Polycat® cuts the rising cost of urethane foams. - C&EN Global

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Polycat cuts the

rising cost of urethane foams. And he's making lots of friends doing it. One way he cuts costs is simply by costing less himself—as little as one-sixth the cost of competitive catalysts. But just as importantly, Polycat gives production economies without affecting the quality of the final foam product.

Old friends in Detroit Some of Polycat's very closest friends are major \ φ ^ foam suppliers to the automotive industry. Since Polycat is less likely to stain light colored vinyl, these suppliers now have fewer problems meeting nonstaining requirements for seat covers, dashboards and head rests. And because of the savings he offers, more seat cushions, dashboards and head rests are being catalyzed with Polycat every day.

New friends in Dixie. Polycat has many friends among furniture manufacturers too. For rigid decorative trim, Polycat's slower cream time means outstanding foam flowability. And his fast rise and tack-free times mean quicker demolding of flexible and semi-rigid cushioning. The result? Production economies through faster cycle times and greater mold turnover. With no loss of foam quality.

him though, they found that he makes it easier to balance rise and jell times and achieve very uniform cell structures. And the rising foam fills insulation spaces completely. Polycat is also compatib!e > with most other urethane ingredients. He offers greater efficiency and economy with few additive restrictions.

A friend in need is a friend indeed Polycat wants to help. But don't be discouraged if you have to altera formulation to take advantage of Polycat. O n e of his new friends did and now Polycat is helping him achieve higher ILD's. Before Polycat, he could only achieve them with higher cost polyols. Or you may have to modify your present machinery a little. Another one of Polycat's friends did. But he shortened his mold cycle significantly in the process. And this is just the beginning for Polycat. He's already offering substantial savings to both processors and formulators. And he'd like to do the same for you. cen North Chicago, III. Montréal, P. Q., Canada


Zurich, Switzerland Abbott / Chemical / Division f /

Helping friends in tight spots. /







Please send me information about how Polycat Catalysts can save me money and improve the quality of my foam. s




ADDRESS_ / Before meeting Polycat, there were many people who lost time and money using catalysts which didn't __STATE_ CITY _ZIP_ / / MAIL T O ME: allow complete and uniform foam acceleration TELEPHONE_L / / Polycat, Abbott Laboratories, in insulation applications. Once they met / Chemical Division, D-902, North Chicago, Illinois 60064 / / / / /