Pocket peak height intensity normalizer for mass spectra - Journal of

The authors report a small, portable normalizer which can be readily fabricated from a transparent plastic such as Perspex...
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A Pocket Peak Height Intensity Normalizer for Mass Spectra


Several devices of varvine in the literature.14 We wish . -comnlexitv. for the normalization of mass snectra have ameared .. to report a small, pmtablr nurmalizer, which can be readily lahricated from a trsnspnrcnt plastic such as I'eripex. The ronitruction of the dwiee is depicted in the iipure It r o n r ~ i t sof two 1,tvclled 213-nm srms. one olwhirh is a ,tale u,hich

has berndi\,idrd intoa hundred parts. Thr twoarms p~vutabout the zero point of the smL.The insrdewl~rof the unralibrat~d e s the nprr of arm is placed on the hnre line of the mn*s SpQrtrUm,and the scale is movrd until thr 100 mark r o ~ n r ~ dwith the largest peak. The clamping screw is tightened to preserve the angle and the relative intensities of the remaining peaks are obtained by moving the normalizer along the mass spectrum and noting where the peak apices just touch the kdge of the calibrated scale. The precision is of the order of plus or minus one percent of any reading, which suffices for most purposes. Precisian can, of course, be improved by using a larger version of the normalizer. However, the advantage of portability and small size are then lost. 'Bhati, A,, and Kale, N., Lab. Pmct., 17,208 (1968). 2Clayton, E.,and Hill, H. C., J. Sci. Instrum., 41,513 (1964). 3Stillwell, R. N.,Anal. Chem., 38,940(1966). 4Katcher, M. L.,J. CHEM. EDUC., 49,567 (1972).

R. J. Goldsack S t a t e Pollution Control Commission Joseph S t r e e t Lidoombe, N.S.W.

Wilfred Moore Derek Nelson University of New South Wales P.O. Box I, Kensington, N.S.W. 2033, Australia

Volume 55, Number 9, September 1978 / 573