Polymer Degradation and Performance - American Chemical Society

results correlated well both with carbonyl-development measurements (1) and with practical experience of ... signal after 3 hours exposure was -8x10-4...
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Chapter 13

Fourier Transfer Infrared Measurement of C O Photogeneration from Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polyesters Downloaded by COLUMBIA UNIV on July 30, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: January 1, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1004.ch013


Paul A . Christensen, Terry A . Egerton*, Sudesh S. Fernando, and Jim R. White School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) measurements of the rate of carbon dioxide production during U V irradiation of pigmented and unpigmented polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) have been made. Experiments were conducted in wet oxygen and in dry oxygen. Evidence for an induction time was found with PP but not with PE. Inclusion of anatase caused a significant increase in CO generation from both polymers. C O generation from PE containing a lightly-coated rutile was intermediate between that for unpigmented PE and anatase-pigmented PE. A similar result was obtained with PP in dry oxygen but in wet oxygen the CO generation rate for rutile-pigmented PP was similar to that for unpigmented PP. The same procedure was shown to be applicable to the study of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) photo-oxidation. 2



© 2009 American Chemical Society

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


148 Most procedures used to characterize the photodegradation of polymers involve long exposure times. A method that reduces the time required to assess the sensitivity of polymers to photo-oxidation has been introduced recently and applied in studies of polyethylene (PE) (1) and polyvinyl chloride) (PVC) (2). The technique is based on the measurement of carbon dioxide generated in-situ in a closed cell during U V exposure. The photo-generated C 0 is measured using continuous Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) monitoring of the gaseous phase in the cell (1,2). A typical run lasts about 5 hours, two orders of magnitude less than the time required for tests for the progress of oxidation in which the development of the carbonyl group is checked periodically. The first experiments using this method were designed to determine the effect of T i 0 pigments on photo-oxidation of PE and showed that the PE films containing the anatase form of T i 0 gave the most rapid C 0 generation (1). Anatase is a powerful photo-catalyst and this result was not unexpected. Rutile pigment can accelerate photo-oxidation or can provide some protection against it, according to the coating provided during manufacture, and the in-situ experiments on the series of PE films identified examples of both. The C 0 results correlated well both with carbonyl-development measurements (1) and with practical experience of the pigment performance. In experiments on P E films the U V was switched off after 3 hours exposure and C 0 was monitored for a further hour afterwards. With PE, C 0 emission ceased as soon as the U V was switched off (1). This was not so with all polymers; with P V C C 0 emission continued for an extended period after irradiation ceased (2). Therefore, the in-situ method offers not just rapid assessment of the photo-oxidation sensitivity of polymer compounds but also the prospect of studying some of the finer details of the reaction mechanism. In the research described here one objective was to compare the photo-oxidation characteristics of polypropylene (PP) with those of PE. The work will be presented more fully in a forthcoming paper (3). A second objective was to conduct a preliminary study of the photo-oxidation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET). In PET carbonyl groups are present as esters in the polymer chain and may be degraded by direct photochemical reaction (4). This makes it impractical to follow the progress of oxidation by monitoring the build up of carbonyl groups, and monitoring C 0 emission seemed to offer an alternative method. PET samples with different processing history were used because an earlier study on PE samples showed that molecular orientation can influence photodegradation (5). 2

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Experimental Materials PE and PP blown lay-flat tubes with wall thickness ca. 100 μηι were provided by Huntsman Pigments (Calais, France) unpigmented and pigmented

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

149 with T i 0 . The results reported here concern one anatase grade and one rutile T i 0 . Both the anatase and rutile films had a pigment loading of 5 phr (parts per hundred resin). Unpigmented polyester films were provided by DuPont Teijin Films (Wilton, U K ) in three forms: as-cast (PETc), uniaxially longitudinally drawn (PETu), and biaxially drawn (PETb). Drawing reduced film thickness from 540 μιη (PETc) to 150 pm (PETu) to 80 pm (PETb). 2


C 0 Monitoring

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Samples in the form of ~11 mm diameter discs were held by a magnétisable ring against a magnetic plate sealed to the end of a ground glass cone. The cone fitted into a purpose built glass cell (Figure 1) opposite a CaF window onto which U V was channeled by a light guide. The U V source was a high pressure 150 W xenon lamp (Oriel -300-800 nm) fitted with a 100 mm water filter and, in the experiments reported here, an ΑΜ0 filter to remove wavelengths < 290 nm. 2



4 mm


Figure 1. Purpose built cell. The polymer sample is held opposite a UV transmitting window, and the photogenerated C0 is monitored by an IR beam. 2

After the sample was inserted, the cell was flushed for an hour with the selected gas. In the tests reported here, this was either dry oxygen (direct from the cylinder) or 'wet' oxygen (cylinder oxygen bubbled through water). The cell was then sealed and placed in the sample compartment of a nitrogen-purged Bio-Rad FTS-60 FTIR spectrometer fitted with a liquid nitrogen-cooled M C T detector. Any increase of carbon dioxide was monitored using the 2360 cm" absorption (100 scans, 4 cm" resolution) over a period of one hour in the absence 1


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

150 1

of U V . The U V was then switched on and the resulting growth of the 2360 cm' band was monitored for 3 hours. Irradiation was then stopped but the gas phase was monitored for a further hour. In the absence of a polymer sample the C 0 signal after 3 hours exposure was - 8 x 1 0 - 4 a.u. with wet 0 and negligible with dry 0 . Further practical details are given elsewhere (1,2,6).




Carbonyl Group Development Monitoring Disc shaped samples similar to those used in the C 0 equipment were exposed to irradiation by UVA-340 tubes in a Q U V Accelerated Weathering unit (Q-Panel Company). A constant temperature of 40°C was used. The samples were removed from the exposure chamber periodically to record FTIR transmission spectra in the 1700-1800 cm" region.

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Results Photogeneration of C 0 from Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP) 2

Figure 2 shows C 0 evolution for differently pigmented P E (a) and PP (b) during U V exposure in wet 0 . Duplicate runs showed excellent repeatability. After 3 hours irradiation, the absorbance of photo-generated C 0 from unpigmented PP was ~ 120 χ 10" a.u., double that for unpigmented P E . For both polymers the anatase pigmented film was the most photoactive. For PE, rutile pigmented film was more photo-active than the unpigmented sample, whereas for PP, the photoactivity of the rutile pigmented film was similar to that of unpigmented PP. A comparison of the results for both unpigmented PP and rutile-pigmented PP with corresponding results for P E suggests that photogeneration of C 0 in the first hour of U V exposure was much slower for PP, suggesting a possible induction phenomenon. This is confirmed by Figure 3, which also shows that no induction time was present for PE. Comparison of the results in Figures 4 and 2b demonstrates that for PP, photogeneration of C 0 was much less in dry than in wet oxygen, as found earlier with P E (1,6). The relative photoactivities also depended on oxygen humidity. In dry oxygen, the photoactivity of rutile-pigmented PP was much higher than that of unpigmented PP, even though their photoactivities in wet oxygen were similar. 2






Carbonyl Group Development in PE and PP A typical sequence of spectra, for unpigmented poly(propylene), is shown in Figure 5. The initial spectrum had a maximum at 1713 cm' . At increasing 1

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Figure 2. CO2 emissionfrom(a) PE and (b) PP during 180 min UV exposure in wet O2. Films contained anatase(%) or rutile(A) or were unpigmented(M).

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80 Time/min


Figure 3. Extract from Figure 2(b),re-scaled.



UV off




ο λ






.Ω k. Ο

ω 5



ο 0


100 150 200 250 300 Time/min

Figure 4. Photogeneration of CO from PP in dry 0 . Symbols as Figure 2. 2


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

153 1

exposure times, shoulders developed near 1730 and 1770 cm" and for exposure times above 1000 hours the absorption appeared to broaden and decrease in peak intensity. Similar spectra were obtained for PE, though with less broadening by high frequency shoulders. Thus, the 1713 c m absorbance of anatasepigmented P E began to fall after -900 hours exposure. (The film started to crack at about the same time. It has not been established whether or not this is a coincidence.) Delprat et al used S F and N H derivitization experiments to assign the 1713 cm" absorption to ketones, aldehydes or α-methylated carboxylic acid, the 1732 c m to esters, and the -1770 cm" to peresters or lactones (7). Lacoste and Carlsson had made similar assignments (8). As the overlapping absorptions have not been resolved, and since the extinction coefficients may vary by a factor of three from band to band (#), no attempt to quantify these different contributions was made. Instead, as the spectra of both PP and P E up to -700 hours are dominated by the 1713 cm' absorption, the photogenerated C 0 has been compared with the carbonyl absorption at 1713 cm" , without allowing for any formation of new species which may be indicated by the development of the high energy shoulders. The 1713 cm"" absorbance at increasing irradiation time is plotted in Figure 6a for PE and Figure 6b for PP. For exposures less than - 700 hours, the photoactivity ranking of the three PE films was the same as that given by the C 0 method. The absorbance curves for unpigmented PE and the rutile-pigmented PE are concave upwards, - 1




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- 1







Figure 5. Infrared transmission spectra of unpigmented poly(propylene) exposed in QUV equipment for the number of hours indicated.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

154 indicating auto-acceleration; the true effect is greater than it appears from Figure 5(a) because the underestimation of the total oxidation provided by the 1713 cm"" absorption becomes progressively worse as time advances. Results for PP are given in Figure 6(b), with the same reservation concerning the suitability of the absorbance at 1713 cm" to represent oxidation as outlined above for PE. Unpigmented PP showed a long induction time (>200 hours) under UVA-340 illumination but then showed strong auto-acceleration. Cracking appeared after -800 hours exposure and the slope of the absorbance curve for 1713 cm" reversed soon afterwards, a similar observation to that for anatase-pigmented PE. The anatase-pigmented sample showed the highest rate of increase in absorbance in the early stages (< 500 hours exposure). The unpigmented PP absorbance at 1713 cm" overtook that for the anatase pigmented sample after - 650 hours exposure. 1



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Photogeneration of C 0 from Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) 2

Figure 7 shows C 0 evolution from the PET films with different thermomechanical histories and consequent differences in film thickness, crystallinity and molecular orientation (9). In all three cases strong C 0 generation was observed and could be measured with good repeatability. Similar measurements have been made on poly(8-caprolactone) (PCL) and on PCL/PVC blends (10). These measurements on different polyesters demonstrate the applicability of the C 0 method to materials for which carbonyl absorption measurement is not very suitable. 2



Discussion Correlation Between C 0 Generation and Carbonyl Group Development 2

A primary concern of the studies presented here was the effect of the T i 0 pigments on the photosensitivity of polyalkene films. In an earlier paper (1) a good correlation between the photogeneration of C 0 and of carbonyl groups was demonstrated for a set of 10 PE films pigmented with a variety of rutile pigments with different surface coatings and photoactivities. Casual inspection of Figures 2 and 6 indicates that both the C 0 photogeneration and the conventional carbonyl development methods show that PP is more photoactive than PE. Also, C 0 photogeneration and carbonyl development both show the high photoactivity of anatase pigmented films of both PE and PP. To assist this comparison Figure 8 compares the C 0 absorbance after 3 hours U V exposure with the 1713 cm" absorbance after 658 hours UVA-340 illumination. 658 hours (~ 4 weeks) was chosen because at this time the 1713 cm' absorption is still the major contribution to all the carbonyl absorptions. 2







In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009. 1

Figure 6. Absorbance at 1713 cm during UV illumination: (a) PE; (b) PP. Films contained anatase( ) or rutilef A ) or were unpigmentedf ).

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360 Time/mi η

Figure 7. C0 photogeneration from PET. A as-cast; • uniaxially drawn; Φ biaxially drawn. 2

The overall correlation is seen to be fairly good. The results for PE lie quite close to the trend line (shown simply for guidance). The results for PP , though more displaced from the same trend line, are fairly evenly distributed about it.

Mechanistic Implications of C 0 Generation from Polyalkene Films 2

A second concern of this paper has been to show the sensitivity of the C 0 method and its convenience for controlling the conditions in degradation experiments and consequently demonstrate its potential for the study of degradation mechanism. The sensitivity has been demonstrated by the ability to compare the very early stages of PE and PP oxidation. Under both wet and dry U V exposure unpigmented PP films showed a clear induction period for C 0 generation, imitating the induction phenomenon observed under Q U V exposure (cf. Figures 2-4, 6). The C 0 method showed the presence of an induction phenomenon over a test period of the order of one hour, very much quicker than the observation period required with traditional Q U V testing. (Note that it is necessary not only to record a negligible reaction rate at the start of the exposure but also to observe clearly a high subsequent rate of reaction to positively 2



In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


250 o


y'% *

ο 150

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Abs. al

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Absorbance at 1713 cm" (a.u.) Figure 8. CO2 absorbance after 3 hours UV exposure versus 17 J 3 cm' absorbance after 658 hours UVA-340 illumination for PE (solid symbols) and ΡΡ films (open symbols). • , Δ unpigmented; •, • rutile pigmented; · , Ο anatase pigmented.

identify induction). The delay in the start of significant carbonyl group development and carbon dioxide emission during oxidation of PP is attributed to the importance of hydroperoxide formation by intermolecular hydrogen atom abstraction in the initial stages of PP, but not PE, oxidation. The C 0 method has also demonstrated the sensitivity of polyalkene photooxidation to the humidity of the oxygen environment. Previously, the effect of water has been attributed to factors such as dissolution and removal of reaction products by liquid water. This cannot be the case in the present experiments. The authors are unaware of previous reports of this effect of increasing humidity, even though it changes the relative rankings of different polymers. 2

Polyester Studies The results of Figure 7 demonstrate that C 0 evolution from polyester films can also be measured and offers a convenient way of monitoring the photodegradation of polymers such as polylactones which are of increasing interest because of their biodegradability. However, unlike polyalkenes, 2

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

158 polyesters have significant intrinsic absorption of solar U V . Some polyesters (e.g. PET) are also relatively impermeable even to small molecules, such as C 0 . Both factors must be considered when interpreting photogeneration of C 0 from such systems. 2


Conclusions FTIR measurement of photogenerated C 0 gives rapid analysis of the photosensitivity of PE, PP and PET. The induction phenomenon was observed clearly in PP in a short test period and contrasted with the behavior of PE. The influence of T i 0 additives was shown, with anatase causing greatly increased photosensitivity in both PE and PP. The method provides a convenient way to test the influence of different atmospheres on photodegradation, and strong acceleration was shown to be produced by high humidity. Tests with P E T confirmed that the method has great potential for studying photodegradation of polyesters.

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In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.