Potential Markets for the Photoactivated Pesticides - ACS Publications

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Chapter 10

Potential Markets for the Photoactivated Pesticides

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 9, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0616.ch010

G. D. Pimprikar Kalyani Agro Corporation Limited, Kalyani Steels Limited Building, First Floor, Mundhwa, Pune: 411 036, Maharashtra, India

Since the pesticidal activity of photoactivated molecules has been successfully proven in various insect species, fungal organisms and vegetation, these molecules have great potential in different market segments including the public health segment (mosquitoes and other disease vectors), poultry (house flies), farm animals (face fly), horticultural & agricultural sector (various insects and fungal species), and public nuisance segments (fire ants, cockroaches, etc.). These pesticides are quite effective, environmentally friendly and economical with less residual effect. Global markets could be developed for the photoactivated pesticides with focus in Africa (disease-vectorsegment), South America (horticultural and agricultural segment), and Asia (poultry & farm animal segment). Work on formulation and application technology needs to be done on a priority basis for commercial exploitation of these molecules. Photoactivated molecules have been proven to be effective for several insect species and other organisms (7). There has been more emphasis on agricultural and horticultural pests since the previous symposium on photoactivated molecules held in 1987 and more numbers of insect species have been added to this category for photodynamic action. Work has also been done on the practical field application of these molecules. There have also been attempts in registering some of these chemicals for insecticide use in the U.S.A. In this paper, attempts are made to identify and describe the market segments and the scope in the international markets for this new class of pesticide. The following unique selling features of the photoactivated insecticides make them potential and successful candidates for global marketing. • •

They are effective at considerably low dosage rates for various insects species belonging to different groups. They are very selective and specific to the targeted organisms (e.g., since these molecules have to be ingested into the target insects, they have no contact or systemic action). 0097-6156/95/0616-0127$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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They have been shown to be safe toward non-target parasites and predators. They have low residual activity. They are ecologically harmless and have no adverse impact on human health, wildlife, or environmental components. They are economical compared to currently favored pesticides.

Since various photoactivated pesticides effectively control insect species at various stages of development, they are good prospects to become an effective tool in integrated pest management programs for several species of insects. Several researchers have done exploratory research on a spectrum of activity for photoactivated molecules and have reported insecticidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, antiviral and herbicidal activities (2). Except for insect studies, most research is in initial stages. Detailed studies of selectivity (especially for herbicidal activity), field trials, effective stages and dosages, etc. remain to be conducted. Hence, the discussions in this paper are limited to the insecticidal activity of photoactivated molecules. In regard to the insecticidal activity, most of the molecules are gastric toxins and must be ingested into the digestive system of the insects (7). There is no contact or systemic activity as in many of the presently marketed insecticides such as the organophosphorous, carbamate or synthetic pyrethroid groups. The insecticidal activity of these chemicals is more prominent in the presence of light, but at higher dosages, insecticidal action has been reported even in the absence of light (3-4). Photoactivated insecticides are effective at various stages of insect development rangingfromegg and larval stages through adult (5). Biotic effects also have been reported in subsequent generations (5). In addition, morphological and physiological abnormalities ultimately resulting in abortive molting have been reported at lower dosages (5-9). These effects are similar to IGR activity and probably reflect the effect of the chemicals on hormonal imbalances during development (5,8). Symptoms are also observed in the absence of light. Other effects observed in insects due to photoactivated molecules are changes in behavior and activity in presence of light (10). In social insects like importedfireants, workers generally carry the bait to the mound and the queen is fed with the chemical impregnated bait. The effects of these chemicals can be amplified under such situations which can lead to destruction of the colony or mound. The above mentioned multifaceted activity patterns of photoactivated molecules on insect development have a cumulative effect and could result in effective control of selectively targeted insects (5). These multiple patterns of activity can be a major tool in positioning the photoactivated molecules in various market segments. Market Segmentation for Light Activated Molecules Markets for the photoactivated molecules can be segmented as follows depending on the effective target group: Public Health Poultry Animal Health

Horticultural Crops Agricultural Crops Nuisance Pests

In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Potential Markets for Photoactivated Pesticides 129

Public Health. Several insect vectors are responsible for spreading deadly diseases in various countries. The critical success factor for positioning of any chemical for this market segment is its selectivity to the targeted insect vector and safety to human, wildlife and other environmental components. A variety of Dipteran insect species are world-wide vectors of such serious diseases as St. Louis encephalitis, dengue fever, malaria, leishmaniasis, cholera, dysentery, etc. Important insect vectors, like mosquitoes and house flies, could be effectively controlled by the application of photoactive insecticides during larval and adult stages (7-8, 11-16). These chemicals could be successfully used in integrated pest management programs for control of these disease vectors. It is necessary to develop and implement protocols for the use of light-activated insecticides in integrated vector management programs through either WHO or private institutions and organizations. This market segment could be "The LEADING" area for photoactivated molecules and could get the maximum market share in short period. Poultry. In layer poultry houses, houseflies are a serious problem that cause unhygienic conditions and effect the quality of poultry products. Several organophosphates and synthetic pyrethroids are currently used to suppress fly populations in poultry houses. However, due to their continuous use, resistance to both organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides has developed. Some of the photoactive chemicals have been successfully used to reduce fly populations in chicken houses (17). These chemicals are sprayed directly on the chicken manure. There is a rapid mortality of adult flies after they feed and are exposed to visible light. Housefly eggs and larvae are also susceptible to photoactivated insecticides. There also is mortality in immature stages due to ingestion or absorption of the chemicals followed by light exposure. In addition to the direct mortality in eggs, larvae and adults, physiological and morphological abnormalities in pupal and adult developmental stages have been observed after treatment with photoactive chemicals (5). Apparently, this results from improper formation of chitin during ecdysis or from chemically induced energy stress on insects, which diminishes their ability to undergo metamorphosis (7). In addition to direct larval mortality, these initial sublethal effects indicate that larval treatment with photoactive chemicals may also cause latent mortality of the subsequent larval instars, pupae, or emerging adults. The cumulative effect of exposure to photoactivated insecticides for all developmental stages (due to multiple mechanisms) results in control of the fly population in poultry houses. There is a good prospect for photoactive molecules in integrated fly control programs for poultry houses. This market segment is ideal for photoactive chemicals and has tremendous potential. Animal Health. Targeted insect species in this market segment include the housefly, facefly and stable fly. Photoactive chemicals have shown to be effective in controlling these insect species (6,9,14-16,18). In this particular segment, the chemicals may be fed to the insects through gelatin capsules applied to manure for maximal insecticidal activity. In order, to succeed in this market segment, more developmental work in terms of effective formulation is needed.

In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 9, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0616.ch010



Horticultural and Agricultural Crops. In the recent years, considering the favorable properties of the photoactive molecules, more attention is being given to the horticultural and agricultural market segment. One of the major limitations in entering this segment is the color of many photoactive molecules. However, with the advent of newer bait technology, this problem can be overcome. Some of the important target insect species in this segment include several species of fruit fly (1920), apple maggot flies (27), bollweevils (4, JO) cut worms (22), cabbage butterfly (23), codling moth (24), cabbage looper (25) and corn earworm (25). The critical success factors in this market segment are high safety margins to the end user and low residual effects. Photoactive molecules meet both of these criteria and should have a good potential in this market segment - especially for use in the fruit and vegetable industry. Photoactive insecticides may also be useful additions to integrated pest management programs for specific crops. Nuisance Pests. The two insect species in this segment which have exhibited a good susceptibility to lightactivated insecticides are imported fire ants (3) and cockroaches (26). In both cases bait formulations are effective. In the case of fire ants, the workers of the colony carry the bait impregnated with the insecticide to the mound where the queen ingests the bait. Eggs laid by this queen show morphological and physiological abnormalities during developmental stages and also at adult emergence. Deformed adults, as well as changes in sex-ratio, have been observed (Pimprikar, G.D., Mississippi State University, unpublished data, 1986). The ability of photoactive chemicals to cause toxicity from the egg to the adult stage through multiple mechanisms results in effective control of household pests like cockroaches and social insects like imported fire ants. Apart from these major potential market segments, there is a good prospect for the photoactive molecules as herbicides, bactericides and fungicides. However, research in these areas is in the preliminary stage. Before commercialization, additional laboratory and field performance data will be needed as well as specific information regarding selectivity, especially in the case of herbicides. GLOBAL MARKET FOR PHOTOACTIVE MOLECULES Geographically the markets for photoactive molecules can be divided into the following regions. Africa North/South America Europe Asia Australia Africa. In many of the African countries (e.g., Niger, Chad, Zaire, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Angola etc.) there are serious disease problems transmitted by mosquitoes, and flies. The predominant diseasesfromthese insect vectors include malaria, dengue, leishmaniasis, encephalitis and dysentery. WHO has taken up this region on a priority basis for protecting human health. In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Potential Markets for Photoactivated Pesticides 131

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Several broad-spectrum organophosphates and carbamates are presently being used in these countries. Keeping in mind the desired properties of photoactivated molecules, they can be positioned very successfully in African markets for controlling the vectors. Regional integrated vector management programs may be developed in which photoactivated chemicals play a dominant role. This market segment is mainly controlled by governmental agencies and institutions. North/South America. Work on practical applications of photoactivated chemicals was initiated in this region. During the last decade there has been considerable emphasis placed on applying the photodynamic concept in the control of insect pests that affect horticultural and agricultural crop plants. Fruit flies are of particular interest to the USDA (19-20). Considering the strict safety standards and restrictions on the use of pesticides monitored by the regulatory agencies in this market segment, the photoactive chemicals could play an increasingly important role in programs aimed at controlling insect pests of various horticultural and agricultural crops. Other areas which are a good prospect in this market segment are nuisance pests and, the animal and poultry segments. Imported fire ants are a great nuisance in many of the southern states in the U.S. Photoactive molecules can be effective in controlling these nuisance pests. House flies impose serious problems in poultry houses and cattle ranches all over the U.S. Pressures from governmental regulatory agencies and nearby housing developments make house fly control mandatory in most poultry houses and cattle ranches in the U.S. Keeping in mind the total pesticide market of this geographic segment, the photoactive molecules should gain a substantial share from this region. In addition to the U.S., the other major countriesfromthis geographical segment are Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Europe. This geographical market segment is relatively small in size. However, this segment is localized and intensive in application. The areas in this segment are mainly horticultural crops. Asia. There is a vast potential for this geographic segment consisting of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand and other eastern countries. Major application areas are public health and poultry. Governmental institutions play a dominant role in monitoring the vector control. However, in poultry, the private organizations have a major market share. The economic status of this region does not permit the use of expensive pesticides for controlling the vectors. Photoactive chemicals can be a great boon to this region and this may be a potential market. Australia. This market segment is quite large in size consisting of Australia and New Zealand. The market is limited to the animal health area.

In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Marketing Strategy for Photoactivated Molecules The functional or geographical market segmentation highlights the potential areas for exploitation of global markets for the photoactivated molecules. While developing strategic marketing policies for these markets it is necessary to consider and focus on the following points;

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The insect species in each case is varied in nature, habitat, habits and also the nature of damage. The ecosystems and the environments are different. There is a geographical isolation of markets which have different characteristics, requirements and restrictions. In order to fulfill the requirements of the market, there is a need to have appropriate formulation and application techniques as well as equipment needed to selectively reach the target organisms. The purchase behavior and buying authorities could be different in each of the segments (e.g., private companies, farmer cooperatives, governmental agencies and institutions).

Different marketing strategies need to be implemented in each segment (geographical or functional). Universal marketing plans or differentiated marketing plans may not be appropriate in these cases. The best marketing approach may be a "Selective and geographical niche marketing strategy." Selective positioning of photoactive molecules into regional integrated pest management programs could yield a better success in capturing targeted markets. In order to successfully implement a selective niche marketing strategy, the following areas need considerable adjustments (27). • • • •

Product adjustments (intrinsic quality, packing, formulation, dose etc.) Distribution adjustments (channels, institutions, government agencies,) Promotional adjustments (discounts, media, publicity, etc,) Pricing adjustments (price threshold, price quality etc.)

While developing a global marketing strategy, it is necessary to concentrate on the following market globalization drivers (28): • • • •

Market requirements Costs and economies of scale Government policies and restrictions Competitive market conditions.

For the photoactive molecules, the strategy of geographical niche marketing is ideal at targeting specific and localized needs. In this particular case, it is ideal to "think globally

but act locally".

In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Potential Markets for Photoactivated Pesticides133

Areas of Concern Before Market Exploitation The following four areas are of major concern for the photoactivated molecules in order to successfully enter potential markets.

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Formulation technology Application technology Government regulation and restriction on usages Worldwide registration policies

Formulation technology. Photoactive molecules do not have contact or systemic activity. They are gustatory poisons and, hence, it is necessary to ingest the chemical into the targeted system. Commercially available formulations for organophosphate, carbamates or synthetic pyrethroids are not suitable or effective for photoactivated chemicals. There is a need for developing entirely new formulations for photoactive chemicals to selectively kill targeted organisms. Different types of baits for fire ants (3), fruit flies (21,22) and houseflies, have been developed and are quite effective for each respective species. In controlling the face fly and house fly, in cattle ranches, "gelatin capsules" are effective (6,20). In poultry houses, microencapsulated formulations may yield better effects. In the case of mosquitoes, a slow release formulation with a floating bait is probably needed. Innovation in developing and selecting the formulation is required. The success of the photoactivated molecules rests on innovative approaches in formulation so that the active component reaches the target site selectively.

Application technology. There is a need to develop innovative, practical, and economical application technologies for the photoactivated molecules. The technology has to be different for various target species. In the case offireants, aerial broadcasting of the bait in the affected area could be effective and economical in certain markets (e.g., U.S.A.). Application technology requirements are totally different with household pests like cockroaches. Research on application technology needs to be conducted on a priority basis before entering the different market segments.

Government regulations, restrictions on usages and global registration. Some of the photoactivated molecules are registered by FDA and are found to be quite safe. However, there is a need to register these chemicals for the specified usage with EPA in the U.S. and with other regulatory agencies worldwide.

Conclusion The potential geographic and functional market segments have been identified and described. There is a need to identify additional market segments globally. The selective and geographical niche marketing strategy will be ideal for photoactive pesticides. Work on formulation and application technology as well as global registration needs to be done on priority basis before commercial exploitation of photoactive molecules for the above market segments can begin.

In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


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RECEIVED September 7, 1995

In Light-Activated Pest Control; Heitz, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.