plastics - ACS Publications

The rate of increase in the use of plastics as materials of construction has even exceeded the phenomenal growth rate of the entire plastics industry...
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PLASTICS RAYMOND B. SEYMOUR A t l a s M i n e r a l Products Co., M e r t z t o w n , P a .


T h e rate of increase in the use of plastics as materials of construction has even exceeded the phenomenal growth rate of the entire plastics industry. Because of their resistance to both acid and alkaline solutions as well as corrosive salts and many solvents, furan resins continue to be used for tank and floor construction in the chemical industry. Interest in epoxy resins continues, due in part to their good adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces. A large number of hoods and ducts are now being constructed from glass-reinforced polyesters and by t ]ding of w being thermoplastic sheets. Pipe for the chemical and petroleum industr extruded from polyethylene, styrene copolymerblends, cellulose acetate butyrate, and polyvinyl chloride. Standards are-being established for both thermodastio structuresand pipe.



SA result of continued improvement in properties of plastics, development of more end use data, andincreasedinterest of corrosion engineers, the use of plastics as materials of construction has increased considerably during the past year ( S S A ) ) . During this period, several reviews of plastic developments have appeared ( i 9 A , g 5 A , 44A). Data on physical and chemical propperties of polyvinyl chloride ( S d A ) , poIyesters (SYA),polyethylene ($0~4, %SA),saran (SQA), high impact styrene copolymers (4OA), furans ( 4 i A ) , phenolica ( 4 S A ) , plasticized sulfur (45A), and epoxy resins ( 4 S A ) have been published. A series of articles previously announced (dOA ) emphasizing chemical resistance has been continued. Information in this series has been presented on polyethylene ( i 5 A ) ,polyvinyl chloride ( i 6 A ) , impervious graphite (S7A), polyesters ( S 5 A ) , and high impact styrene copolymer8 ( S 6 A ) . Information on chemical resistance and physical properties of plastics (4A, i4A, SSA, S88A) and reference material for corrosion engineers (S9A) have also been published. The use of plastics in industry in general (“A, i i A , S 6 A ) and in the silicate ( S i A ) , rayon ( l A ) ,and paper (94.4) industries in particular has been discussed. Several papers on the use of plastics in chemical industries have also appeared ( S A , $A, 5A, 6 A , 8 A - i 0 A , IYA, S i A , 4YA, 48A). An authoritative treatise on protective coatings was published by Tator ( 4 6 A ) . Other general articles on coatings were published by Halls ( I S A ) and Seymour ( S 3 A ) . The use of protective coatings in refineries was discussed by Resen ( 2 9 A ) and in the paper industry by Hill ( I S A ) and Kelly ( i 8 A ) . PLASTIC PIPE


During the past year, several general articles on plastic pipe have been published (SB, 9 B , I i B , i 6 B , S i B , SSB, 24B). A division of the Society of the Plastics Industry was formed for the purpose of establishing standards for plastic pipe. A symposium on the extrusion of plastic pipe was held, and these papers were published ( S B - S B , i S B , la, IYB, 18B). Street ( S 5 B ) also presented data on flow paths of plastic materials during the extrusion process. Lightweight cellulose acetate butyrate pipe continues to be used successfully in oil fields ( S B , i 9 B , SSB, 1 6 B ) . As a result of seven years’ experience with cellulose acetate butyrate gas pipe, Dye (iOB) has concluded that plastic pipe is more economical than wrapped steel for replacement lines. Similar pipe has been used for transporting wine (SOB). Polyethylene pipe (YB) has been used successfully as drainage pipe in a nylon plant. General articles on the manufacture ( I S B ) , general utility ( i B ) ,and directions for use of polyvinyl chloride pipe (i5B) have been published.


The utilization of thermoplastic

structures based



plasticized polyvinyl and Polyethylene sheet has continued, and a division o f t h e Society o f t h e Plastics Industry has been formed to establish standards for this phase of the industry. Several articles on the general use of rigid unplasticized polyvinyl chloride have appeared (SC, 4C, YC, 9C, i5C-l7C, SOC-S5C). Foulke (i26‘) has discussed the advantages of unplasticiaed polyvinyl chloride structures in the plating industry, and pertinent information on the welding of polyvinyl chloride has ,been published by Haim ( i 4 C ) , Fisher ( i I C ) , Schaerer ( S 6 C ) , Laaff ( i 8 C ) , and others (SC, 5C, BC). Additional data have been published on the properties (6C, i 9 C , SYC, S8C) and fabrication techniques (lOC, i S C ) for styrene copolymer-rubber blends. Boge (IC)has suggested the manufacture of pipe from polydichlorostyrene reinforced with glass fabric. VINYL POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS

New plasticized vinyl sheet linings and gasket material under the trade names Amerplate ( i S D ) and Atlastavon were announced. Reilly ( 5 6 0 ) patented a plasticized vinylidene chloride copolymer for similar end use and Cook ( 8 D ) and Saechtling ( S 9 D ) have discussed end uses of related sheet lining materials. Information on the chemical resistance of polyvinyl chloride ( l 7 D ) and formulations for vinyl coatings ( 2 D ) have been published. As a result of a comparison with other coating systems, Cranmer ( 9 D ) has chosen a vinylidene chloride copolymer as the most suitable gasoline-resistant tank lining material. Waldrip (4.30) has discussed the use of vinyl coatings for protection has presented general inagainst marine corrosion. Colbus (YD) formation on webbing vinyls, and Kerr ( i 9 D ) has described techniques for the application of vinyl coatings in the textile industry. Some additional information on organosols has been published ( i 5 D , W6D), and several authors have discussed plastisols ( 6 D , iOD, i 8 D , S 5 D I 28D,SOD, S 6 D ) and plastigels ( 4 0 ) . Intense interest in polyfluorinated ethylenes has continued (ID, SD, 50, 13D, i 6 D , SOD-S4D, S r D , SlD-S4D, SYD, 400, 4WD), but a simple method of application to provide chemical resistance under field conditions has not been developed. Dexter (11D )has proposed grading fluorothenes according to the flow behavior of the molten polymers. While the use of polyethylene pipe and tubing has increased considerably, there has been less interest in fabricated polyethylene structures than in the self-supporting rigid polyvinyl chloride structures. Simonin ( 4 i D ) and Saechtling ( 3 8 0 ) have supplied additional information on the use of polyethylene as a material of construction, and Gemmer ( i 4 D ) has discussed flame spraying of this product. It has been estimated that 200,000,000 pounds of polyethylene will be produced in 1953 ( S 9 D ) .




Vol. 45, No. 10

the permeability and absorption of epoxy resin films. Bider (BF), Greenlee ( 6 F - l l F ) , and Wittcoff (19F) have patented specific compositions based on epoxy resins or their reaction products. PHENOLIC AND FURAN RESINS

Plastic Pipes and Fittings Rigid unplasticized polyvinyl chloride manifold made by welding

v a r i o u s sized plastic pipe and a plastic sheet flange ( t o p ) . v a r i o u s sizes of high-impact styrene copolymer pipe and fitting:(bottont)


As a result of the tremendous interest in polyester applications, the reinforced plastics division has become one of the most active committees of the Society of the Plastics Industry ( 1 E ) . Last year, production of glass-fiber-reinforced plastics represented a n increase of a t least 40% over the previous year and approximately 200% over the year 1949 (SE, 18E, S l E ) . This type of construction material, which was previously well established in the aviation field (ZE,1 4 E ) , has also been accepted by the automobile industry (1223). Storage and processing tanks, as well as fume exhaust systems, are now available under trade names, such as Lamh a c , Plastaloy, Pla-Tank, and Rigidon (6E, 7 E , d l E , I4E). Additional information on properties and design of polyesters has been published ( S E , 4 E , SE, 13E, 16E, ZOE, %E, I r E - b Q E , 33E). Bushman ( 6 E ) has discussed the advantages of using textiles for reinforcing polyesters. Koch ( 1 7 E ) has described a process for the manufacture of rods. Minter (1QE)has produced tack-free surfaces on large polyester castings by coating the surface with l,&pentanediol. Information on the manufacture of reinforced polyester ( I I E , 2SE) and polyurethane (SOE) pipe has been published. The use of reinforced polyesters as a n armor for the thermoplastic pipe has been proposed (%E). More heat-resistant products have been prepared through the use of triallylcyanurate ( 1 1 E ) as a partial replacement for standard polyesters. Clark ( 1 0 E ) has evaluated various finishes for glass fibers and silicone and methacrylatochromic chloride (Volan) finishes have been proposed by Jellinek (15E) and Torrey ( S I E ) . EPOXY RESINS

Andre ( I F ) , DeWinter (SF),Dunn (@‘, 5F), Hopper (fBF), Meyerhans ( I S F , I @ ) , Preiswerk ( 1 7 F ) , and Supler (188‘) have published general information, and Narracott (16F)has discussed curing techniques for epoxy resins. Peffer (1627)has investigated

Earp, Shapiro, and Wiggs ( 9 G ) have discussed the general utility of materials of construction based on phenolic, furan, and cashew nut oil resins and have emphasized the simplicity of design which such materials make possible. Newman (18G) has described tanks manufactured from cashew nut oil resins. Bancroft ( 1 G ) and Bishop (3G) have published design and chemical resistance information on asbestos-filled plastic structures. An 800-page monograph on the furans has been published (5G). Nielsen (14G) has investigated new techniques for the synthems of furfuryl alcohol resin intermediates. Powers (16G) has reviewed recent developments in thermosetting resins. Hauck (IOG) has published formulations, and Bedwell ( 2 G )has presented data on the setting process of phenolic resins. Patents have been issued describing cast phenolic resins (12G, 16G) and an alkaline resistant phenolic resin (21G‘). The production of resins based on furfural and furfuryl alcohol has been reviewed by Sweeney (19G) and Reineck (17G). Recent patents have been issued describing condensates of furfural and furfuryl alcohol (2OG), furfuryl alcohol and formaldehyde (46), furfuryl alcohol, urea, and formaldehyde (18G), furfuryl alcohol, ammonium cyanate, and formaldehyde (SG, 8G), furfural and morpholine ( 11G ) , and polyfurfuryl alcohol ( 7 G ) . MISCELLANEOUS

A sewer joint consisting of a molded plastisol male threaded ring and a phenolic female coupling (gH) and a chemical resistant plastic joint (21H) were announced. Additional information on plasticized sulfur joints has been published (5H, QH,17H). Improved methods for the construction of chemical waste lines have been reviewed ( 1 9 H ) . A simplified method of patching metal pipe using reinforced polyesters has been announced ( I I H ) . New chemical resistant floors based on furan resins ( 1 8 H ) and polyvinyl acetate ( 7 H ) were announced. New low cost casting resins for forming tools ( 2 4 H ) and potting compounds with controlled shrinkage ( I O H ) are now available. Recent developments in liquid Neoprene solutions (11H ) , Neoprene adhesives ( I 5 H ) , and float-in gaskets (15N) were announced. Reviews on the properties and applications of nylon ( 8 H ) and chlorinated rubber ( I W H ) have been published. Information on flame spraying of ship rudders and struts with solid Thiokol(1H) and coatings based on liquid Thiokol polymers ( 6 H , I4H) has been published. Methods for forming xanthogenates of polyvinyl alcohol ( 2 3 H ) and the impregnation of porous building materials ( I S H ) have been announced. New silicone developments have been reviewed by Chvalkovsky ( S H ) . New chlorine dioxide bleaching processes have required the development of new plastic materials which are resistant to this chemical (ION). The chemical resistance of a wide variety of plastics has been reviewed ( 4 H , ib“, 26H). Other activities, such as the proposed publication of a supplement to the “Corrosion Handbook,” emphasizing nonmetallic materials of construction and the publication of tentative ASTM standards for chemical resistant mortars demonstrate that more engineers are recognizing the importance of chemically resistant plastics as modern materials of construction. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The assistance of J. D. Fenstermacher in the preparation of the bibliography is gratefully acknowledged.

Odober 1953



General (1A) Beecham, A., Plastics Inst. (London) Tram., 19, No. 37, 66 (1951). (2A) Black, G. H., Chemistry &Industry, 1952, No. 30,727. (3A) Bruner, W. M., and Wagner, P. J., Chem. Eng., 60, 193 (May 1953). (4A) Can. Chem. ProcessZnds., 36,66 (September 1952). (5A) Chem. Age (London), 67, 633“(Nov.8 , 1952). (6A) Dammer, O., Chem.-Zng.-Tech.,24,546 (1952). (7A) DuMond, T. C., Materials & Methods, 35, No. 2, 101 (1952). (8A) Evans, V., Chemistrg &Industry, 1953, No. 21,504. (9A) Evans, V., Znd. Finishing (London),5,176 (1952). (10A) Evans, V., “Plastics Progress,’’ London, p. 29, Dorset House, 1951. (11A) Gordon, J. E., Plaslics Inst. (London) Trans., 21, No. 43, 5 (1953). (12A) Halls, E. E., Metallurgia, 42, No. 254,376 (1950). (13A) Hill, R. P., Paper Trade J., 134, No. 14,22 (1952). (14A) Honnaker, L. R., and Monack, M. L., J . Am. Water Works Assoc., 45, 469 (1953). (15A) Husoher, J. L., Chem. Eng., 59,260 (October 1952). (16A) Ibid., 59, 264 (November 1952). (17A) Huscher, J. L., Chem. Eng. News, 31,860 (1953). (18A) Kelly, R. R., Poper Ind., 34,869 (October 1952). (19A) Kline, G. M., Modern Plastics, 30, No. 5, 111 (1953). (20A) Kline, G. M., and Seymour, R. B., IND. ENG.CHEM.,44,2339 (1952). (21A) Laponjade, P., Silicates ind., 16,264 (1951). (22A) Materids &Methods, 37, No. 2, 11 (1953). (23A) Ibid., p. 139. (MA) McNamee, J. J., Tator, K., and Seymour, R. B., Tech. Assoc. Pulp Paper Znd., 35, No. 3, 150A (1952). (25A) McSweeney, E. E., Chem. Eng. News, 31,37 (1953). (26A) Modern Industry, 21,44 (1951). (27A) Oliver, J. P., Chem. Eng., 59, No. 9,276 (1952). (28A) Product Engineering Handbook, C20-1, New York, McGrawHill Book Go. (1953). (29A) Resen, F. L., Oil Gas J.,51,124 (May 19,1952). (30A) Robertson, H. F., SPE Journal, 8,s (September 1952). (31A) Seymour, R. B., Corrosion, 9,152 (1953). (32A) Zbid., p. 197. (33A) Seymour, R. B., Org. Finishing, 14.9 (March 1953). (34A) Seymour,R. B., and Erich, E. A., Chem. Eng. Progr., 48, 374 (1962).


(35A) Seymour, R. B., and Steiner. R. H., Chem. Eng., 59, 278 (December 1952). (36A) Zbid., 60, 254 (January 1953). (37A) Seymour, R. B,, and Steiner, R. H., C h . Eng. Progr., 48, 430 (1952). (38A) Zbid., p. 478. (39A) Zbid., p. 534. (40A) Zbid., p. 586. (41A) Zbid., p. 650. (42A) Zhid., 49, 52 (1953). (43A) Zbid., p. 220. (44A) Stanley, F. B., Modern Plastics, 30, No. 5,87 (1953). (45A) Steiner, R. H., and Pascoe, W. R., Chem. Eng. Progr., 49, 110 (1953). (46A) Tator, K., Chem. Eng., 59, 143 (December 1952). (47A) Whitney, F. L., Corrosion,9, 123 (1953). (48A) Yelton, E. B., Chemie (Prague), 3, 97 (1948).

Plastic Pipe (IB) Brit. PIastics, 25, 74 (1952). (2B) Ibid., 26, 51 (1953). (3B) Carley, J. F., and McKelvey, J. M., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,45, 989 (1953). (4B) Carley, J. F., Mallauk, R. S., and McKelvey, J. M., Zbid., 45, 974 (1953). (5B) Carley,’J. F:, and Strub, R. A,, Ibid., 45, 970 (1953). (6B) Ibid., p. 978. (7B) Chem. Age (London), 67,836 (Dec. 20,1952). (8B) Chem. Eng., 59,190A (January 1952). (9B) Delaney, J. B., Iron Age, 171.17 (March 26,1953). (10B) Dye, G. G., Gas, 28, No. 4,45 (1952). (11B) Eng. News-Recmd, 150,37 (May 7,1953). ENQ.CHEM.,45,969 (1953). (12B) Gore, W. L., IND. (13B) Iron Age, 170, 184 (Dec. 11, 1952). ENQ.CHEM.,45,992 (1953). (14B) Jepsen, C. H., IND. (15B) Jungnickel, H.. Chem. Tech. (Berlin),4,39 (1952). (16B) Keefe, P. O., Materiale & Methods, 37,103 (March 1953). (17B) McKelvey, J. M., IND. ENCI.CHEM.,45,982 (1953). (18B) Mallauk, R. S., and McKelvey, J. M., Zbid., 45,987 (1953). (19B) Miller, a,,World Oil,135, 258 (August 1952). (20B) Modem. Plastics, 29,173 (July 1952). (21B) Paokard, W. V . ,Iron Age, 171,69 (March 12,1953). (22B) PetroZeum Eng., 24, B105 (October 1952). (23B) Seymour, R. B., Southern Poww andZnd., 71, No. 6,54 (1953)



124B) Spaulding, J. N., J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 45,476 (19531, f25B) Street, L. F., Modern Plastics, 30, No. 8,130 (1953). (26B)Wilson, G. M., World Oil, 135,270 (November 1952). Thermoplastic Structures (1C) Boge, H. E., U. S. Patent 2,609,319 (Sept. 2,1952). 62c) Brit. Plastics, 24, 44 (1951). (3C) I W . , p. 121. (4C) Ibid., 25, 238 (1952). (5C) Ibid., p. 250. (6C) Ibid., p. 409. f7C) Byers, J. S., paper presented before the British Plastics Convention, Olympia, Eng., June 8-18, 1953. (8C) Compressed A i r Mag., 57, 261 (1952). (9C) Engineering, 174, 167 (Aug. 8, 1952). OOC) Factory Management and Maintenance, 110, 154 (February 1952).

Fishei:C., Chem. & Process Eng., 34, No. I, 5 (1953). Foulke, D. G., Ann. Proc. Tech. Sessions, Am. Electroplaters’ SOC.,39th (1952) 127. Goggins, W. C., “Styrene, Its Copolymers and Derivatives,” p. 1058, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1952. Haim, G., and Zade, H. P., “Plastic Progress,” p. 283, London, Dorset House, 1951. Halls, E. E., Plastics (Londorn), 16, 224 (1951). Haverkamp, W., Kunststofe, 40, 17 (1950). Krekeler, K., Plastics (London), 16, 226 (1951). Laaff, G. S., Chem. Eng., 60, 312 (June 1953). Modern Plastics, 29, 71 (July 1952). Morgan, J. D. D., “Plastics Progress,” p. 39, London, Dorset House, 1951. Nie, W. L. J. de, and Voorthuis, H. T., Brit. Plastics, 22, 286 (1950). Nylander, R., and Bergstrom, V., J . Brit. Shipbuilding, Res. Assoc., 6, No. 2, 104 (1951). Polykova, K. K., Vestnilc Mashimstroeniya, 33, No. 4, 39 (1952). Product Eng.,23,160 (July 1952). Saechtling, H. J., Chem.-Ing.-Tech,, 24, 537 (1952). Schaerer, Andre J,, Swiss Patent 275,531 (Aug. 16, 1951). Seymour, R. B., and Steiner, R. H., C h m . Eng., 60, 254 (January 1953). Seymour, R. B., and Steiner, R. H., Chem. Eng. Progr., 48, 586 (November 1952).

Vinyl Polymers and Copolymers



(31D) (32D)

Bankoff, G. G., U. S.Patent 2,612,484 (Sept. 30,1952). Bromstead, E. J., Goldstein, E. V., and Glaser, M. A,, Paint, Oil Chem. Rev., 115,23 (Oct. 23, 1952). Caird, D. W., U. S. Patent 2,600,202 (June 10, 1952). Chem. Eng., 59, 232 (December 1952). Chem. Eng. News, 30, 2688 (June 30, 1952). Clark, G. A., and Connors, H. E., Rubber Age, 72, 343 (1952). Colbus, J., Kunststofe, 42, 133 (1952). Cook, W. B., Oil Qas J., 50,313 (March 17,1952). Cranmer, W. W., Corrosion, 8,195 (1952) Delmonte, J., Product Eng., 23, No. 1,154 (1952). Dexter, F. D., Modern Plastics, 30, No. 8, 125 (1953). Eng. News-Record, 148, No. 14,74 (1952). Franke, E., Werkstofe u. Korrosion, 1,497 (1950). Gemmer, E., Ibid., 2, 369 (1951). Hayden, E. M., Org. Finishing, 13, No. 6, 13 (1952). Horn, O., and Starck, W., Angew Chem., 64,533 (1952). Ijak. F., Chim. peintures, 14,261 (1951). Keefe, P. O., Materials & Methods, 36, No. 3, 104 (1952). Kerr, T. J., Teztile World, 102, 147 (December 1952). Liger, A. W., U. S. Patent Application 150,557, Oficial Gas. U.S. Pat. Ofice, 652,892 (Nov. 20,1951). Llewellyn, W. E., U. S. Patent 2,578,523 (Dec. 11, 1951). Llewellyn, W. E., Ibid., 2,586,357 (Feb. 19, 1952). Lontz. J. F., and Happoldt, W. B., IND.ENG.CHEW,44, 1800 (1952). Lontz, J. F., and Robb, L. E., U. S. Patent 2,593,582 (April 22, 1952). Lonza E1ektrizitatswe;ke und chemische Fabriken, A.-O., Swiss Patent 272,263 (March 1, 1951). Materials & Methods, 35, No. 4, 141 (1952). Mech. Eng., 74, 746 (1952). Meyer, A. W., and Hermanot, W. A., U. S. Patent 2,600,122 (June 10, 1952). Modern Plastics, 30, No. 10, 79 (1953). Ibid., 30, No. 3, 116 (1952). Myers, R. L., U. S. Patent 2,613,203 (Oct. 7,1952). O’Keefe, P., Materials 6% Methods, 37, 110 (April 1953).

Vol. 45, No. IO

(33D) Padbury, J. J., and Kropa, E. L., U. S. Patent 2,602,824 (July 8, 1952). (34D) Rearick, J. S., Ibid., 2,600.804 (June 17,1952). (35D) Reilly, J. H., Ibid., 2,614,092 (Oct. 14,1952). (36D) Rubber Age. 72,76 (1952). (37D) Rubin, L. C., and Teeters, W. O., Corrosion, 9,100 (1953). (38D) Saechtling, H. J., Kunststofe, 40,373 (1950). (39D) Saechtling, H. J., Werkstofe u. Korrosion, 1, No. 61, 251 (1950). (40D) Schulz, G., Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 24,544 (1952). (41D) Simonin, G. D. G., Revetement et protect., 5,6 (1952). (42D) Staples, B. G., Materials & Methods, 32, No. 6,48 (1950). (43D) Waldrip, H. E., Oil Bas J.,51,291 (1952).

Polyesters (1E) Automotive Inds., 108, 52 (April 1, 1953). (2E) Aviation Week, 57.26 (Dec. 22, 1952). (3E) Bacon, C . E., and Sonneborn, R. H., India Rubber Wor.M, 125,323 (1951). (4E)Brit. Plastics, 26, 20 (1953). (5E) Bushman, E. F., Modern Plastics, 30,98 (December 1952). (6E) Chem. Eng., 59, 218 (December 1952). (7E) Ibid., 59, 250 (July 1952). (8E)Chem. Eng. News, 31,866 (May 2, 1953). (9E) Chem. Week, 72, 65 (March 7, 1953). (10E) Clark, G. A., Modern Plastics, 30, 142 (November 1952). (11E)Day, H. M., India Rubber World, 127, 230 (1952). (12E) Dobson, A. M., Automobile Engr., 42, 543 (December 1952). (13E) Hulbert, G. C., paper presented before the British Plastics Convention, Olympia, Eng., June 8-18,1953. (14E) Hulbert, G. C., Plastics (London), 17,326 (1952). (15E) Jellinek, M. H., Modern Plastics, 30,150 (November 1952). (l6E) Keefe, P. O., Materials & Methods, 37, 119 (February 1953). (17E) Koch, K. A., U. S. Patent 2,625,498 (Jan. 13,1953). (BE) Maberials & Methods, 37, No. 2, 9 (1953). (19E) Minter, H. F., and Leven, M. M., U. S. Patent 2,579,590 (Dec. 25, 1951). (20E) Modern Industry, 25, 105 (March 1953). (21E) Modern Plastics, 29, 76 (June 1952). (22E) Ibid., p. 95. (23E) Ibid., 30, 204 (May 1953). (24E) Oil Gas J., 51, 49 (July 7, 1952). (25E) Packyu, B., Plastics Inst. (London) Trans., 20, No. 41, 36 (1952). (26E) Petroleum Eng,, 24, D5l (March 1952). (27E) Product Engineering Handbook, (22-5, New York, McGrawHill Book Co. (1953). (28E) Raech. IT., Iron Age, 170, No. 2, 140 (1952). (29E) Rose, K., Materials & Methods, 37,87 (January 1953). (30E) Schula, H. W., Sprechsaal, 85, 581 (1952). (31E) Steel, 132,68 (March 2, 1953). (32E) Torrey, J. V., Modern Plastics, 30,154 (November 1952). (33E) Yarsley, V. E., et a!. “British Plastics Yearbook,” p. 110, London, Dorset House, 1953. Epoxy Resins (1F) (2F) (3F) (4F) (5F) (6F)

Andre, P., LeVide, 7,1200 (1952). Bixler, C. E., Brit. Patent 675,180 (July 9, 1952). DeWinter, P. F., Chim. peintures, 15, 6 (1952). Dunn, P. A., Light Metals, 15, No. 166,38 (1952). Ibid., 15, No. 169, 131 (1952). Greenlee, S. O., Brit. Patents 675,165, 675,167-70 (July 9, 1952). (7F) Greenlee, S. O., U. S. Patent 2,582,985 (Jan. 22, 1952). (8F) Greenlee, S. O., Ibid., 2,585,115 (Feb. 12, 1952). (9F) Greenlee, S. O., Ibid., 2,589,245 (March 18, 1952). (10F) Greenlee, S. O., Ibid., 2,591,539 (April 1,1952). (11F) Greenlee, S. O., Ibid., 2,592,560 (April 15, 1952). (12F) Hopper, T. R., Materials & Methods, 36, No. 3,90 (1952). (13F) Meyerhans, K., Kunststgfe, 41, 365 (1951). (14F) Ibid., p. 457. (15F) Narracott, E. S., Brit. Plastics, 26, 128 (1953). (16F) Peffer,R. J., and Dunbar, R. E., Proc. N. Dakota Acad. Sci., 6, 45 (1952). (17F) Preiswerk, E., Plastics (London),17, 6 (1952). (18F) Supler, V., Chem. Prhmysl, 1 (26), 193 (1951). (19F) Wittcoff, H., U. S. Patent 2,599,799 (June 10,1952). Phenolic and Furan Resins (1G) Bancroft, D. S., paper presented before the British Plastice Convention, Olympia, Eng., June 8-18, 1953. (2G) Bedwell, M. E., Selected Gout. Research Repts. (Gt. Brit.), Plastics Rept., 1, No. 8 , 221 (1952).

October 1953


(3G) Bishop, P. H. H., Gordon, J. E., and McMullen, P. L., paper

presented before the British Plastics Convention, Olympia, Eng., June 8-18, 1953. (4G) Brown, L. H., U. S. Patent 2,601,497 (June 24, 1952). (5G) Dunlop, A. P., and Peters, F. N., “The Furan8,” New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1953. (6G) Dunlop, A. P., and Stout, P. R., Brit. Patent 682,66 (Nov. 12,

1952). (7G) Dunlop, A. P., and Stout, P. R., U. 8. Patent 2,570,027 (Oct. 2, 1951). (8G) Ibid., 2,589,683 (March 18, 1952). (QG) Earp, F. K., Shapiro, F., and Wiggs, A. E., Chem. & Process Eng., 34,137 (1953); Chemistry &Industry, 1953,499. (10G)Hauck, K. H., Rev. gen. mat. plastiques, 27, 14 (1951). (11G) Hillyer, J. C., U. S. Patent 2,607,758 (Aug. 19, 1952). (12G) Himsworth, F. R., and Hughes, H., Ibid., 2,592,034 (April 8, 1952). (13G) Newman, F. E., Ibid., 2,594,061 (April 22, 1952). (14G) Nielsen, E. R., SPE Journal, 9,lO (February 1953). . (15G) Pennsylvania Salt Co., French Patents 970,944-8 (Jan. 10, 1951). (16G) Powers, P. O., IND. ENG.CHEM.,45, 1063 (1953). (17G) Reineck, E. A., Modern Plastics, 30, 127 (October 1952). (18G) Simmons, J. K., U. 5.Patent 2,595,492 (May 6, 1952). (19G) Sweeney, 0. R., Arnold, L. K., and Long, J. T., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,44,1582 (1952). (20G) Thomas, B., U.S. Patent 2,571,994 (Oct. 23,1951). (21G) Walton, R. K., Ibid.,2,585,196 (Feb. 12, 1952).


Miscellaneous (1H) Bukzin, E. A., Rubber Age, 67,681 (1950). (2H) Chem. Eng., 59,184A (March 1952). (3H) Chvalkovsky, V., Chem. Prhmysl, 1 (26), 189 (1951).


(4H) Eifflaender, K., Chem.-Ing.-Tech,, 24,555 (1952). (5H) Eney, W. J., Seymour, R. B., and Pascoe, W. R., Eng. N e w Record, 149,38 (Oct. 16, 1952). (6H) Foulks, W. S., U.S. Patent 2,584,264 (Feb. 5, 1952). (7H) Griffiths, L. H., Plastics Inst. (London) Trans., 20, No. 42, 43 (1952). (8H) Lurie, Robert, Materials & Methods, 36, No. 1, 79 (1953). (9H) Masters, F. M., Concrete, 60,30 (November 1952). (10H) Materials &Methods, 35, No. 6, 117 (1952). (11H) Mitchell, A., Rubber Age, 71,67 (1952). (12H) Modern Plastics. 30, 96, (October 1952). (13H) Ogier, G., Ital. Patent 467,020 (Nov. 24, 1951). (14H) Panek, J. R., Jorczak, J. S., and Colon, H., paper presented before the Division of Paint, Plastics, and Printing Ink, at the 123rd Meeting of the AM~RICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, LOE

Angeles, Calif. (15H) Rand, W. M., Materials & Methods, 36, 78 (1953), (16H) Reichherzer, R., Mitt chem. Forsch.-Inst. Ind. dsterr, 5, 108 (1951). (17H) Seymour, R. B., Chemistry & Industry, 1953, No. 14,324. (18H) Seymour, R. B., Food Eng., 24,73 (September 1952). (IQH) Seymour, R. B., and Deakin, D. F., Public Works, 27, 60 (July 1952). (20H) Seymour, R. B., and Steiner, R. H., Chem. Eng. Progr., 49, 276 (May 1953). (21H) Seymour, R. B., and Walker, W. B., U. S. Patent 2,622,908 (Dec. 23, 1952). (22H) Shankweiler, F. K., Bruxelles, G. N., and Whitney, R. E., Corrosion, 8, 130 (1952). (23H) Soci6ttb Nobel frangaise, U. S. Patent 2,572,407 (Oat. 23, 1951). (24H) Starr, J., Materials & Methods, 35,105 (May 1952). (25H) Thompson, A. F., U. S. Patent2,610,910 (Sept. 16,1952). (26H) Waeser, B., Gummi u. Asbest., 4,406 (1951).

Stainless Steels and Other Ferrous Alloys WALTER A. LUCE The Duriron Co., Inc., Dayton, Ohio The literature continues to emphasize conservation methods for critical elements. Although strict allocation of molybdenum and niobium has been eased, nickel still remains in the controlled category. The substitution of manganese for nickel in austenitic stainless steels became a reality on a commercial basis. Genera1 data on corrosion resistance, high temperature properties, physical and mechanical characteristics. and atmlications were Drovided. Techniuues for fabricating stainless steels by welding methods were included. &




ATERIAL shortages of the basic elements needed in stainless steel production again were of paramount importance since they governed much of the research and development in the stainless field. Numerous papers were published dealing with means for conserving those critical elements necessary to our national security. From all indications the shortage of nickel is still acute. Molybdenum appears to have become less critical since its allocation was lifted early in July. Niobium (columbium) waa also removed from the list of allocated elements but continues to be in short supply since it can be used only for defense purposes. This may still cause difficulty since the unofficial feeling is that titanium is not the effective substitute for niobium that many had hoped i t would be. Unpublished data show that for one thing, it cannot be used as a substitute for niobium in the cast alloys. In his review of alternative materials for certain critical alloys, Udy (984) concurs that there has been only limited success with titanium and tantalum-niobium a s substitutes for niobium and comments that the extra-low carbon grades are the more logical aub-

stitutes. T h e higher cost of these ELC grades is their one drawback.

Emphasis is still being given to conservation measures, with nickel still being the primary‘ objective because of its volume usage. A new austenitic stainless steel was described b y both Hatschek (118) and Gray (104). This alloy containing approximately 15% Cr, 16.5% Mn, 1% Ni, and 0.10%C (designated as T R C ) fabricates much the same as Type 301 s t a b less steel and provides increased corrosion resistance over the straight chromium stainless steels. For instance, the alloy haa proved adaptable to rail cars and highway trailers where Type 430 stainless was generally unsuitable. Tests are now under way t~ obtain much needed long exposure data. Udy (88.4)points out that the replacement of nickel with manganese is a logical step b u t cautions that extensive use of manganese could also result in a serious shortage of that element. Information on nickel-free stainless steels reached a peak during the past year, and this should serve t o encourage the use of these alloys by providing helpful data on their mechanical prop erties, corrosion resistance, and typical uses. Parina (M4) organined a symposium on the substitution of the straight chromium stainless steels for the chromium-nickel types. Twentynine participants provided comments critically evaluating auah important phases as availability in wrought and cast forms, fabd-