Polychlorinated Biphenyls as Probes of ... - ACS Publications

U.S. Geological Survey, 6417 Normandy Lane, Madison, WI 53719 .... recovery of these surrogates and matrix spikes for all samples analyzed during the ...
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Chapter 25

Polychlorinated Biphenyls as Probes of Biogeochemical Processes in Rivers

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S. A. Fitzgerald and J. J. Steuer U.S. Geological Survey, 6417 Normandy Lane, Madison, WI 53719

A field study was conducted to investigate the use of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) congener and homolog assemblages as tracers of biogeochemical processes in the Milwaukee and Manitowoc Rivers in southeastern Wisconsin from 1993 to 1995. PCB congeners in the dissolved and suspended particle phases, along with various algal indicators (algal carbon and pigments), were quantitated in the water seasonally. In addition, PCB congener assemblages were determined seasonally in surficial bed sediments. Biogeochemical processes investigated included: determination of the source of suspended particles and bottom sediments by comparison with known Aroclor mixtures, water-solid partitioning, and algal uptake of PCBs. Seasonal differences among the PCB assemblages were observed mainly in the dissolved phase, somewhat less in the suspended particulate phase, and not at all in the bed sediments. Despite being banned since the 1970's, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are ubiquitous contaminants, present not only in industrial areas where they were manufactured and used in cutting oils, sealants, hydraulic fluids and pesticides, but also in remote locales such as the polar regions due to atmospheric transport and deposition (1). PCBs are a set of 209 related chlorinated organic compounds, some of which have demonstrated toxicity (2). Being relatively hydrophobic and lipophilic, these compounds tend to adsorb onto clay surfaces or be associated with lipids present in algae or other aquatic organisms. Thus, when present, PCB distributions in aquatic environments such as rivers can potentially be used as tracers of various biogeochemical processes. Some of these processes include: partitioning to suspended and bottom sediments, and passive PCB uptake by algae. In addition, because PCBs tend to be refractory in most aquatic environments, it is often possible to determine the particular commercial mixtures of PCBs, termed Aroclors, that were released to the river. One exception is when an Aroclor mixture has been extensively 'weathered' by selective solubilization, volatilization, and/or microbially-mediated decomposition. 382

This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright. Published 1997 American Chemical Society

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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PCBs as Probes in Rivers


These biogeochemical processes were investigated as part of a larger study of PCB distribution and transport in the Milwaukee and Manitowoc Rivers in southeastern Wisconsin. The study was co-funded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), including both the Federal/State Cooperative Program and the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Concentrations and relative abundances of dissolved and adsorbed PCB congeners and homolog groups were determined seasonally. In addition, total suspended components of organic matter was partitioned into living (largely algae) and detrital (dead organic matter). Living and detrital organic matter differ significantly in both total organic carbon and lipid content — two characteristics that deterrnine the sorption capacity for PCBs. Uptake of PCBs by algae is a significant route of introduction into aquatic food webs. Algae from a wide spectrum of environments including the Arctic Ocean, have been shown to accumulate PCBs from water (3-5). Particle-associated PCBs increased with primary production in large experimental mesocosms (6). Concentrations of PCBs in surficial sediments of the Lagoon of Venice were correlated with the growth, senescence, and decomposition of the resident algal population (7). PCB concentrations in sediments increased by more than an order of magnitude upon deposition of the algal biomass and subsequently decreased when the algae decomposed. The objective of the present study was to use PCB assemblages of the dissolved and suspended particles in the water and those in bottom sediments as probes of various biogeochemical processes in these two rivers. Methods Field Sampling: Water, suspended solids, and bottom sediments were sampled at four sites in southeast Wisconsin, three on the Milwaukee River (Pioneer Road, Thiensville, and Estabrook Park) and one on the Manitowoc River, about 70 km north of the Milwaukee River sites (Figure 1) during four seasons near the middle of the month: summer (August '93), fall (November '93), winter (February *94), and spring (May '94). All water samples were collected at the USGS stations located downstream from the impoundments from which the bottom sediments were collected. The one exception was Pioneer Road where sediment samples were collected in the immediate area of the gage station. Water for all analyses was collected at four equally spaced points across the river. Samples for suspended organic carbon (SOC), chlorophyll-a, and total suspended solids (TSS) were collected in 1-L clean glass bottles that were first rinsed with water from the site and then submerged vertically through the entire water column. These water samples were composited in a precleaned Teflon churn splitter and subsampled according to standard USGS procedures (8). Samples for PCBs ("dissolved" and "particulate" phases), and phytoplankton were taken at the same locations using different sampling methods (see below). Bottom sediments were generally collected with an Ekman corer. However, during summer, sediments from the Thiensville and Manitowoc stations were obtained with a 3-inch acrylic gravity core liner. The Ekman corer was used because a large quantity of surficial (0 to 2 cm) sediment (~ 2 liters of wet sediment) was needed at each site to ensure that an adequate amount of sediment would be available for all the planned analyses (see below). Only cores with an undisturbed sediment/water

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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Figure 1. Location map for the Milwaukee River study sites.

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.




PCBs as Probes in Rivers

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interface as determined by lack of resuspended sediment in the overlying water of the core were used. The water was carefully removed with a plastic syringe prior to removing the top 2-cm of sediment in the Ekman corer with a clean glass jar. The top 2-cm of the gravity cores were collected via hydraulic extrusion into a short piece of acrylic core liner with the same internal dimension. All samples from Pioneer Road were collected by hand with an open-ended Teflon tube (held horizontally) that was used to collect the upper 2 cm of soft sediment (except the winter sample when an Ekman corer was used through the ice). Several of these upper 2-cm sections from a given site were combined and mixed in a clean glass bowl prior to subsampling for various constituents. Dissolved and Particulate PCBs in Water. Bulk water samples (80 L) were collected in four 20-L pre-cleaned (HPLC-grade acetone and water) stainless steel canisters. These werefirstrinsed with native water from the site. Separation of "dissolved" and "particulate" phases occurred in the field immediately after sample collection. The water was firstfilteredthrough four in-line precombusted glassfiberfilters(GF/F, 293 mm, 0.7 nM nominal pore size) at a maximum pressure of 5 psi into 20-L pre-cleaned (rinsed with HPLC-grade acetone and water) glass carboys. Pump tubing consisted of Teflon except for a short length of silicone plastic tubing (-15 cm) which was in the pump head. The pump tubing was rinsed with HPLC-grade acetone and water between samples. Thefilterswere wrapped in aluminum foil, sealed in a plastic bag, and chilled (4°C) prior to analysis. The filtrate was passed through cleaned (9) Amberlite XAD-2 (20-60 mesh) resin columns (flow rate not exceeding 1 L-min" ), and the volume was recorded prior to discarding the eluent. Resin columns were chilled (4°C) en route to the laboratory. PCBs on the resins andfilterswere extracted separately (acetone:hexane::50:50 for 16 hours) in a Soxhlet apparatus. All PCB samples were analyzed on a congenerspecific basis using capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection (HP 5890-11 Gas Chromatograph with a 60-m DB5 column) at the State Laboratory of Hygiene (SLOH), Madison, Wisconsin (9). This method can determine up to 100 congeners (with 26 co-elutions). Quantitation was done using single point calibration standards consisting of a dilution of stock solutions of Aroclors 1232,1248, and 1262 at 183 jig-mL' . Response factors were generated daily using single-point calibration of the diluted standard at a concentration of 0.549 jig-mL . Surrogate standards (Congeners #14, #65, and #166) were added (at nominal concentrations of 20,5, and 5 ng-L ) to each sample and blanks prior to extraction to monitor recovery. Matrix spike solutions consisted of the following Aroclors (nominal concentration): 1232 (0.25 mg-L ), 1248 (0.18 mg-L" ), and 1262 (0.18 mg-L" ). The average recovery of these surrogates and matrix spikes for all samples analyzed during the period coincident with the analysis of the samples from the present study is shown in Table I. Congeners #30 and #167 were used as retention time reference peaks and as internal standards for quantitation. Congeners eluting prior to and including #77/110 use congener #30 as an internal standard, whereas congeners eluting after #77/100 use congener #204 as the internal standard. Concentrations of EPCB were not corrected for percent recovery of either the surrogates or matrix spikes. Field replicates of the "dissolved" and "particulate" fractions varied by 11% and 14%, respectively (one standard deviation). The detection limit for individual PCB 1







In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.




congeners ranged from 0.02 to 0.09 ng-L" for both the dissolved and particulate phases. The concentration of dissolved EPCB in six blanks were as follows: below detection limit, 0.67, 0.58, 0.24, 0.07, and 1.3 ng-L' . Less than five percent of all dissolved EPCB samples had concentrations equal to, or less than the highest measured blank (1.3 ng-L' ), and all samples had measured dissolved EPCB greater than the average of all six blanks (0.48 ng-L" ). Concentrations of particle-associated EPCB in six blanks were as follows: 5 below detection limit and 0.45 ng-L" . The average of all particle-associated EPCB blanks (0.075 ng-L" ) was at least an order of magnitude lower than the concentration in all samples, and the one blank detection was still a factor of two less than the lowest sample concentration. 1




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Table L Average of all PCB surrogate and matrix spike recoveries Dissolved (n) Surrogates: #14 #65 #166 Matrix Spikes (average of all congeners)

Suspended Particles (n)

Bottom Sediment (n)

77 (317) 91 (329) 95 (326)

82 (306) 89 (306) 104(311)

86 (414) 91 (416) 102(420)

94 (22)

92 (21)

93 (60)

Algal Carbon in Water. One liter samples of bulk water were collected in plastic bottles submerged through the water column at the same locations and times as all other water column samples. Samples were preserved with glutaraldehyde to a final concentration of 0.2% (summer) and 0.5% (all other dates). The bottles were shipped within a few days to either the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), Milwaukee, Wis. (all summer samples) or Chadwick & Associates, Inc., (C&A) litdeton, Colorado (all other samples), for taxonomic and biovolume (only C&A samples) determinations according to standard procedures (10). For the C&A samples, only live cells were enumerated and biovolume was determined on at least twenty individual cells per sample. MMSD diatom counts included live and dead cells and were corrected for live cells using the live to dead cell ratio from preliminary counts. Because MMSD analyzed the summer samples, no biovolume measurements were available for these samples. Instead, estimated total biovolume values were calculated by using the average biovolume/cell determined for each of the major algal Divisions determined on samples from the other seasons by C&A. These average biovolume/cell values were then multiplied by the summer ceUs/mL values to produce estimated total biovolume values for the summer algal carbon calculations. Algal carbon was calculated using published relations between biovolume and algal carbon for diatoms and all other algal species separately (11). Replicate algal samples from the water column that had been sent to both labs (C&A and MMSD) for the fall sampling from two sites (Estabrook Park and Thiensville) differed substantially. The different

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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PCBs as Probes in Rivers


total phytoplankton densities were accounted for by the failure of MMSD to identify any cyanophytes. However, both labs reported similar total diatom densities and ratios of centric to pennate diatoms. Because of this discrepancy, C&A counts were used for all but the summer sampling dates, where only MMSD data were available. Thus, the algal carbon values for the summer samples might be low by an unknown amount equivalent to the cyanophytes. Historical summer (August) data exists for the Estabrook Park site in years 1974 through 1981 in the National Water Information System (NWIS) database of the USGS. Cyanophytes accounted for 0%-52% of the total number of algal cells, although during the last five years of that period, cyanophytes accounted for an average of 8% or less of the total cells. Moreover, no cyanophytes were found during three of those last five years (1976, 1977, and 1981) years. Thus, it is possible that there were in fact no cyanophytes in the Milwaukee River samples during summer. Suspended Organic Carbon (SOC) in Water. A stainless steel Gelman filtering apparatus with 0.45 uM silver filters (Osmonics, Inc., Minnetonka, Minnesota) was used to collect SOC samples. Thefilterswerefirstrinsed with 10 mL of HPLC-grade water. Suspended particles werefilteredunder nitrogen at a maximum pressure of 15 psi. Thefilterswere carefully folded in half, placed in plastic petri dishes, and chilled (4°C) during shipment to the USGS's National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) for determination of "suspended organic carbon" (SOC) using acidification, wet oxidation and nondispersive infrared spectroscopy (12). Average sampling precision for SOC was 29% determined on replicate field samples. Chlorophyll-a in Water. For the chlorophyll-a analysis, a known volume of water was passed through mixed acetate and nitrate cellulose ester membranefilters(5.0 uM pore size). The filters were folded in half, placed in plastic petri dishes, wrapped in aluminum foil and frozen prior to analysis at SLOH (10). Pigments were extracted in 90% acetone, and chlorophyll-a was determined spectrophotometrically. Average variation between replicate samples was 5%. PCBs in Sediment. Subsamples of sediment to be analyzed for PCBs were placed in combusted glass bottles supplied by the contract laboratory (SLOH) and chilled (4°C). A 10 to 25 g subsample was analyzed for moisture content (103°C for at least 10 hours), a factor which was later used in the quantitation to report values on a dryweight basis. Sediment samples were allowed to air dry (to ^ 30% moisture by weight) and were then sieved (#10 mesh). PCBs absorbed to sediment were isolated by Soxhlet extraction and analyzed via capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection (same as for water column PCBs - see aboveX9J. This method can determine up to 85 congeners (with 23 co-elutions). Quality assurance and control procedures for PCB congeners in sediments were identical to those for dissolved and particle-associated ZPCB (see above) with a few exceptions. First, the matrix spikes were added to sediment samples in the Soxhlet apparatus, and the solvent was allowed to evaporate prior to extraction. Also, the surrogate standards were added to the Soxhlet thimble before extraction of PCB congeners. Recoveries of all matrix spikes and surrogates for all samples run by the lab during a time coincident with the analysis of the samples from the present study are shown in Table I. Quantitation was similar to

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



that for dissolved and particle-associated PCBs except that masses of individual congeners were reported per mass dry weight of sediment (u,g-g ). The detection limit for individual PCB congeners in sediments ranged from 0.2-1.4 ng- g" . Concentrations of EPCB were not corrected for percent recovery of either the surrogates or matrix spikes. -1


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Results and Discussion Source of PCBs in Bed Sediments. Because they are relatively hydrophobic, PCBs in aqueous environments are expected to be largely associated with sediments. For example, more than 99.9% of Aroclors 1242, 1254, and 1260 were found to be associated with bottom sediments from the Duluth-Superior Harbor of Lake Superior with the remainder associated with some pore water phase (13). Because of this, absent bacterially-mediated degradation or selective loss due to physical processes such as dissolution, PCB congener assemblages in bed sediments might be expected to closely resemble known Aroclor mixtures. For example, PCB assemblages (averaged for all seasons at each site because they did not vary much) from the Manitowoc River and Estabrook Park sites resembled Aroclors 1254 and 1242, respectively (Figure 2). Unfortunately, no industrial purchase, use or release information on Aroclors exists for these sites. In contrast, records of industrial purchases of Aroclor 1260 and 1242 do exist for PCB point sources located upstream of the Pioneer Road and Thiensville sites (14). Congener assemblages at these two sites most resemble Aroclor 1260. However, the sediments also contain some lower chlorinated congeners that might be considered similar to Aroclor 1242, albeit at a smaller concentration than Aroclor 1260 (Figure 2). The similarity of PCB assemblages in these river sediments with known Aroclor mixtures suggests that microbially-mediated decomposition and/or dissolution has not significantly modified the PCB assemblages in these sediments. Solid-Water Partitioning. In general, partitioning of PCBs from water to particles is expected to increase with increasing hydrophobicity (15,16). The expected PCB distribution is a prevalence of the higher chlorinated homolog groups in the suspended particle and bottom sediment phases and a prevalence of the less chlorinated homolog groups in the dissolved phase due to the relatively higher solubility of the less chlorinated congeners (17). This pattern was indeed observed at all four sites during all four seasons (Figure 3). Partitioning of the less chlorinated congeners to the dissolved phase leaves the suspended particles relatively enriched in the highly chlorinated homolog groups compared to bottom sediments. A common pattern observed was that the suspended particles have relatively less tri-, tetra-, and pentachlorobiphenyls and relatively more hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorobiphenyls compared to the bottom sediments, shown here for die Estabrook Park site (Figure 4). However, the suspended particle population consists not only of resuspended bottom sediments but also of various biogenic particles including algae and zooplankton. These biogenic particles might have different sorption characteristics compared to resuspended sediments, and if abundant, might control PCB sorption (see section on Algal Uptake of PCBs). Algal Uptake. There is some evidence that PCBs sorbed to suspended particles in these rivers were associated with live algal cells as opposed to detritus during all

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Aroclor 1254 Downloaded by STANFORD UNIV GREEN LIBR on October 6, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: July 1, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0671.ch025


PCBs as Probes in Rivers

Aroclor 1242



P C B Congeners (elution order

Manitowoc River

Estabrook Park

5 12




4 P C B Congeners (elution order

Aroclor 1260 12 8

o Cfl

— t a t i

1 oPCB « 0


£ 12 eg CD 8 CC 4


Congeners (elution order —

Pioneer Road



k P C B Congeners (elution order —


Figure 2. Relative % abundance of PCB congeners in Aroclor mixtures and bottom sediments at the four study sites (all seasons averaged).

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Pioneer Road


Estabrook Park


0.6 0.4 8


u c ca

:ftllflf. 0.6

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* 11

0.4 0.2

5 li

£ co

|i ml

llill I t .


: i






0.6 0.4 Hi

0.2 0





8 10


M r l l k l . 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 Number of chlorine atoms .





8 10

Figure 3. Relative % abundance of PCB homologs in the dissolved and suspended particulate phases and bottom sediments at the four study sites during all four seasons (1993-1994). The four bars within each homolog grouping, from right to left, correspond to summer, fall, winter, and spring. No data available for summer at Manitowoc River.



Bottom sediments Relative % abundance

Figure 4. Relative % abundance of the homolog groups in the bottom sediments versus the suspended particulate phase during all four seasons (1993-1994) at Estabrook Park. Numbers correspond to the number of chlorine atoms. The solid line has a slope of unity.

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.




PCBs as Probes in Rivers

seasons. For example, particle-associated ZPCB concentrations were positively correlated with chlorophyll-a content during all seasons but only at the three impounded sites: Thiensville, Estabrook Park, and Manitowoc the River site (r = 0.87, 0.88, and 0.94, respectively)(Figure 5 and Table II). If a positive correlation between these two parameters implies conditions close to equilibrium, then the larger residence time associated with impoundments might be necessary for the algal biomass to reach equilibrium with the dissolved PCB pool. In addition, the impoundments have large deposits of PCB-ladenfinesediments which may supply dissolved PCBs to the water column. Pioneer Road had a much weaker (r = 0.25), though still positive, correlation coefficient in addition to a smaller calculated slope. Concentrations of both particleassociated PCBs and chlorophyll-a were relatively low at this site compared to other sites. This, combined with the small number of data points and the relatively large error in the calculated slope make interpretation difficult. The slope of this relation at the Manitowoc River site was an order of magnitude higher that at the Milwaukee River sites due to the larger mass of ZPCB in the bottom sediments, the presumed source of PCBs in all other phases (Table HI). The higher slope is expected because algal uptake of PCBs and other hydrophobic organic compounds is through passive diffusion driven by the fugacity gradient between the truly dissolved phase and the hydrophobic biomass (18). A positive correlation between chlorophyll-a and particleassociated EPCB concentrations has also been noted previously in the Fox River, WI. (19). The concentration of algal carbon and chlorophyll-a were positively correlated with particle-associated ZPCB concentration (r = 0.59-0.98)(Figure 5 and Table II), lending confidence in the algal-carbon calculations which relied on several assumptions (see methods). However, the relation between suspended particleassociated EPCB and algal carbon at the three Milwaukee River sites (r = 0.012, 0.68,and 0.42 for Pioneer Road, Thiensville, and Estabrook Park, respectively) was not as good as that between particle-associated XPCB and chlorophyll-a (Figure 5 and Table II). This was probably due to the larger error associated with the algal carbon calculations as compared to the relatively smaller sampling error for chlorophyll-a analyses. Again, little correlation was observed between these two parameters at Pioneer Road The slope of the particle-associated ZPCB versus algal carbon was twothree fold higher at the Manitowoc site compared to the Milwaukee River sites, again in keeping with the larger concentration of dissolved EPCB at that site (Table HI). Algal blooms and their attendant relatively high organic carbon content, have been shown to influence the distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants between the dissolved and particle-associated phases (21). Algal carbon as a percentage of SOC was highest in spring (average = 50 ± 16%), and lowest in summer (average = 15 ± 10%) averaged for all sites. In contrast, algal carbon accounted for intermediate percentages in fall and winter (39 ± 21% and 38 ± 14%, respectively). Algal carbon as a percentage of SOC at the three Milwaukee River sites was approximately double that for the Manitowoc River site. Estabrook Park had the highest average percentage (44 ± 18%) and Manitowoc had the lowest (20 ± 7%) averaged for all seasons. Pioneer Road and Estabrook Park had intermediate (and similar) average percentages of 39 ± 19% and 38 ± 21%, respectively. The range in seasonal values (15%-50%) was somewhat larger than the range of values among all the sites (20%-44%) and especially among the three Milwaukee River sites (39%-44%), suggesting that seasonal effects 2

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In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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25 OQ








o •E


5 0






60 n


a O

o 20

8 o

g 40 60 80 Chlorophyll-a (jig/L)





20 0

0.4 0.8 1.2 Algal carbon (mg/L)



c CO O


Cfl 3 O

"tr CO CL

20 15

o Pioneer

o Thiensville


A Estabrook Park

^ Manitowoc

5 0

0.4 0.8 1.2 Algal carbon (mg/L)




Figure 5. Relations between chlorophyll-a (ug-L" ), particulate PCB (ng-L" ) and algal carbon (mg.-L' ) at Pioneer Road (•), Thiensville (•), Estabrook Park ( A ) , and the Manitowoc River (•) during all fours seasons (1993-1994). 1

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.








error (m) 0.064



slope (m) 0.053


























Algal carbon vs Chlorophyll-a


















Algal carbon vs Particulate

Table EE. Summary statistics between chlorophyll-a, algal carbon, and PCBs in suspended particles

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e ^ |




Table EOT. Average concentrations (all seasons) of EPCB in all phases Suspended Dissolved Particle IPCB IPCB (ng-L' ) (ng-L- ) 1

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Pioneer Road Thiensville Estabrook Park Manitowoc River

2.4 2.7 8.1 30

2.9 5.6 14 110

Bottom Sediment , YPCBfrg-g ) 1

0.55 0.29 2.1 140

(temperature, spring addition of nutrients, etc.) were more important than site-specific characteristics in controlling algal growth in these rivers. Despite these seasonal differences in algal carbon mass, PCB homolog assemblages were remarkably similar between the spring bloom and non-bloom seasons (average of other three seasons) at all four sites (data not shown). Based on this, if algae were quantitatively important as a sorption medium for dissolved PCBs, live algae and detritus appear to behave similarly with respect to sorption of all congeners. This was in agreement with the observation that the distribution of several hydrophobic organic compounds in Lake Michigan was remarkably constant despite large changes in both the concentration and composition of suspended particles (21). However, averaging over all seasons may obscure more subtle relations seen in individual data (22). For example, when individual samples were considered at each site, those rich in algal carbon (spring) showed a prevalence of particular PCB homolog groups compared to samples low in algal carbon for the three sites where algal carbon and PCBs were reasonably well correlated (Figure 6). However, no consistent pattern was observed among the three sites. Recent kinetic modeling of algal uptake of PCBs predicted that the 'super' hydrophobic congeners (Log K £ 6.5), which include the hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorobiphenyls, should be relatively depleted in algal biomass. This results from the relatively long time to reach equilibrium for these highly chlorinated congeners and should be most pronounced during spring and summer, seasons marked by high algal growth rates (23). Thus the enrichment of the octachlorobiphenyls at Thiensville and the hexa- and heptachlorobiphenyls at Estabrook Park in the algal-rich samples was not expected. It is possible that the relative difference in algal carbon between the highest and lowest values at each site (43%, 16% and 50% at Thiensville, Estabrook Park and Manitowoc River, respectively) was not large enough to see patterns predicted by theory. o w

Conclusions PCB congener and homolog assemblages, coupled with theoretical predictions of chemical behavior, were used as probes of various biogeochemical processes. Solidwater partitioning produced the expected enrichment of less chlorinated congeners in the dissolved phase and heavily chlorinated congeners in the suspended particle phase. This pattern would be expected if the system was close to equilibrium with respect to

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

PCBs as Probes in Rivers





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0.4 | 0.3 § 0.2 0.1 (x) s p r i n g - 6 8 % a l g a l c a r b o n (y) winter - 2 5 % a l g a l c a r b o n c Cti T3 C =3 -Q cd

E s t a b r o o k Park 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 (x) s p r i n g - 2 6 % a l g a l c a r b o n (y) fall - 1 0 % a l g a l c a r b o n


Manitowoc River 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0




0.2 0 . 3 Spring



Relative % a b u n d a n c e (x) s p r i n g - 5 9 % a l g a l c a r b o n (y) s u m m e r - 9 % a l g a l c a r b o n

Figure 6. Relative % abundance of the homolog groups in the suspended particulate phase in algal-rich samples (spring) versus algal-poor samples (winter/ Thiensville, fall/Estabrook Park, and summer/Manitowoc River site).

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

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partitioning from water to suspended particles. Chlorophyll-a, a proxy for algae, and calculated algal carbon were both reasonably well correlated with suspended particleassociated PCBs only at the three impounded sites. Thus, the residence time of water and algae in the system is related to algal uptake of PCBs in rivers. There was little agreement between the observed and theoretically predicted congener abundances during high algal growth (spring) periods. If the theory is right, further efforts must be undertaken to separate this algalfractionfromdetritus in order to better understand the sorption behavior of both phases for PCBs and other hydrophobic contaminants. PCB congener and homolog distributions can also be used to rule out other processes. For example, the high similarity between PCB distributions in bed sediments and known Aroclor mixtures is strong evidence that microbially-mediated decomposition (of the less chlorinated congeners) is not occurring to any measurable extent. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Judy Wierl, Nick Hanson, and Dave Housner for conducting and/or assisting in the field sampling. We also thank Mike Murray and the reviewers whose comments substantially improved this manuscript. Note Use of brand names is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey. Literature Cited (1) Muir, D.C.G.; Omelchenko, A.; Grift, N.P.; Savoie, D.A.; Lockhart, W.L.; Wilkinson, P.; Brunskill, G.J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1996, 30, 3609-3617. (2) McFarland, V.A.; Clarke, J.U. Environ. Health. 1989, 81, 225-239. (3) Mahanty, H.K. In PCBs and the Environment; Waid, J.S., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, Fla., 1986, Vol. 2; pp. 1-8. (4) Hamdy, M.K.; Gooch, J.A. In PCBs and the Environment; Waid, J.S., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, Fla., 1986, Vol. 2; pp. 63-88. (5) Hargrave, B.T.; Harding, G.C.; Vass, W.P.; Erickson, P.E.; Fowler, B.R.; Scott, V. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1992, 22, 41-54. (6) Millard, E.S.; Halfon, E.; Minns, C.K.;Charlton, C.C. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 1993, 12, 931-946. (7) Pavoni, B.; Calvo, C.; Sfriso, A.; Orio, A.A. Sci. Total Env. 1990, 91, 13-21. (8) Ward, J.R.; Harr, C.A. United States Geological Survey (USGS), Open File Report #90-140. (9) Methods and Quality Control for the Organic Chemistry Unit of the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene; Degenhardt, D., Ed.; Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene: Madison, WI, 1996, 1910 p. (10) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 18th ed.; Clesceri, L.S.; Greenberg, A.E.; Trussell, R.R. Eds., American Public Health Association: Washington, D.C., 1992. (11) Strathmann, R.R. Limnol. Oceanogr. 1966, 11, 411-418.

In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

Downloaded by STANFORD UNIV GREEN LIBR on October 6, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: July 1, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0671.ch025

25. FITZGERALD & STEUER PCBs as Probes in Rivers


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In Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry; Eganhouse, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.