Polymer Latexes - American Chemical Society

In each case, 10% of the comonomer mixture was added at the beginning .... saturated end-group (indicated by R-H in Scheme 1) which in most cases will...
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Chapter 12

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Correlation of the Extent of Chain Transfer to Polymer with Reaction Conditions for Emulsion Polymerization of n-Butyl Acrylate 1



Peter A. Lovell , Tahir H. Shah , and Frank Heatley 1

Polymer Science and Technology Group, Manchester Materials Science Center, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HS, United Kingdom Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom 2

Chain transfer to polymer in emulsion polymerisation of n-butyl acrylate has been studied. Branch points in the structures of the polymers formed have been identified by C NMR spectroscopy and reveal that branching resultsfromintermolecular chain transfer reactions in which a propagating chain radical abstracts a hydrogen atomfroma tertiary C-H bond in an n-butyl acrylate repeat unit on another polymer chain. Under the usual conditions of high instantaneous monomer conversions, this reaction leads to polymers with high extents of branching (10-20 branches per 1000 backbone carbon atoms). The effects of polymerisation conditions upon the extent of branching are discussed, and changes in molar mass distribution during emulsion polymerisation are correlated with observations on the extent of chain transfer to polymer. 13

Many commercial polymers containing alkyl acrylate repeat units are prepared by emulsion polymerisations performed under monomer-starved conditions, and so throughout most of these reactions the monomer concentration is low and the polymer concentration is high. These conditions favour chain transfer to polymer, which would lead to the formation of branched molecules with consequent effects upon properties (7,2). This paper reports results obtained during a research programme into correlations between polymerisation process conditions and properties for water-based adhesives prepared by emulsion polymerisation. Direct evidence for the existence of branches arisingfromchain transfer to polymer in emulsion polymerisation of n-butyl acrylate is presented and correlated with changes in (i) polymerisation conditions and (ii) the molar mass distributions of the copolymers formed.

Emulsion Polymerisations Two types of emulsion polymerisation were performed, one (coded BXU) involving the use of ammonium persulphate initiator and a polymerisation temperature of 75 °C, and the other (coded BXUR) employing ammonium persulphate with sodium bisulphite 0097-6156/92/0492-0188$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Emulsion Polymerization of n-Butyl Acrylate

as a redox initiation system at the lower temperature of 55 °C. Both types used comonomer mixtures comprising 87.1 mol% n-butyl acrylate (BA), 6.8 mol% acrylic acid (AA) and 6.1 mol% methyl methacrylate (MMA). Additionally, in the BXU preparations only, t-dodecyl mercaptan was used at a level of 0.035% by weight of the monomers. In each case, 10% of the comonomer mixture was added at the beginning of the reaction for the seed stage of the polymerisation. After appoximately 25 min, the remaining 90% of the comonomer mixture was added uniformly over a period of approximately 150 min. A further 45 min was allowed for completion of the reaction. Samples removed during the polymerisations were analysed gravimetrically to determine the overall monomer conversion based upon the total quantity of comonomer mixture, and the instantaneous monomer conversion based upon the total quantity of comonomer mixture added at that time. Characterisation Solutions for gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis were prepared by diluting latex samples with tetrahydrofuran (THF) to give a polymer concentration of approximately 0.2%(w/v). Each solution (70 jiL) was injected into the THF flowstream of a GPC system operating at 30 °C, and the polymer separated on a series of three columns of 10 nm PL gel with porosities of 500,10 , and 10 A using a flow rate of 1 cm min . Polystyrene standards were used for calibration. Samples for C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were prepared by dialysing the latex against distilled, deionised water for a period of at least one week, changing the reservoir of water daily. In this way the majority of the salts and surfactants were removed. The polymer was recoveredfromthe dialysed latex by coagulation induced byfreeze-thawcycling and washed thoroughly with water before drying under vacuum at room temperature. C NMR spectra were obtained at ambient temperature using a Varian Associates XL-300 spectrometer operating at 75.5 MHz. Samples were made up as solutions or gels in QD6 containing c. 100 mg polymer in 1 cm solvent and chemical shifts were referenced to the solvent peak which was taken to lie at 5c 128.5. In order to maximise signal-to-noise in a giventime,spectra normally were run with continuous proton decoupling using a pulse interval of 0.5 s and a flip angle of 45°. However, under these conditions, the relative intensities do not necessarily reflect the relative abundances of each type of carbon due to differential relaxation times and nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOE). In particular, the intensities of primary and quaternary carbons are underestimated. Thus in order to obtain accurate relative intensities, some samples also were run with suppression of NOE by gated decoupling and with a pulse interval of 10.5 s to allow complete recovery of all carbons between pulses. The technique of distortionless enhancement by polarisation transfer (DEPT) (3) was used to determine the multiplicity of a signal, i.e. whether that carbon is primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary. This technique also enabled CH/CH3 and CH2 sub-spectra to be derived by respectively adding and subtracting DEPT spectra obtained using final H pulses with flip angles of 45° (i.e. DEPT45) and 135° (i.e. DEPT135). In deriving the sub-spectra, the weighting of each DEPT spectrum was adjusted empirically in order to null resonances known to be entirely of the undesired multiplicity. 4




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Interpretation of the

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C NMR Spectra

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The C NMR spectra were recorded using C6D6 as solvent because it gives a triplet peak which does not conflict with those from the polymers under investigation. However, due to aggregation of carboxylic acid groups from the acrylic acid repeat units, the BA/AA/MMA copolymers do not dissolve in C6D6 but merely swell to form relatively stiff gels. Nevertheless, there is enough segmental mobility within the gels to produce spectra which are sufficiendy well resolved to facilitate detailed interpretation,

In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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as can be seen from the representative C NMR spectrum shown in Figure 1. In addition to intense peaksfromthe major BA component, the spectra show a number of small peaks. Some of these signals (marked S in Figure 1) are due to residual surfactant molecules that were present because dialysis was not exhaustive. There was no evidence for grafting to the surfactant and, as will be shown in the following discussion, each of the weaker signals can be assigned, self-consistentiy, to sequences of repeat units known to be presentfromthe monomers employed and to structural features arisingfromchain transfer to polymer. Figure 2 shows the sub-spectra corresponding to the normal spectrum presented in Figure 1. The CH/CH3 sub-spectrum (Figure 2d) was obtained by adding the DEPT45 and DEPT135 spectra with the relative weightings empirically adjusted to null the CH2 signal at 6c 35.6 - 37.0. The CH2 sub-spectrum (Figure 2b) was obtained by subtracting the DEPT135 spectrum from the DEPT45 spectrum, the CH peak at 6c 42.3 being nulled. The ^ C peak assignments summarised in Table I were made using several arguments: (a) comparison with the spectra of homopolymers and of samples prepared with either AA or AA and MMA omitted, (b) determination of the carbon multiplicity using DEPT, and (c) comparison of experimental chemical shifts with those calculated using empirical substituent additivity parameters (4). Assignments of the major BA peaks were immediately evident from intensity considerations and from wellestablished correlations between chemical shift and structure (4). Among the smaller peaks, the AA carbonyl signal and the MMA a-CH3, C , and OCH3 signals were q

1 3

Table I Assignments of resonances in C NMR spectra of BA/AA/MMA copolymers fl



Chemical shift, 6c



14-3 19-8 21-1 31-4 35-6 - 37 0 38-4 40-4 - 411 42-3 42-5 - 440 46-2 49-1 52-1 64-9 172-7 - 173-7 1750 1760



BA C H BA 3-CH2 MMA 01-CH3 BA 2-CH BA-BA C H Branch C H Branch CH BACH BA-MMACH MMACq Branch Cq MMAOCH3 BA 1-CH Branch or terminal C=0 BAC=0 MMA C=0 + terminal or branch C=0 AAC=Q








The letters refer to the labelling in Figure 1. BA = n-butyl acrylate, AA = acrylic acid, and MMA = methyl methacrylate. The carbons in the n-butyl group are numbered starting at the OCH2 carbon. The location of branch carbons is described in the text.

In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Figure 1 C NMR spectrum of BA/AA/MMA copolymerfromthe BXU-3 preparation. Peaks are labelled as in Table I. Peaks marked S arefromresidualsurfactant. Note that there is a small instrumental dispersive spike on peak K.

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Figure 2 DEPT sub-spectra of the aliphatic carbons of BA/AA/MMA copolymer from the BXU-3 preparation, (a) CH/CH3 sub-spectrum; (b) CH2 sub-spectrum.

In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Emulsion Polymerization of n-Butyl Acrylate

assigned by virtue of their absencefromthe spectra of polymers containing no AA or MMA repeat units and (for MMA peaks) by comparison with the spectrum of PMMA (5). In the backbone carbon region, the small CH2 peak at c. 8c 43.5 (partially obscured by the BA CH peak in Figure 7, but clearly observed in the DEPT CH2 subspectrum in Figure 2b) was assigned to the BA-MMA dyad because of its disappearance in the absence of MMA repeat units and the close correspondence of its chemical shift with the predicted value (6c 42, based upon the polyethylene chemical shift of 6c 30 (6) modified by adjacent -COOR and -CH3 groups (4)). There was no evidence of CH2 peaks from MMA-MMA dyads expected at 6c 55 (5), indicating that in spite of the greater reactivity of MMA compared to BA and AA (7,8), successive addition of MMA units is suppressed by the low proportion of MMA in the comonomer feed. Further confirmation of the assignment of the BA-MMA dyad CH2 peak, therefore, is provided by the observation that its relative intensity in the CH2 subspectrum, expressed as a fraction of all backbone CH2 resonances, is approximately twice the MMA mole fraction. In the carbonyl region, the small peak at 6c 176.0 decreased considerably in the absence of MMA repeat units but did not disappear completely. Hence this peak could not be exclusively assigned to the MMA carbonyl carbon. Furthermore, the remaining small peaks, each of which is present in spectra of BA homopolymers, could not be assigned to sequences of normal backbone repeat units. These 'abnormal* signals comprise C H at 6c 38.4, CH at 6c 40.4 - 41.1, a quaternary carbon (C ) at 6c 49.1 and carbonyl signals at 6c 172.7 - 173.7 and 176.0 with relative intensities in NOEsuppressed spectra of approximately 3:3:1:1:1. The multiplicities and chemical shifts of these signals are consistent with their origin in a branch point of structure I. 2



The quaternary carbon is the branch point, one of the carbonyl signals is from the ester attached to the branch point, the CH2 signal is from the carbons adjacent to the branch point and the CH signal is from the next nearest neighbouring carbons. The chemical shifts of the aliphatic carbon signals are also consistent with those calculated on the basis of structure I using the chemical shifts of carbons associated with long branches in polyethylene (6) and substituent parameters for a -COOR group (4), namely: 6 (CH ) = 38.4, 6 (CH) = 40.3; 6 (C ) = 48.0. Branching almost certainly arises via abstraction of a hydrogen atom from a tertiary C-H bond in a BA or AArepeatunit, followed by further propagationfromthe resulting polymeric radical, as shown in Scheme 7. Implicit in Scheme 1 is the formation of several types of branch point. Formation of branch structure I, however, is most probable because of the high proportion of B Arepeatunits in the copolymers, and the high concentration of BA in the comonomer feed. Other branch points, of similar structure to I, may be formed by chain transfer at a tertiary C-H bond in an AA repeat unit and/or by further propagationfromthe chain transfer product radical by reaction with either AA or MMA. These branch points will only be present at relatively low concentrations because, as a consequence of the small values of the molar ratios AA:BA and MMA:BA, their probability of formation is very much lower than that of branch structure I. Each chain transfer to polymer event gives rise to one terminal saturated end-group (indicated by R-H in Scheme 1) which in most cases will be C





In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



H R*


wwv—CH —(!:—CH 2



io Ri

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wwv—CH —C—CH —WNAA, 2


io R! 2


'2 2

R -C_C0 R 3





wwv—CH ——CH —wwv 2



n CH,=C

4:o R 2

R -C-C0 R 3






CH —(!:—CH —vww 2


dlOjRj Scheme 1 Formation of branches via chain transfer to polymer at sites of tertiary C-H bonds. Ri = H or ( C H ) C H R = H, or (CH ) CH when R = H; and R = C H when R = C H . 2












In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Emulsion Polymerization of n-Butyl Acrylate

-CH2CH2(CC>2Bu), again due to the high proportion of BA leading to a high probability for existence of propagating radicals (i.e. R ) with BA terminal active units. If branching is extensive, the number of branches and the number of chain ends will be essentially equal. The chemical shift substituent parameters indicate that the C resonances of the ultimate and penultimate main-chain carbons in such a terminal unit should occur at about 5c 30, i.e. coinciding with (and hence obscured by) the intense n-butyl 2-CH2 resonance. The presence of saturated BA terminal units also provides an explanation for the existence of the two small carbonyl carbon resonances of approximately equal intensity at 5c 172.7 - 173.7 and 176.0. One of these signals is due to the -CO2BU end-group, and the other to the -CO2BU group of the branch point. #

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on August 6, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 3, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0492.ch012

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Correlation of the Extent of Branching with Emulsion Polymerisation Conditions A series of emulsion polymerisations were carried out in order to investigate the effects of reaction conditions upon the extent of branching. On the basis of the C chemical shift assignments, calculations of the mole percentages of branch points and of the principal repeat units have been made for each of the polymers prepared. These are reported in Table II together with information about the methods of calculation, and the reaction conditions and monomer feed compositions employed. Under the normal, rapid-pulsing conditions the mole percentage of branch points obtained from the branch C resonance is significandy lower than that from the carbonyl signals. Also, the mole percentage of MMA calculated from the OCH3 resonance is lower than that in die feed. These discrepancies arise because the C and OCH3 carbons have relatively long relaxationtimesand are partially saturated by rapid pulsing. In the NOE-suppressed, fully-relaxed spectra the branch and MMA contents obtained from the aliphatic and carbonyl carbon resonances are identical (within experimental error) and, in the case of MMA contents, in agreement with the monomer feed composition. Since the calculations based upon the carbonyl resonances are reliable under each of the conditions used to record the NMR spectra, they form the basis of the following discussion of the extents of branching. For each of the polymers prepared the mole percentage of branch points is approximately 2-4 mol%, corresponding to 10 - 20 branches per 1000 backbone carbon atoms. This may be compared to that for low density polyethylene (typically 15-30 branches per 1000 backbone carbon atoms) which is considered to be highly branched (7,2,9). Thus the BA-based polymers reported here may also be considered to have high levels of branching. The probability of chain transfer to polymer relative to that for propagation is given by the ratiofctr,p[C-H]/fc [M]where k p and k are the rate constants for chain transfer to polymer and for propagation respectively, and [C-H] and [M] are the total concentrations (within the latex particles) of polymer repeat units with tertiary C-H bonds and of monomer respectively. Under fixed conditions of polymerisation, the ratio ktrf/kp can be assumed constant so that in the absence of other competitive chain transfer reactions the ratio [C-H]/[M] controls the extent of chain transfer to polymer and hence the extent of branching. Chain transfer to a particular polymer molecule will depend upon the number of tertiary C-H bonds present in the molecule, and so if all other factors are equal, high molar mass species have a higher probability of undergoing chain transfer to polymer than low molar mass species. In the presence of a chain transfer agent, such as the mercaptan in the BXU preparations, the probability of chain transfer to polymer is reduced and, relative to the probabilities for propagation and chain transfer to mercaptan, is given by k j[C-H]/(k [M] + #tr,SH[SH]), where #tr,SH is the rate constant for chain transfer to the mercaptan and [SH] is the concentration of mercaptan in the latex particles. Figure 3 shows how the instantaneous and overall monomer conversions, and molar mass distribution (MMD) vary with time t from the end of the seed stage (t = 0) 1 3








In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

In Polymer Latexes; Daniels, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.









87.1 87.1 93.4 100.0 87.1 87.1 100.0

75 55-80/ 75 75 55 75 55




1 3

87.1 87.1


6.8 6.8 0.0 0.0 6.8 6.8 0.0


6.8 6.8


6.1 6.1 6.6 0.0 6.1 6.1 0.0


6.1 6.1


Comonomer feed composition (mol%)

75 75

Polymerisation temperature,°C





91.5 93.0 97.0(96.9) 96.0 90.5 90.7 96.9


90.3 92.5



(1.7) 3.0(3.1) 4.0 1.9 3.0 3.1



3.4 2.2
