Pore Shape Affects Spontaneous Charge Redistribution in Small

Jun 21, 2010 - (22) This hardware circuit allows for modeling charge redistribution in the pore and ... of a parallel combination of ten 10 μF/6.3 V ...
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J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 12030–12038

Pore Shape Affects Spontaneous Charge Redistribution in Small Pores Jennifer M. Black and Heather A. Andreas* Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie UniVersity, Halifax, NoVa Scotia B3H 4J3 ReceiVed: April 26, 2010

A complete understanding of charge redistribution (spontaneous movement of charge once the system has been placed on open-circuit) in porous materials is desirable because charge redistribution will affect the performance of devices incorporating porous electrodes. In this paper, a model pore based on the de Levie transmission line model is used to examine the effects of pore geometry on charge redistribution, including pore size, pore shape, and the presence of bottlenecks. Results highlight that pore geometry does affect the charge redistribution profile and emphasize the importance of the diameter of the pore mouth on charge redistribution. For cone, inverted cone, and cylindrically shaped pores having the same total resistance and capacitance, cone-shaped pores were able to accumulate the most charge. Results also indicate that the presence of a restrictive bottleneck beyond the pore mouth results in a charge redistribution profile with multiple slopes. 1. Introduction Porous electrodes are used for various applications, including the porous carbon electrodes in electrochemical capacitors, where their very high surface areas (>2500 m2/g) allow for high charge storage capabilities. It is well-known that the performance of the carbon-electrode-based electrochemical capacitor greatly depends on the properties of the carbon, including surface functional groups,1-3 surface wettability,4,5 pore size,6-8 and pore size hierarchy.4,5,9 With high surface area carbons, the majority of the electrochemical surface area resides in micropores and is accessible only through the large cumulative solution resistance within these small pores. Since the majority of charge storage on the surface is therefore dependent on the ion travel through the micropores and the pore structure determines the pore solution resistance, the pore structure is an important factor for the device performance.10,11 The pore shape has a strong influence on the pore solution resistance, and thus, there have been multiple efforts to change pore shape using different synthetic methods, including carbon activation (slit-shaped and ellipsoid-shaped pores12-14) and templating (cylindrical and spherical,15,16 as small as 2-3 nm).17 The frequency response of various pore geometries has been evaluated both experimentally and using mathematical models.18-21 The geometry has been shown to have a significant effect on the electrochemical impedance profile. Therefore, it would be expected that pore shape would have an effect on the charge and discharge characteristics of an electrochemical capacitor and on the spontaneous movement of charge through the pore during charge redistribution. Because of the solution resistance in the pore, different portions of the pore charge at different rates,22 with the pore tip charging faster than the pore base, resulting in a potential distribution within the electrode pores during charging/discharging. When the device is placed in open-circuit configuration after charging, this potential distribution leads to charge redistribution, causing the pore tip potential to decrease, as the pore base potential climbs until the entire electrode surface is at an equal potential. The loss of potential at the pore tip appears * Corresponding author. Phone: (902) 494-4505. Fax: (902) 494-1310. E-mail: [email protected].

as if the electrode is undergoing self-discharge, the loss of potential over time on open-circuit. It has been previously suggested that the self-discharge profile may be used as a diagnostic for the mechanism of self-discharge. However, charge redistribution may mask/change the self-discharge profile, rendering it useless for mechanistic studies. For instance, it was previously shown that charge redistribution in a cylindrically shaped pore leads to a profile that mimics that of an activationcontrolled self-discharge mechanism for planar electrodes.23 Therefore, the research contained herein is important to the understanding of how pore shape influences charge redistribution because a full understanding of charge redistribution is required to determine how it influences self-discharge of electrochemical capacitors and other systems based on the charging of porous electrodes. This paper examines for the first time the effect of pore geometry on the open-circuit profile of a model pore, using a hardware transmission line circuit, based on de Levie’s transmission line model of a pore.22 This hardware circuit allows for modeling charge redistribution in the pore and tracking of the potentials at various points down the model pore, which is difficult or impossible in real pores of the small sizes that experience charge redistribution. In addition, this model removes any issue associated with unequal charge balancing due to inefficient packing of ions into the pores. Pores of very small diameter may not allow for efficient ion packing in the pore, as required to balance the charge. These pores may require the ion to distort or lose its salvation shell to enter the pore,7 or the ions may not have the room to properly align in very narrow parts of the pore24 (e.g., the bottom of cone-shaped pores or the sides of slit-shaped pores). This provides a model that clearly delineates the effect of pore resistance due to pore shape. This is the first time that the effect of pore shape on the spontaneous movement of charge has been considered. The data from the transmission line model presented herein provide a good prediction of the charge redistribution in templated systems or any systems where pores are uniform in shape and size. Further research will build on this data to model the charge redistribution of more complex systems (various pore shapes and sizes).

10.1021/jp103766q  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 06/21/2010

Pore Shape, Charge Redistribution in Small Pores

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 27, 2010 12031

A ) πr2


SA ) 2πrl


Combining the above equations, and assuming a constant F (set to 1) maintaining a constant surface area, the radius and length of each pore section was calculated from the following relationships:

R) Figure 1. Schematic of the transmission line hardware circuit (left) and the relationship between pore cross-sectional area and the resistance used to model that area.

2. Experimental Section 2.1. Transmission Line Circuit. A schematic of the hardware circuit is shown in Figure 1. It consisted of eight parallel sections, with each section, except section 1, being composed of a resistor (whose value could be set between 0 and 300 kΩ in 0.1 kΩ increments) and 100 µF capacitor (composed of a parallel combination of ten 10 µF/6.3 V multilayer ceramic chip capacitors) in series. Section 1 contained a capacitor only, with no resistor. The resistors model the solution resistance down the pore, and the capacitors in the circuit model the doublelayer capacitance at the electrode/electrolyte interface of the pore wall. The potential across each of the different capacitors could be monitored independently. The capacitors were brought to a zero charge state (0 V) prior to each experiment. 2.2. Modeling Various Pore Geometries. Since the electrolyte resistance within a pore is inversely related to the crosssectional area of the pore, a higher resistance in the hardware transmission line models a smaller pore cross-sectional area. To model various pore geometries using the hardware circuit, the values of the resistors were varied according to this relationship. For example, a cylindrical pore, which has the same cross-sectional area along the entire pore length, would be represented in the hardware circuit with all resistors set to a common value. A cone shaped pore, on the other hand, with a decreasing cross-sectional area down the pore would be represented in the hardware circuit by having an increased value of resistance down the circuit (Figure 1). To calculate the various pore shapes, the pore was divided into seven sections of equal surface area as the surface area is directly related to the capacitance, and each section of the hardware circuit contains a fixed capacitance. Although the circuit contains eight capacitors, the first capacitor corresponds to the external surface area of the electrode surface (outside of the pore). Each of the seven sections is assumed to be cylindrical in shape with varying dimensions of the length and crosssectional areas depending on the value of the resistance. The resistance, R, relates to the length, l, and cross-sectional area, A, according to the equation


l A


where F is the resistivity which is assumed to be constant. The cross-sectional area and surface area, SA, are related to the pore radius, r, and length according to

1 ) 4πl3 2π2r3


The resistances used to model each of these pore shapes are shown in the Supporting Information. Because there is a fixed capacitance in each section of the hardware circuit and, therefore, a fixed surface area, a high resistance results in a long, narrow pore section, whereas a lower resistance results in a short, wide section. This makes it more difficult to model pore shapes accurately. 2.3. Charge Redistribution Profiles. A Bio-Logic VMP3 multipotentiostat was used to perform charge redistribution experiments. The working electrode (WE) leads of the multipotentiostat were linked together and connected to the WE point (Figure 1) on the hardware circuit. Similarly, the counter electrode (CE) leads were connected to the CE point (Figure 1). The reference electrode (RE) leads of each of eight channels were connected to points RE 1-8 of the hardware circuit (Figure 1). The capacitor of the master channel (RE 1) was charged from 0.0 to 1.0 V using a 50 mV s-1 ramp rate. The system was then switched to open-circuit configuration, and the potential of all eight capacitors of the transmission line circuit were monitored over time. Data were collected using EC-Lab software. Because of the exponential decay in potential with time, the charge redistribution profiles are plotted as a function of log t, which highlights the differences in the slopes between the different profiles. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Effect of Pore Length. Figure 2a shows the charge redistribution profiles for cylindrical model pores (constant pore diameter) of various length, with the shortest model pore using two sections of the hardware circuit, and the longest model pore having eight hardware circuit sections. Consistent with what has been previously shown23,25 the profile is composed of three sections: a plateau in the potential, followed by a region where the potential decreases linearly with log time due to charge redistribution through the pore, and finally, after charge redistribution completes, a second potential plateau. It is clear from the figure that longer pores result in charge redistribution profiles with longer initial plateau lengths. Figure 2b shows the relationship between the total RC constant (proportional to pore length for pores with constant cross-sectional area) for the pore vs the plateau length. The plateau length increases with increasing pore length via a logarithmic relationship. This relationship highlights the importance of the length of the pore on the plateau length as incremental increases in the pore length have less and less effect on the overall plateau length. The end of the plateau and the beginning of the potential decline region more or less represents the beginning of charge redistribution from capacitor 1. For the shortest model pore (two sections of the hardware circuit), this charge redistribution from capacitor 1 to capacitor 2 will then be predominantly controlled by the


J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 27, 2010

Black and Andreas

Figure 2. (a) Charge redistribution profiles for pores of constant diameter but increasing length. (b) Time required for charge redistribution curve to deviate away from plateau (defined as reaching a potential of 92.5% of the full potential drop).

resistance present between capacitors 1 and 2 because charge from capacitor 1 must flow through this resistance to capacitor 2. However, as the pore length increases (i.e., more resistors and capacitors are added to the circuit) the charge redistribution is also affected by the resistance further down the pore because the current must also pass through these resistances to charge the surface area further down the pore (capacitors further down the circuit). The final potential reached after charge redistribution varies depending on the length of the pore, as seen in Figure 2. This can be rationalized by the fact that, although approximately the same amount of charge is placed on each pore during the charging ramp, the longer pores have more surface area (more capacitors), and therefore, after charge redistribution is complete, there is less charge on each respective capacitor for longer pores than for shorter pores. This would correspond to a lower potential. This is not unexpected, but does have some significant implications for applications in which a high surface area electrode is used. Often, a high surface area surface is used to achieve a high energy density, since energy is the product of charge and voltage. However, as is indicated by this data, if the long pore is not fully charged, charge redistribution will result in a lower potential than expected, and this may lower the energy density. With very high surface area carbons, it may take an extremely long time to fully charge the surface,23 and many applications may not allow for the extremely long charge time. Therefore, a portion of the pore will remain uncharged, leading to a lower potential after charge redistribution, and this may negatively influence the energy-density. Thus, there is a trade-off between the large amount of charge that can be placed on high surface areas and the effective potential the electrode may have after charge redistribution. This must be taken into account during the design of the electrode for particular applications. 3.2. Effect of Pore Mouth Size and Pore Shape on Charge Redistribution. The charge redistribution profiles for a number of different pore shapes (cylinders, cone, inverted cone) are shown in Figure 3. All of the pore shapes have the same surface area since this is governed by the capacitors in the circuit. For each of these pore geometries, the charge redistribution profile has three regions: first, a potential plateau, followed by a linear decrease in potential with log t, and finally, another plateau after charge redistribution has completed. The length of the first plateau region was shown in Section 3.1 to depend on pore length. However, the pore diameter also plays a role in determining the plateau length. Three cylindrically shaped pores of the same surface area but different cylinder diameters (therefore, different pore mouth sizes) are shown in

Figure 3. Charge redistribution profile for different pore shapes. (a) Pore shapes with exaggerated high disparity in pore section sizes, (b) more realistic pore shapes, (c) time required for charge redistribution curve to deviate away from plateau (defined as reaching a potential of 92.5% of the full potential drop) for cylinders from section 3.1 (gray line) and cylinders 1, 2, and 3 (red points).

Figure 3. Cylinder 1, which has the largest diameter has the shortest plateau, and cylinder 3, with the smallest diameter, has the longest plateau of the cylinders. Because of the requirement of a constant surface area, decreasing the size of the pore diameter necessitates an increase in the length of the pore; however, the plateau length is larger for all three cylinders than would be predicted based purely on the pore length. This can be seen in Figure 2b, where the plateau length is plotted as a function of pore length. If the plateau length depended only on pore length, the points for the three cylinders would be expected

Pore Shape, Charge Redistribution in Small Pores

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Figure 4. Charge redistribution profiles for diamond shapes with different aspect ratios. The pore mouth size is the same for diamonds 1-3 and the same for diamonds 4-6.

to lie upon the line (which denotes the relationship between plateau length and pore length derived from the different length pores in Section 3.1). This suggests that the pore diameter has some impact on the plateau length. To determine whether it is the pore diameter or the pore mouth size that is responsible for this increase in plateau length with a decrease in pore diameter, several other shapes with different pore mouth sizes were examined. A comparison between the inverted cone, which has a very small pore mouth, and a cone of the same pore length shows that the plateau length is significantly longer for the inverted cone with the small pore mouth, consistent with the plateau lengths being strongly influenced by the pore mouth. Similarly, cylinder 1 and cone 1 geometries have the same pore mouth size, and the plateau lengths for these pore geometries are very similar, even though these pores are very different in length, diameter, and shape. This suggests that it is the pore mouth that has the dominant effect on the plateau length. The slightly longer plateau for cone 1 is due to this shape’s longer length (higher total electrolyte pore resistance, since it has higher resistance values beyond the pore mouth), indicating that although the plateau length is predominantly controlled by the pore mouth size, there is some contribution from the pore length, as well. To examine pore geometries with the same size pore mouth and different total length, a series of diamond-shaped pores with different aspect ratios were modeled. For the diamond-shaped pores, the plateau length remains essentially the same for geometries having the same pore mouth size (Figure 4), with slight increases in plateau length with increasing total pore length, consistent with the observation that although the plateau length is predominantly controlled by the pore mouth size, there is some contribution from electrolyte resistance further down the pore. Pore geometry also significantly affects the rate of potential decay during the region of linear potential drop with log time and the potential of the final plateau after completion of charge redistribution. Cylinder 2, cone 1, and inverted cone 1 have the same surface area and the same total pore resistance, yet the charge redistribution behavior is very different (Figure 3). For a cone-shaped pore, which has the least resistance near the pore mouth (largest pore mouth) and the majority of the electrolyte resistance present near the pore base, the initial plateau is shortest, for the reasons discussed above, and the final potential after charge redistribution is highest (∼0.41 V), indicating the total amount of charge present in the pore is highest. The inverted cone geometry, on the other hand, has the smallest pore

mouth (most electrolyte resistance near the pore mouth) and as a result the longest plateau, and the lowest final potential (∼0.19 V). The intermediate case, cylinder 2, has an initial plateau length and final potential (∼0.25) that lie between these geometries. The value of the final potential tells us how much charge we placed on these pore during charging, and as expected, a smaller pore mouth will cause less charge to be placed on the pore, given the same charging rate. Since the surface area in the pore is accessible only through the pore mouth, a small pore mouth (high electrolyte resistance) will limit the current during charging and result in a smaller amount of charge passing into the pore during a given charging period than a large pore mouth (low electrolyte resistance at the pore mouth). Since the total surface area of all of these pores is the same, a lower amount of charge will result in a lower final potential after charge redistribution. Again, this suggests that for high-power applications, the pore mouth must be large, and pore mouth interference (say, from a deposited film or film damage due to electrode preparation) must be avoided. For pores having the same pore mouth size, the rate of the linear potential decay in the region between the two plateaus decreases with increasing total pore length (see diamond shapes in Figure 4) because the charge moves through the pore more slowly with an increase in pore electrolyte resistance. With the diamond-shaped pores, the pore mouth resistance is, again, playing a major role in determining the final potential after charge redistribution since the final potential remains essentially the same for diamonds 1-3, which have the same pore mouth resistance but very different total resistances. This is a direct result of the large pore mouth resistance in these models, since pores that have much lower pore mouth resistances relative to the overall resistance (diamonds 4-6) do not exhibit the same final potential. Instead, for a wide pore mouth, the final potential decreases with increasing pore length. Diamonds 1-3 had an extremely small pore mouth (high pore mouth resistance), which represented a large portion of the total pore resistance, and for this reason, the size of the pore mouth was a major influence on the final potential after charge redistribution, which was very similar for these shapes. It is essential to consider the importance of the pore mouth in certain applications, for example, charging of electroactive polymers, which may undergo volume expansion during charging.26 In a porous polymer, the potential will be higher at the pore mouth, and therefore, the pore tip will swell preferentially, which may result in the pore mouths becoming very small. A very small pore mouth will limit the total amount of charge placed on the pore and may result in a


J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 27, 2010

Black and Andreas

Figure 5. Potential recorded on RE1-4, RE6, and RE8 for three different pore shapes: (a) cylinder 1, (b) cone and (c) inverted cone.

low potential after completion of charge redistribution. It is therefore important to design these materials to account for any volume expansion such that swelling in the polymer will not result in a closed-off pore mouth. For example, by templating a material such that the pores were cone-shaped would counter the effect of the polymers swelling at the pore mouth, and therefore, the swelling would not result in occlusion of the pore mouth but, rather, would result in a more cylindrically shaped pore. To highlight (exaggerate) the effect of each pore region, high resistances were used in the pore models for Figure 3a, which resulted in very elongated regions of the pore. The charge redistribution profiles of more realistic pore shapes are shown in Figure 3b. The same conclusions may be drawn from the comparison of these pore shapes as for those in Figure 3a since the plateau length and the final potential are controlled primarily by the pore mouth size; however, differences in plateau lengths are less noticeable because the pore mouths have less variation for these shapes. These results would be akin to those expected for pores of larger diameter. These results highlight that the charge redistribution and pore shape effects are most important for small pores. Thus, making long pores (and therefore increasing surface area) is of no real use if the pore mouth of these pores is narrow or occluded. This must be considered when making electrodes using templated methods (e.g., using nanotubes) followed by a film deposition or pressing of the electrode against a membrane. In both cases, care must be taken that no narrowing of the pore mouth is caused because this will render the surface area in the nanotubes useful only at very low current situations. 3.3. Effect of Pore Occlusion on Charging Characteristics of the Pore. For occluded pore geometries, in which the pore mouth electrolyte resistance is high (e.g., inverted cone), essentially only the surface at the pore mouth (the first capacitor

in the model) is charged with the charging rates used in this study (Figure 5). Although the potential of capacitor 1 (the capacitor nearest RE 1 in Figure 1) is brought to 1.0 V (shown at t ) 0 s) with each of these pore shapes, the potentials of the other capacitors in the circuit were at some value below 1.0 V, and depended on the circuit resistances. The pore geometry with a very occluded pore mouth (e.g., inverted cone, Figure 5a) evidenced in the very low potentials on capacitors 2-8, and the majority of the charge is present at the pore mouth with little charge present near the pore base, whereas nonoccluded pores (e.g., cylinder, cone, Figure 5b and c, respectively) accumulate a significant amount of charge on all capacitors in the circuit (i.e., over the whole surface of the model pore), and as a result, the total amount of charge present in the pore after charging is higher for these pore shapes. Figure 5 also shows that once the circuit has been placed in an open-circuit configuration and charge is allowed to move spontaneously throughout the circuit, a different final potential is reached for each shape, based on the initial amount of charge present in the circuit after charging. The lower final potential for the more occluded inverted cone geometry is again due to the lower total charge that is placed on the circuit during charging (due to the high pore mouth resistance arising from the small pore mouth); therefore, when the charge redistributes to be equal over all eight capacitors, each capacitor has a lower voltage than it would have if more charge had been in the circuit initially. These results are consistent with the differences in the final potential seen with all of the pore shapes studied in Section 3.2 and suggests, again, the small pore mouths and occluded pore shapes should be avoided. 3.4. Effect of Pore Narrowing (Bottleneck). The effect of pore narrowing was also examined using inverted diamond (ID) pore shapes and a number of cylindrical pores of varying radius (r) containing the same sized bottleneck (BN) midway down

Pore Shape, Charge Redistribution in Small Pores

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Figure 6. Charge redistribution profiles for different pore rmouth/rbottleneck with ratio of BN 1 > BN 2 > BN 3 ) BN 4 > BN 5 > BN 6.

the pore, or in other words pores having varying rmouth/rbottleneck ratios. Similar to what was seen in Section 3.1, the length of the plateau increases with a smaller pore mouth. The slope of the first region of potential loss after the plateau decreases as the pore mouth gets wider, and again, this makes sense because the potential distribution developed down the pore length will be smaller with larger pore mouths (since more of the pore will be charged), leading to a lower rate of potential decline. As the pore mouth gets smaller, the potential distribution in the pore area above the bottleneck increases, resulting in a more rapid potential loss during the first slope of the charge redistribution profile. An inverted-diamond-shaped pore has a profile that contains a knee during the potential decline before charge redistribution completes (Figure 6). A similar shape is observed in a cylindrical pore with the same pore mouth size and containing a bottleneck of the same size as the inverted diamond (BN 1, Figure 6). The similarity in the shape of these profiles highlights that the charge movement in a pore is dominated by the narrowest pore section (the bottleneck). Thus, any narrowing of the pore (e.g., narrowing due to template shape, electrode damage or film formation) must be avoided during electrode preparation. Since the surface area is constant with all of these pores, the ID is slightly longer than BN1, and this extra length for the ID results in a slightly longer initial plateau and lower final potential when compared to BN 1. The emergence of the knee is most obvious for pore geometries in which the pore mouth is large compared with the bottleneck (e.g., ID 1and BN 1) and least obvious for pores in which the mouth and bottleneck are similar in size (e.g., BN 6), where the pore looks the most like a cylinder. The appearance of the knee in the profile can be rationalized because the bottleneck present within the pore breaks the pore into two regions, and the first slope is essentially due to charge redistribution within the upper region of the pore, above the bottleneck, and the second slope initiates at a longer time because the effective RC constant for the capacitors below the bottleneck will be much larger due to the resistance through the bottleneck. The separation of the charge redistribution in the different parts of the pore can be seen in Figure 7, which shows the potential of all eight capacitors during charge redistribution for BN 1 and BN 3. BN 3 has a smaller pore mouth than BN 1, and the potentials of capacitors above the bottleneck (capacitors 1-4) range from 1 V to ∼0.65 V for BN 1, and from 1 V to ∼0.1 V for BN 3. For BN 1, (Figure 7), the potentials of capacitors 5-8 remain essentially constant until ∼10 s, whereas at ∼1 s, the potentials of capacitors 3 and 4 begin to climb as

Figure 7. Potential recorded on capacitor 1-8 for (a) BN1 and (b) BN 3.

charge from capacitors 1 and 2 is fed down the circuit. After ∼10 s, the charge redistributes throughout the entire pore, as seen by the increase in the potentials of capacitors 5-8 and the potential decrease of capacitors 1-4. Because the capacitors in the lower half of the pore are at a much lower potentials than capacitors above the bottleneck, there is a drastic increase in slope since the potential distribution between the capacitors taking part in charge redistribution has significantly increased, leading to an increased rate of potential loss on capacitor 1. Since there is a much larger disparity in potential down BN 3 (cf. BN 1), there will be an increased potential distribution among the capacitors for BN 3, which leads to the steeper slope in the first linear region. For BN 3, the resistance of the bottleneck is comparable to the resistance throughout the rest of the pore, and the change in slope that leads to the knee seen in the profile for BN 1 is much less apparent in the profile for BN 3. This is reasonable, since this pore now looks more like a cylinder (very little difference in the incremental resistances down the pore), and the charge redistribution reflects this by being similar to that seen for a cylinder (Figure 3).


J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 27, 2010

Black and Andreas

Figure 8. Charge redistribution profile for different length bottlenecks of positioned at the pore mouth, with the bottleneck length increasing from BN 7-9 and BN 10-12.

Figure 9. Charge redistribution profile for bottlenecks positioned at different depths in the pore, with the depth increasing from BN 7-14 and BN 10-16.

The pores modeled with less narrow bottlenecks (BN 4-6) show little variation in the plateau length in the charge redistribution profile, since the pore mouth sizes are similar; however, the plateau length does increase slightly with decreasing pore mouth radius. Similarly, the final potential is also shown to decrease as the pore mouth gets smaller. The presence of a knee in the charge redistribution profile is not obvious for these bottlenecks. This again can be explained by the fact that these shapes are more similar to cylindrically shaped pores with small differences in the pore radius down the pore, and for this reason, the charge redistribution profile resembles that of a cylindrically shaped pore. To further understand the effect of bottlenecks on the charge redistribution, a number of pore geometries containing bottlenecks were examined. 3.5. Effect of Length of Bottleneck at Pore Mouth. A series of pore geometries containing bottlenecks of different lengths positioned at the pore mouth were examined. Because the pore mouth size is the same for BN 7-9 and for BN 10-12, the length of the plateau in the charge redistribution profile is approximately the same for BN 7-9 and for BN 10-12 (Figure 8), with a slight increase in plateau length with increasing pore length. Each of these pore geometries results in a charge redistribution profile that is linear in log t, with a single slope in the potential decline region, dependent on the length of the bottleneck, with a longer bottleneck resulting in a decrease in slope, as discussed earlier. 3.6. Effect of Bottleneck Position in the Pore. A number of pore geometries containing the same size bottleneck at different positions in the pore were also determined to examine the effect of moving a bottleneck deeper into a pore. The results are shown in Figure 9. As mentioned above, a bottleneck present

at the pore mouth leads to a charge redistribution profile with a single slope for the potential decline region. However, a bottleneck partway down the pore results in a knee in the charge redistribution profile, similar to that described in Section 3.4. A similar result is seen in Figure 9, where BN 7 and 10, which have the bottleneck at the pore mouth, have only one slope in the potential decline region, whereas bottlenecks present at all other positions throughout the pore lead to a knee in the charge redistribution profile. The presence of a knee in the profile is not obvious for BN 15 and 16, since there are small differences in incremental solution resistance down the pore, resulting in a charge redistribution profile that resembles that of a cylindrically shaped pore. The length of the plateau is related to both the pore length and the bottleneck position, with a long pore with a bottleneck at the pore mouth resulting in the longest plateau (BN 7) and a short pore with the bottleneck farthest from the pore mouth having the shortest plateau (BN 16). The position of the bottleneck also affects the slopes of the potential decay during charge redistribution. The first slope of the charge redistribution profile decreases as the bottleneck is moved closer to the pore mouth. BN 13, which has the bottleneck present right below the pore mouth has the lowest first slope, and BN 14, whose bottleneck is farthest from the pore mouth, has the steepest slope in this region. This first slope after the plateau in the charge redistribution profile is related to the charge redistribution that results from the pore area above the bottleneck, and since BN 13 has the lowest number of capacitors (smallest surface area) above the bottleneck, the amount of potential distribution above the bottleneck will be small, leading to a small rate of potential decrease in this region. BN 14, on the other hand, has a greater number of capacitors

Pore Shape, Charge Redistribution in Small Pores

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Figure 10. Charge redistribution profile for pore geometries containing multiple bottlenecks of various positions and size.

(higher surface area) above the bottleneck, and as a result, there will be a greater potential distribution developed among these capacitors, leading to an increased rate of potential decline during this first slope. Conversely, BN 13 has the largest area below the bottleneck, and the greatest potential distribution among these capacitors, so once the pore area below the bottleneck is able to participate in charge redistribution, at these longer times, the second slope (after the knee) will be largest for BN 13, and smallest for BN 14. The final potential after charge redistribution, and therefore, the total amount of charge, increases as the bottleneck moves away from the pore mouth. This is not surprising because during charging only the capacitors (surface area) above the bottleneck will be charged significantly, and increasing the number of capacitors (surface area) above the bottleneck increases the number of capacitors (surface area) participating in charging. 3.7. Effect of Having More Than One Bottleneck. A number of pore geometries containing more than one bottleneck were also examined. Similar to what was shown above, for pores having the narrowest bottleneck at the pore mouth the charge redistribution profile contains only 1 slope in the potential decline region, whereas pores that have the narrowest bottleneck partway down the pore exhibit a knee in the profile (Figure 10). The plateau length depends mainly on the bottleneck at the pore mouth (compare BN 7, 17 and 18, in which the pore mouth is the same but the bottleneck down each pore is different). There is very little difference between the charge redistribution profiles for BN 7 and BN 18, indicating that the presence of the second, less restricting, bottleneck midway down the pore is not significantly affecting the charge redistribution profile. BN 17 has a slightly lower slope than BN 7 and 18, indicating that the presence of the second bottleneck of the same size midway down the pore results in a slower charge redistribution. BN 19, which has a wider bottleneck at the pore mouth and narrower bottleneck midway down the pore, has a charge redistribution profile containing a knee because the narrowest bottleneck is present partway down the pore, as opposed to the pore mouth. Again, this is consistent with the more restrictive bottleneck dominating the charge redistribution profile. Due to the large pore mouth, the initial plateau length is shorter for BN 19, followed by the first steeper slope and a second more shallow slope. The presence of the bottleneck at the pore mouth causes a significant potential distribution to develop between the capacitors above the second bottleneck, causing a fairly rapid drop in potential during the first slope, in contrast to the diamond geometries discussed earlier.

4. Conclusions Since the pore structure of electrodes, including pore size and pore shape, is a major factor determining the performance of devices using porous electrodes (such as electrochemical capacitors), it is important to have a good understanding of the effect of changes in pore shapes on electrode performance. Of particular concern here is how the shape of the pore affects the spontaneous movement of charge once the system has been placed on open-circuit (immediately after electrode charging). This spontaneous movement of charge is called charge redistribution, and it results in a lower than desired effective potential on the electrode surface, which may reduce the energy-density for the system. This was the first time that the effect of the shape of the pore on the charge redistribution profile of a porous electrode was considered. A hardware transmission line circuit was used to model various pore geometries (including cylinders, cones, inverted cones, diamonds, inverted diamonds, and pores containing bottlenecks) and examine the effects of pore geometry on the charge and charge redistribution characteristics. The cone, inverted cone, and diamond shapes resulted in charge redistribution profiles akin to the charge redistribution profiles obtained for cylindrically shaped pores, with an initial plateau, followed by a linear decrease in potential in log t and, finally, another plateau as charge redistribution is complete. The length of the initial potential plateau is strongly influenced by the size of the pore mouth, with smaller pore mouths exhibiting longer plateaus. However, small pore mouths result in slower charging rates for these pores and may lead to less charge available during capacitor use. The length of the pore plays a more minor role in the determination of the plateau length, with longer pores resulting in longer plateaus. The results suggest that the damage or occlusion of the pore mouth must be avoided during templating of the electrode, film formation, or cell preparation because a small amount of pore occlusion can have a very important effect on the charging and charge redistribution characteristics of the electrode. Similarly, when using porous materials that undergo swelling during charging, (e.g., conducting polymers), it is important to design these materials to account for the volume change such that the swelling does not result in occlusion of the pore mouth (e.g., cone shaped pores). Comparing cone, inverted cone, and cylindrically shaped pores having the same total resistance and capacitance illustrated that cone shaped pores were able to accumulate the most charge during the charging rates used in this study, as evidenced by the final potential on completion of charge redistribution. Comparisons between pores with the same pore mouth radius indicate that the pore mouth plays an important role in


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determining the amount of charge entering the pore during charging. Given that the pore mouth resistance was the same for these pore geometries, the length of the initial plateau was also very similar, with the cone-shaped pore having a slightly longer plateau due to the increase in total pore resistance. However, the rate of potential loss at the pore mouth was lower for the cone-shaped pore due to the increased total resistance within the pore and, therefore, slower movement of charge during charge redistribution. Pore geometries containing bottlenecks at positions other than the pore mouth resulted in charge redistribution profiles that have multiple slopes or rates of potential decline in log t, evidenced as a knee in the potential profile. The presence of a bottleneck essentially divided the pore into two separate regions, above and below the bottleneck, with the first slope being related to charge redistribution within the pore area above the bottleneck and the second slope being related to charge redistribution throughout the entire pore surface, including the area below the bottleneck. During charging of a pore containing a bottleneck, essentially only the pore area above the bottleneck participates in the charging process, with the pore area below the bottleneck accumulating only a small amount of charge during charging of the electrode, and this significantly decreases the overall amount of charge within a pore during charging. Predictably, for this reason, the presence of bottlenecks in the porous structure is undesirable. Acknowledgment. The authors acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for the support of this research. Supporting Information Available: Table of resistances (in kΩs) used to model various pore shapes. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. References and Notes (1) Seredych, M.; Hulicova-Jurcakova, D.; Lu, G. Q.; Bandosz, T. J. Carbon 2008, 46, 1475–1488.

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