Potential Anticancer Agents. II. Urethan-Type Nitrogen Mustards of

Potential Anticancer Agents. II. Urethan-Type Nitrogen Mustards of Some Natural Sex Hormones. I. Niculescu-Duvaz, A. Cambanis, and E. Trnuceanu. J. Me...
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I I1 I11 I \. \-I \-I1 '[ From I \-.


62.8s 6 2 , SX 6" 7 2 67,92 62. i 2 64,65 64.10

63.3 63.2 sx ,3" S5.8 72.7 73.4





106-1 UT 130-132 h3-84 104- 103 142 113-1 17


I I1 1111 I \.

Okt ~\l,,i,le



I bard


... ...

16!)2 (s) 1604 ( 5 ) 3685 (s)

... ...

3415 (m) 2778,5,286.i( 1 i o % (>) ... \* 2 i O . 7, 276 5 I713 ( c ) 3500 (111) \ .I 26X. 7 , 2 i 5 , 3 1716 ( 3 ) 34.50 (m) \.I I 269. I , 2x5, S 1717 (s) 3,512 (m) tk Ultraviolet spectra were determined iii alcoholic sollition with a CF4 Optic Milano spectrophotometer. Infrared spectra were determined on a U.R.10 Zeias Jena DDR spectrophotometer hmax 280 my for estradiol. in KBr disks. 2 S 2 . 3 , 28s

::.OB 3.1s 2.64 3 . IS 3 01 2.0s

6.1)s 7.04

6.6s 7.47




62.50 62.SO 62.91 67.85

S , 20

3 , 04 2.0s Zl4 2.56 3 . 1s 3.02 2.97


64.85 63.98

5.08 i.15

7.03 6 ,!)*5 0.77 7.43


1.5 5!l 1551 16,0!1 13.20 1 6 ,20 15.27 l5,3!)


Infrared spectra," c1i1-1

V l t r a \ iulet ( ',,!L,ld

8 ox S.0 S 7.04

l ~ i J l l l l d ,;c,

c1 I 3 60 15.50 16.12 12 . 39 16.13 15.30 15.16

(lay. Crldcr these c*oiiditioiisVI caused 60% :~ncl

TIBLEI1 s p E C ~ ~ ~ ~ C )rl.i.r.1 S ( ~ O 1 ~C~~ ~~ . W ~ ) ~ .I-\X N~)S

SlJCL!t ril,'

v-N 3.00

--Calcd. €I

CHO, u ~ 1735 = ~ cm-'. The position of OH group stretvhirig baritls in the range of 3320-3400 mi-' alio iupports the Structures attributed by US to the deiivativcs I-TII. ho~vrii t i Tablc 11, the ult raviolet spectra :ilso peri i i i t t he diffeientiation between 3 - arid 17-substituted deriratives of estrogens, ab the S,S-bis(khloroethy1)cwbamoyl group in the 3 position causes a coristaiit shift of about 10 nip toward shorter wavelengths. Biological Activity.-The antitumor activity of androsterone derivatives I and I1 is shown in Table 111. Tho wtivity of t h c (+trog(lti tlcrivzt ives w:ic:tcitC(1 0 1 1 mts bearing Walker 2.56 carcino6arconia (doses of 50 ing/l