Polarographic Behavior of Organic Compounds at Mercury Pool

W. Ziller , Richard E. P. Winpenny , William J. Evans , and David P. Mills ... Electrochimie dans la N-methylpyrrolidone V. réductions par les am...
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V O L U M E 26, NO. 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4 which showed up under ultraviolet light before spraying. In the column “Spray” are indicated those materials which gave a color upon spraying with a hydrochloric acid solution of dinitrophenylhydrazine. Some materials which are particularly unstable to acid appear here as pink or brown areas even though they do not contain a carbonyl group. For instance, the spot a t 62 in anise oil gave a pink color on spraying, which is the same test given by anethol a t that location. The “Heat” column is for those materials which appeared as visible spots after heating. hfaterials giving a positive test on splaying are not indicated on the heat test, unless a further significant color change occurred. The colors produced are also characteristic of the particular materials. The intensity of the spots is only a very rough approximation of the quantity, but this quantitative indication has been found useful with some oils. The corresponding value for carvone on the same chromatoplate is also given for the oils to serve as a marker to permit comparison between plates. The next phase of the work is the identification of the spots by comparison with authentic materials such as in Table I. In some cases materials of suffirient purity were available and have been compared directly. The yelloiy spot appearing on spraying a t or slightly below carvone in oils such as lemon, lemongrass, lime, or orange checks well for citral. Linalool is located as a red-brown spot after heating about 10 R, X 100 units below carvone, and its presence is indicated in geranium, spike lavender, expressed lemon oil, lemongrass oil, horsemint, neroli, orange and thyme. Other types of compounds detected are phenols, such as eugenol, indicated a t 33 in clove bud oil and a t 38 in geranium oil, and thymol or carvacrol in horsemint and thyme oil a t about the carvone area. Most monocyclic terpene hydrocarbons are indicated in oils as heat-sensitive spots above 90. Certain limitations to the method have been found. The generalization of Kirchner, Millei-, and Keller ( 3 ) that compounds whose R, values differ by 0.05 could be distinguished has held true in this work also. Thus, valeraldehyde and butyraldehyde were separated readily, but pulegone and dihydrocarvone were not always separated. I n some cases this difficulty was

963 not troublesome, since the nature of the tests identified materials that were nearly superimposed. The presence of cineol, which was heat sensitive, was detected despite partial superposition of dihydrocarvone, which gave a ketone test. Similarly, pulegone, which was ultraviolet active and gave a ketone test, could be distinguished from dihydrocarvone, which gave a ketone test only. Figure 2 also shows how overlapping of spots gave no particular difficulty in many cases. Very inactive ketones such as fenchone, which originally were reported to give no dinitrophenylhydrazone by the usual preparatory technique ( I ) , did not appear on the plate. Other materials such as pulegone, which once was thought to give no dinitrophenylhydrazone by the usual method in solution because of instability ( I ) , produced good spots on the plate. The method is particularly convenient for detection of oxygenated constituents of essential oils. In those oils, which are of particular interest because of hydrocarbon constituents, use of another developer, such as hexane alone, would be indicated ( 5 ) . Other developers might be desirable for highly adsorbed materials. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance of William Schippers and William Faas. The encouragement of this work by Winship Todd and the support of it by the A. R4. Todd Co. are appreciated. The author wishes to thank the W.J. Bush Co. for samples of many of the oils tested. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Allen, D. F. H., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,52, 2955 (1930). (2) Bland, D. E., Sature, 164, 1093 (1949).

Kirchner. J. G., Miller, J. AI., and Keller, G. J., . ~ N . A L .CHEY., 23, 420 (1951). (4) lIeinhard, J. E., and Hall, S . F., Ibid., 21, 185 (1949). (5) IIiIler, J. AI., and Kirchner, J. G., I b i d . , 25, 1107 (1953). (6) Sease, J. W’.,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 70, 3630 (1948). (7) White, J. W.. and Dryden, E. C., ANAL.CHEW,20, 853 (1948). (3)

RECEIVEDfor review M a y 15, 1953. ilccepted February 2 5 , 1954. Presented in part before the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 122nd hleeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N. J.

Polarographic Behavior of Organic Compounds At the Mercury Pool Electrode CARL A. STREULI end W. DONALD COOKE Baker Laboratory, Cornell University, Maca, N. Y. The study of the mercury pool cathode for the polarography of organic compounds leads to significant differences, although the polarograms are qualitatively similar to those obtained for ion-metal reductions. In contrast to the behavior exhibited by metallic ions, the reduction potentials are often different from those obtained at the conventional dropping electrode and at times the number of waves is different. In general, the reproducibility of the mercury pool cathode is not as good as that of the dropping mercury electrode; half-peak potentials are precise to 10 mv., and current values, within 7% of their relative values. The groups which have been studied are: nitro, dinitro, keto, diketo, azo, hydrazo, nitroso, disulfide. and quinone. The new electrode extends the range of polarographic methods to more dilute solutions. It is sometimes possible, in the analysis of mixtures of organic compounds, to take advantage of the shift in the reduction potentials.


K A recent paper, the application of a polarized mercury pool

electrode to analytical polarography was demonstrated (IO). This study was limited to ion-amalgam reductions, and i t was shown that the polarographic waves obtained were theoretically predictable by equations previously derived for oscillographic reductions ( 4 9 ) . The mercury pool electrode has the advantage of greatly increased sensitivity over polarographic method6 employing the conventional dropping mercury procedures. Because of this advantage, an attempt was made to use the mercury pool electrode for the reduction of organic compounds and to determine the limitations involved. The compounds selected for study were chosen to represent typical examples of polarographically reducible organic functional groups. Because the equations of both Sevcik (9) and Randles (8) were developed for oscillographic polarography involving ionamalgam reductions, and because many organic compounds are irreversibly reduced, it was not expected that they would apply to organic work. It was found, however, that the polarograms



were similar in shape to those previously reported for metal ion reductions.


1 6 ~ t . 4P H 3


A thermostated (25" C.) cell used in the beginning of this work has been described ( I O ) . Later, the cell was modified as shown in Figure 1. This arrangement allowed much more rapid and efficient deaeration. The solution to be analyzed was placed in the cell and the oxygen removed by forcing nitrogen (Seaford grade) through a fritted glass disk a t the bottom of the compartment. To facilitate oxygen removal, a small amount of absolute alcohol (about 1%) was added to the solution. The surface tension of the solution was thus changed so that the nitrogen entered in very fine bubbles. Under these conditions no oxygen was detectable after about 15 to 30 seconds. Three milliliters of mercury were then added through the small side arm with the desired potential already applied. After the current had reached a constant value, the voltage scanning n-as begun.





- 1.0


Volts vs.SCE

Figure 2.

Polarogram of Nitrobenzene

polarograms, carried out with the dropping mercury electrode utilized lO-'J/ solutions, and 0.01% gelatin m s added if a maximum was encountered. The values of the peak heights were corrected for the contribution of residual current by extrapolation of the base line current. EXPER1hlENT.A L

S C E.




Figure 1. Cell

The cell shown used about 15 nil. of solution. A smaller cell was also designed and found to be satisfactory. It held 1 ml. of solution and had an electrode area of 0.8 sq. em. Since the electrode area was smaller, the peak currents measured were lower. However, the absolute magnitude of the currents obtained is unimport,ant. Only the ratio of peak height to residual current and the slope of the residual current values, with increasing positive voltage, are important. With the smaller cell, the current values were still large enough t'o be recorded on a conventional recording polarograph. A large cell, wit,h an electrode area of 8 sq. cm. containing about 100 ml. of solution, \Vas also tried and yielded waves similar to those previously obtained. The current, values were larger, but such a procedure seemed to offer no advantage. I n fact, the smaller the cell, the more favorable is t,he ratio of volume to electrode area. A modified Leeds and Xorthrup ElectroChemograph was used in recording the polarograms. To decrease electrical hash, this apparatus was modified by replacing the polarizing slide rr-ire n.ith one having six times as many convolutions. The area of the mercury pool was 3 sq. em. and the dropping electrode, used in comparison work, had an m2i3t1'6 value of 2.49, where i n is the rate of mercury flow and 1 is the drop time. All of the solutions studied, except those whose wave height varied with polarization rate, Tvere scanned a t a rate of 400 mv. per minute using an auxiliary polarizer ( I O ) . Duplicate determinations were made for every point reported, and the reported results are the average of the two determinations. Comparison

Nitro Compounds. Because nitro compounds are frequently determined polarographically, and a large amount of elec>trocahemical data is available for nitrobenzene ( 7 ) , this compountl was chosen for exploratory XT-ork. X wave typical of those obtained for nitrobenzene with the quiet mercury pool is illustrated in Figure 2. I t is similar in shape to those obtained for ion-amalgam reductions. A more abrupt frontal slope and sharper peak might have been expected for this wave, because a +electron change is postulated for the reduction at the dropping mercwry electrode ( 4 ) . Because of the irreversibility of most organic reductions, little can be predicted as t o the theoretical shape calculated from the equations of Randles and Sevcik.

Table I.

Comparison of Reduction Potentials at Dropping Mercury and 5Tercury Pool Electrodes

Compound Kitrobenaene Dinitrobenzene Benzophenone Rpnzil Azobenaene 1-Kitroso-2-naphthol Cystine l,&rinthraquinone disulfonate Hydrazobenzene

Dropping Electrode. Volt u s . S.C.E. 1st 2nd -0.22 -0.68 -0.27 -0.38 -1.21 , , -0.93 -0.63 -0.27 -0.4R

-0 67 -0 83




. . ,

Pool Electrode, Volt u s . S.C.E. 1st 2nd -0.40 Sone -0.30 -0 51 -1.15


-0.72 -0.60

-0 56 -0.66 -0.76

. -1.11 , .

Nitrobenzene, a t a p H of 1, in 10% alcohol, yields two waves upon reduction a t a dropping mercury electrode. The first wave. for reduction to phenylhydroxylamine, has a half-wave potential of -0.22 volt us. S.C.E. (8). The second wave, much smaller in magnitude, is caused by reduction of phenylhydror;S.lamine to aniline, and occurs a t a half-wave potential of -0.68 volt. I t is significant that only one wave was ohtained at the mercury pool electrode and that it had a potential of -0.40 volt us. S.C.E. It was further found that a pure solution of phenylhydroxylamine failed to give a reduction wave. This is in contrast t o the results obtained for the reduction of metal ions where the half-peak potentials obtained at, a mercury pool agreed closely with the half-wave potentials of the dropping mercuq- electrode. Table I

V O L U M E 2 6 , N O . 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4


005 VSconning Rote

Figure 3 .

I 01





\-ariation of Peak Height




tu-Dinitrobenzeiie way the secuid c~sampleof an orgaiiic nitro compound. The polarogram shown in Figure 4 is a typical esample of the type of curve found for t,his compound. The solution was 10-4M with respect t o m-dinitrobenzene, was buffered at a pH of 3, and contained 570 alcohol by volume. The two peaks are clearly resolvable, a phenomenon not possible at t>his pH with the dropping mercury electrode. For comparison purposes, a polarogram of the same solution, recorded a t the dropping mercury electrode, is shown. Jf-ith this compound two distinct waves are obtained for both electrodes. It is possible that the third, long-drawn-out wave is present a t the dropping mercury electrode. R l t h the dropping electrode, the half-wave potentials are -0.22 and - 0 . 3 i volt us. S.C.E. for t h r first arid second waves, respectively. The corresponding potentials at the mercury pool are -0.28 and -0.51 volt. Here again t,he reduction potentials obtained a t the quiet pool are different from those obtained by conventional polarographic, procedures. FVave height dependency on roncentration is shown in Table 111. The first wave is proportional l o concentration except for the most caoncentratd solution. The second wave does not v;try linearly with concentration, as evidenced hy the decrcase in value of lmay./Cas the c~onc~c~ntration increases. This might be

s h o w a comparison of the reduction potentials a t the two electrodes for various compounds. I t is possible that a t the mercury pool the second wave of nitrobenzene was shifted to a value more ‘Table XI. \-ariation of Half-Peak Potential for negative than the potential a t n-hich hydrogen discharge becomes Xi trohenzene w - i t h pH appreckble. K h e n using the pool electrode, the hydrogen dis(I’olarization rate, 0.4 \wit pes u i n u t e ; solution, 10 -5.U; teiuljriatiise charge wave becomes appreciable a t a potential 0.2 to 0.3 volt 250 C.) pH of Half-Peak IZllWf C , more positive than when the dropping electrode was employed. Solution Potential .‘.n~pere/llolc This is possibly caused hy thc greater sensitivity of the electrode. .is would be expected, the half-peak potcnti:il for the reduction of nitrobenzene was dependent on the pH. In Tahle I1 the values :ire listed for solutions of pH 1 to 4 ( 1 ). A regular increase of the average half-peak potential of 0.045 volt wasnoted for a unit change in pH. The peak heights increased with pH, but not in a regular manner. At the I oc dropping mercury electrode, there is :ilso an increase in diffusion current, with higher pH values, but the effect is much less pronounced (6‘). The half-peak potential \vas found t o he constant with concentration as well as 5c with the rate of potential scanning. According to the equations of Sevcik and Randles, the peak heights obtained in oscillographic polarograph). vary with the square root of the rate of rn- DINITROBENZENE voltage polarization. This TVBS found Q to he true for the reduction of nitroID4 M pH3 benzene a t a quiet mercury pool as Lo shown in Figure 3. The average deviE? ation from linearity was 2.4% and the m:isimum deviation, 4.8%. E 0 The variation of peak height n-ith ? roncentr:ition is given in Table I11 for I! various concwitrations of nitrolienzene. H 4 The solutions were huffered a t a pH of 3 and cwiitnined 5% cthyl alcohol. The conccntration of ethJ-I alcoliol was not caritical, because solutions containing 10% gave essentially the same results. 2 I l t h o u g h the calihration w r v e is linear itt lowrr concent,rations, it falls off in m‘ire concentrated solution^. Con. ,,4++ sider:tl)ly greater sensitivity was obI I I I I I I I I I I 1 0 tained a i t h the mercury pool than with -* 2 -A -.6 8 - 1.0 - 1.2 the dropping electro:Ie, making it posV o l t s vs. S C E sible to determine solutions containing 0.25 9 of nitrobenzene per nil. Figure 4. I’olarograms of rn-Dinitrobenzene





caused by the growth of the first wave, which partially masks the second as concentration increases. Carbonyl Compounds. JTaves were obtained for the reduction of benzophenone in a 0.1M solution of ammonium acetate (Figure 5 ) . Because the hydrogen current appeared so soon after the emergence of the carbonyl wave, the wave heights for benzophenone were measured by subtracting the background p o l a r o g r a m f r o m the benzophenone polarograms, instead of extrapolating the base line as was done for the other compounds. The dependence of wave height on concentration is given in Table 111. As in the previous cases, the Imax./Cvalue is


2x10-5 M 0.1 M L i O H




5n r




tential for these solutions was -1.15 i 0.01 volts. I n a buffer of pH 4, the half-peak potential was - 1.02 volts and was unaffected by scanning rate. A conventional polarogram of the 10-4M solution of benzophenone is also shown in Figure 5 . The half-wave potential was -1.22 volts and the wave height was 0.80 pa. The hydrogen discharge occurs a t a much more negative potential than in the case of the pool polarogram. The z d / C r n 2 W f b value obtained was 3.21. Day ( 2 ) gives this value as 2.60 in his work on benzophenone.

Volts vs. SCE

Figure 6.

Polarogram of Benzil

AZOCompounds. Azobenzene in 0.111.1 lithium hydroxide and 1% ethyl alcohol gave a well defined wave with an unusually sharp peak (Figure 7 ) . A polarogram of the same solution obtained at a dropping electrode is shown for comparison purposes. This compound is reduced a t a more positive potential a t the pool electrode, as shown in Table I. The value of the peak current is abnormally high when compared to the other compounds studied. The high value of Imax./Cshown in Table I11 can be explained by postulating an adsorbed film of azobenzene on the mercury surface. An adsorbed film would increase the peak current, values by increasing the concentration of the reducible compound a t the electrode interface. When the surface film was depleted, there would be a sharp decline in the reduction current, which would result in a pronounced peak. Further evidence to substantiate this is that the peak values of this compound do not increase as the square root of the scanning rate, as would be expected for a diffusion controlled peak, The increase is almost linear. Increasing the amount of ethyl alcohol in the supporting electrolyte exerted a profound influence on the height and shape of the azobenzene wave. I n raising the ethyl alcohol concentration from 1 to 50%, the value of the current was decreased to one tenth its original value. A further difference in behavior of this compound was the shift in half-peak potential with scanning rate, toward more positive values. The uniform behavior of the other

Table 111. Variation of Peak Current with Concentration

O L 9:





Figure 5.



- 17.


Polarograms of Benzophenone

Benzil was found t o yield one well defined wave and two other waves much smaller in magnitude (Figure 6). The same material yielded only a single wave a t the dropping mercury electrode with a half-wave potential of -0.93 volt us. S.C.E. The value of ImaX./Cdecreased somewhat with increasing concentration (Table 111). A recent study by Marple and Rogers (6) has shown that by substituting a mercury-plated platinum electrode for the dropping . _ - mercury electrode, the number of reduction waves for dinitrobenzene can be increased from two to three.

Concentration, Mole/Liter


Imsx./C> dmpere/hlole m-Dinitrobenzene, Benzo1st wave phenone


2 5

2 5

x x

i n -8 I"



1 nn ~.

... ...




1 Y

' ,0,4 O.-"


2 x 10-1 5 x 10-5 i x 10-5


A ,

0.98 ,..



0.32 0.32 0.32


1.6-Anthraquinone Disulfonate

... 0.29 0.31








0.93 0.97 0.96

V O L U M E 26, N O . 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4


organic compounds seems to indicate the lack of appreciable adsorption. Figures i and 8 illucitrate the sensitivity which is attainable with the mercury pool electrode. Figure 7 compares the polarograms for azobenzene obtained with both the pool electrode and a conventional dropping electrode. Further increase in sensitivity can be had by increasing the rate a t which the electrode is polarized. Figure 8 shows a polarogram of azobenzene obtained at a voltage scanning rate of 6.0 volts per minute. At this concentration, a conventional polarographic wave was hardly noticeable ( i d = 0.03 pa.). The increased magnitude of the charging current at the higher scanning rate is seen in the initial sharp current rise before the plateau is reached. The narrower range of voltage, between the anodic dissolution of mercury and the evolution of hydrogen, decreases the value of the higher rates of polarization.

used as supporting electrolyte, no well defined reduction wae found. This behavior is similar to that which occurs a t the dropping mercury electrode. Quinones. The ammonium salt of l,&anthraquinone disulfonate in 0.1M lithium hydroxide and 1% alcohol yielded a well defined wave (upper half of Figure 11). The peak currents were linear with concentration, and the half-peak potential was independent of concentration. The reduction potential, using the mercury pool electrode, &-asclose to the value of -0.67 volt, which was obtained a t the dropping mercury electrode under the same conditions as in Table I.



6 Volts/Min

1 ;\











Molar 0.1






LIOH- I % olcohol




2 201 0,



Figure 8.














V o l t s vs. SCE

Figure 7 .

Polarograms of Azobenzene

Nitroso Compounds. 1-Sitroso-2-naphthol in a 0.lM ammonium hydroxide-0.lN ammonium chloride solution gave a wave in which the peak was less pronounced than in other polarograms (Figure 9). Reproducibility of wave height was distinctlj- poorer, and errors as large as 20% were recorded. The linearity of peak height, versus concent,rat,ionwas thus difficult to evaluate, but the average value of all determinations was 0.40 ampere per mole. The reduction potential obtained a t the mercury pool was more than 0.5 volt more negative than the half-wave potential a t the dropping electrode. Disulfides. At the mercury pool electrode, cystine was found t o yield two waves as shown in Figure 10. The reduction process a t the pool electrode is apparently similar to that which occurs a t the dropping mercury electrode. Under the same conditions, the polarogram a t the latter electrode also consisted of ttTo waves. The first, at a, half-wave potential of -0.46 volt, was considerably smaller than the second (E,:?= -0.87 volt). The second wave was used for analysis, and the peak heights of this wave were linear with concentration, within the precision of the method, as shown in Table 111. Because of the discharge of hydrogen eoon after the second peak, it was difficult to measure the current values at dilutionP below 2 X 10-531. FVhen a strong base was





Effect of High Scanning Rate

Unsaturated Compounds. Attempts were also made, using the pool electrode, to obtain polarograms of anthracene in solutions of 0.05M tetraethylammonium bromide and 5 , 10, and 50% alcohol by volume. I n no case was a wave obtained. However, a dropping mercury electrode polarogram of the solution containing 10% ethyl alcohol, yielded an excellent polarogram with a half-wave value of -1.63 volts us. S C E. Apparently, the reduction potential of this compound at the mercury pool is shifted to



N I T R O S O - R SALT IO-~M 0.1 M ",OH


Figure 9.


- NH,



Polarogram of Nitroso-R Salt



ization. I n contrast to the nitrobenzenes, 1,6anthraquinone disulfonate yielded an anodic wave when the electrode was polarized from negative to positive potentials. The waves obtained in both directions are shown in Figure 11. The half-peak potentials of the two waves agree within experimental error. The existence of an anodic wave indicates the reduction product is reoxidizable. Because the half-peak potentials are the same, it might he inferred that the electrolytic process is reversible. This is the criterion used in oscillographic polarography for reversibility, although the time involved here is much longer. Azobenzene also yielded a reduction product which v a s found to be reoxidizable a t roughly the same potential. The reduction product can be shown to be. hydrazoiienzene, because the anodic wave obtained n-ith the latter compound was identical to the wave found on the reverse polarization of azolienzene.


IO-^ M

0.1 M "O ,H


- .4






- 1.0



- 1.2


V o l t s vs. SCE

F i g u r e 10.

Polarogram of C y s t i n e

such a negative potential that it is completely masked by the hydrogen discharge. Halogen Compounds. Organic rompounds containing halogens were also found to yield reduction r a v e s a t the pool electrode. Carbon tetrachloride was found to be reducible, but lieclause of the experimental difficulties involved in keeping the compound in solution during deaeration, no quantitative studies were made (3). The gamma homer of hexachloroc!.clohexane was also found to be reducible. Two n'aves were obtained in contrast to the single xave found at, the dropping mercury electrode. Because of the current interest in this compound, this specific analysis was studied in detail (11). ANODIC OXID4TIOiVS

An attempt was made to perform anodic oxidations at the mercury pool electrode. The wave obtained for the oxidation of hvdrazobenzene in 0.111 lithium hydroxide is shov,n in Figure 12. The genera1 shape of the wave is what Mould he expected from the results of oscillographic polarography. The base lines obtained in these anodic polarograms were not as %ell defined as thoqe of the cathodic waves.



Because the reduvtion potentials of various compounds a t the mercury pool cathode are a t times different from those ohtained a t the dropping electrode, it seemed possible that some mixtures, with similar half-wave potentials a t the dropping mercury electrode, could be resolved at the quiet pool. An example is the determination of na-dinitrobenzene in nitrotienzene. .kt a pH of 3, the half-wave potentials of the two compounds, which are obtained by conventional polarography, art: PO rlose that resolution is difficult,. d t the mercury pool electrode, however, ni-dinitrobenzene can be determined in t x n t y times as much nitrobenzene n-ith an accuracy within 5%. as shown in Table IV. I t is much more difficult, hon-ever, to determine nitrobenzene in the presence of dinitrobenzene. The second wave of the latter compound coalesces Kith the peak characteristic of nitrobenzene. Because the second u.ave of nitrobenzene is not linear with concentration, it is difficult to compenmte for the contribution of this wave.



I n the previous work on ion-amalgam reductions, it was found that entirely different curves were obtained if the polarization 1185 carried out from negative to positive potentials (10). Peaks are not obtained, because the diffusion layer is already set up befoie the half-peak potential is reached. Anodic currents, however, appear as valleys in these polarograms because of the dissolution of the deposited metal when the potentials become sufficiently positive. When reactions are irreversible, these valleys n ould not be expected, because no deposition occurs with organic compounds. I n Figure 13 apolarogram is shown that was obtained by scanning the voltage from a negative to a positive potential. From the shape of the curve, i t is evident that the product of the reduction of nitrobenzene is not reoxidized a t the mercury pool electrode. The wave obtained, however, is still characteristic of nitrobenezene. The half-peak potential on the fora ard polarization was -0.50 volt tis. S.C E., while the value of the half-wave potential on the reverse polarization was -0.49 volt. Similar results were obtained for m-dinitrobenzene, except that two waves were found. The half-wave potentials of both the waves obtained corresponded to half-peak potentials of the forn ard polar-

DISULFONATE 6 x io-' M 0.1 M L i O H





I 1.66





x o



2 0 z


-I 0 L

V O L U M E 26, NO. 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4


Table IV. Determination of rn-Dinitrohenzene in I'resence of Nitrohenzene t-sing Mercury Pool Electrode ( p H of buffer, 3; scanning raw. 0 i wilt i)er niiniite: temperature, 25" C.) Concentration. llole,'Literi m x m-Dinitrobenzene Nitrobenzene 1st \\-aye 2nd \va\-e ,j X 10-8 3 . 5 0 =k 0 . 0 0 2 . 0 8 i 0 . 0 7 j X'io-8 3.40 i0.05 3 X 10-6 3 X 10-6 3 . 5 3 ' 2 0 . 2 0 4.80 i 0.40 5 x 10-6 10-5 3 . 4 0 i 0 20 8.90 i 0 . 3 0 5 x 10-5 3 X 10-5 3 . 3 5 T 0.05 3 0 . 2 0 i0.30 5 x 10-6 10-4 3 . 3 3 i 0.13 60.5 i 0.50


In order to increase further the sensitivity of the mercury pool electrodes, polarograms were carried out, in which the solution above the electrode was agitated by means of a stirrer. The current values were increased, and the ratio of current height to residual current \\as found to be more favorable. As would be expected, peaks are not obtained, and the shape of the curves are similar to conventional polarograms. JVork is being done on the analvtical application of such electrodes and ill be reported in a subsequent publication.

The precision of the various mcasurnnents using the pool electrode seemed to be poorer than that obtained hp conventional procedures. The half-peak potentials, for example, wpre reproducible to only 10 inv., a value higher than the comparahle halfwave potentials. Peak heights could lw reproduced within ahout 5 to 7% of their relative values. *4n outstanding difference between the tivo electrodes is that the reduction potentials are not the same in both cases. The potentials obtained at the quiet pool are sometimes positive and sometimes negative, n-hen compared to the dropping electrode values. When resolution is poor by conventional procedures, the use of the mercury pool might well shift one of the potentials, allowing the t n o waves to be separated.




The mercury pool cathode has been applied to the polarographic determination of a small number of organic compounds and the results obtained are different in many respects from polarograms found by conventional methods. Obriously, further work is necessary before any over-all evaluation of the application of this electrode of polarography ran he reached. Hon-ever, certain outstanding differences between the two electrodes are evident.






Volts vs. SCE

Figure 13.



, -5


I \








2 x 1 6M ~ 0.1 M LI O H














SCE $nodic Oxidation

V o l t s vs.

Figure 12.

The increased sensitivity of the new electrode makes possible the determination of much smaller quantities of reducible organic material. Besides this obvious advantage, it is possible to work in a lower range of concentrations and still use aqueous solutions. I n some cases, ahere by conventional procedures it was necessary to use 80% ethyl alcohol because of solubility problems, the reduction could be carried out in 5y0 alcohol a t the mercury pool.

Reverse Polarization

Some of the difference in reduction potentials might possihly be explained by kinetic effects. JVith the dropping electrode, a new diffusion layer is set up every feLv seconds. I n the case of the quiet mercury surface, the same diffusion layer persists throughout the entire recording of the polarogram. Since many electrorcductions occur slowly, this difference might explain some of the potential shifts and differences in the number of n-aves for organic compounds. The reduction of benzil a t both electrodes is an example in which a different number of waves is obtained. -It the dropping mercury electrode a single wave is ohtaiwd;. which has heen sh0n.n to correspond to a reduction to benzoin.. T o further reduction occurs, even though benzoin itself docs. yield a polarographic wave. The rearrangement to herizoin is apparent,ly s l o ~at t'he dropping mercury electrode ( 4 ) . .it the mercury pool elect,rode, however, if benzoin is the reduction product, it would remain in contact with thc clectrode long enough to be reduced further. Similar phenomena have been reported by Marpie and Iiogers ( 5 ) . Their results are riot comparable t o the results for the reduction of dinitrohenzcne reported here because of the great difference in pH in the t\ro c.speriments. I n using the pool electrode, it was found that for most supporting electrolytes the hydrogen wave occurred at a potential of 0.2 to 0.3 volt more positive than it appeared a t the dropping mercury electrode. Unfortunately, many important organic functional groups, such as conjugated double bonds and the aldehyde group, are reduced t o a value quite close to hydrogen evolution, and cannot be determined by this procedure. The rate of polarization has a distinct effect on the potential a t which hydrogen is discharged. .it low rates of voltage scanning, the hydrogen wave becomes appreciable a t more negative potentials (Figures 7 and 8). JVhen polarizing a t a rate of 0.4 volt per


970 minute, the current becomes appreciable a t -1.5 volts, while a t 6.0 volts per minute a potential of only about -0.9 volt can be attained. ACKNOWLEDG.MENT

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the U. S. Air Force in this work. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Clark, W. Jl., and Lubs, H. A., J . Bacterial., 2, 1, 109, 191 (1 917). (2) Day, R . A., and Kirkland, J. J., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 2766 (1950).

(3) Kolthoff, I. M., Lee, T. S., Stocesova, D., and Parvy, E. P., ANAL.CREM., 22,521 (1950). (4) Kolthoff, I. M., and Lingane, J. J., “Polarography,” Kew York, Interscience Publishers, 1952. (5) Marple, T. L., and Rogers, L. B., ANAL.CHEM., 25, 1351 (1953). (6) Page, J. E., Smith, J. W., and Waller, J. G., J. Phys. & Colloid Chem., 53,545 (1949). (7) Pearson, J., Trans. Faraday Soc., 44, 683 (1948). (8) Randles, J. E. B., Zbid., 44, 327 (1948). (9) Sevcik, A., Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Communs., 13, 349 (1948). (10) Streuli, C. .4.,and Cooke, W. D., ANAL.CHEY.,25, 1691 (1953). (11) Ibid., 26, 970 (1954). ~~

RECEIVEDf o r review Sovember 10, 1953. Accepted March 30, 19.54, Research performed under Contract -4F 18(600)-486 and monitored by Office of Scientific Research, A i r Research a n d Development Command.

Polarographic Determination of the Gamma Isomer Of HexachIo rocyclohexane In the Presence of Other Isomers and Higher Chlorinated Material CARL A. STREULI and W. DONALD COOKE Baker Laboratory, Cornell University, Itbaca, N. Y. In the usual polarographic determination of the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane, difficulties are experienced from other compounds which are normally present. In particular, heptachlorinated compounds are reduced at a half-wave potential which overlaps that of the gamma isomer. If the dropping mercury electrode is replaced by a mercury pool electrode, the reduction potentials are shifted in such a way that interferences are eliminated. This method has a greater sensitivity than the conventional polarographic method and has been applied to pure lindane, natural isomeric mixtures, concentrates, dusts, and alpha-beta cakee.


HE widespread use of lindane as a pesticide has aroused

recent interest in its analytical determination. Because of the difficulty of determination in the presence of the usual impurities, a solution to this problem has been attempted by a wide variety of analytical methods. Simple colorimetric tests have been devised ( 7 , 9), but these are not specific for the gamma isomer, and all other isomers interfere. Bioassay methods which employ the toxic effect of lindane on houseflies have been tried ( 5 ) . These methods lack precision and have inherent uncertainties in any one determination. Polarographic methods have been proposed ( 2 , 4, 6, 10) and are useful, because the alpha, beta, delta, and epsilon isomers yield no diffusion wave, but the gamma isomer is reducible. In the presence of hepta- and octachlorocyclohexane, the method is difficult to apply. These more highly chlorinated products give a wave which merges into the polarogram of the gamma isomer. Draght ( 3 ) has devised an empirical procedure for surmounting this difficulty if only small amounts of heptachlorocyclohexane are present. Infrared methods have been used for this analysis ( 2 ) , but the other compounds absorb radiation at all wave lengths within the spectrum of the gamma isomer. Higher chlorinated material causes further uncertainties in the analysis. When the method is applicable, however, each individual isomer in a mixture can be determined. All components in the pesticide mixtures can be separated chromatographically ( 1 , 8). In such procedures, the gamma isomer can be separated and weighed and, therefore, is not dependent on

any interpretive procedures. The disadvantages of this method are the time and technique necessary and the fact that a large sample must be used. A new polarographic procedure has been proposed, using a mercury pool cathode (11), in which a wave is obtained for the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane. None of the other isomers contributes to this wave nor do the hepta- and octachlorinated compounds. The method is rapid and has a sensitivity more than ten times the conventional polarographic procedure. In applying the recently developed mercury pool cathode to organic polarography, distinctly different results from those found with the dropping mercury electrode were often obtained (12). Reduction potentials mere shifted, sometimes in a positive direction and, a t other times, toward negative potentials. In some instances, even the number of waves obtained was different. Because such results might be obtained a t the mercury pool


Volts vs. SCE

Figwre 1. Mercury Pool Polarograms of Hexachlorocyclohexane8