Plan Your Vacation - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Buffalo is so favorably located with respect to recreational advantages that it is ... on a palatial lake steamer or a park bench at Niagara, Buffalo ...
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todtatefeill and Engineering


Chemistry Assistant to Editor: Editor; 'Published by the American (Shem/ealS+oeitty N . A. PARKINSON H A R R I S O N E. H O W S EoiToitiAL OFPICB, 706 Mills Bldg., Washington, D . C. PUBLICATION OJPFICB,. Easton, Pa. A.DVBRTISINO DBPT., 419 Fourth Ave., New York Entered as second-class matter at t h e Post Office a t Easton, P a . , under the Act o f March 3, Li879,as 40 times a year. Industrial Edition monthly on t h e 1st; News Edition on the 10th and 20th; Analytical Edition ou I h e loath of /a-auary, April, July, and October. Acceptance for mailing a t special rate of postage provided for in Section 1013·, Actcof October 3, 1017, authorized July 1 3 , 1918. Subscription to INDUSTRIAL AND BNGINBBRXNG CHBMISTRY, $7.50 per year; ANALYTICAL EDnrnoNonly, $1.50 per year; N B W S EDITION only, $1.50 per year (single copies, 10 cents). Subscriptions should be sent t o Charles L. Parsosns, Stcr-elary, Mills Bldg., Washington, D . C. T h e AMBRICAN CKBMXCAX, SOCIRTY also publishes the Journal of the American CZhemicccJ Society and Chemical Abstracts.

Volume 9

MAY 10,1931

Plan Your Vacation In Conjunction with Buffalo A. C. S. Meeting N o w i s t h e time to plan t o attend the eighty-second meeting of t h e A M E R I C A N CHEMICAL SOCIETY in Hotel Statler, Buffalo,

Ν . Υ . , A u g u s t 31 to September 4, 1931. T h e Western N e w York Section cordially invites you. Buffalo is s o favorably located with respect t o recreational advantages t h a t i t is unusually easy t o combine a vacation and the A M E R I C A N CHEMICAL SOCIETY meeting in o n e trip.


your i d e a of the perfect vacation is t o camp in t h e mountains, fish for t h e b i g a n d gamy ones, play golf on a different course each d a y , or lazily t o ride a deck chair on a palatial lake steamer or a park bench a t Niagara, Buffalo is the center of focus. A week or t w o in t h e vacation grounds of N e w York State or Canada, timed so a s t o bring y o u t o Buffalo August 3 1 , will kill the proverbial t w o birds with one stone and, thanks t o t h e lake breezes and a mean temperature for August of only 6 9 ° F., put y o u r body in good trim. Beginning with the well-paved and scenically beautiful high­ ways of N e w York, Pennsylvania, and Ontario, which them­ selves make a motor trip t o Buffalo a pleasant vacation, a very enticing list of recreational advantages can be written. The Adirondacks and Thousand Islands to the east a n d Allegheny and Letchworth State Parks t o t h e south provide beautiful scenery and natural forests. Chautauqua Lake, with fishing, boating·, and rare cultural advantages, is just southwest; Muskoka a n d Algonquin National Park are t o t h e north. Their fame a s summer resorts makes description unnecessary. Lake Erie a n d Lake Ontario have m a n y quiet beach resorts where cottages m a y be rented. T h e steamers which ply all t h e Great Lakes a n d which shoot the St. Lawrence Rapids are fast and comfortable, and because land is nearby much of the time, to some provide more interest than a n ocean voyage. Buffalo itself h a s beautiful drives, parks, golf links, the University of Buffalo» Grosvenor Library, Natural Science Museum, and an interesting harbor. A n d of course Niagara Falls, t h e most beautiful scenic attraction in t h e Bast, crowns t h e list. N e w York S t a t e a n d t h e Province of Ontario have spent enormous sums of m o n e y improving both banks of the river and restoring the natural b e a u t y , so that i t now c a n truly b e said that Niagara is a more beautiful place t o visit than i t has been since the occupation o f the country b y the white man commenced t o leave its mark: on t h e land.

Chicago Section Announces Plans for Willard Gibbs Medal Award On trie occasion of t h e presentation of the Willard Gibbs Medal to Phoebus A . Levene, of T h e Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, N e w York, Ν . Υ . , on M a y 22, a banquet will be held at t h e S t e u b e n Club, 188 West Randolph St., Chicago. T h e ban­ quet will be preceded b y a n informal reception at 6:30 P . M., and will be followed b y t h e presentation of the medal. Hermann I. Schlesinger, University of Chicago, chairman of t h e Chicago Sec­ tion of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, will preside.

Fred G.

Number 9

Schlesinçer, crhairmstn. T h e founder of t h e medal award, William -A. Co^nversei, was secretary of t h e Chicago Section from 1902 to 1909. Doctor Lev^ene w i l l give a scientific address o n "Chemical Structure and Optical Activity" under the joint auspices of the Northwestern Univecrsity Medical School a n d the Chicago Section of tfcie AMSBRICAJS* CHEMICAL SOCIETY at 2:30 P . M. o n Satur-

day, M a v 23, in tbie Archibald Church Library, Montgomery Ward Blclg., 3003 East Chicago Ave. A l l meunberrs of tine AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY and their

friends, a s welH as members of the related sciences, are informally invited t o attend t h « Willard Gibbs medal award banquet, as well as t o heaar the scientific address. Reservations should be made as early as possible w i t h A. E . Schaar, 656 West Jackson Blvd., CliicagcD, III, The price of the banquet is $2.50 per plate.

Pâtifiœ Intersectional Meeting Announced A n IntersecrtionaL Meeting is t o be held i n Pasadena, Calif., June 15 "to 20,. 1931 „ in conjunction with the national meeting of the American .Association for the Advancement of Science. This is a n uniasuallsy important scientific event, which a number of distinguished eastern send foreign speakers will attend. Members of t h e AD*BRIC=SAN CEEBMICAL SOCIETY are invited t o present papers

at t h e session» held «during t h e latter part of t h e week. Morning sessions d u r i n g the earlier days of the meeting will be devoted to symposia. Titles must be in the h a n d s of t h e chairman of t h e program committee, G— Ross Robertson, University o f California a t Los Angeles, 405 HEQlgard. Ave., L o s Angeles, Calif., b y M a y 18. T h e time required for presentation of the paper (usually 10 t o 15 minutes) shoiLtld be g i v e n with the title. AU persons presenting papers a x e aslâced to send manuscripts or adequate abstracts to reach t h e coenmittee b y June 5. In the case of AMERICAN CKEMICAX SO«CIOTY members, abstracts in triplicate should be sent.

Merck: Remews Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry T h e Fellowship i m Analytical Chemistry which Merck and Co., Inc., of BRalwrsfcy, N . J., established for the academic year 1930-31 at EPrincet-on University with an annual stipend of $1000 hats beesn renewed for t h e year 1931-32. I. C . Schoonover, the first recipsdent, bias also been awarded t h e fellowship for the coming acadesmie y e a r , and will continue the study of new potentioxnetriee titration methods. M r . Schoonover received his A.B. degr-eeat George Washington University, and served two years as S L junior chemist at t h e U. S. Bureau of Standards. He is one of tihe joint authors of a paper entitled "Two Hundred Reagent Chersnicals Oood a n d Bad," which was presented a t the spring meetimg of





dianapolis, ln«d.

R. H. McZKee Gives A. C. S. Membership as Prize

Koch, University of Chicago, will present the medal, after which Doctor Levene will deliver an address on " T h e R e v o l t of the Biochemists." Responses will b e made b y Lawrence V. Red­

Ralph H. NwIcKee» professor of chemical engineering a t Columbia Unrversitsr, has established a prize i n chemistry a t his Alma Mater, The · Colleg?e of Wooster. T h e prize, consisting of a

m a n , President-elect of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, and by

two-yeaar menmbcrsbtip i n t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, is

Robert M. Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago. T h e Willard Gibbs Jurors, forming t h e Committee of Award, are: B. S . H o p k i n s , W . Lee Lewis, S . C. Lind, Julius Stieglitz, W. D. Bancroft, G . Borrowman, Otto Folin, F. C. Whitmore, W. L. Evans, A . A . Noyes, L . V. Redman, Harry Steenbock, and H . I.

given to» the studenct who h a s the highest standing in chemistry at the e n d of tic first semester of his junior year. Two awardls have been made under this plan. Last year the prize w a s awarded to William Longbrake. George Ruggy is the recipient sthis year.