Polymer Characterization Spectroscopic, Chromatographic, and

Chemicals. Chanakya Misra, Editor. Alcoa Technical Center. Provides a comprehensive account ol the science and technology of industrial alumina chemic...
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Industrial Alumina Chemicals

Polymer Characterization


Spectroscopic, Chromatographic, and Physical Instrumental Methods

ously made some significant improvements since that time." Tremendous improvements continue to be made in MS data systems as well. "The crude data systems are now gradually being rebuilt and replaced with very polished systems that include excellent interactive displays," says Jack Holland. In addition, one of the first applications of compact disks (CDs) to laboratory automation appeared at this year's meeting. John Wiley exhibited a CD-ROM-based 124,000-spectra MS database t h a t can be searched on a personal computer with Cornell University's matching and i n t e r p r e t a t i v e software, P B M STIRS.

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indostrîai Alumina Chemical* C l a r a D . Craver, Editor Chemir Laboratories

a s d \ & * Chanakya Misra, Editor Alcoa Technical Center Provides a comprehensive account of the science and technology of industrial alumina chemicals. Reviews the structure and properties of aluminum hydroxides and products of their thermal decomposition. Includes a discussion of the nature, properties, manufacturing processes, and industrial uses of alumina chemicals. Brings together significant information on commercially important alumina chemicals that will be of interest to industrial chemists, research chemists, and chemical engineers. Promotes the research and development of alumina products and uses. CONTENTS Aluminum Oxide and Hydroxides · Industrial Production of Aluminum Hydroxides · Aluminum Hydroxides— Industrial Applications · Activated Aluminas · Industrial Production of Activated Aluminas · Activated Alumina-Adsorbent Applications · Catalytic Aluminas · Sodium Aluminate · Economic Data for Alumina Chemicals

Reports significant advances in polymer characterization and analytical procedures and automation. Discusses different techniques and applications of seven major analytical methods. Also covers new or highly specialized techniques. CONTENTS Physical Properties: Torsional Braid Analysis; Dynamic Mechanical Analysis; Viscoelastic Solids; Triblock & Multiblock Copolymers · Thermal Methods: DSC and the Single Dynamic Temperature Scan Method; Thermogravimetry Applied to Degradation Kinetics · Chromatographic Methods: Fractionation; Orthogonal Chromatography; Size Exclusion Chromatography · Electron Microscopy: Scanning Electron Microscopy; Molecular Optical Laser Examiner; Transmission Electron Microscopy; Electron Crystal Structure Analysis · Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: ,3 C and l 9 F NMR; Variable Temperature Magic Angle Spinning; Fluoropolymers; Semicrystalline Polymers; Poly(styreneco-chloromethylstyrene) Gels · IR Spectroscopy: Vibrational; Time-Resolved and Photoacoustic FTIR; Polyacrylonitrile Copolymers; Polymer Degradation · Analytical Pyrolysis/GC/MS: Pyrolysis/GC (glass capillary); Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry; Pyrolysis/MS Pattern Recognition; Biopolymers · Special Topics: Scattering Studies; Excimer Fluorescence Based on a symposium sponsored by the Macromolecular Secretariat of the American Chemical Society

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706 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1987

Bench-top MS One of the hottest commercial frontiers for MS right now involves bench-top mass spectrometers such as the Hewlett-Packard Mass Selective Detector

The concept of the low-cost bench-top mass spec is really having a huge impact on

thefield.J J (MSD) and Finnigan's Ion T r a p Detector (ITD). According to Richard Browner of Georgia Institute of Technology, "Bench-top MS is a big market right now. The MSDs are selling like hotcakes, and I'm sure that the ion traps will do the same thing. The concept of the low-cost bench-top mass spec is really having a huge impact on the field." According to Gary Glish, this year's announced enhancements to the Finnigan ITD "really improve the performance and make it a more competitive instrument. The addition of CI makes it possible to do EI [electron ionization] with the reagent gas present and then, with a couple of simple software commands, to obtain a CI spectrum as well." "The situation is similar to that of bench-top F T - I R a few years ago," Browner explains. "All of a sudden the F T - I R market went from big research instruments to small bench-top instruments that were easily run by an organic synthetic chemist, for example. When that happened, the market for F T - I R took off, and I think exactly the same thing is happening in the mass spec field." Stu Borman