Pollution Control and Energy Needs - American Chemical Society

Division of Fuel Chemistry and the. Division of Petroleum Chemistry of the American ... operate at pressures as high as 8500 psi and flow rates from 0...
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An important and timely book on new anti-pollution technologies that could ease today's ENERGY CRISIS:

Pollution Control and Energy Needs

ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES No. 127 A s y m p o s i u m co-sponsored by t h e Division of Fuel Chemistry and t h e Division of Petroleum Chemistry of the A m e r i c a n Chemical Society, edited by Robert M . J i m e s o n and Roderick S. Spindt.

Elemental Analysis System The Spectrace 440 incorporates a transmission target X-ray tube, Top Hat Si(Li) detector, 20- or 40-position sample changer, and computer-based X-ray analyzer/system con­ troller. Less than 5 ng of lead is detectable on a cm 2 of filter paper. Detection limits are below 1 ppm for most metals in low Ζ matrices. Automation is built into sample position­ ing, transmission filter selection, secondary target selection, data acquisition, processing, and reporting. Nuclear Semi­ conductor 407

The nineteen papers in this v o l u m e direct attention to the critical e n ­ ergy shortage t h a t is presently generating such w o r l d w i d e c o n ­ cern. Emphasis is on the conflict be­ t w e e n increasing energy d e m a n d s vs. primary fuel supplies w i t h spe­ cific discussions centering around n e w schemes and technologies t h a t have evolved to meet pollution requirements and ease the energy crunch. Topics focus


• gas. coal, and oil supplies • desulfurization methods; hydrodesulfurization • sulfur oxides removal from stack gases • nitrous oxides control processes '249 pages (1973) Cloth bound, $13 95: Paperback. $7.50 Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere

Liquid Chromatograph Model 8500 liquid chromatograph offers innovations for improved performance. Pump, injector, and columns can operate at pressures as high as 8500 psi and flow rates from 0-990 ml/hr. Push-button controls provide isocratic operation, while a multilinear programmer handles gradient elution. A variety of detectors can be used: UV, refractive index, or Variscan. Accessories include strip chart recorders, controlled-temperature bath, solvent degasser, auto pump-filling module, and digital integrator. Varian 411

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