plenum PUBLISHING CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Publication Date: January 1971. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1971, 43, 1, 52A-52A. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's fi...
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Final Exam

An ISCO monochromatic UV flow monitor is a reliable as­ sistant which you can trust to give your column efflu­ ents a comprehensive ex­ amination with a minimum of effort and supervision. And did you know that of all the instruments of this type, ISCO monitors • are true absorbance (O.D.) monitors? • have the narrowest bandwidth and least stray light? • are the only ones which can operate your fraction collector to automatically deposit sepa­ rate peaks into separate tubes? • with an optional channel alter­ nator accessory will monitor two columns at one wavelength, one column at two wavelengths, or one column at one wave­ length but with two flow cell light path lengths? • are priced no higher than in­ struments having none of these features? All this adds up to the only fully quantitative UV monitors on the market. For more information send for brochure UA31.




Regular and Related Solutions. Joel H. Hildebrand, John M. Prausnitz, and Robert L. Scott, ix + 228 pages. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 450 W. 33rd St., New York, Ν. Υ. 10001. 1970. $10.95

This book is both a revision of and se­ quel to "Regular Solutions" by Hilde­ brand and Scott. The title has been al­ tered to go along with the fact that the authors also deal with irregular solu­ tions in terms of their deviation from the behavior of regular solutions con­ sidered as reference state. The present book expands the coverage of solubility within a thermodynamic framework us­ ing the microscopic or intermolecular potential foundation approach of solu­ bility. Scores of solutions of gases, li­ quids, and solids are analyzed in the light of this important theory. A large amount of new experimental evidence introduced by the authors within the last eight years is presented. This book will be of value and interest to research­ ers in chemical engineering, physical chemistry, and polymer chemistry, and specifically in such areas as natural gas, petroleum and petrochemicals, paint and varnish, pharmaceuticals, poly­ mers, chromatography, and plastics.

The Chemistry of Amides. Jacob Zabicky, Ed. xv + 927 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10016. 1970. $38.50

This volume is part of a series en­ titled "The Chemistry of the Func­ tional Groups." Each volume tries to cover all aspects of the chemistry of one of the important functional groups in organic chemistry. The emphasis is laid on the functional group treated and on the effects which it exerts on the chemical and physical properties, pri­ marily in the immediate vicinity of the group in question, and secondarily on the behavior of the whole molecule. The amide function as considered in this present volume is based on the trivalent group. To keep the volume within rea­ sonable size, some restrictions were im­ posed as to the type of radical that might be attached at each site. On the carbonyl side of the group, only bonds to II or C atoms were allowed, while on the amino moiety of the group Ν could also be attached. These limitations leave compounds such as carbamates, ureas, and semicarbazides, outside the scope of the book, but include in it amides, lactams, imides, diacylamines, (Continued on page 55 A)

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52 A .



AN INTRODUCTION TO MOSSBAUER SPECTROSCOPY Edited by Leopold May, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, The Catholic University of America, Washing­ ton, D.C. This v o l u m e presents articles based on t h e most current lec­ tures offered at t h e various insti­ t u t e s c o n d u c t i n g courses in Môssbauer spectroscopy. CONTENTS: Peter G. Debrunner and Hans Frauenfelder, Introduction to the Môssbauer Effect · Jon J. Spijkerman, Instrumentation · David W. Hafemeister, Nuclear Properties Determined from Môssbauer Measurements · John C. Travis, The Electric Field Gradient Tensor · Robert L Ingalls, Application to Solid-State Physics · J. Danon, Application to Coordination Chemistry · R. H. Herber, Application to Organometallic Compounds · U. Gonser, Môssbauer Spectroscopy and Physical Metallurgy · Leopold May, Application to Biochemical Systems · Appendix A: Nomenclature of Môssbauer Spectroscopy · Appendix B: Bibliographic Sources • Appendix C: Selected References on Môssbauer Spectroscopy · Index. 203 PAGES J A N U A R Y 1971 S B N 306-30477-5


LOW-FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS OF INORGANIC AND COORDINATION COMPOUNDS By John R. Ferraro, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois This v o l u m e offers a wealth of new information on t h e correlation of far-infrared vibrations for molecules in inorganic a n d coordination c o m p o u n d s . CONTENTS: Introduction · Far-infrared instrumentation · Sampling techniques and instrument calibration in the far-infrared region · New techniques used with far-infrared measurements · Metal-oxygen vibrations · Metal-halide vibration · Metal-nitrogen vibration · Miscellaneous metal-ligand vibrations · Other low-frequency vibrations · Appendices · Index. 309 PAGES J A N U A R Y 1971 S B N 306-30453-8


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