Point and Pour - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: October 26, 1964. Copyright © 1964 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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.. Fyrol 6-based and seals-all at

Profile view of gap between waHs at ceiling of first floor j»oy*to

Hard-to-reach gap between outside walls of first and second floors is quickly sealed with rigid urethahe foam poured from this portable rig. The gap (see inset) between aluminum-sandwiched Dylite foam upper walls and concrete block lower walls, is 12 in. wide x 5 in. high x 1500 lineal feet. Fyrol 6-based rigid urethane foam was formulated by Callery Chemical Company, Callery, Pa.

Jack Nard, president of Three Rivers Storage Company, Thornburg, Pennsylvania, wanted rigid urethane foam insulation for his new two-story, cold-storage warehouse. But, as both builder and owner of the sprawling $ 3,000,000 structure, he insisted on a perfect insulating seal.. . that had to be flameproof . . . and competitive in cost. He found all these features - and more - in the highly versatile Fyrol 6-based one-shot system. This system is completely portable and amazingly easy to use. Three big reasons: No pre-polymer mix: Fyrol 6 is already in the resin component, which mixes with the isocyanate component as both pass through the mixing gun. No pre-heating: Fyrol 6 has such low viscosity that it actually lowers the viscosity of the resin component in which it is inducted. This eliminates costly, often impractical pre-heating — even where ambient temperatures are aslowas40°F.

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5 ecocK Great stability - Unlike ; ** < other phosphorus polyols, j 2 Fyrol 6 resists hydrolysis, I and so will not affect the stability of the resin component. In fact, resin component containing Fyrol 6 can be stored for as long as six months without impairing stability! In addition to low viscosity and great resistance to hydrolysis, Fyrol 6 provides permanent flame retardance. It is not an additive that can leach o u t . . . but an integral part of the foam. Fyrol 6 also has the highest phosphorus content of any reactive-type flame retardant used today — so you use less for a given degree of effectiveness. And Fyrol 6 foams are dimensionally stable — actually superior in this respect to many non-flame-retarded foams in common use. For more information, use the coupon. Stauffer Chemical Company, Victor Chemical Division, 380.Madison Avenue, New York 10017.

rigid urethane foam insulates, flameproofs once—in huge, cold-storage warehouse.


Portable one-shot system g o e s a n y w h e r e o n the iob . . • s p e e d s installation • . . cuts costs!

Shipping doors line one side of the Three Rivers Storage Co. warehouse. A railroad siding feeds directly into the receiving floor on the opposite side. All truck and rail "docks" on the first floor are enclosed and insulated. The building — completed in September, 1964 — has 200,000 sq. ft. of floor space . . . big enough to handle 80% of the frozen food business in the Pittsburgh area.

I StaufTer's Reg1. T.M. for a series of hydroxy-termlhated phosphate est

STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Victor Chemical Division 380 Madison Avenue, New York 10017 Watching foam rise around column footing. The foam prevents freezing temperatures from reaching sub-surface water, via the steel columns (200 of them), and heaving the foundation. Foam was poured into a form made from glass foam (black) and urethane foam (white) slabs. Concrete for the floor slab and footing collar was poured over the urethane foam — with the forms still in nlace.

Fitting columns with a foam collar proved no problem with the portable foam rig. Black drum at left holds resin component which contains Fyrol 6; white drum at right holds isocyanate. Components mix as they leave the pouring gun. Workman uses flashlight to see how high foam rises after pouring. The sheet metal form — 14 in. sq. x 6 ft. high — is left in place to nrotect the fc

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