Polymer Degradation and Performance - American Chemical Society

to identify the causal chain leading to embrittlement, second to express mathematical relationships corresponding to the elementary links of the chain...
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Chapter 12

Relating Kinetic Models to Embrittlement in Polymer Oxidative Aging

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B. Fayolle, X. Colin, L. Audouin, and J. Verdu CIVIPOL, LIM (UMR 8006), Arts et Métiers Paris Tech 151, Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France

A previously described kinetic model for polyethylene radical chain oxidation is tentatively extended to include the conditions relevant to embrittlement behavior in the case of thermal oxidation at 90°C. The important roles of chemicrystallization and morphology as a follow-up to initial chemical changes are discussed. The philosophy of how chemical reactions will ultimately lead to physical polymer changes apparent in M w and lamellar properties, and how these processes could be discussed in terms of advanced modeling strategies is briefly reviewed.

It is well known that thermal oxidation in polyethylene (PE) in the presence of oxygen leads to sudden and deep embrittlement, in which oxidative chain scission plays a key, but perhaps indirect, role. We have developed a kinetic model, derived from a branched radical chain mechanistic scheme, able to predict accurately molecular structural changes (7). To extend this model to the prediction of embrittlement time, one needs first to identify the causal chain leading to embrittlement, second to express mathematical relationships corresponding to the elementary links of the chain, and third to define pertinent end life criteria. According to previous studies (2,3,4), two causal chains are possible in the case under study (Figure 1). In both schemes, step 1 corresponds to the following question: "in the mechanistic scheme, which elementary reactions give chain scission? What is the relevant scission yield?" Step 2 relates to the following question: " i f © 2009 American Chemical Society

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


136 Radical chain oxidation

J3L Chain scission

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Molar mass changes

Morphological changes

Embrittlement Scheme A

Embrittlement Scheme Β Figure L Possible causal chains for oxidation induced embrittlement ofPE.

knowing the number of chain scissions, how can then molar mass changes be determined?" In scheme A , step 3 must combine in principle a fracture property molar mass relationship and a molar mass critical value M ' corresponding to the ductile-brittle transition. In scheme B , step 4 expresses the relationship between morphological changes induced by chain scission and molar mass, whereas step 5 expresses the influence of morphological changes on fracture properties. The aim of the present paper is to propose some arguments for the most appropriate description and ways to explore the relationships linking the structural state and the fracture process. c

From Radical Chemistry to Molar Mass Validation According to previous studies (see Colin et al. in the same Issue), the nonempirical kinetic model for PE thermal oxidation can be based on the following mechanistic scheme including non terminating bimolecular combination. POOH 2POOH P° + 0 2

-> -> ->

2P° P° + P 0 ° P0 ° 2


(k ) (k ) (k ) lu



In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

137 P0 ° PO ° [P0° [PO° [P0° 2



+PH + PO ° °PO] °P0] °PO] 2




c a g e




P O O H + P° [PO° °PO] + 0 POOP P=0 + P - O H po CAGE

(k ) (keo) 3


(kei) ( M (ko)


This mechanistic scheme leads to a system of differential equations expressing the build-up or consumption rate of the reactive species. P°, P 0 ° , POOH, 0 and P H concentrations can be derived from the above mechanistic scheme in which the only adjustable parameter is the initial hydroperoxide concentration. Oxygen diffusion and consumption can be coupled (see Colin et al. in the same Issue) but in the case under study here, the low sample thickness (70 μπι) leads to a quasi uniform oxidation within that thickness. P O O H build up (5) and oxygen consumption (7) can be measured, allowing us to partially verify this model. Carbonyl build-up can also be simulated by assuming that carbonyls result mainly from rearrangements of PO° radicals and by using a new adjustable parameters γ , that accounts for the yield of carbonyl buil-up in initiation and termination steps of the mechanistic scheme. 2

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y k [POOH] y k [POOH] + k [PO° °OP] 2







+ 2 k [PO° °OP] r2



Figure 2 shows a kinetic curve of carbonyl build-up at 90°C: the data points correspond to experimental measurements exhibiting an induction period close to 300 h. The solid curve corresponds to kinetic model data by using a γ value equal to 0.8. This γ value has been discussed elsewhere (6). One can observe a good agreement between experimental data and the fit obtained from the model. 2


One can consider that the kinetics carbonyl build-up is representative of the overall oxidation kinetics, at least when considered at the molecular scale (or monomer unit). It remains to establish a relationship between structural changes at this scale and molar mass changes. For the P E polymer understudy, random chain scission is predominant. It will be assumed that the main scission process is the rearrangement of alkoxyl radical (β scission). Then, every elementary reaction generating alkoxyl radicals will induce chain scission. In the chosen mechanistic scheme, both hydroperoxide decomposition processes and the nonterminating bimolecular peroxyl combination are alkoxyl sources. Thus, the number of moles of chain scissions per mass unit (s) is given by: ^


0 0

= Y k [POOH] + y k [ P O O H ] + 2 y k [ P 0 O P ] 1



l b


6 3

c a g e

where γι is the yield of chain scission per alkoxy radical (γι = 0.2).

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


Figure 2. Carbonyl build up at 90°C in air: points correspond to experimental data and solid curve to kinetic model

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139 Figure 3 shows the number of chain scissions as a function of exposure time of exposure: one can observe a good correlation between experimental data (points) and kinetic data (solid curve). For a purely random chain scission, it can be written: 1 M

1 M


s 2


which leads to: Downloaded by UNIV QUEENSLAND on September 11, 2013 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: January 1, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1004.ch012




1 M

= M

1 M




W 0

M 1 +s- wo

By using the above equation, M changes during oxidation can be derived from kinetic data. These changes are illustrated in Fig. 4: A good agreement between data and model is also observed. After an induction period of 300 hours, molar mass decreases sharply although the number of chain scission is low. For instance, s ~ 0.1 mol.kg" after 500 hours of exposure (Figure 3) leads to a M value close to 20 kg.mol" . w




Using Scheme A: Molar Mass Embrittlement Criterion If fracture properties are governed by the molar mass (Scheme A in Figure 1), polyethylenes must display a ductile-brittle transition at a critical molar value (M'c) independently of the sample morphology. By assuming that scission events are homogeneously distributed in the amorphous phase, one can assume that a degraded P E sample is equivalent to a virgin PE sample of identical molar mass. Then, a way to establish a possible existence of a critical molar mass is to compile literature data showing simultaneously a pertinent fracture property and the sample average molar mass (5). This compilation led to Fig. 5 where strain at break has been plotted as a function of weight average molar mass. Only data relative to isotropic samples were reported. The dependence of molar mass on the strain at break can be divided in three different regimes: a brittle regime if M < 40 kg.mol" , a brittle-ductile regime transition for 40 kg.mol" < M < 100 kg.mol" and a ductile regime for M > 100 kg.mol" . Thus, i f scheme A is applicable, the embrittlement critical molar mass would be 70 ± 30 kg.mol' , which would lead according to Fig. 4 to an embrittlement lifetime of about 350 hours versus 300 hours as the experimental value for the PE under study. This difference would be acceptable in practice, but two questions remain: 1










The entanglement molar mass M for PE is 1.7 kg.mol" . The ratio M V M ranges thus between 23 and 59 versus ~ 5 for low crystalline or amorphous polymers. This means that embrittlement occurs while the e


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Figure 3. Number of chain scission versus time of exposure: points correspond to experimental data and the solid curve to kinetic model

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In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009. w

Figure 4. Weight average molar mass (M ) changes against time of exposure: points correspond to experimental data and solid curve to kinetic model

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Figure 5. Strain at break as a function of weight average molar mass obtained by synthesis from different authors.


entanglement network has suffered only very little damagement. How could this characteristic be explained? The width of the ductile-brittle transition (40-100 kg.mol" ) is implicitly attributed to data scatter. However, is there a better approach than the scheme A ? 1

These two issues lead us to examine the hypothesis of scheme B .

Using Scheme B: A Morphological Embrittlement Criterion The first condition to validate scheme Β is that the degradation must induce really morphological changes. This is the case when degradation occurs at temperatures higher than the glass transition temperature of the amorphous phase. Then, chain scissions liberate chain segments initially trapped in the entanglement network, which allows them to migrate towards lamellae and to integrate within a crystalline phase. This process often called chemicrystallization has been observed in practically all the semi-crystalline polymers including PE (7-10). Most of the experimental observations concern the increase of crystallinity, but one can reasonably accept that crystallinity increases through lamellae thickening.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

143 The second condition to validate the scheme Β is that embrittlement must correspond to a critical morphological state that is the only approach to explain its sudden character. The extensive and carefiil work of Kennedy et al. (//) on relationships between fracture behavior, molar mass and lamellar morphology, shows that this condition is fulfilled in the case of PE. Comparing various samples of different molar masses with different thermal histories, they found that the thickness of the amorphous layer (l ) separating two adjacent lamellae is the key parameter (Fig. 6). As a matter of fact, there is a critical value l of the order of 67 nm. For l > l the samples are always ductile whatever their molar mass, whereas for l < l the samples are consistently brittle. As a result, l appears to be independent of the molar mass. Indeed, there is a specific molar mass, probably close to 70 kg.mol" for PE below which crystallization is so fast that it is impossible to have l values higher than l whatever the processing conditions. Within this framework, one can imagine a two dimensional ductile-brittle transition criterion which would be composed of two perpendicular boundaries in the graph l - M (Fig. 7). The vertical boundary would correspond to a critical molar mass M ' . In polymers of low crystallinity or fully amorphous, M ' would be sharply linked to the entanglement molar mass M ' ~ 5 M . In polymers of medium to high crystallinity, M ' would be the molar mass below which it is impossible to have l values higher than l . The horizontal boundary would correspond to l = l . It has been tried to put the result of Kennedy et al (77) in a l - M graph (Fig. 7). Two samples families are distinguished quenched samples and slowly crystallized samples. In both families, the ductile-brittle transition occurs at l = 6 nm. The corresponding "critical" molar mass defined in scheme A is higher for slowly crystallized samples ( M ' c ~ 100 kg.mol" ) than for quenched ones (M'c 60 kg.mol" ). This result can be considered as a proof that scheme Β is more pertinent than scheme A . However, in the case of thermal aging where annealing effects are relatively fast, one can expect that all the samples would rapidly tend towards a pseudo equilibrium morphological state. A point trajectory representative of thermal aging would have the shape shown in Fig. 8. In these graphs (Figs. 7 and 8), the quasi vertical part of the curve would correspond to annealing, the rest would be due to chemicrystallization. In this case, all the trajectories would converge towards an "embrittlement point" not very far from the intersection of both boundaries l and M ' and the concept of a critical molar mass (scheme A) would apparently be valid. a

a C


a C

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a C

a C




a C









a C

a C



a C



a C


Conclusion This work discusses non empirical lifetime prediction in the case where embrittlement is due to random chain scission as in the chosen example of PE

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.








Amorphous layer thickness (nm)



• 139 kg/mol

• 71 kg/mol

Figure 6. Strain at break as a function of amorphous layer thickness for two PE differing by molar mass (Mw).





g , 1000



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Figure 7. Ductile - brittle transition in a plot ofl versus M : quenched ductile samples (A) quenched brittle samples (A) and slowly crystallized ductile samples (+) and slowly crystallized brittle samples (O). (Reproduced from reference 11. Copyright 1994 American Chemical Society.) a


A c


lac 1 1 1 1



Figure 8. Presumed shape of thermal aging point trajectories in the (l -M ) graph for three samples A, Β and C of different initial molar mass and morphology. a

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


146 thermal oxidation at 90°C. We propose that kinetic modeling should be based on the following causal chain: radical chain oxidation, chain scission, molar mass changes, morphological changes, and embrittlement (see Fig. 1). The morphological changes are induced by a chemicrystallization process. They lead to embrittlement when the thickness of the amorphous layer between adjacent lamellae becomes lower than a critical value of the order of 6 nm in PE. The method to extend the preexisting kinetic model to molar mass prediction was described and the corresponding parameters were determined. The critical l (lamellar thickness) value is already proposed in the literature for PE. A worthwhile remaining goal is development of a quantitative approach towards the coupling of molar mass changes during oxidation with chemi­ crystallization (see step 4 in Fig.l). This point is under investigation but, for the time being, it is possible to use the simplified scheme in which embrittlement is assumed to occur at a critical molar M ' C ~ 70 kg.mol-1 for PE.

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In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.