Polymeric Drug Delivery II Polymeric Matrices and Drug Particle

Many attempts to improve RF ablation have focused on making improvements in electrode design, including the addition of water- cooled tips and multi-t...
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Chapter 11

Development and Characterization of Dual-Release Poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) Millirods for Tumor Treatment Brent Weinberg, Feng Qian, and Jinming Gao


Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O H 44106 Corresponding author: [email protected] *

In recent years, minimally invasive treatments of solid tumors, such as image-guided radiofrequency (RF) ablation, have emerged as a powerful alternative therapy to surgery for patients with unresectable tumors. One major limitation of RF ablation is frequent recurrence of tumors due to incomplete destruction of cancerous cells at the tumor boundary. Bio­ degradable polymer millirods, composed of poly(D,L-lactideco-glycolide) (PLGA) and impregnated with anti-cancer agents, have been designed to be implanted in tumors after RF ablation to deliver drugs to the surrounding tissue and kill the remaining tumor cells. By tailoring device design, it is possible to create dual-release polymer implants that incor­ porate both a burst release to rapidly raise the surrounding tissue drug concentrations as well as a sustained release to maintain those drug concentrations for an extended period of time. Combination of RF ablation with local drug therapy will provide a minimally invasive paradigm for the effective treat­ ment of solid tumors.

© 2006 American Chemical Society

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.



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Introduction Cancer is one of the major health issues plaguing modern society, with more than one million new cases and a half million cancer-related deaths expected in the United States in 2004 alone (1). Much of the morbidity and mortality arising from cancer is because of solid tumors in a variety of organs. Over the past several decades, the main method for treatment of tumors has been through surgical resection of the main tumor mass in conjunction with either systemic chemotherapy or local radiation therapy. However, not all cancer patients are good candidates for surgery for several reasons, such as inaccessi­ bility of the tumor to surgical approaches, poor overall general health, or poor expected outcome after surgical resection. As an example, resection of hepato­ cellular carcinoma has often had limited success with a 5-year survival rate after curative surgery around 30% (2). Such difficulties in treating liver cancer has led to the development of a variety of alternative treatments for hepatic cancer, which include novel drug treatments, and minimally invasive therapies (3). Nonconventional treatments for liver cancer have grown rapidly in recent years to include such options as intra-arterial chemotherapy, chemoembolization, ablative techniques, and even orthotopic liver transplantation (3, 4). Because of the high fraction of non-resectable liver cancers, methods for tumor ablation such as ethanol injection, cryoablation, and heat treatment have gained particular favor because they can often be performed in a less invasive manner than full scale surgeries, often laparoscopically or even percutaneously (5) . A large effort of current research is directed towards the development of minimally invasive radiofrequency (RF) ablation as a treatment for liver tumors (6) . In this technique, an electrode is directly inserted percutaneously into the diseased tissue through the guidance of an imaging technique such as ultrasound (7) , magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (8), or computed tomography (CT) (9). After correct positioning of the electrode, radiofrequency voltage is applied between the electrode tip and a reference electrode, which is most often a large conducting pad placed on the patient's body. Ionic oscillation due to the applied field leads to localized heating to 70-90°C and eventually coagulative necrosis in the region of the electrode tip (10). Major advantages of RF treatment include the limited invasiveness of the procedure (requiring only local anesthesia) and the ability to treat tumors in a variety of regions. However, the procedure has had some limitations, most notably tumor recurrence around the boundary of the ablated region (7,11-13). Many attempts to improve R F ablation have focused on making improvements in electrode design, including the addition of watercooled tips and multi-tipped electrodes to widen the region of ablation, and therefore, the size of tumors that can be effectively treated with this approach (10,14). One potential option for improving the outcome from RF ablation is to combine the current procedure with an additional treatment, such as local drug delivery to the treated region.

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171 Targeted drug delivery to tumors promises to reduce systemic toxicity from drug side effects while at the same time maximizing treatment efficacy. A variety of strategies have been proposed to deliver drugs more effectively to tumors, one of which uses intravenously injected delivery devices such as lipo­ somes (15) and micelles (16) that can selectively accumulate in tumors. Other local delivery mechanisms are more direct and involve implantation or injection of a drug delivery device directly into the treatment region. One clinically successful example of an implantable polymer device is the BCNU-containing Gliadel wafer used in the treatment of brain cancer (17-21). Other local delivery methods, such as the injection of polymer microspheres containing anti-cancer drugs are also under development (22). These approaches have inspired the development of implantable polymer devices to be used in conjunction with RF ablation to limit the recurrence of tumors after the procedure. In our laboratory, biodegradable polymer drug delivery devices impreg­ nated with anti-cancer drugs have been developed for use with R F ablation in the treatment of liver cancer. These implants, also named as polymer millirods, are small, cylindrical (1.6 mm in diameter, 10 mm in length) poly(D,L-lactideco-glycolide), (PLGA), devices that are designed to be implanted in a minimally invasive fashion through a modified 14-gauge biopsy needle. This procedure can be performed percutaneously with image guidance immediately after RF ablation of the tumor region. Because tumor recurrence at the boundary between ablated and normal tissue is the primary problem these implants seek to address, their main function is to deliver a therapeutic level of drug to this tissue boundary. RF ablation of the liver grossly changes the physiological properties of the surrounding tissue. The vascularity of the region is largely destroyed and drug diffusion rates change drastically, and any implant design must take account of these parameters (23). Optimally, these millirods would deliver a quantity of drug that would allow the targeted tissue to reach a therapeutic concentration quickly and stay at that level for as long a time as possible (24). The simplest millirod design is a monolithic system that releases the majority of loaded drug over a short period of time (25). By making improvements to this monolithic design, however, it is possible to create dual-release millirods with optimized release kinetics. These implants release an initial burst of drug to rapidly bring the treatment region to a therapeutic concentration, followed by a sustained dose to maintain this concentration throughout several days (24). In order to successfully develop a drug implant to be used alongside RF ablation, it is critically important to understand the drug delivery properties of both types of devices in vivo to facilitate the intelligent design of future drug delivery im­ plants.

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Materials and Methods

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Materials Poly(D,L-lactide) ( P L A ; inherent viscosity 0.67 dL/g) and poly(D,Llactide-co-glycolide) ( P L G A 1:1 lactide.glyeolide, 50,000 Da molecular weight, 0.65 dL/g inherent viscosity) were purchased from Birmingham Polymers (Birmingham, A L ) . P L G A microspheres with an average diameter of 4 pm were produced by a single emulsion technique (25). Trypan blue, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG; M 4,600), and polyethylene oxide) (PEO; M 200,000) were purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), phosphatebuffered saline (PBS), Tris-buffered saline, sodium chloride (NaCl), and methylene chloride were obtained from Fischer Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA). Doxorubicin HC1 was purchased from Bedford Laboratories (Bedford, OH), desalted by dialysis, lyophilized, and used in a fine powder form. Teflon tubing (1.6 mm ID, 2.0 mm OD) was purchased from McMaster-Carr Supply (Cleve­ land, OH). n


Fabrication of Monolithic Millirods Monolithic polymer millirods were fabricated by a compression heat molding technique (25). Briefly, the drug, P L G A microspheres, and any desired excipient molecule were weighed separately according to the desired compo­ sition of the implants. These powder components were then placed together in a plastic tube and mixed by a vortex mixer for 10 minutes. After mixing, 50 mg of this mixture was weighed out and placed in a Teflon tube, which was then inserted into a stainless steel mold. The molds were heated to the desired temperature (60, 70, 80, or 90°C) in an oven for two hours, while compressing the powder mixture with stainless steel plungers (1.6 mm OD) with a pressure of 4.6 MPa. The annealed millirods were then pushed out of the Teflon tubing with a stainless steel plunger and allowed to cool. The resulting millirods had a diameter of 1.6 mm and were cut to approximately 8-10 mm in length. Fabrication of Dual-Release Millirods Dual-release millirods were manufactured by modification of monolithic millirods with two consecutive dip coating procedures (26). First, monolithic millirods of desired composition were fabricated as described above. Then, a sustained release coating composed of a blend of P E G and P L A was added to this millirod. To add this coating, both polymers were dissolved in methylene chloride to a total concentration of 200 mg/mL. Millirods were then dipped at a speed of 2 mm/s into this solution using a vertically placed syringe pump. The rate of sustained drug release could be controlled by varying the P E G content of

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the coating from 5-20%. Millirods with this single coating were dubbed sustained release millirods. To impart a burst drug release to the millirods, a second dip coating of drug and PEO (75% drug, 25% PEO, total concentration 100 mg/mL), dissolved in methylene chloride, was applied to the sustained release rods. The amount of burst release was controlled by varying the number of coatings with this burst solution. In this manner, implants that exhibited both burst and sustained release properties were produced. In Vitro Drug Release In vitro release studies were performed in an orbital shaker at 37°C and a speed of 100 rpm. Millirods were placed in solution in this shaker, and at each time point were removed and placed into fresh solution. Drug concentrations of the resulting solutions were determined using a U V - V i s spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer, Lambda 20), and cumulative release was determined by sum­ ming the release throughout all of the study time periods. Studies with Trypan blue and 5-FU were performed in 10 mL vials of PBS buffer, and corresponding studies with doxorubicin were performed in 2 mL vials of Tris buffer. The following absorption wavelengths and extinction coefficients were used: Trypan blue, 597.2 nm, 64.6 mL/(cm mg) (25); 5-FU, 266.1 nm, 46.1 mL/(cm mg) (27); and doxorubicin, 480.8 nm, 16.8 mL/(cm mg) (26). SEMAnalysis Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JEOL 840, 20 keV) was performed to gain an understanding of the implant morphology. Millirods were fractured, mounted on an aluminum stub with double sided tape, and sputter-coated with a 10-nm layer of Pd. Images were obtained of both the outer surface and crosssection of the implant. RF Ablation of Livers and Implantation of Polymer Millirods A l l animal procedures followed an approved protocol of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Case Western Reserve University. Studies were performed in male New Zealand white rabbits (28) or male Sprague-Dawley rats (23). Animals were anesthetized, the abdomen shaved and prepped, and the liver exposed through a midline incision. Tissue was ablated using an RF-current generator with a 19-gauge needle electrode to a temperature of 90±2°C for 3 minutes in rabbits and 2 minutes in rats. The ablation volume typically had a radius of 4-6 mm from the electrode tip. After the ablation procedure, millirods were placed along the ablation needle track. For normal tissue studies, the liver lobe was punctured with a needle and the millirods placed into unablated tissue. Animals were sacrificed at the appropriate time points, the millirod explanted, and tissue samples removed for analysis.

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Histology Analysis and Drug Distribution in Liver Tissues After removal of the treated tissue, alternating slices of tissue were either fixed for histological analysis or maintained for concentration analysis. Histo­ logical samples were fixed in 10% formalin solution, embedded in paraffin, sliced, and stained. Doxorubicin concentrations were determined by a fluore­ scence imaging technique (28). Liver tissue was mounted on a cryostat in embedding media and sliced perpendicular to the long axis of the millirod. Images of the slices were then obtained on a fluorescence imager (Fluorolmager SI, Molecular Dynamics), and fluorescence intensities converted to doxorubicin concentrations using predetermined calibration values.

Results and Discussion Monolithic Millirods Drug Release Monolithic millirods loaded with 20% (w/w) Trypan blue were fabricated to investigate the effects of annealing conditions on implant properties (25). For this study, compression pressure and annealing time were held constant at 4.6 MPa and 2 hours, respectively, but four sets of implants were annealed at 60, 70, 80, and 90°C. The release of drug was then monitored in vitro until more than 90% of the dye loading was released (Figure 1). While all the temperatures are above the glass transition temperature of P L G A (T = 45°C), the drug release from the rods manufactured at 60°C differed drastically from the other sets, which suggested that the polymer did not anneal completely at this temperature, allowing for more rapid release of the drug. S E M revealed the morphology of these millirods generated at different temperatures and allowed for some insight into their release properties. The S E M of the 60°C set demonstrated particles that largely retain the original morphology of the component particles, while both the 80°C and 90°C sets reveal P L G A microparticles that are largely annealed. The intermediate temperature, 70°C, led to millirods that were largely annealed on the outer surface of the implant but much less annealed at the core of the implant. Because these millirods share similar release kinetics with the completely annealed implants, it seems that drug release was largely dictated by the outer surface of the implant, which would act as the main barrier for drug release. For the remaining studies, completely annealed implants were desired, and an annealing temperature of 90°C was chosen because it yielded highly reproducible implants. g

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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200 300 Time (hours)



Figure 1. Release profiles of 20% Trypan-blue PLGA millirods annealed at different temperatures. (Reproduced with permission from ref. (25). Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons.)

Another major factor in drug release rates was the amount of drug loading. P L G A millirods with various loading densities of 5-FU demonstrated the effects of loading density on drug release (27). Monolithic millirods containing 10, 20, and 30% 5-FU were used, and the release data are demonstrated in Figure 2a. This figure demonstrates a considerably higher release rate for higher drug loadings; by 80 hours, the 30% millirods had released 95% of their original drug loading, while the 10% millirods had released only 25%. Such a dramatic difference can be explained by a percolation behavior, in that enough drug must be present to create a series of interconnecting pores through which drug can be released. S E M evidence for this process is shown in Figures 2b and 2c, which show images of 30% and 10% 5-FU loaded millirod cross sections after 2 days of drug release in PBS. In the 30% millirod, a series of interconnecting channels are seen throughout the cross section, while the 10% millirod contains no channels but only pores near the surface where drug has been released. It can be concluded from these findings that greater concentrations of soluble components lead to accelerated drug release from the millirod implant. In order to design millirods with rapid release but lower overall drug loadings, it may be desirable to use an excipient molecule, such as PEG, NaCl, or glucose, to act as an additional soluble component of the millirod. For example, an implant containing a 10% (w/w) loading of 5-FU can be created that has similar release kinetics to the 30% (w/w) loaded rod through the

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addition of 20% NaCl. This strategy has been used throughout these studies to accelerate drug release from the implants.

Figure 2. (a) Release profiles of monolithic millirods loaded with 10, 20, and 30% 5-FU. (b,c) SEM of 30% and 10% 5-FU millirod cross section, respectively, after 2 days of drug release in PBS (37 °C). (Adapted with permission from ref (27). Copyright 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

Tissue Distribution After thorough investigation of drug release properties in vitro, the release of drug in vivo in both normal and ablated liver tissue was quantified through the use of doxorubicin containing millirods and fluorescent imaging (28). Fluore­ scence images of drug accumulation in tissues surrounding the implant at 24 hours are shown in Figure 3 for both non-ablated and ablated liver. In normal

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


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tissue, a therapeutic concentration of doxorubicin, defined as 6.4 ug/g body weight (29), is found only 1.2 mm from the implant boundary, while in the ablated liver this distance is found to be 5.2 mm. This result supports the conclusion that RF ablation can provide enhanced drug retention and penetration by minimizing drug loss due to perfusion.

Figure 3. Fluorescence imaging of doxorubicin distribution after 24 hours. (A) Normal liver. (B) Ablated liver, with a white dotted line showing the normal/ablated tissue boundary. Only half of the ablated tissue distribution is shown so that the extensive distribution area can be seen. Scale bars are 3 mm. (Adapted with permission from ref (28). Copyright 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

To further examine the time course of drug distribution from 1-96 hours, doxorubicin-containing millirods were implanted into the livers of rats (23). Again, normal tissue showed only a small therapeutic region, while in the ablated tissue drug accumulated and remained at high levels throughout the course of the entire study. In these experiments, fitting drug concentration levels to a model of drug distribution allowed for calculation of apparent diffusion coefficients for both normal and ablated liver tissue, and an apparent drug elimination rate from normal tissue. The diffusivity in ablated tissue ( D ) , l . l x 10" c m V , was considerably smaller than that of normal tissue (D *), 6.7x10" c m V . Reduction of tissue barriers by RF ablation would be expected to increase the value of D \ However, the observed lower apparent diffusivity may reflect drug binding to the cellular debris (e.g. D N A , protein) in the ablated tissue, which slows down drug transport in the surrounding area (23). More­ over, increased accumulation of drug in the ablated region is likely due to drug binding and lack of drug elimination from perfusion in ablated tissue, which was found to occur at a rate of 9.6xl0* s" in normal liver tissue. Development of a








Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

178 this model allowed considerable insight into the mechanism for increased drug accumulation in ablated liver tissue.

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Discussion Monolithic P L G A millirods allowed for the successful release of thera­ peutic drugs into both normal and ablated liver tissues with the major limitation being the rapid speed of drug delivery. Both in vitro and in vivo, the majority of loaded drug was delivered within the first 24 hours after implantation, which led to drug concentrations in the surrounding tissue peaking during this same time frame. Ablated tissue had the ability to retain drug for at least 96 hours, but in perfused tissue the drug was quickly washed away. This finding underscores the value of using an intratumoral drug delivery device in conjunction with RF ablation. In both non-ablated tissue and normal tissue surrounding the ablated region, concentrations quickly returned to levels below the therapeutic concen­ tration. In order to have the greatest effect, it is desirable to maintain tissue concentrations in the therapeutic range for the longest period of time possible. Dual-Release Millirods Drug Release Changing the release properties of millirods offers considerable oppor­ tunities to improve the tissue drug distribution. Implants releasing their loading quickly provide enough drug to rapidly reach a therapeutic concentration at the target tissue but may not maintain those elevated drug levels for long periods of time. On the other hand, implants providing sustained release often have the opposite problem: they maintain drug concentrations for long periods of time but may take a substantial amount of time to reach that concentration. Dualrelease millirods seek to combine a burst release of drug with a sustained dose that is maintained over a long period of time. To accomplish this goal, mono­ lithic millirods are supplemented by two consecutive coatings: an inner layer that acts as a diffusion barrier to provide sustained release (27), and an outer layer that provides a rapid burst of drug soon after implantation. Doxorubicin-containing dual-release millirods were manufactured using this approach and studied in vitro (26). Dual-release millirods with a core of 16% doxorubicin, 24% NaCl, and 60% P L G A were dip-coated with PEG/PL A . A burst coating was added through three dip-coatings in a doxorubicin/PEO solution. The resulting drug release profiles are shown in Figure 4a. The three formulations shown contain the same burst dose of around 1.5 mg/cm, which is released quickly, but have different sustained release rates that control the total length of drug release. After the burst release, these rods average release of 0.27, 0.43, and 0.60 mg/(day cm of millirod) for B3S1, B3S2, and B3S3 formu­ lations. Most notably, however, these rods are capable of predictable release

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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Figure 4. (a) Cumulative release from dual-millirods. The three formulations vary only in PEG content of the sustained layer: B3Sl-5%, B3S2-10%, and B3S3-20%. (b) SEM of B3S2 formulation before release showing the outer layer, OL, middle layer, ML, and inner core, IC. (c) SEM of B3S2 after 7 days of release. The scale bars are 100 jam. (Adapted with permission from ref. (26). Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B. V.) over a period of more than one week, considerably longer than the monolithic millirods. Figure 4b and 4c show S E M images of dual-release millirods before drug release and after 7 days of release in Tris buffer. A l l three layers are visible in the pre-release millirod, the outer doxorubicin/PEO layer, the middle P E G / P L A layer, and the inner doxorubicin/NaCl/PLGA core. After 7 days of release, the outer layer is no longer visible due to its complete dissolution, and the middle layer appears porous, most likely due to dissolution of the P E G component of the membrane. The inner core also shows interconnecting channels similar to those in monolithic millirods after complete drug release (Figure 2b). These in vitro results confirmed the successful combination of burst and sustained release in these dual-release millirods.

Tissue Distribution To determine the value of using dual-release millirods in vivo, tissue drug distributions using dual-release implants were compared with sustained-release millirods (24). Dual-release implants were fabricated with a core of 5% doxo­ rubicin, 25% NaCl, and 70% P L G A , a middle layer of 10% P E G and 90% P L A , and a burst outer layer of 75% doxorubicin and 25% PEO. Sustained-release

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180 implants were fabricated similarly with the exception of the outer burst layer, which was not included. The millirods were implanted into ablated rat livers, and a set of animals was sacrificed and tissue samples taken for fluorescence analysis at each time point. Fluorescence images of the doxorubicin concen­ trations are shown in Figure 5. The most significant difference in drug release is in the 1-day image, which shows substantially greater drug concentrations in the dual-release group, as would be expected due to the added burst dose. Through­ out the remaining time points, the drug concentrations due to the sustainedrelease implants increase gradually from 1-8 days, eventually resembling those from the dual-release implants. In contrast, the dual-release implants rapidly approach high concentrations that do not vary significantly over the course of the study. These results underscore the value of using dual-release implants to rapidly elevate drug concentrations in the treatment region.

1 day

4 days

8 days

Figure 5. Fluorescence imaging of doxorubicin distribution comparing sustained-release and dual-release millirods in ablated liver over 8 days. The dotted line is the ablation boundary, and the key shows doxorubicin concentration. The scale bar is 5 mm. (Adapted with permissionfromrefi (24). Copyright 2002 Plenum Publishing.)

Figure 6 shows the time course of the local doxorubicin concentration at the interface between ablated and normal tissue. Similar to the results seen qualita­ tively in the fluorescence images, the doxorubicin concentration at the boundary increases rapidly to 43.7 ug/g after two days and remains at similar levels through 8 days. While dual-release implants reached boundary concentrations of >30 ug/g within two days, the sustained-release implants did provide these concentrations until day 6-8. The added burst release dramatically increases the

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


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ability of the millirods to deliver effective concentrations of drug to the sur­ rounding tissue.

Time (days)

Figure 6. Time curve showing the concentration of doxorubicin at the ablated-normal tissue boundary for sustained- (n) and dual- (m) release millirods. Significant differences between the two (p < 0.01, n - 6) are marked with an asterisk. (Adapted with permissionfromref (24). Copyright 2002 Plenum Publishing.)

Although dual-release millirods were shown to successfully deliver drug to the boundary between normal and ablated tissue, later studies revealed that the host inflammatory response had a considerable effect on drug transport to the normal tissue surrounding the ablated region (30). Figure 7a shows a Masson trichrome stain of an ablated liver region after 8 days, indicating extracellular collagen deposition (blue band), consistent with the formation of a fibrous capsule and granulation tissue. Figure 7b is a fluorescent micrograph from the same region. Significant doxorubicin fluorescence is visible in the entire ablated region, while little is seen in the adjacent non-ablated region. The dark area between the two regions is the same fibrous band ranging from 0.5-1.0 mm in width which does not accumulate doxorubicin. This fibrous capsule and granu­ lation tissue act as a significant barrier to doxorubicin transport across the boundary, leading to a plateau of drug just inside the boundary.

Discussion Dual-release millirods successfully combine the release kinetics of a burst release device with sustained release that can be maintained over a period of

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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182 several days. By tailoring the properties of the individual layers, it becomes possible to control both the burst dose and the sustained release rates to achieve optimal dose kinetics. This approach represents a significant improvement over monolithic drug implants, which released most of their dose within two days. As a result, dual-release millirods were able to rapidly provide therapeutic con­ centrations to the surrounding tissue and maintain them for 8 days more effectively than either monolithic or sustained-release implants. However, studies of the tissue response to ablation and millirod implantation have revealed a limitation of intratumoral drug delivery in conjunction with RF ablation: the wound healing response due to ablation may significantly restrict drug delivery past the boundary between ablated and normal tissue. Since this region is of key importance in preventing tumor recurrence after RF ablation, this finding will influence the design of intratumoral drug delivery devices in the future. Current studies are investigating the incorporation of anti-inflammatory drugs within the implants to facilitate better drug delivery to the ablation boundary.

Figure 7. Ablated liver tissue 8 days after millirod implantation. (A) Masson trichrome-stained section showing the ablated-normal tissue boundary. The arrow indicates the direction of the implanted millirod and the dotted line denotes the ablated-normal tissue boundary. (B) Fluorescence micrograph of doxorubicin distribution in this tissue with an Xat the millirod location. Scale bars are 1 mm.

Conclusions In conclusion, P L G A millirods with different drug release properties have been developed for use in conjunction with RF ablation of liver tumors. RF ablation provides a novel, minimally-invasive treatment of tumors; however, tumor recurrence has limited the therapeutic outcome of this treatment. To

Svenson; Polymeric Drug Delivery II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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183 overcome these limitations, P L G A millirods have been designed to be implanted minimally invasively after R F ablation and deliver anti-cancer drugs to the ablated region, particularly at the ablation boundary where tumor recurrence is most likely to occur. Dual-release millirods combining both a burst and sustained dose of drug were found to have optimal pharmacokinetic properties, delivering therapeutic doses of drug to the ablation boundary quickly and maintaining drug levels for 8 days. Future studies will focus on implementing the knowledge gained from pharmacokinetic studies in a tumor model and making further design improvements, such as the incorporation of anti­ inflammatory drugs into the polymer matrix to reduce transport barriers and improve drug delivery efficiency.

Acknowledgements We thank Drs. John Haaga, James Anderson, Nicholas Stowe, Agata Exner and Mr. Elvin Blanco for their assistance on this project. This work is supported by a research grant from the National Institute of Health (R01-CA-90696). Brent Weinberg was supported in part by NIH T32 GM07250.

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