Polyol Portraits: the POLYGLYCOLS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Polyol Portraits: the New


T h e polyglycols—relative newcomers t o the chemical scene—are rapidly entering industry after industry in new capacities as intermediates a n d formulating ingredients. What d o polyglycols have that causes such rapid expansion? T h e y are so exceedingly varied a n d adjustable t h a t chemists can virtually write their o w n prescriptions of physical and chemical properties and, chances a r e , a polyglycol c a n b e developed to fit them. T h e list of valuable polyglycol c h a r acteristics is extensive: High flash point, thermal stability, excellent lubricity, wide viscosity ranges, non-corrosiveness, ease of esterification, low toxicity and m a n y other desirable properties that h a v e a wide range of application. These properties can be blended into almost endless combinations depending primarily upon the oxides used. D o w , with five high-quality oxides, is able t o provide t h e widest available range o f polyglycols. These five oxides (ethylene, propylene, butylène, epichlorohydrin and styrene oxides) place D o w in a n ideal position ί ο develop poiyglycols with made-to-order properties. F o r example . . . T h e automotive industry needed a m a ­ terial for use in hydraulic fluids with properties similar t o those of castor oil-

Portrait of two valuable formulas in the working vocabulary of creative chemistry.

Dow's answer was the new Polyglycol 11 series, a family of five n e w trihydroxy polypropylene glycols m a d e by adding propylene oxide to glycerine. T h e compounds a r e viscous liquids through t h e entire range of t h e five viscosities, 80 through 4 0 0 cks. at 100°F. Besides having properties needed for use in hydraulic fluids» members of the 11 series have proved successful as plasticizers a n d also show promise as ingredients in hair oil—a typical ex­

ample of versatility- Other D o w series provide equally valuable properties, equal versatility. New applications a n d n e w polyglycols are being continuously investigated b y D o w . Literally hundreds of D o w poly­ glycols a r e n o w available and thousands m o r e are possible from "the m e n that m a k e t h e m o s t o f them." T h e t w o broadest branches of t h e D o w poly­ glycols, which have been well estab-

lished throughout the years of poiygiytui







glycols and the polypropylene glycols. Tiie Polyethylene Glycols The polyethylene glycols are available as liquids or solids, in a molecular weight range from 2O0 to 20,000. Polyglycols E200, E300, E400. and E600 are liquids. Ε1000. E500M, Ε1450, E4000 U.S.P. and E4O0O, E 6 0 0 0 ,

The liquids are viscous, nearly colorless, water-soluble and have low vapor pres­ sure. They are completely miscible with a large number of organic liquids but are only slightly soluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons. And they have this very interesting characteristic: their viscos­ ities and solubilities in organic solvents rise with increasing molecular weight; while their vapor pressures and hygroscopicities decrease. The solids, like the liquid members of the series, are soluble in water and many organic solvents. Melting or freez­ ing points rise as the molecular weights of these relatively non-hygroscopic poly­ mers increaseThe terminal hydroxyl groups enable the polyethylene glycol molecule to take part in esterification and etherification reactions. The resulting esters and ethers are often useful surfaceactive agents or solvents. The excellent chemical and physical properties of the polyethylene glycols make them ideal for a multitude of uses. Because of their water solubility,

Twelve différent polyethylene glycols ranging From liquid to solid offer unique opportunities for product improvement.

low order of toxicity and wide range of compatibilities, polyethylene glycols are being: used in increasing quantities by tiie pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as bases and carriers. The PEG's are equally important in such uses as mold release agents, cellulose plasticizers, process lubricants, and many others. ^elyprOpylene Glycols

-0 This family of six light-color, slightly oily liquids has physical and chemical properties derived from methyl side chains, many ether linkages and from tenninal hydroxyl groups. The hydroxyl groups enable the polyglycols to take part in reactions in a manner similar t o that of a secondary alcohol.

T H E P O L Y O L FAMEIJL1T T R E E Main branches include: Glycerine · Glycerine USP · Glycerine USP 9 9 . 5 % Propylene Glycol, industrial · Propylene Glycol USP * Dîpropylene Glycol Tripropylene Glycol · Ethylene Glycol * Diethy/!ene Glycol · Triethylene Glycol Tetraethylene Glycol · Polyethylene Glycol · Polypropylene Glycol Polystyrene Glycol · Polyepichlorohydrin · Hy prose® SP80 · Hyprin® GP25 Polybutylene Glycol · Styrene Glycol · Dowanol® 122 · Polyglycol 11 Series Poly glycol 13 Series · Polyglycol 15 Series Oxides:

Ethylene Oxide · Propylene Oxide · Butylène Oxide S Styrene Oxide · Epichlorohydrin

T Î 3 . 0 P o l y g l y c o l s number many active members, among them three new products developed by Dow research—polyepichlorohydrin, polystyrene glycol, and polybutylene glycof. AH three are> adaptable as intermediates in the production of the new polyurethanes and in the surfactant field. Many promising applications also exist in paint, petroleum, detergents, plastics. T i i e P o l y e t h y l e n e G l y c o l s a r e available in twelve molecular weights from E2O0 to E20,000, and ranging from VISCOUS liquids through waxy and hard, tough solids. Very useful as plasticizers, lubricants, solvents and as carriers in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations. T i i e P o l y p r o p y l e n e G l y c o l s *"P" series, liquid through entire molecular weight range, P-250 through P40O0. Employed as lubricants, solvents, plasticizers and anti-foam agents. Polyglycol P2000 {resin grade] has gained widespread acceptance for use m urethane foams.

from 250 to 4-.000» these versatile polyglycols find application in a wide variety of products and processes because of their excellent lubricating and solvent properties. They are characterized by their high flash points, low volatility, excellent solubilities, good viscosity-temperature relationships, low pour points, low surface tensions, low hygroscopicities and their ability to react with fatty acids to form interesting surface-active materials. These properties, which vary considerably with average molecular weight, can be combined by blending members of the series, presenting endless opportunities for uses in automotive products, cosmetics, dyes, printing inks, leather, plastics, textiles and vegetable oils. Dow's technical service men are prepared to meet your precise requirements. Often, their broad experience saves valuable time and adds the refining note to a given application. X>ow i s B a s i c in. P o l y o l s Whether you're in the market for glycols, PPG's, PEG's, glycerine or any of the hundreds of other Dow polyols, you receive these benefits: 1. You always get the highest quality and uniformity in Dow polyols because Dow makes and controls the quality and uniformity of the ingredients for all their polyols. 2. You are assured of plentiful, continuous supply. As Dow itself is the original source for raw materials, it better controls factors of availability. 3 . Multiple production and supply points, at strategic locations throughout the country, assure you of prompt service and delivery. 4 . From the creative cauldrons of polyol chemistry at Dow come scores of new polyol products and polyol improvements each year. There are literally no material limits to the range of new developments that can be custom-made for Dow customers! "The men, that make the most of them" stand ready to help you make t h e most of the polyol products you need. They are always at y o u r service. If you have a polyol problem, write T H E D O W CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland, Michigan, Chemicals Merchandising Department 1103AJ12-7. THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY MIDLAND, MICHIGAN