Polymeric Assembly of Gluten Proteins in an Aqueous Ethanol Solvent

Aug 29, 2014 - Paolo Benincasa , Franco Dominici , Laura Bocci , Catia Governatori , Ivan Panfili , Giacomo Tosti , Luigi Torre , Debora Puglia. Indus...
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Article pubs.acs.org/JPCB

Polymeric Assembly of Gluten Proteins in an Aqueous Ethanol Solvent Mohsen Dahesh,†,‡,§ Amélie Banc,†,‡ Agnès Duri,§ Marie-Hélène Morel,§ and Laurence Ramos*,†,‡ †

Université Montpellier 2, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221, F-34095, Montpellier, France CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221, F-34095, Montpellier, France § UMR IATE, UM2-CIRAD-INRA-SupAgro, 2 pl Pierre Viala, 34070 Montpellier, France ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The supramolecular organization of wheat gluten proteins is largely unknown due to the intrinsic complexity of this family of proteins and their insolubility in water. We fractionate gluten in a water/ ethanol mixture (50/50 v/v) and obtain a protein extract which is depleted in gliadin, the monomeric part of wheat gluten proteins, and enriched in glutenin, the polymeric part of wheat gluten proteins. We investigate the structure of the proteins in the solvent used for extraction over a wide range of concentration, by combining X-ray scattering and multiangle static and dynamic light scattering. Our data show that, in the ethanol/water mixture, the proteins display features characteristic of flexible polymer chains in a good solvent. In the dilute regime, the proteins form very loose structures of characteristic size 150 nm, with an internal dynamics which is quantitatively similar to that of branched polymer coils. In more concentrated regimes, data highlight a hierarchical structure with one characteristic length scale of the order of a few nm, which displays the scaling with concentration expected for a semidilute polymer in good solvent, and a fractal arrangement at a much larger length scale. This structure is strikingly similar to that of polymeric gels, thus providing some factual knowledge to rationalize the viscoelastic properties of wheat gluten proteins and their assemblies.

1. INTRODUCTION Wheat storage gluten proteins are among the most complex protein families comprising at least 50 different proteins, with extremely broad polymorphisms.1 Wheat gluten proteins are moreover largely insoluble in water, rendering their study difficult. They are subdivided into two groups on the basis of their ability to form polymeric species by means of intermolecular disulfide bonds between protein subunits.2 Gliadins, which account for about half of the total gluten proteins, are monomeric proteins and have a molecular weight Mw in the range 30−80 kDa. The other half are polymeric glutenins, modeled as a linear backbone of glutenin subunits (with Mw ranging from 30 to 90 kDa) linked together by disulfide bonds.3,4 Gluten proteins belong to the family of disordered elastomeric proteins5 which comprise among others elastin from vertebrates, abductin from arthropods, and dragline and flagelliform silks from spiders. All of these proteins share common features in their primary structure, as they all possess unstructured repeated domains rich in glycine and proline.6 As opposed to most elastomeric proteins, the repetitive domains of gluten proteins are also rich in glutamine, which is prone to hydrogen bonding. Gluten proteins are the most documented elastomeric plant proteins,7 and are responsible for the remarkable viscoelastic properties of dough. It is traditionally admitted that gliadins provide viscosity to the dough, whereas elasticity originates from intermolecular interactions, through © 2014 American Chemical Society

disulfide bonds and/or hydrogen bonds, between glutenin polymers.8−11 In its water hydrated state, gluten forms a cohesive viscoelastic mass which is crucial in food science, as it allows wheat flour to be baked into bread and biscuit or processed into pasta and noodles, but can also be manufactured into biomaterials.12 Despite extensive studies over more than 200 years, in order to provide a structural and mechanistic basis for the improvement of the viscoelastic properties of dough and of the quality of resulting food products, there is still a need to understand supramolecular organization.13 This is partly due to the fact that these proteins do not crystallize and have an illdefined three-dimensional structure determined majorly by indirect methods. Attempts have been made to derive structural information from the viscoelastic response of gluten. Two conflicting views on the structure of gluten gels are described in the literature.14 One of those considers that dense aggregates of gluten proteins form a percolated network as would attractive colloidal particles.15−18 On the other hand, gluten gels could be regarded as polymeric gels with junction points between flexible chains.9,19−21 Careful rheology experiments have shown that hydrated gluten and wheat flour doughs exhibit the linear Received: May 13, 2014 Revised: August 26, 2014 Published: August 29, 2014 11065

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5047134 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 11065−11076

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


unstained protein ladder, Thermo Fisher) were also applied according to the instruction of the manufacturer. The gel was run at 40 mA at 18 °C and stopped half an hour after the leading front had reached the bottom of the gel. The gel was stained for 48 h in 13% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid and 0.04% (w/v) Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 and destained for 3 days with 10% trichloroacetic acid. The protein size distribution was checked using size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SEHPLC) performed on an Alliance system controlled by the Millenium software (Waters). Known quantities of samples (mass of C2 powder or volume of S1 and S2 solutions) were gently mixed for 1 h at room temperature with ethanol/water (50/50, v/v) at approximately 1 mg/mL before being diluted once in the elution buffer enriched at 1% SDS. Gluten powder was dispersed at 0.8 mg/mL in SDS buffer and mixed for 80 min at 20 °C. Two columns placed in series (TSK gel G6000 and G5000 PWXL, each 30 cm × 7.8 mm I.D., TosoBioscience) and preceded by a guard-column (TSK gel PWXL, 4 cm × 6 mm I.D., TosoBiocience) were used. Elution of the injected sample (20 μL) was performed at 0.5 mL/min with 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 (elution buffer) with detection of the different species at a wavelength of 214 nm. The protein concentrations of the injected samples were estimated from the corresponding SE-HPLC total areas using a previously determined calibration factor.27 The size-exclusion system was calibrated using blue dextran (2000 kDa), thyroglobulin (670 kDa), bovine serum albumin (66.5 and 132 kDa), catalase (116 and 58 kDa), carbonic anhydrase (29 kDa), trypsinogen (23.7 kDa), cytochrome C (13.3 kDa), and dithionitrobenzoic acid for total column volume estimation. The above protein samples (S1, S2, C2, and gluten) were also analyzed using the same elution buffer on a TSK G400 SWXL column (30 cm × 7.8 mm I.D., TosoBioscience). With this column, albumin/globulin (25−10 kDa) and gliadin (90−25 kDa) that were confused on the PWXL columns can accurately be separated and quantified.28 Sample Preparation. The samples were prepared by dispersing the required mass of proteins (C2) in the appropriate solvent, an equi-volume mixture of ethanol and Milli-Q water. The protein/solvent mixtures were put in a rotary shaker overnight at room temperature to allow sample homogenization. They were subsequently kept at 20 °C and used within 15 days after preparation. 2.2. Experimental Methods. Turbidity. The turbidity of the samples was determined using a UV−vis−NIR Varian 5000 spectrometer at room temperature for wavelengths in the range 400−800 nm where the proteins do not absorb light. The results are given as the absorbance, defined as A = −log(It/I0), where It (respectively I0) are the transmitted intensities through the sample (respectively solvent), measured at 600 nm. The samples were dissolved in ethanol/water (v/v 50%) mixture and placed into 1 mm thick quartz cells. Before each measurement, two empty cells were inserted into sample holders in order to get blank spectra. For measurements, one cell was filled with pure solvent ethanol/water (v/v 50%) and used as the reference, and the other cell was filled with the sample. Measurements were performed at typically five positions along the height of the cell. Results are given as the average over the different measurements with error bars corresponding to the standard deviation of the different measurements.

viscoelastic response of critical gels, strongly supporting the second view of a gluten gel being a polymeric network.22−24 Most experiments have been done under experimental conditions close to those followed for making dough (typically 0.6−0.8 g of water/g of flour). When performed on gluten, experiments were done in a rather concentrated regime (1.7 g of water/g of gluten).24 However, gluten proteins are not water-soluble, rendering hazardous a structural deduction of the polymer network from a mechanical response as out-ofequilibrium processes dominate. Our approach is by contrast to directly probe gluten protein structure in a food-grade solvent (an equi-volume mixture of water and ethanol) in which those proteins can be dispersed but nevertheless display a spontaneous gelation, yielding gel similar to gluten, when they are sufficiently concentrated. Thanks to a proper dispersion, a wide range of protein concentration is investigated, from very dilute solutions to concentrated ones. We used a combination of several scattering techniques, including static and dynamic light scattering and Xray and neutron scattering, to probe the structure of gluten protein in solution. We show that our data can be rationalized in the framework of classical theory of polymers in a good solvent. Our data suggest also that the polymers are branched and form at large concentration polymeric gels with large length scale heterogeneities. The paper is organized as follows. We first describe the protocol used to fractionate the proteins and briefly expose the characterization of the protein extract, and its behavior in aqueous ethanol solutions. We then probe the structure and dynamics of the protein suspension in the dilute regime, and in a concentrated regime using a combination of several scattering techniques. We finally discuss our results and compare our findings with previous investigations on the assembly of gluten proteins.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Materials. Ethanol and all chemicals were of analytical grade. Native gluten powder (81.94% protein, dry basis) was courtesy of Tereos-Syral (France). Gluten Protein Fractionation. Our aim was to isolate a soluble protein fraction representative of the native gluten protein composition. The protocol was derived from the wheat flour protein fractionation developed by Boire et al.25 and was similar to the one described in ref 26. Gluten powder (20 g) was placed in a centrifuge bottle (volume 250 mL) with 200 mL of 50% (v/v) ethanol/water solvent and submitted to a continuous rotating agitation (60 rpm at 20 °C) for 19 h. After a 30 min centrifugation at 15000g at 25 °C, the clear supernatant (S1) was recovered and placed at 4 °C for 24 h. This led to a phase separation between a light (S2) and a dense phase (C2). The latter, once recovered, was immediately frozen at −18 °C before being freeze-dried and grinded. The global protein yield in C2, the extract of interest, was typically about 17%. Protein Characterization. The protein composition of the different extracts was checked by SDS-PAGE using the classical Laemmli buffer system (Tris−HCL/Tris−glycine). The 1.5 mm width gel comprised 120 mm of resolving gel (T = 13%, C = 0.63%) and 40 mm of stacking gel (T = 5.6%, C = 10%). Protein extracts (30 mg/mL) were suspended in Tris−HCl buffer, 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 13% glycerol and reduced with β-mercaptoethanol (5%) for at least 2 h prior to loading (3 μL). Protein molecular weight standards (PageRuler 11066

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


Light Scattering Measurements. Static and dynamic and light scattering measurements were carried out for scattering angle θ in the range 20−140°, yielding scattering wave vectors q = 4πn/λ sin(θ/2) in the range (5.6−30.1) × 106 m−1. Here n = 1.357 is the refractive index of the solvent, and λ = 532 nm is the wavelength of the incident light (a cobalt diode-pumped solid-state laser). Before measurements, samples were filtered using a hydrophilic (surfactant-free cellulose acetate) syringe filter with a pore size of 0.8 μm to remove dust particles. We checked by SEC-HPLC that filtration did not have any effect on the molecular size distribution. The concentration after filtration was measured by UV−vis spectrometry using the peak of protein absorption at 277 nm, considering an extinction coefficient of 0.565 mL/mg/cm (as measured by UV−vis spectroscopy for solutions comprising protein concentrations in the range 0.3−4.0 mg/mL). For static light scattering measurements, an analyzer with polarization parallel to that of the incident light was placed in front of the detector. The excess Rayleigh ratio, 9 ex , was measured thanks to standard procedures using toluene for absolute calibration.29 In brief, 9 ex = 9 std [(Is − Isol)/Istd], where Is is the intensity scattered by the sample, Isol is the intensity scattered by the solvent, and Istd is the intensity scattered by toluene, and 9 std = 2.5373 × 10−5 cm−1 is the Rayleigh ratio of toluene at 532 nm.30 Measurements were performed at different scattering angles and for various sample concentrations, C. We use Berry analysis, where (KC/9 ex )1/2 is plotted as a function of sin2(θ/2) + C. Here C is the protein concentration, and K = 4π2n2(dn/dC)2/5a λ4 is the scattering contrast with 5a being the Avogadro number and dn/dC = 0.149 mL/g being the refractive index increment, which was determined by measuring the index of refraction of solutions comprising protein concentration in the range 20−200 mg/mL. Note that Berry analysis has been found to be more accurate than a Zimm plot analysis for objects with a radius of gyration of the order or larger than 100 nm.31 The apparent molecular weight of the scattering objects, Mapp w , the second virial coefficient, A2, and radius of gyration can be evaluated from a Berry plot, through linear extrapolations of the data toward C = 0 and θ = 0. A linear extrapolation of the data toward C = 0 1/2 2 2 yields (KC/Rex)1/2 → (1/(Mapp w ) )(1 + (q RG /6)), in the regime qRG ≪ 1. In this limit, the Berry plot shows a linear variation of (KC/Rex)1/2 vs sin2(θ/2) + C, and the apparent molecular weight and the radius of gyration are directly evaluated from the intercept and slope of the linear function. On the other hand, a linear extrapolation toward θ = 0 yields 1/2 app (KC/Rex)1/2 → (1/(Mapp w ) )(1 + A2Mw C). In this limit, the Berry plot shows a linear variation of (KC/Rex)1/2 vs sin2(θ/2) + C, and the apparent molecular weight and the second virial coefficient are directly evaluated from the intercept and slope of the linear function. The intensity autocorrelation functions, g2(τ) − 1, were calculated using an Amtec goniometer and a Brookhaven BT9000 correlator for delay times, τ, in the range 10−7−3 s. They were analyzed using cumulant expansion g2(τ) − 1 = β × exp(−2Γ1τ + K22τ2), where β ≤ 1 is an instrumental constant,32 Γ1 is the first decay rate, and K2 is the second cumulant moment. As a cross-check, the correlation functions were also analyzed by the inverse Laplace transform program CONTIN. X-ray Scattering. Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments were conducted at the European Synchrotron radiation facilities (ESRF) at Grenoble, France,

on the ID2 beamline. The samples were held in capillaries of internal diameter 1.5 mm. The beam wavelength is 1 Å and the sample-to-detector distance is 2.5 m, yielding scattering wave vectors in the range 0.04−1.5 nm−1. The scattered intensity, I(q), was obtained by using standard procedures, including background subtraction given by ESRF. Additional data were obtained using a laboratory setup. In brief, a high brightness low power X-ray tube, coupled with aspheric multilayer optic (GeniX 3D from Xenocs), was employed, which delivers an ultralow divergent beam (0.5 mrad). Scatterless slits were used to give a clean 0.8 mm diameter X-ray spot with an estimated flux around 35 106 photons/s at the sample position. The scattered intensity was collected on a two-dimensional Schneider 2D image plate detector prototype, at a distance of 0.2 m from the sample. The experimental data were corrected for the background scattering. Very-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering. Very-small-angle neutron scattering experiments (VSANS) running on the focusing mirror principle33 were performed at the KWS3 instrument operated by FRM II at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany. The samples were held in 1 mm thick quartz cells. Two sample-to-detector distances (1.2 and 9.5 m) were used with a wavelength of λ = 12.8 Å to access q vectors from 2 × 10−3 to 10−1 nm−1, allowing an overlap with the SAXS data. The reduction of raw data was performed by the routine qtiKWS34 including corrections for detector sensitivity, background noise, and empty cell signal. Note that, despite a low contrast between the proteins and the hydrogenated solvent, measurements were performed on samples prepared with the hydrogenated solvent as deuteration induced alterations of the scattering signal (data not shown).

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Characterization of the Gluten Protein Extract. Figure 1 presents the molecular weight distribution profiles of native gluten, S1, S2, and C2 protein extracts, as obtained from size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-

Figure 1. SE-HPLC profiles of the different gluten extracts. The profiles are for equivalent total protein content (9.8 μg). S1: first water/ethanol soluble extract from gluten; S2: light- and C2: densephase obtained after liquid/liquid phase separation of S1 at 4 °C. Chromatography was performed on two columns placed in series (TSK gel G6000 and G5000 PWXL, each 30 cm × 7.8 mm I.D., TosoBioscience) and preceded by a guard-column (TSK gel PWXL, 4 cm × 6 mm I.D., TosoBiocience). Relative molecular weight calibration was obtained from known protein standards (see the Materials and Methods section). 11067

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


solubility of gliadin and glutenin in ethanol/water solvent, S1 is enriched in gliadin and depleted in glutenin polymers compared to native gluten (Figure 1, purple dashed line). From the SDS-PAGE patterns and compared to gluten, S1 is found to be enriched in α- and β-gliadins and low-molecularweight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) while slightly depleted in high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) (Figure 2). HMW-GS are known to be involved in the formation of the largest glutenin polymers,36 which are found to be relatively less abundant in S1 than in gluten (Figure 1). The partitioning of S1 into dense (C2) and light (S2) phases by liquid−liquid phase separation at 4 °C results in the disappearance of the largest glutenin polymers within the light phase (S2), while allowing their recovery within the dense phase (C2) (Figure 1). SDS-PAGE analysis shows that the HMW-GS present in S1 are almost totally recovered within C2, while S2 is significantly enriched in α- and β-gliadins (Figure 2). Careful examination of the size distribution of glutenin polymers from C2 and gluten extracts shows that they are very similar (Supporting Information, Figure S2). Finally, C2 showed a higher glutenin polymer/gliadin ratio than native gluten (1.11 against 1.01 or 0.66 depending on whether the native gluten SDS-insoluble glutenin polymers are taken into account or not in our estimate). Therefore, our fractionation method allows the isolation in 50% ethanol/water, the traditional solvent of gliadin, of a gluten protein blend specifically enriched in glutenin polymers. 3.2. Protein Solubility in Ethanolic Solvents. We have checked the solubility of the protein mixtures in different solvents, pure water, pure ethanol, and ethanol−water mixtures of different compositions (at different ratios). Mixtures that are homogeneous to the eyes are obtained for ratios of water over ethanol ranging from 40/60 to 60/40 (volume/volume), in agreement with experimental studies on wheat gluten proteins.37,38 In the following, we use a mixture of 50/50 of water/ethanol. Pictures of a sample series, comprising protein concentrations from C = 10 mg/mL to C = 600 mg/mL, are shown in Figure 3. All samples display a yellow color presumably originating from carotenoids. Note that samples with a protein concentration larger than typically 150 mg/mL are viscoelastic gels. As can be seen in Figure 3, the samples are more and more turbid as C increases until reaching a plateau for C in the range 245−320 mg/mL. For higher concentrations, the samples become more transparent. These observations are confirmed by turbidity measurements (Figure 4). Note however that measurements were not possible for concentrations larger than 320 mg/mL, as we were not able to fill the cell without bubbles, due to the very high elasticity of the samples. Hence,

HPLC), while their protein subunit composition can be inferred from the reduced SDS-PAGE patterns given in Figure 2. In both cases, equivalent protein contents were used in order

Figure 2. SDS-PAGE of the different gluten extracts. S1: first water/ ethanol soluble extract from gluten; S2: light phase and C2: dense phase obtained after liquid/liquid phase separation of S1 at 4 °C. MW: molecular weight standards in kDa (PageRuler unstained protein ladder, Thermo Fisher). SDS-PAGE (13%T-0.63%C) is performed under reduced conditions. Each lane was loaded with 30 μg of protein.

to exemplify the difference in protein composition. About 84.5% of the native gluten protein is found extractable in SDSphosphate buffer at room temperature. This solvent is one of the most efficient to bring gluten into solution because SDS interacts with the polypeptide backbone disrupting ionic, hydrogen, and hydrophobic bonds that stabilize the protein secondary through quaternary structure.35 The protein residue (15.5% of total protein) can be assimilated to the largest glutenin polymers, which are well-known to remain insoluble even in strong disrupting solvents.4 SE-HPLC analysis shows that the molecular weight of the SDS-soluble glutenin polymers ranges from 6000 to 90 kDa, while that of the later eluted gliadin ranges from 90 to 11 kDa. The gliadin profile consists of a main peak flanked by a shoulder at higher Mw (smaller elution volume) (Figure 1, blue dotted line). The gliadin profile can be better resolved using one column (Supporting Information, Figure S1). From the quantitative analysis of the SE-HPLC profile, native gluten is found to comprise 44.3% gliadin and 45.7% glutenin polymers, 30.2% of which are soluble in SDS-phosphate buffer. Extraction of gluten in ethanol/water (50/50, v/v) solubilized 48.5% of total gluten protein within S1 extract. As expected from the respective

Figure 3. Picture of samples with protein concentrations, C, from 10 to 600 mg/mL, in a 50/50 v/v water/ethanol mixture. 11068

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


the wave vector, q. The data shown for five concentrations almost overlap and display a plateau at low q followed by a decrease of the scattered intensity at higher q. Data can be reasonably well fitted by a Debye function, which is the form factor for Gaussian chains:39,40 f D = (2/x2)(e−x − 1 + x), with x = (qRG)2. As can be seen in Figure 5a, this function, which is the exact form of the static form factor for a random walk polymer, accounts well for our experimental data in the whole range of accessible wave vectors. From the fit of the data, the radius of gyration of the scattering objects is determined. We find within error bars a constant value for the five concentrations investigated: RG = 147 ± 6 nm. Note that a simpler Guinier analysis,39 where ln(Rex/KC) vs q2 is fitted with a linear function whose slope is RG2/3 could be used, in the regime where qRG ≪ 1. Smaller values (RG = 117 ± 4 nm) are found in this case (data not shown). However, the range of wave vectors where the Guinier approximation holds is very restricted, rendering the fit procedure not very reliable. Additional information can be obtained on the structure of the samples by performing a Berry analysis, as detailed in the Materials and Methods section. We show in Figure 5b a Berry plot where (KC/9 ex )1/2 is plotted as a function of sin2(θ/2) + C, for data acquired at different scattering angles, θ, and for four different concentrations, from 2.1 to 8.0 mg/mL. As explained in the Materials and Methods section, a linear extrapolation toward θ = 0 and C = 0 allows one to evaluate the radius of gyration, second virial coefficient, and apparent molecular weight of the scattering objects. From the Berry plot (Figure 5b), one derives the following numerical values: radius of gyration RG = 149 ± 3 nm, second virial coefficient A2 = 1.31 × 10−6 mL mol/g2, and apparent molecular weight of the 6 scattering objects Mapp w = (26.83 ± 0.16) × 10 g/mol. Note that this latter value is an average of the two values measured thanks to the extrapolation toward C = 0 and toward θ = 0. Note that Berry analysis has been found to be more accurate than a Zimm plot analysis for objects with a radius of gyration of the order or larger than 100 nm, as it is the case here.31 We find here a radius of gyration comparable to the one measured by fitting the whole scattering curve (Figure 5a), showing the consistency of our approach. We also measure a positive but very small value for A2, as expected for big objects. For long polymer chains in a good solvent, the average volume occupied 2 by one chain, RG3, is expected to be equal to [A2 × (Mapp w ) ]/ 41 5a , with 5a being the Avogadro number. We estimate this way RG ≈ 116 nm, a numerical value in good agreement with the values measured above, suggesting that the protein assembly can be ascribed as polymer under good solvent conditions. This claim is confirmed by dynamic light scattering data. To get more insight into the morphology of the scattering objects, dynamic light scattering experiments were performed. Intensity correlation functions were measured at several angles corresponding to several wave vectors. Representative intensity correlation functions are shown in Figure 6. Data at low q can be well fitted with a single exponential decay function, as shown in Figure 6, where fits of the data (lines in Figure 6) acquired at θ = 35° (q = 9.64 × 106 m−1) and θ = 50° (q = 13.55 × 106 m−1) are shown. This proves that the scattering objects are close to monodisperse, which is rather unexpected in view of the broad size molecular weight distribution of the proteins in the sample, as shown in the molecular weight profile (Figure 2). The size distribution derived from a Contin analysis of the correlation functions at low q also shows the narrowness of the

Figure 4. Sample absorbance as measured at 600 nm wavelength as a function of the protein concentration.

the decrease of the turbidity for high enough concentration hinted visually cannot be measured quantitatively. 3.3. Structure and Dynamics in the Dilute Regime. Static light scattering measurements were performed in the dilute regime, for C in the range 2−9 mg/mL. Figure 5a shows the variation of the scattering intensity, Rex/KC, as a function of

Figure 5. Static light scattering measurements for diluted samples with various concentrations of proteins as indicated in the legend. (a) Scattered intensity as a function of the wave vector. (Inset) Radius of gyration, as evaluated from a Debye fit, as a function of the protein concentration. (b) Berry plot of the same data as in part a. Symbols are experimental data, and lines are best fits using a Debye function (a) and linear fits (b). 11069

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


Figure 6. Correlation functions measured at different angles, θ, as indicated in the legend, for a sample with protein concentration C = 6.0 mg/mL. The symbols are the experimental data points, and the lines are best fits with a single exponential decay functional form. (Inset) Size distribution measured at θ = 35° as deduced from a Contin analysis.

size distribution (inset Figure 6). By contrast, a single exponential decay functional form fails to correctly account for the correlation function at large q, as shown in Figure 6 where the best fits with a single exponential decay are plotted together with the experimental data points for θ = 70° (q = 18.40 × 106 m−1), θ = 90° (q = 22.68 × 106 m−1), and θ = 130° (q = 29.07 × 106 m−1). Because the shape of the correlation function changes with q but remains always close to a monoexponential, a cumulant analysis is chosen to analyze in a similar manner the correlation functions acquired in the whole range of wave vectors. The first decay rate, Γ1, is plotted as a function of q2 in a lin−lin scale in Figure 7a and as a function of q in a log−log scale in Figure 7b. Interestingly, we find that, at low q, Γ1 is proportional to q2, as expected for a diffusive process. The proportionality factor is the translation diffusion constant D, which is related to the hydrodynamic radius of the objects via the Stokes−Einstein relation, D = kBT/ 6πη0RH, where kBT is the thermal energy and η0 is the solvent viscosity (η0 = 2.788 mPa s as measured with a capillary viscometer). We measure RH = 128 ± 8 nm. Here the errors bars are the standard deviations of the results measured at different concentrations. A faster than a q2 dependence of the decay rate is however measured at higher q. This feature is the sign that, in addition to translation diffusion, other mechanisms occur, leading to a faster relaxation of the correlation functions. The departure from the q2 dependence occurs roughly when qRG becomes larger than 1, hence when one probes the dynamics of the scattering objects at a length scale smaller than their size. Our observations suggest therefore an internal dynamics of the scattering objects. Interestingly, our data present strong analogies with data obtained for linear or branched synthetic polymer coils42−47 but also for more complex natural polymers.48 At high q, the relaxation rate is found to vary as a power law with the wave vector, Γ ∼ qm. We find m = 2.98 ± 0.16, where the error bars come from the average of the different concentrations (inset Figure 7b). The power law is in agreement with the theoretical expectation and experimental observations for polymers. Indeed, an asymptotic power law with m = 3 has been predicted for chains with strong hydrodynamic interactions (Zimm limit).49 In this limit, the

Figure 7. (a, b) Decay rate, Γ1, as measured from a cumulant analysis of the correlation functions for a sample with protein concentration C = 6.0 mg/mL. In part a, Γ1 is plotted as a function of q2; symbols are experimental data points, and the line is a linear fit of the low-q data points. In part b, Γ1 is plotted as a function of q (bottom axis) and qRG (top axis); symbols are experimental data points, and the lines are power law fit with exponent 2 at low q and with exponent m at high q. (Inset) Plot of m for the different protein concentrations. (c) Plot of Γ* = (Γ1/q3)(η0/kBT), where kBT is the thermal energy and η0 is the solvent viscosity, as a function of qRH, where RH is the hydrodynamic radius. The symbols are the values computed from the decay rate for different protein concentrations as indicated in the legend, and the line is the theoretical expectation for a purely translational diffusion.

shape of the correlation functions has been calculated.42,49 At large q, such that qRG ≫ 1 and internal dynamics dominate, the asymptotic time dependence of the correlation function is a stretched exponential decay (g2(q, τ) − 1)/β → exp[−(τ/t*)α], with α = 2/3. Note that α = 1/2 for Rouse relaxation without hydrodynamic interaction. At low q by contrast, where the 11070

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B


provides some information on the morphology of the scattering objects.52 We find ρ of the order of 1.15. This value is much higher than the one expected for a compact spherical object (ρ = 0.775) but smaller than the one obtained both theoretically and experimentally for a flexible chain in good solvent (ρ in the range 1.3−1.7).44,45,52 Our result is therefore consistent with scattering objects being branched or cross-linked, as ρ has been shown to decrease with branching.48,51,53 3.4. Structure in the Concentrated Regime. X-ray and neutron scattering measurements have been performed for samples in a rather concentrated regime, with protein concentrations in the range 100−400 mg/mL. A combination of various instruments (VSANS, SAXS, WAXS) is used to probe the structure from atomic scale to mesoscopic scale. We demonstrate below that the whole scattering curve, scattered intensity vs scattering vector, can be accounted for by a model of polymeric gels under good solvent conditions. As an illustration, we show in Figure 9 the characteristic scattering for

relaxation is dominated by the translational diffusion of the scattering objects, the correlation function, when the objects are monodisperse, is a simple exponential, as measured (Figure 6). To emphasize the change of shape as the wave vector increases, the correlation functions are plotted as a function of a normalized delay, Γ1τ, where τ is the delay time and Γ1 is the decay rate extracted from the cumulant analysis of the correlation functions (Figure 8). By construction, all correlation

Figure 8. Correlation functions plotted as a function of Γ1τ, where Γ1 is the decay rate extracted from a cumulant analysis, for different scattering angles, as indicated in the legend. The protein concentration is C = 6.0 mg/mL. The correlation functions measured at low angles (qRG < 2) are plotted in dark blue, and those measured at larger angles (qRG > 2) are plotted in orange. Lines are theoretical expectations for different models, as explained in the text.

functions taken at different angles collapse at small normalized delay but depart markedly at large Γ1τ. We find that the shape of the correlation functions departs notably from a simple exponential when qRG > 2. This crossover corresponds to the q vector below which translational diffusion is probed and above which internal mode dynamics is probed (Figure 7). Consistently, we find for the largest angle that the shape of the correlation function reaches the one predicted in the Zimm limit. In the Zimm limit, for polymers in good solvent, Γ* = (Γ1/ q3)(η0/kBT) is expected to reach a constant q-independent value Γ*∞ = 0.071−0.079 when qRG (or qRH) tends to infinity.43 To quantitatively check this prediction, we have computed Γ* in the whole range of wave vectors and for the five concentrations investigated. Figure 7c gathers our results and displays Γ* as a function of qRH. Interestingly, the data for the five concentrations investigated reasonably collapse onto a single curve, which exhibits two regimes. At low q (qRH < 2), the data follow the expected law for a purely translational motion (Γ* = 1/(6πRHq)), whereas, at higher q (qRH > 2), Γ* decays slower than the expected law for a purely translational motion and reaches a plateau, Γ∞ * = 0.030 ± 0.004. This value is about 2 times lower than both the theoretical predictions and the experimental observations for linear chains in good solvent.43−47 This indicates that some predicted internal motions are not observable. This could be due to a hyperbranched structure, as invoked in ref 48 or to crosslinks inside the objects, as it has been shown to greatly reduce Γ*∞ compared to linear chains.50,51 Consistent conclusions are derived from the examination of the ratio of the radius of gyration over the hydrodynamic radius, ρ = RG/RH, as this ratio

Figure 9. Scattered intensity as a function of the wave vector as measured by wide-angle X-ray scattering (red crosses), small-angle Xray scattering (pink triangles), and very-small neutron scattering (black stars), for a sample with a protein concentration of C = 290 mg/mL. (Inset) Holtzer plot, qI vs q, of the same data as in the main plot. Only data in the high-q range are shown. The black line is a q−5/3 power law.

a sample with a protein concentration C = 290 mg/mL. At high q, a wide peak centered at q = 16.8 nm−1 is observed. It corresponds to the liquid order of the sample displaying average distances between atoms of the order of 0.37 nm. The average position of this peak is a combination of protein and solvent liquid orders54 and is not sensitive to the protein secondary structure.55 Between 2 and 8 nm−1, the scattering curve displays a q−1 decrease. This power law variation is characteristic of rigid rods, and can model polymeric chains at a scale lower than the persistence length. In addition, at lower wave vectors, a transition toward a stronger q dependence is expected as one probes the flexible conformation of the polymer chains. We find that, in the range 0.8−2 nm−1, the scattering data can be well accounted for by a q−5/3 decrease, which is the theoretical expectation for a self-avoiding polymer chain in a good solvent. The q range over which the q−5/3 scaling is measured is here narrow, because the sample is rather concentrated. However, this scaling extends over almost 2 orders of magnitude of wave vectors for a more dilute sample, as shown in Figure 10. The transition between the q−1 regime and the q−5/3 regime is predicted to occur at the q* position related to the persistence lengh l0 of the chain, such that q* × l0 11071

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not be measured in our experiment, since the q−2 dependence of the scattered intensity is found to hold until the smallest accessible q vector, qmin = 0.002 nm−1. From our data, one can therefore only provide a lower estimate of the size of the heterogeneities, as Ξ > 2π/qmin ≈ 1000 nm. By analogy with the analysis performed in the literature,63 in the limit of qΞ ≫ 1, we propose to fit our experimental data with the following equation: I = a1

(1 + qξ)1/3 (1 + q2ξ 2)

[1 + a 2q−d f ]


where ξ is the correlation length of the semidilute polymer solution, df is the fractal dimension measured at low q, and a1 and a2 are two scaling factors. Equation 1 accounts for the experimentally observed power law decrease at low q and for the signature of a semidilute polymer solution in good solvent at intermediate and large q. It holds for length scales larger than the persistence length (ql0 < 1) but smaller than the size of the heterogeneities Ξ (qΞ > 1). Equation 1 can reproduce very well our experimental data measured by SAXS, as can be seen from the fits shown in Figure 10 for various sample concentrations ranging from 131 to 393 mg/mL. The variation with the protein concentration of the two fitting parameters, df and ξ, is displayed in Figure 11. We find that, within error bars, df is

Figure 10. Scattered intensity, I, as a function of the wave vector, q, as measured by small-angle X-ray scattering, for various protein concentrations as indicated in the legend. The data have been arbitrarily shifted vertically. Symbols are experimental data points. The black lines are best fits, using the model described in the text (eq 1) for concentrations C in the range 131−393 mg/mL, and using a power law with an exponent of −5/3 for C = 79 mg/mL (gray symbols).

= 1.9.56,57 Because the transition is very often rather broad, it is common to use a so-called “Holtzer plot” where qI is plotted as a function of q. With this representation, the q−1 dependence of an infinitely thin rigid rod results in a plateau (inset Figure 10). We experimentally find q* ≅ 2.6 nm−1, yielding a persistence length of the order of 0.7 nm. Note that the narrow range over which the q−1 scaling is measured is intrinsic to the high flexibility/short persistence length of the polymer. In the intermediate-q range, similarly to what is expected for semidilute linear polymer chains in a good solvent, a transition from a q−5/3 decrease toward a pseudoplateau at lower q is measured. This transition gives a correlation length ξ (usually referred to as the blob size), which corresponds to the distance below which the polymer chain displays a single chain selfavoiding walk behavior.58 This correlation length originates from time-dependent fluctuations of concentrations and can be satisfyingly determined using the scattering intensity of a semidilute polymer solution in a good solvent modeled by I ∼ (1 + qξ)1/3/(1 + q2ξ2).59 Note that this equation directly derives from a Lorentzian scaling law. Interestingly, our data show that the plateau regime does not persist at low q. Instead, the intensity is measured to vary as q−2 in a broad range of wave vectors that span 2 orders of magnitude. This low-q behavior indicates the presence of large scale heterogeneities characterized by a fractal dimension of 2. This fractal dimension is consistent with monodisperse branched polymers in a good solvent.60 Similar scattered intensity spectra (in the small- and intermediate-q range) were predicted61 and measured59,62−67 for swollen randomly cross-linked polymer networks and other polymeric gels. Biopolymer gels such as cellulose gels also showed similar profiles.68 In these swollen systems, two kinds of heterogeneities are observed: the time-dependent concentration fluctuations which determine blob size, like in semidilute linear polymer solutions, and the large-scale static concentration heterogeneities due to the formation of “hard-toswell zones” resulting from the heterogeneous cross-link density. The size of static heterogeneities, Ξ, could be eventually determined from the q value from which the scattered intensity saturates at low q. However, this size could

Figure 11. (a) Fractal dimension and (b) correlation length, as determined from the fit of the SAXS profile as a function of the protein concentration (Figure 10). The symbols are experimental data points, and the line in part b is a power law fit yielding an exponent of −0.8.

constant over the whole range of concentrations: df = 2.00 ± 0.14. This fractal dimension suggests a one-phase network contrary to gels characterized by a q−4 slope, indicating the presence of sharp interfaces revealing arrested biphasic systems.69 In the same range of concentration, ξ is measured to continuously decrease with C, from 3 to 1 nm. A power law fit of the data gives ξ ∼ C−p, with p = 0.8. Interestingly, the exponent is very close to the exponent predicted by scaling 11072

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potential and a long-range repulsive potential due to electrostatics.75,76 This point however certainly needs further investigation. Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and very-small-angle neutron scattering (VSANS) experiments, which probe the structure of the gluten protein complexes in the concentrated regime, at length scales ranging from 0.3 to 1000 nm, provide results in full agreement with the findings in the dilute regime. In particular, at small length scale, but still larger than the persistence length, the scattered intensity is found to vary as a power law of the wave vector with an exponent of −5/3, which is precisely the exponent expected for a self-avoiding polymer chain in a good solvent. Note that the scaling has been recently measured for another intrinsically disordered protein and interpreted similarly to us.77 A scaling close to q−5/3 has also been measured for zein, a storage protein from maize,78 although an alternative interpretation has been given. In our experiments, the q−5/3 scaling is found to hold up to a certain length scale, ξ. We measure in addition that this correlation length scale decreases when the protein concentration increases as C−p, with p = 0.8, a value very close to 3/4, the theoretically expected value for polymer in good solvent in the semidilute regime. For length scales larger than ξ, the scattered intensity is found to increase strongly as the wave vector decreases, indicating the presence of large length scale heterogeneities in the samples, as observed for polymeric gels,66,79 polysaccharide gels,68,80 polymeric coacervates,81 and also denaturated globular protein gels.69,82 In our case, the concentrated samples display rich and complex viscoelastic properties which are directly related to this hierarchical organization of the protein chains.83 Altogether, our experiments provide much quantitative evidence that the gluten protein mixture behaves in the ethanolic solvent used here as rather standard flexible polymeric chains in good solvent. This finding is at odds with results obtained using multiangle laser light scattering coupled to size exclusion chromatography (SEC-MALLS). In SEC-MALLS, the scaling between the radius of gyration and the molecular weight RG ∼ Mwυ is measured. Several previous studies84−86 using glutenin proteins in various solvents (including acetic acid, phosphate, and citric buffers with eventually SDS) suggest an exponent υ of 1/3 or even lower. An exponent of 1/3 is expected for compact objects, whereas an exponent lower than 1/3 is unphysical. By contrast, our data indicate a much more open structure (υ = 0.6 for polymer coils under good solvent conditions). The discrepancy between those measurements and our measurements could originate from some specific interactions between the proteins (or some of the proteins of our extract) and the chromatography columns used for the SEC-MAALS measurements, or from the fact that the scattering objects are branched (as shown by us). Interestingly, our results can instead be related to structural investigations by scattering techniques of dilute aqueous suspensions (comprising 20 mM acetic acid) of the hydrophilic central repetitive domain of a high molecular weight subunit of gluten protein.87 The authors demonstrate that the scattering data are in agreement with a structural model of a flexible cylinder in a good solvent at odds with previous claims of stiff objects.88,89 Similarly to us, they found that, for length scales between the persistence length and the radius of gyration, the scattering intensity scales as q−5/3. By measuring the high-q cutoff of the q−5/3 regime, they can estimate a persistence length of the order of 1.5 nm. This value is in rough agreement with our value,

theories for semidilute polymer solutions in good solvent (p = 3/4). The scaling theory58 predicts ξ = l0ϕ−3/4, where l0 is the polymer persistence length, or monomer size for flexible polymer, and ϕ is the volume fraction of polymer. In our case, we can evaluate the volume fraction of polymer from C, taking 1.31 for the dry density of protein.70 A fit of the experimental data imposing p = 3/4 leads to l0 = 0.6 nm, which is very similar to the value obtained above by studying the crossover from a q−1 to a q−5/3 decay of the scattered intensity (inset Figure 9). This totally validates the use of polymeric models. Moreover, this numerical value is in excellent agreement with the values experimentally found for unstructured proteins (between 0.5 and 0.7 nm).71 3.5. Discussion. The light scattering data in the very dilute regime shows that the scattering objects are close to monodisperse, and have an apparent molecular weight far larger than the largest one present in the protein mixture (Figure 1). They presumably contain more than one protein molecule, and are instead complexes comprising several gluten proteins. One can calculate the concentration of proteins in the scattering objects, as 3Mwapp/4π5a RG3, where 5a is the is the apparent molecular weight, Avogadro number, Mapp w and RG the radius of gyration. We find a concentration of the order of 3.2 mg/mL, showing that the complexes are very little dense. In accordance, they exhibit internal dynamics once they are probed at length scales smaller than their radius of gyration. Interestingly, the internal dynamics exhibits all the hallmarks theoretically expected and experimentally found for polymer chains in good solvent. In addition, our data suggest that the complexes are not linear chains but instead cross-linked or branched polymer chains. Accordingly, we find that the radius of gyration of the objects is smaller than the one measured for linear flexible chains of equivalent molecular weight.72 However, light scattering measurements do not allow one to establish whether the protein assemblies that we measure comprise both glutenin and gliadin proteins, or uniquely glutenin proteins. If gliadin and glutenin proteins do not interact and scatter independently, one could evaluate the respective amplitude of their scattering. The intensity is proportional to NR6, where N is the number of scattering objects, and R is the radius of the scattering objects. Our protein extract comprises about 50% w/w gliadin and 50% w/w glutenin. Assuming that the protein assemblies measured (molecular weight 27 000 000 g/mol, hydrodynamic radius of the order of 130 nm) are uniquely made of glutenin and that gliadin (hydrodynamic radius of the order of 10 nmdata not shownand average molecular weight of 40 000 g/mol) scatter independently, one predicts that, at low q, the scattering from the small gliadins would be about 1000 times smaller than the one of the big objects. Hence, this scattering could not be detected. Nevertheless, on the basis of calorimetric analysis of gluten and its constituting proteins, gliadin and glutenin can be viewed as perfectly blended at the molecular level.73 Moreover, rheological investigations of gluten and gliadin blends support the view that gliadin interferes with glutenin−glutenin interactions.74 Hence, we cannot exclude that the protein complexes we probe in ethanol/water comprise gliadin in addition to glutenin. In addition, our data suggest also that the objects are rather monodisperse, which is quite intriguing. A tentative explanation might be found on the basis of an analogy with colloidal systems, where monodisperse clusters have been observed and predicted to occur when the interaction potential between the colloidal particles exhibits a short-range attractive 11073

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has been supported by the European Commission under the seventh Framework Program through the “Research Infrastructures” action of the Capacities Program, NMI3-II, Grant Agreement number 28388 to perform the neutron scattering measurements at MLZ.

0.6−0.7 nm, for complex gluten protein mixtures in ethanol/ water solvent, although our data suggest a slightly more flexible structure. Hence, although glutenin proteins are very often modeled as a linear polymer backbone of glutenin subunits linked together by disulfide bonds,3,4 we believe our experimental work provides the the first direct experimental evidence that, in a water/ethanol solvent, the dynamics and structure of those proteins can be qualitatively and quantitatively accounted by simple models developed for synthetic polymers in a good solvent.

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4. CONCLUSION We have investigated a complex extract of wheat gluten proteins, comprising both monomeric and polymeric proteins, and exhibiting a broad size distribution of molecular weight and structures. The protein extract can be dissolved in a water/ ethanol solvent for a wide range of protein concentrations. We have found that stiff gels form for large protein concentrations. By studying the structure and dynamics both in the dilute regime and in the concentrated regime, we have shown that the samples behave as flexible polymers in a good solvent. We also have some experimental evidence that those polymers are branched. By combining several techniques, we have probed the structure of the polymeric gel in a large range of length scales from nm to μm and evidenced that the proteins selfassemble in a hierarchical fashion. This system appears therefore as a unique model system to investigate the supramolecular organization of gluten proteins and its impact on the viscoelastic properties of gluten gels. We are currently investigating the rheological properties of those gels. Other important open questions include the respective role of the two solvents (water and ethanol) and the nature of the interactions between gliadins and glutenins.


S Supporting Information *

We provide SE-HPLC profiles of the different gluten extracts and of the native gluten and the fraction of interest (C2). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org.



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Adeline Boire (IATE) for advice in the protein extraction, Joelle Bonicel (IATE) for help in the SE-HPLC, Philippe Dieudonné (L2C) for the in-house X-ray scattering measurements, and Céline Charbonneau (L2C) for help during the VSANS measurements. We acknowledge the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France, for provision of synchrotron radiation facilities. We would like to thank Pawel Kwasniewski for assistance in using beamline ID02 at ESRF and Zhendong Fu for assistance during the VSANS measurements at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany. Financial support from Laboratoire of Excellence NUMEV (ANR-10-LAB-20) and from INRA (CEPIA department) are acknowledged. This research project 11074

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dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5047134 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 11065−11076