use with the DTJ spectrophotometer. The power supply is said to eliminate the need for the storage battery and the -dry cell batteries while providing all the power needed to operate the DU spectrophotometer. I t also furnishes power for the DU hydrogen lamp and makes the power supply unit of the ultraviolet accessory set unnecessary. 5 Electropolarizlng Instrument

Boder Instruments exhibited the new Patwin recording electropolarizer, demonstrated by J. G. Waltz, company representative. This low cost instrument features the following: an initial polarizing bridge which can be set with 4.5 inch, 1% voltmeter or standard cell; a span voltage bridge


world standard

See item 1 6

See item 15 which can be set with 4.5 inch, 1 % voltmeter, standard cell, or standardized against t h e initial voltage; a 10-turn, 0 . 1 % potentiometer driven b y a synchronous motor for applying voltage t o the cell; and switches for damping, for stopping t h e chart a n d bridge motor, and for setting run or standby. 6

tremely small amounts of gases, gaseous mixtures, or volatile liquids, with its overall mass range extending from 2 t o 80. Simplified operation permits use b y untrained personnel. 8

Vapor Phase Analyzer

Another instrument exhibited b y Consolidated Electrodynamics was its portable, low-cost moisture monitor (Type 26-301). Capable of measuring minute quantities of moisture present in gaseous mixtures, t h e instrument is suitable for a wide variety of applications, says t h e company. T h e moisture monitor incorporates an electrolytic cell, and is equipped with a n adjustable flow regulator and meter calibrated in p.p.m. Readings from 0 t o 1000 p.p.m. can be obtained b y means of a 5-step a t tenuator. C E C says this versatile instrument is equally adaptable t o t h e analytical laboratory or t h e process plant. 9

J. F . Green (left) of Central Scientific Co. demonstrates t h e cpmpany's new vapor phase analyzer t o C. J . Hess of Bethlehem Steel Co. Designed for use in gas chromatography, t h e instrument contains a detector cell, which is a diffusion type thermal conductivity cell with the time constant of less t h a n one second. T h e , cell is said t o be very stable with negligible drift. A packed 10-foot column is furnished with the analyzer a n d provision is made for use of two columns in series. T h e company reports t h a t column pressure is continuously adjustable from 0-30 psig. Several controls permit adjustm e n t of bridge balance, sensitivity, temperature range, a n d temperature control. A recorder can b e directly connected t o the analyzer for increased practicability. 7 Low-Cost Mass Spectrometer Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. introduced a t Pittsburgh its new T y p e 21-611 m a s s spectrometer. This is a low-cost, small-size instrument (smallest mass spectrometer in existence, says t h e company), developed for medical, industrial, a n d university application. Only eight vacuum tubes a r e used, all types of traps are eliminated, a n d printed circuits are utilized wherever feasible. The control unit can be operated remotely, permitting use of t h e 21-611 in process" stream applications. I n addition, t h e company reports t h e mass spectrometer will displace Orsat gas analysis methods. I t is said t o be capable of accurately analyzing ex-

Moisture Monitor

Controlled Environment Oven A new controlled humidity a n d temperature oven, manufactured b y the Electric Hotpack Co., Inc., made its first appearance a t the Pittsburgh Conference. This mechanically convected oven was developed for laboratory, pilot plant, a n d industrial testing of chemicals, plastics, metals, etc., t o t h e a c curacy of government specifications, says t h e company. I t s range covers room temperature t o 100° ± 1/t° C , and 2 0 % t o 1 0 0 % R H within 5 % R H . Features include: stainless steel construction; hermetically sealed-in triplepaned viewing window; a built-in water filter; and a continuous supply of conditioned water furnished t o t h e wet bulb reservoir with sight glass t o indicate water level. 10 For further information, see coupon on page 77 A


...for color imetric determinations • COMPACT • PRECISE • SELF


Biochemical determinations, chemical analyses and physical tests are simple as A-B-C with the Fisher Electrophotometer. Accurate colorimetric analysis is quick and easy wherever solution color varies in a definite manner with the concentration of a constituent. U s e it anywhere; line voltage fluctuations won't interfere. A 50-page manual of typical methods, and other useful data, is furnished with the Electrophotometer.

Write for details This 8-page booklet contains full data on the principles and operation of the Electrophotometer.


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Circle No.83Aon Readers' Service Cari, page 77 A

VOL. 29, NO. 5, MAY 1957 ·

83 A

NEW PRODUCTS 2 0 0 : 1 ratio of m a x i m u m to minimum speed.

NaCI Crystals

E. C. Stewart of Harshaw Scientific shows a sample of the largest single NaCI crystals ever made. Dimensions are 12 inches in diameter, 12 inches high, and weighing 75 pounds. These crys­ tals are cut up to make window blanks for infrared transmission and prisms for infrared spectroscopy. 11 Insulated Containers

Harshaw Scientific also exhibited the new VirTis insul-steel containers. These containers have stainless steel lining, polyurethane foam insulation, and an exterior surface of mylar film. They are said to be unbreakable and serve over the temperature range of —328° Γ. to +225° F. for liquefied gases. 12 Control Programmer

The Perkin-Elmer Corp. displayed for the first time a new control programmer for use with their vapor fractometer. The new instrument is reported to make possible semi-automatic operation for the vapor fractometer. I t should prove particularly useful in research problems of a semi-continuous nature, says the company. 13 N e w Recorder Commercially Available

A commercial model of its recorder, whose prototype was first shown at the National Chemical Exposition in Cleve­ land, was exhibited by Ε. Η. Sargent & Co. This equipment is the vertical bench type, with the chart at the top and base and control panel below. Several chart drive speeds are possible by interchanging two gears on the end of the chassis; multiple ranges are also available with selection by panel switch. The company claims an accuracy of 0.1% or 20 microvolts, whichever is greater, for this recorder. 14

I F VISCOSITY I S O N E OF YOUR PRODUCT'S D I M E N S I O N S Brookfield 8-speed Viscometer will answer every measurement problem! Why not invest a three-cent stamp and see what we mean? Our illustrated brochure shows you how the Brookfield 8-speed viscometer and spe­ cialized accessories will answer every viscosity measurement problem you m a y have. You'll see how this one, easily operated, portable instrument will provide precise measurement readings directly in centipoises. Even in applications involving extremes in viscosity, temperature or corrosion!

Precision Balances

Spex Industries, Inc. exhibited two models (250 mg. and 500 mg.) of its Sauter Ultra-Matic precision balance, said to be ideal for the spectrographer. According to the company, these balances are capable of accurately weighing small quantities of materials in a matter of seconds. No weights are required for these spring type balances. A single knob controls the weighing operation. The For further information, see coupon on page 77 A

\ \

Complete information will be yours, too, about the Brookfield Helipath Stand. With it, it's easy to test, study and control highly-plastic materials, gels and semi-gels. It automatically lowers a Brookfield Viscometer equipped with a special bar-type spindle through a helical path providing constant measurement of undis­ turbed material. Write for full information today. WORLD'S S T A N D A R D FOR VISCOSITY M E A S U R E M E N T





S T O U G H T O N 112 , M A S S A C H U S E T T S For further information, circle number 85 A on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A VOL. 29, NO. 5, MAY 1957


85 A



unbreakable graduated cylinders NALGENE | H H | again proves its superiority in laboratory practice. Because they are light, they are easier to handle. Because they are NALGENE, they cannot break. This completely new series of six graduates is manufactured closely to glass graduate specifications and standard dimensions. Octagonal bases prevent rolling. They may be autoclaved under standard conditions.

See item 17

Ask your dealer for our new catalog E-956. Cap, ml.

use of special alloys is reported to eliminate errors due to magnetic forces or temperature variations. Range extensions permit weighings up to 1250 mg. capacity with the 250 mg. model, and up to 2500 mg. capacity with the 500 mg. balance. Spex emphasizes that these balances are also fitted with a weighing pan designed to hold the plastic vials used in the Wig-L-Bug electric mortar described below. 15

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