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5 Nov 2010 - POTOMAC POSTSCRIPTS. NPA initiates one-time survey of chemical industry to determine production capacity, raw materials used, and end ...
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Synthetic Drying Oil Patents, Allied Products, Processes U . S. P a t e n t s : 2,373.177; 2.381,653; 2,389,794 ; 2,389,795 ; 2,428,901 ; 2,431.357 ; 2,441,738; 2,441,739; 2,490,070; 2,503,622; 2,503,623 ; 2,503,624 ; 2,528,936 ; 2,528,937 ; 2,529,528; BR. Pats, 5 4 7 , 3 2 1 ; 566,000.


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POTOHIA€ POSTSCRIPTS ROBERT GIBBS, Associate Editor N P A initiates o n e - t i m e s u r v e y of chemical industry to d e t e r m i n e pro­ duction capacity, r a w m a t e r i a l s u s e d , a n d e n d uses . . . Bureau of IVlines, Census Bureau, a n d Tariff C o m m i s s i o n w i l l furnish s u p p l e m e n t a r y d a t a XN ORDER to measure the potential of

•*• the nation's chemical industry to meet defense and civilian requirements, the National Production Authority has initiated a comprehensive survey covering more than 100 chemical producers. The objectives are to determine the production capacity, the types and amounts of raw materials to sustain this production, and the end uses of the chemicals or, more specifically, what products are being manufactured through the use of chemicals and how much is used for each. Eventually, surveys will be made of several dozen chemicals, but to start the project NPA has centered its efforts on £1 basic chemicals. These are aniline oil, benzene hexachloride, butyl alcohol, calcium carbide, carbon tetrachloride, chromic oxide, DDT, ethyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, maleic anhydride, methyl alcohol, methyl chloride, phthalic anhydride, phenol, sodium metal, sodium bichromate, styrene, vinyl acetate, and zinc chloride. These data will give NPA a basic working picture of the industry. Although the survey is not a continuing one, requiring periodic reports, the data will be kept current through use of monthly statistical information already being collected by the Tariff Commission, the Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Mines. NPA is reviewing a list of some 200 basic organic and inorganic chemicals for which no monthly statistics are presently being collected. To keep demands on industry to a minimum, the list is being reviewed carefully to assure that only essential commodities are added. When the list is finally approved, NPA will request the Tariff Commission, the Bureau of the Census, and the Bureau of Mines to add the new items to the commodity lists for which data are already being collected. Tariff Commission Reports on Synthetic Organic Chemicals and Raw Materials The Tariff Commission publishes preliminary and final reports on domestic production and sales of synthetic organic chemicals and the raw materials from which they are derived. These annual reports cover the 565 known producers of the 6000 to 7000 items included. The major categories are tar and tar crudes, crude products from petroleum and natural gas for chemical conversion, intermediates, dyes, lakes and toners, medicinals, flavor and perfume materials, plastics and resin materials, rubber processing chemicals, elastomers (synthetic C H E M I C A L

rubbers), plasticizers, surface-active agents, and miscellaneous chemicals. Preliminary reports are issued for each major class of compounds as soon as 85 to 95% of the total estimated production has been reported. Preliminary reports contain only production and sales figures. Final reports contain not only complete statistics on production and sales for each segment of the industry, but also a directory of manufacturers, which identifies each product with its producers. Also included are statistics on the number of persons engaged in research on synthetic organic chemicals and expenditures for this research, plus summary statistics on imports of chemicals entering the country under paragraphs 27 and 28 of the Tariff Act of 1930. These consist largely of such coal-tar products as intermediates, dyes, medicinals, flavor and perfume materials, plastics, and other finished coal-tar products. The commission issues detailed information on these imports in a separate annual report. In addition to the annual reports, two series of monthly reports are issued. The first, which was started during World War II, presents production figures for a selected series of approximately 65 synthetic organic chemicals. The second, which was taken over from the Census Bureau in 1948, sets forth production and sales data for approximately 65 basic synthetic plastic and resin materials under such headings as cellulose, tar acid, urea and melamine, polystyrene, vinyl, alkyd, rosin modifications, and miscellaneous items. With the stepped-up mobilization program, the National Production Authority is desirous of obtaining monthly statistics for approximately 100 additional organic chemicals and plastics. < I n the organic chemical group, NPA also wants data on plant consumption and plant stocks on a plant basis and, in the case of plastics, figures on company stocks. Census Bureau Collects Statistics On Inorganic Chemicals Among the wide variety of statistical reports of interest to the chemical and chemical process industries issued by the Bureau of the Census is the very comprehensive report "The Census of Manufactures," issued every five years. T h e last quinquennial report, which covered the year 1947, was issued in 1949. It consists of a series of 82 reports on individual industries, eight of which deal with the chemical and allied products industry. AND



In these eight reports, production and shipment data are presented for several thousand industrial inorganic chemicals, Industrial organic chemicals, drugs and medicines, soaps and related products, paints and allied products, gum and \Vood chemicals and fertilizers, vegetable and animal oils, and miscellaneous chemi­ cal products. The industry reports present statistics on employment, pay rolls, cost of mate­ rials, and value added by manufacture. Also included are inventories, capital ex­ penditures, the quantity and value of products shipped, and important materials consumed. To show trends of all industries includ­ ing chemical and allied products in the 5-year interim period, the Census Bureau collect statistics annually from a repre­ sentative group of companies. Of specific interest to the chemical in­ dustry is the annual report on production and shipment of inorganic chemicals and gases. The first report of this series, covering 1950, is now being compiled and should be issued by midsummer. This report covers all known manufacturers of some 300 basic chemicals. Among the monthly publications of in­ terest are reports citing production totals for 37 inorganic chemicals; production, shipment, and stocks of superphosphate, animal glue, and gelatin ( except photo­ graphic); and sales of paint, varnish, lac­ quer, and filler. Two reports are issued monthly on primary and secondary fats, oils, oilseeds, and beans. One relates to production, consumption, and stocks, while the other covers only consumption, with details on end uses. NPA is expected to request the Census Bureau to extend its coverage by adding about 100 inorganic chemicals to the present monthly list.


Ψ Hastings switching " unit supplied with up to five g a u g e tubes.

Bureau of Mines Furnishes Data On Coke and Coal Chemicals The Bureau of Mines issues a large number of reports of interest to the chemi­ cal and chemical process industries, in­ cluding the "Minerals Yearbook" and statistics on metallic and nonmetallic min­ erals used in the chemical induslr>. Of direct concern are the monthly and annual reports on coke and coal chemi­ cals. In these reports, the Bureau presents data on all domestic production, sales, stocks, and prices of ammonium sulfate, ammonia liquor, naphthalene, pyridine, sodium phenolate, and sulfur. Data on crude light oil and such derivatives as benzene, toluene, xylene, and solvent naphtha are given, as are tar and tar derivatives, including creosote oil, tar acid oil, phenol, cresol, cresylic acid, and tar pitch. Similar but even more detailed data are collected on coke and coal used to produce coke. At the request of the Office of Price Stabilization, this bureau is also collecting value data on the same commodities. The Bureau of Mines reports are so detailed and complete that NPA has re­ quested collection of data on only four additional commodities. V O L U M E







Hastings Vacuum G a u g e for all vacuum processes in the micron r a n g e .


T h e new H a s t i n g s d i r e c t - r e a d i n g V a c u u m G a u g e gives r a p i d r e s p o n s e (less than V2 s e c o n d ) for l a b o r a t o r y o r p r o d u c t i o n i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n . Its uuitfue design features noble-metal t h e r m o p i l e s , and the nickelplated tube p r e v e n t s o u t g a s s i n g — w i l l not c o n t a m i n a t e the system. W i t h the switch­ i n g a t t a c h m e n t , illustrated above, as many as five s t a t i o n s per s t a n d a r d selector unit may be c o n n e c t e d to e a c h i n d i c a t o r . Matched g a u g e tubes eliminate the need for a d d i t i o n a l a d j u s t m e n t s w h e n s w i t c h i n g . T h e c a l i b r a t i o n of the g a u g e tube is not affected by e x p o s u r e to a t m o s p h e r i c pres­ sure o r t e m p e r a t u r e so there is no need to reset the c u r r e n t each time the p r e s s u r e c h a n g e s . T h e accuracy and quick r e s p o n s e of the gauge m a k e it ideally suited for leak detection, w a r n i n g work, or pressureoperated c o n t r o l systems. Vacuum G a u g e Indicator Unit: S90. Gauge Tubes: S10 each. W R I T E T O D A Y F O R D E T A I L E D SPECIFICATION SHEET.

HASTINGS VACUUM GAUGE CHARACTERISTICS RANGE: MOOO microns Hg. RESPONSE: Time constant, less than ]A second. V A C U U M COUPLING: Standard Y^' IPS mole thread. POWER: Voltage: 90-135 volts a-c ; 50-60 cycle (con be used from 30 to 800 cps.) Current: 0.01 amperes. Wattage: 1 watt. DIMENSIONS: Indicator: 4 k j " χ 4>^>/; χ 7 J 4 " ; weight, 48 ounces. Gauge Tube: Maximum Outside Diameter l ? ^ " · Over-all Length, including pins and nipple, 2**rf". Internal volume less than \h cu"· m. Weight, less than 2 oz. Con­ nected to Indicator by 6-foot cable terminating in an 8-prong octal socket. POWER CABLE: 6-foot terminating in standard 1 15-v plug.






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