Polypodoside A, an Intensely Sweet Constituent of the Rhizomes of

its electron-impact mass spectrum at mlz 3 16, 26 1, and 1 15, which .... equilibrated mixture of CHC13-MeOH-iPrOH-H,0 (5:6: 1:4), where the upper lay...
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Journal of Natural Prodvrs Vol. 5 1 , No. 6 , p p . 1166-1172, N w - D a 1 9 8 8




Propam fw Collabwatiw RrrMrch in the PhamwenticaI Scienca and Department of MedicinuI Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmary, Univerrity of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60612

hsTRACT.-Polypodoside A, a novel intensely sweet constituent of the rhizomes of Polypodiilrm glycyrrhiza, was established by spectral and chemical methods as 26-0-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-polypodogenin-3-O-a-~-rhamnopyranosyl-( 1 ~ 2 ) - ~ - ~ g l u c o p y r a n o s i111. d e At the doses tested, this isolate was not acutely toxic for mice and was nonmutagenic with Salmonella typhimurium strain TM677. This compound was rated by a human taste panel as exhibiting 600 times the sweetness intensity of a 6%w/v aqueous sucrose solution.

As part of a research program directed towards the discovery of intensely sweet naturally occurring molecules, we have investigated the North American species Polypodium glycywbizu DC.Eaton (Polypodiaceae)(licorice fern). The rhizomes of this fern exhibit a bittersweet taste and have a history of human use in the Pacific northwest region, both as a foodstuffand as a medicinal agent (2,3). In an initial study in 1930, the fluid extract of P . glycyrrhizu rhizomes was found to be nontoxic for rats, and the triterpene glycoside, glycyrrhizin, was identified as a highly sweet constituent of this plant part in 2.36% w/w yield, as a result ofaquantitative assay procedure (2). In a later investigation, glycyrrhizin was disputed as a P . glycyrrbiza constituent, and the sweet taste of the rhizomes was attributed to the presence of sugars such as sucrose and small amounts of an uncharacterized substance (4). No further report to resolve this issue has appeared subsequently in the literature. Recently, we have established that the bitterness of P . glycywbizu rhizomes is due to the flavonoid, (+)-afzelechin-7-O-~-D-apioside (5). In the present communication we report the structure of polypodoside A, the major intensely sweet constituent of this species, as 26-0-~t-~-rhamnopyranosyl-polypodogenin-3-O-a-~-rhamnopyranosyl-( lH2)-~-D-glucopyranoside E l ] . Preliminary safety assessment and sensory evaluation data have also been obtained for this isolate,

R’O R’


1 p-D-glc’-a-r-rha a-r-rha 2 H H glc = glucopyranosyl, rha = rhamnopyranosyl ‘Paper No.XV in the series, “PotentialSweetening Agents of Plant Origin.”See Compadre eta[. (1) for part XIV. ’Southern Oregon Stare College, Ashland, OR 97520.

Nov-Dec 19881

Kim et ai. :

Sweet Constituent


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The mol wt of polypodoside A 111 was determined as mlz 884 as a result of observations of protonated and sodium-cationized molecular ions at mlz 885 and 907, respectively, in the low-resolution fast-atom bombardment (fab) mass spectrum of this compound. In addition, the elemental formula of 1 was confirmed as C&H7*O17 by hrfabms. Enzymatic hydrolysis of compound 1 with hesperidinase afforded D-glucose and L-rhamnose, which were identified by direct comparison with authentic samples by gc-ms and tlc. A fragment peak appearing at mlz 739 EM H - 146]+ in the low-resolution fab mass spectrum of 1 indicated the loss of a terminal rhamnosyl unit from the intact glycoside, whereas the observation of fragmentation ions at mlz 577 [mlz 739 - 1621 and 43 1 [mlz 577 - 1461 suggested that the residual sugar units were glucose and rhamnose, respectively. Furthermore, a diagnostic fragment peak at mlz 309 in the fab mass spectrum was consistent with the presence of a dihexosyl group consisting of one unit each of glucose and rhamnose. The abundant ion at mlz 43 1 in the fab mass spectrum was representative of the protonated aglycone moiety of this glycoside, whereas sequential losses of 18 mass units from the aglycone peak suggested the presence of two hydroxy groups in the aglycone moiety. Enzymatic hydrolysis of 1 also afforded the aglycone of this sweet compound, which was identified as the known steroid polypodogenin E21 (6), largely by interpretation of its spectral data, because no authentic polypodogenin was available for comparison purposes. It may be pointed out that this compound was characterized before the routine availability of spectral techniques such as high-field 'H- and 13C-nmr,thereby making comparison of data obtained for 2 with published spectral data of polypodogenin somewhat difficult. Polypodogenin [Z] has been established as the A'.'-derivative of (22S,25R, 26R)-22,26-epo~-3p,26-dihydroxy-5a-cholestan-6-0ne,the aglycone of the sweet compound, osladin, that was isolated from a fern in the same genus as P . giycywbiza, namely, Polypodium vulgare L. (6-8). The stereochemistry of the aglycone of osladin was determined after its synthesis from solasodine by Have1 and cerny (8). Inferences on the functionality and stereochemistry of compound 2 that led to its assignment as polypodogenin were made on the basis of the spectral comparison of this hydrolytic product with published data for known steroids. Thus, the absorption band appearing at 1669 cm- in the ir spectrum of compound 2 indicated the presence of an a,P-unsaturated ketone in the molecule, whereas the absorption maximum at 243 nm in its uv spectrum was consistent with the presence of an enone functionality (6). The proposed identity of 2 was further supported by the observation of prominent peaks in its electron-impact mass spectrum at mlz 3 16, 26 1, and 115, which provided evidence for a similar structural integrity of its skeleton and side-chain to osladin aglycone (6). When the 13C-nmr chemical shifts of the steroid portion of this aglycone were com(9), pared with those of the model compound, 3-acetoxy-5a-ergosta-7,22-dien-6-one resonances in the two spectra were within the range calculated when substituent-induced effects are taken into account ( 1 0 , l l ) . The stereochemistry of the C-5 proton of 2 was determined as CY by the comparison of its C-19 methyl group chemical shift (6 13.2 1) with I3C-nmr data for known 5 a and 5 p steroids and steroidal saponins (9, 1215). Such resonances vary by 11-12 ppm for 5 a and 5 p steroids, because of shielding effects by protons attached to C-2 and C-4 (16). The C-2 1 methyl group stereochemistry was confirmed as CY by comparison of this chemical shift with those of C-2 1 methylated model steroids (17). The observation of a coupling constant of 8 H t at 6 4.32 (H26p) in the 'H-nmr spectrum of compound 2 was indicative of the diaxial relationship of the protons at C-25 and C-26 that has been demonstrated for osladin aglycone (8). Assignments of the 'H- and I3C-nmrspectraofpolypodoside A 117 were assisted by the performance of a 'H- 13C heteronuclear chemical shift correlated nmr experiment.



Wol. 5 1, No. 6

Journal of Natural Products

Characteristic paramagnetic glycosylation shifts of C-3 (5.63 ppm) and C-26 (5.99 ppm), as well as upfield shifts of C-2, C-4, and C-25, were observed when the '3C-nmr chemical shifis of polypodoside A 111were compared with those ofpolypodogenin 121. This indicated that the saccharide units of 1 were connected to C-3 and C-26 (13,18,19). The positions of the sugar linkages in 1were differentiated by the application of the selective INEPT nmr technique (20), whose effectiveness in determining the position of the sugar attachment to a flavanoid aglycone was recently demonstrated ( 5 ) . 27





a 3

b 5-

2a C





PP M FIGURE 1. Downfield region of the decoupled "C-nmr spectrum of polypodoside A [l] (a) Protonnoise decoupled spectrum, (b,c) SINEPT spectra obtund by irradiation of H-I'(6 5.02) and H- 1'" (6 5.6 I), respectively


Kim etal. :

Sweet Constituent


Signals resonating at 6 5.02 and 6 99.53 ppm in the ‘H- and 13C-nmrspectraof compound 1,respectively, were assignable to C- 1’ of the glucose unit, which is attached to the C-3 position of the aglycone moiety. When the anomeric proton at 6 5.02 ppm (H1’) was irradiated 8 Hz), the carbon at position 3 of the aglycone moiety was selectively enhanced (Figure lb). The anomeric resonances appearing at 6 6.26 and 6 102.17 ppm in the ‘H- and 13C-nmr spectra of 1 were assigned to C-1” of the rhamnopyranosyl unit attached to the 2‘-position of glucopyranose (2 1).Therefore, the configuration of this dihexosyl unit, @-neohesperidose,was determined as a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-( 1~2)-P-D-glucopyranoseby comparison of its carbon chemical shifts with those of published 13C-nmr data (22,23). The signals appearing at 6 5.61 and 8 102.03 ppm in the ‘H- and 13C-nmr spectra of polypodoside A E11 were assigned to H- 1”‘and C- l‘”, respectively, of the rhamnose unit, which was attached to the C-26 position of the aglycone moiety. When the proton signal at 6 5.61 = 8 Hz) was irradiated, the resonance corresponding to C-26 was selectively enhanced at 6 107.32 ppm, which clearly indicated the linkage of this saccharide unit to the C-26 position (Figure IC).A comparison of the 13Cchemical shifts of the sugar carbons in the rhamnose attached to C-26 with those of methyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosideand methyl-Pdrhamnopyranoside suggested an a configuration of this sugar unit (19). The structure of 1 was, therefore, determined as 26-O-a-~-rhamnopyranosylpolypodogenin-3-O-a-~-rhamnopyranosyl-( lH2)-@-~-glucopyranoside. On biogenetic grounds, it may be postulated that compound 1 represents the A7*8-derivative of the known sweet compound, osladin, although the configuration of the C-26-affixed rhamnosyl unit of osladin was not determined at the time of its isolation (7) and has not been investigated in the intervening period. It is because of this remaining structural uncertainty that a trivial name based on osladin has not been chosen for compound 1. The sweetness potency of osladin relative to sucrose has been placed in the range 3 0 s 3000 X (24), and it has been shown in the present investigation that polypodosideA E l ] is 600 X sweeter than 6% w/v aqueous sucrose. While compound 1 is, therefore, an extremely sweet substance and occurs in i;s plant of origin in about 1OX the yield of osladin in P. vulgare rhizomes (25), it is unlikely that this compound will be suitable for commercial application as a sucrose substitute for several reasons. Polypodoside A [l]exhibits undesirable hedonic effects when tasted and is only sparingly soluble in H,O. The rhizomes of P. glycyrrhiza have been shown to grow extremely slowly during cultivation (4) and are now very difficult to collect from natural populations. Also, while polypodoside A El1 was determined as nontoxic and nonmutagenic in preliminary safety studies in this investigation, it contains an a,@-unsaturatedketone functionality in its algycone moiety, which conceivably could produce undesirable associated biological effects. For example, compounds bearing this functionality have previously been shown to mediate a mutagenic response (1,26,27). Thus, although compound 1 does not appear to be active in this capacity, the potential of its metabolic products to mediate a toxic response would need to be carefully examined. Further, we have recently found that stizophyllin, a novel steroid Sandw. (281, mediates a derivative isolated from Stizophyllum riparium (H.B.K.) cytotoxic response by virtue of its a,P-unsaturated carbonyl group and specifically blocks cultured P-388 cells in the G2 phase of the cycle (manuscript in preparation). A variety of possible adverse biological effects would, therefore, have to be taken into account. Nonetheless, the current study provides further information on the nature of the intensely sweet principles produced by the genus Polypodium and demonstrates the use of contemporary nmr techniques in establishing the saccharide-moietyconfigurations and




Journal of Natural Products

[Vol. 5 1, No. 6

linkages in a sweet glycoside. Further investigation of the relationship between the structure and sweetness of steroidal saponins such as polypodoside A (11 is underway. EXPERIMENTAL GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES.-Melting points were determined using a qofler hotstage instrument and are uncorrected. Optical rotations were measured with a Perkin-Elmer 24 1 $larimeter. The uv spectra were obtained on a Beckman DU-7 spectrometer and ir spectra measured on a Nicolet MX-1 FT-ir ( A 6 1 or KBr) interferometer. 'H-Nmr spectra were recorded in CDCl,, using TMS as internal standard, employing either Nicolet NT-360 or Varian XL-300 instruments (360 MHz or 300 MHz, respectively). I3C-Nmr spectra were recorded in CDCI, with a Nicolet NT-360 instrument operating at 90.8 MHz. Low-resolution mass spectra were obtained with a Varian MAT 112s instrument operating at either 80 or 20 eV. Droplet counter-current chromatography was performed on a Model-A instrument (Tokyo Rikakikai, Tokyo, Japan).

PLANTMATERIAL.-The rhizomes of P. glyryrrhk were collected in south Oregon in the autumn of 1983 by one of us (F.A.L.). Specimens documenting this collection have been deposited in the Herbarium of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois. EXTRACTIONAND FrucrmNATIoN.-The air-dried, milled plant material (6.87 kg) was extracted with 80%MeOH/H,O to afford an initial MeOH/H20 extract (1.26 kg), on removal ofsolvent in vacuo. A portion (584.5 g) was partitioned between H 2 0 (3 liters) and n-BuOH (6 X 1 liter), which yielded, on drying, 2 18.2 g ofan n-BuOH residue and 360.3 g ofan H 2 0 residue. Sweetnesswas found to concentrate in the n-BuOH extract, and a portion (218.2 g) was dissolved in MeOH (100 ml), impregnated in Si gel (200 g, 230-400 mesh, Merck, Darmstadt, W. Germany), and dried completely under an N2 stream. This impregnated n-BuOH extract was subjected to cc over Si gel (800 g), using as eluents CHCI, and CHC1,IMeOH mixtures of increasing polarity. A total of 107 fractions (600 rnl each) were collected. Fractions showing similar tlc profiles were pooled to give nine combined fractions.

ISOLATION ANDCHARACTERIZATIONOF POLYPODOSIDEA Ill.-Fractions 50-80 (57.4 g)eluted from the column with CHClj-MeOH*(6: 1)were combined, and a portion (37.09 g) was further purified in a batchwise manner, using Sephadex LH-20 (100 g portions, Sigma, St. Louis, MO). In a representative separation, 1.5 g was dissolved in MeOH and was eluted with this same solvent. A total of43 fractions (15 ml each) were collected. Polypodoside A [I]was present in fractions 1-30 (0.8 1 g), and a further 19.3 g of similar combined fractions containing this isolate was prepared by repeated chromatography. An aliquot (9.37 g) of this material was dissolved in CHCI,-MeOH-H,O (6:3: 1, lower layer) and separated using this same solvent as eluent by low-pressure cc over Si gel (300 g, 230-400 mesh). Elution was conducted at a Bow rate of 1.5 mumin. Fractions 53-65 from this separation were finally purified by dccc using an equilibrated mixture of CHC13-MeOH-iPrOH-H,0 (5:6: 1:4), where the upper layer was applied as a mobile phase in ascending-mode separation. A portion (500 mg) offractions 53-65 from the low-pressure column was dissolved in equal amounts (3.5 ml) of a mixture of the mobile and stationary phases and was injected into a 7-ml sample chamber. Fractions (300 drops each) were collected at a pressure of 2 4 kg/cm2 on an automatic fraction collector and were monitored by tlc. This procedure was repeated twice. Dccc fractions 70-77 contained a homogeneous compound as shown by tlc, and recrystallization from EtOH afforded pure polypodoside A [ll (1.35 g, 0.29% w/w). Polypodoside A [l]exhibited the following data: colorless, needle-shaped crystals from EtOH; mp 198-200'; [ a ) ~ - 3 7 " (c= 0.3, MeOH); uv (EtOH) h max (EtOH) 244 (log E 4.23) nm; ir Y max (KBr) 3435 (OH), 1667 (a,B-unsaturated ketone), 1460, 1453, 1225, 1036cm-I; 'H nmr(360MH2, C5D,N) 66.26(1H, brs,H-1"), 5.84(1H, brs,H-7), 5 . 6 l ( l H , brs,H-l"'), 5.02(1H,d,]=6.6Hz,H-l'), 4.45(1H,d,]=8Hz, H-26), 3.84(1H,m, H-3), 3.46(1H,m,H-22), 1.74(3H,d,]=6Hz,6"-Me), 1.66(3H, d , J = 6 H z , 6"-Me), l.O1(3H,d,]=6Hz, 2l-Me),0.91(3H,d,]=6Hz, 27-Me),0.86 (3H, s, 19-Me), 0.48(3H, s, 18-Me)ppm; 13Cnmr (90.8 MHz, C5D5N)8 198.69 (s, C-6), 163.02 (s, C8), 123.2 1 (d, C-7), 107.32 (d, C-26), 102.17 (d, C- l"), 102.03 (d, C- l"'), 99.53 (d, C- l'), 79.47 (d, C2'), 78.30 (d, C-3'), 78.11 (d, C-22, C-5'), 76.3 1(d, C-3), 74.12 (d, C-4"'), 73.95 (d, C-4"), 72.78 (d, C-2" C-2"'), 72.50 (d, C-3"), 72.14 (d, C-3"'), 7 1.87 (d, C-4'), 70.48 (d, C-5'"), 69.49 (d, C-5"), 62.74 (t,C16'), 55.05(d,C-14), 53.13(d,C-5), 52.88(d,C-17),49.91(d,C-9),44.69(s,C-13),40.38(d,C20), 38.85 (t. C-12). 38.39 (s, C-lo), 36.86 (t. C-l), 36.45 (d, C-25), 31.49 (t, C-24), 29.22 (t, C-2), 26.98(t,C-4),26.83(t,C-16),23.98(t,C-23), 22.90(t,C-15), 21.89(t,C-ll), 18.75(q,C-6"), 18.44 (q, C - 6 ) . 16.68 (q, C-27), 13.85 (q, C-21), 13.10 (q, C-19), 12.09 (4. C-18) ppm ;eims (70 eV) m/z [MI+ 884 (missing), [aglycone]+ 430( 1%), [aglycone - H201+ 412 (23), 395 (32), 379 (5), 342 (5), 285 (9), 261 (8), 147 (12), 128 (17), 97 (37). 43 (100); fabms (DTE/DTT) m/z [MiNal+ 907 [M + HI' 885, 739, 721, 577, 559, 431, 413, 395, 309; hrfabms mass measurement found 885.4843, calcd for C45H73017, 885.4848, found 577.3723, calcd for C,,H5,0,, 577.3740.

Nov-D~c 19881

Kim et af. : Sweet Constituent


ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF POLYPOWSIDE A [l).-€ompound 1 (300 mg) was dissolved in 2% aqueous EtOH (50 ml) and hydrolyzed using hesperidinase (300 mg, Sigma). T h e solution was incubated at 37" in a water bath for 24 h and extracted with EtOAc (3 X 50 ml).The dried organic layer (50 mg) was purified by preparative tlc with CHC1,-MeOH (10: l), to afford 30 mg of the aglycone 2 (polypdogenin). T h e H,O layer containing sugars was evaporated in vacuo and was subjected to gdms and tlc analysis. The sugar fraction was found to contain Dglucose and L-rhamnose. Polypodogenin 127 exhibited the following data: colorless, amorphous powder; mp 188-190°; [ a ) ~ + 6 "(c=O. 1, EtOH) [lit. (6) mp 162-164', {a]D+6.6" (c=O.5, MeOH)]; uv A max (EtOH) 243 (loge 3.97)nm;irumax(KBr)3404(OH), 1669(a,~unsaturatedketone),1149, 1061, 1033cm-';'H nmr(360MHz,CDC13)65.72(1H, m, H-7),4.32(lH,d,]=SHz, H-268),3.62(1H,m,H-3),3.47 ( l H , m, H-228), 1.00(3H,d,]=7Hz, 2l-Me),0.96(3H,d,J=6Ht,27-Me),0.86(3H,s, 19-Me), 0.62 (3H, s, 18-Me)ppm; I3C nmr (90.8 MHz, CDCI,) 6 199.62 (s, C-6), 163.32 (s, C-8), 123.11 (d, C7), 101.33 (d, C-26), 78.09 (d, C-22), 70.68 (d, C-3), 55.22 (d, C-14), 53.32 (d, C-5), 52.81 (d, C-17), 50.05 (d, C-9), 44.75 (s, C-13), 40.05 (d, C-20), 38.77 (t, C- 12), 38.19 (s, C-lo), 37.84 (d, C-25), 36.82 (t, C- l), 3 1.05 (t, C-24), 30.40 (t, C-2), 30.24 (t, C-4), 26.95 (t, C-16), 23.65 (t, C-23), 22.61 (t, C-15), 21.78(t, C-11), 16.69(q, C-27), 13.78(q, C-21), 13.21(q, C-19), 12.25 (q, C-lS)ppm;eims, (70eV)m/z[M1+430(5%), [M-H2O]+4l2(13), 342(6), 316(71), 287(11), 285(17), 261(26), 126 (37), 115 (loo), 97 (37). After the hydrolysis of compound 1 with hesperidinase, isomeric 'H- and '3C-nmr chemical shifts of compound 2 were observed, as a result of pyran-ring opening at position 26 in solution. These resonances occurred at 6 5.08 ( l H , d,]= 3 Hz, H-26a), 3.98 ( l H , m, H-22a), and 95.45 (d, C-26), 69.35 (d, C22), respectively. SAFETYEVALUATION OF P. CLYCYRRHZZA EXTRACTS AND POLYPOWSIDE A.-The initial MeOH/H,O, n-BuOH, and H,O extracts from P.glycywhiza and pure polypdoside A 11)were evaluated for acute toxicity with male Swiss-Webster mice at dose levels of 1 and 2 g/kg body wt. Procedures and prctocols for toxicological testing were followed as published previously (29,30). None of the samples tested caused any lethality, and body weights recorded on days 0 (prior to administration), 1,3,7, and 14 did not differ for treated versus control animals. The P. glycyrrhiza MeOWH,O extract and polypdoside A 111 were evaluated at the dose ranges 1.88-15 and 0.31-5.0 mg/ml, respectively, and were found not to be mutagenic for Salmonella typhimurium strain TM677, both in the presence and absence of a metabolic activating system, when tested as described previously (3 1). SENSORYEVALUATION OF POLYPOWSIDE A [l].-Polypodoside A [I)was tested for its sweetness intensity relative to sucrose and its sensory characteristics by an expert taste panel consisting of three persons (32). This steroidal glycoside 1 was rated as exhibiting 6 0 0 X the sweetness intensity of a 6% w/v aqueous solution of sucrose and revealed a licorice-like off-taste and some lingering aftertaste. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported, in part, by contract NO 1-DE-02425 with the National Institute ofDental Research, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland. J.K. was awarded a Fellowship from the Graduate College, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1985-1986. J.M.P. is the recipient ofa Research Career Development Award from the National Cancer Institute, 1984-1989. We acknowledge the Midwest Center for Mass Spectrometry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, for performing the fast-atom bombardment mass spectral determinations, and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry Laboratories of the Research Resources Center, University of Illinois at Chicago for expert assistance and for the provision of spectroscopic equipment used in this investigation. We also thank Dr. R.G. Bost, ofGeneral Foods Corporation, White Plains, New York for arranging for the sensory evaluation ofpolypodoside A, and Dr. R.A. Hussain for helpful discussions. LITERATURE CITED

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Raeind I I April I988