Popular Science Talks. Vol. 8 (Griffith, Ivor, ed.)

ences to standard texts and laboratory manuals is given,. as well as seventeen tables of data required in calculations. Those who are familiar with th...
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ences to standard texts and laboratory manuals is given,. as well as seventeen tables of data required in calculations. Those who are familiar with the previous edition will welcome the improvements and enlargements in the present edition. This book will appeal to many teachers as containing a greater number of experiments that are workable, than is frequently the case with hooks on this subject. D. C. LICHTENWALNER Dasxar. I~srrrurn PHIL*DBLPS.T*.


An Introduction to Organic Chemistry. JOHNREAD.M.A. (Cambridge), Ph.D. (Ziirich), BSc. (London); Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Chemical Research Laboratory in the United Colleges of St. Salvator and St. Leonard in the University of St. Andrews; formerly Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Sydney. G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., London, 1931. viii 365 pp. 12.75 X 19.5 cm. 6s. 6d. The author begins and ends this book with two apposite quotations from Mrs. Marcet's "Conversations on Chemistry" (1825), which give a hint o f his interest in the history of chemistry, as is shown also in his larger textbook of organic chemistry, of which the present is a "shortened and modified form." "As in the parent work, the treatment of aliphatic chemistry is written about the important groups of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, and a broad s u m y of the subject is completed by a sketch in outline of the chemistry of aromatic, alicyclic, and heterocyclic compounds." I t is partly intended for one-course students interested in such fields as biology, agricultwe, medicine, pharmacy, economics, domestic science, etc. The first 265 pages are devoted t o the aliphatic series, including a short chapter giving a brief summay of aliphatic types. The remainder is a discussion of ring compounds with chapters on heterwclic compounds and a final one on organic dyes and medicinal chemicals.


DECEM~ER, 1931

Some seventy-eight well chosen and relatively simple experiments are included which can be used either for lecture demonstration or practical laboratory work for students. At the end of each chapter are lists of questions suitable for review and study. The text is written in a very clear and simple style, well adapted to the class of students for which i t is intended, and contains sufficient material for a one semester course without overloading, a fault characteristic of some of the books designed for an introductory course. No brief text can be written that will include all the things that various instructors regard as essential; fortunately, every one can make such additions as seem desirable. It would seem of advantage, however, to include figures showing the stereoisameric relations of the important simple hexoses, s i n e such a representation would throw light on their biochemical hehavior; and for premedical students the brief treatment of the pnrin bases could have been expanded with profit. The author says that the book contains the subject matter of a series of thirty lectures. Within those limits i t is a remarkably clear and well-balanced presentation of the essentials of organic chemistry, and should be very suitahle for a brief introduction to the field.

Popular Science Talks. Vol. 8. I V ~ R GRIFPITH,Editor. Published by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, under the auspices of the American Journal of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, Penna., 1930. 287 pp. 15.25 X 23 cm. $1.00. As the name indicates. this book mnsists of a series of fourteen talks on science. given by members of the faculty of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. I n this brief review, only those talks will be discussed which pertain ts chemical subjects.

VOL.8, NO. 12



"The Chemist as a Detective," by Chas. H. Lawall, treats of the feats of chemists in solving mysteries as well as in detecting poisons in fond and drink. He discusses practical tests by chemists who know their chemistry. Unfortunately, the chemists in tales of fiction frequently make errors which would shame the most ignorant freshman. Edgar Wallace says of his chemist-detective in "The Murder Book of J. G. Reeder": "Mr. J. G. Reeder struck a match, and, waiting until i t burnt freely, lowered i t into the jug. Half an inch lower than the rim the light went out. 'Carhon monoxide,' he said, 'which is made by steeping marble chips in hydrochloric acid . . . . .The gas is colorless and odorless-and heavy. You can pour i t out of a jug like water. . . . .' 'What did she do with the body?' 'Come out into the hot-house and pray do not expect t o see horrors: an electric furnace will dissolve a diamond to its original elements.' " Ivor Grifith discusses the history and uses of iodine in his Chapter, "Iodine, the Element of Doubt." but in my opinion spoils a good article by the insertion of puns of questionable value. In "Seventy Years of Petroleum," Freeman P. Stroup writes an excellent, straightforward encyclopedic article on . his subject. "Heat and Cold." by Adley B. Nichols. "King Cotton," by George W. Perkins, "The Story of Inks," by C. C. Pines, and "Dope: the Story of the Use and Abuse of Opium," by Haratio C. Wood, Jr., can also be read with benefit. SAULB. ARENSON ~



xvii 3G4 pp. 38 Illustrations. 22.5 X 15.0 a.$7.50. This is a textbook and practical reference book prepared especially for the rugcleaning industry. I t is clearly and interestingly written and includes chapters on the following topics: History of Floor Coverings, Oriental Rug Patterns Classified; Fibers, Their Serviceability; Service Conditions (destructive agents-action of sunlight, moisture, smoke, gases, abrasion. bacterial action, and stains); Detergents (including formulas for removing various stains from rugs) ; Processes of Commercial Rug Cleaning; Stain Removal; RugCleaning Equipment; Formulas (for special soaps and other reagents used in the rug-cleaning industry); Tests (for presence of various stains in rugs, . for fastness t o different reagents, etc.); Insect Control (including control measures): Rua Storage; and Glossary of Trade Terms. Although this book was prepared primarily for the commercial rug cleaners, i t would he an exceptionally valuable addition t o any library of reference works on textile chemistry, or household management. The author, a well-known member of the cleaning industry, has succeeded in giving a presentation of the best presentday practices in rug cleaning written in such a way that every teacher of subjects related t o this field should be interested in reading it. A complete glossary of trade terms in the last chapter renders the book easily understood by any reader. PAULINE BEERYMACK ~





How to Clean Rugs and Upholstery Fabrics. C. C. HUBBARD,Drvcleanina Consultant, formerly Director of Research and Education for the National Association of Dyers and Cleaners of the United States and Canada and of the National Association Institute of Dyeing and Cleaning, Inc. Rug Cleaners' Institute of America, New York City, 1930.

Kansas Cleaners' and Dyers' Short Courses. C. C. HUBBARD, Drycleaning Consultant, formerly Director of Research and Education for the National Association of Dyers and Cleaners of the United States and Canada and of the National Association Institute of Dyeing and Cleaning. Inc., Kansas State Board for Vocational Education, Topeka, 1930. 55 pp. 23 X 14 cm.