POWELL FOREMOST IN VULVES FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Over a q u a r t e r of a century ago, Powell introduced t h e corrosion resistant valve to fill t h e needs of t h e rapidly expanding chemical industries. A n d now today, after 25 y e a r s of experienced manufacture—Powell offers one of t h e most com plete lines of corrosive resistant valves t o handle practically every corrosive fluid. Valves in every size—for 100 pounds W . P . on u p ! Valves in every design—globe, angle, gate, check, ς Ύ " . Valves in every possible m e t a l and alloy—stainless steel, silver, nickel, Monel, Hastelloy alloys, acid bronze, aluminum, and other corrosion resistant pure metals and special alloys. Powell also offers a complete line of bronze, iron and steel valves. So for all your industry's requirements, Powell has t h e right valve in t h e right size, right design, and right metal. Look York Chemical Industries Exposition . . . consult y o u r local . . . or w r i t e directly t o Powell for complete information on engineering services. We'll solve all your valve problems !
corrosion resistant u s u p at the New Powell distributor Powell valves and
P o w e l l w i l l b e a t B o o t h 1 3 3 a t t h e 2 7 t h E x p o s i t i o n o f C h e m i c a l In d u s t r i e s , N e w York: City, N o v . 3 0 - D e c . 4 , for c o n s u l t a t i o n o n your v a l v e p r o b l e m s . L o o k us u p .
Dependable Valves Since 1846
world's largest family of valves.
Fig. 2433SS Fig. 2490
Fig. 1832
Fig. 1861
Stainless Steel Ο. S. & Y . G î t e Valve.
Stainless Steel Gate Valve.
Stainless Alloy Union Bonnet Globe Valve.
Stainless Steel Bolted Cap Swing Check Valve.
Fig. 560 Bronze Regrinding Horizontal "Y'y T y p e Swing Check Valve.
Fig. 2608
Fig. 2310
Fig. 2700
Bronze " W . S . " Full Flow Globe Valve.
Flush B o t t o m Tank Valve-
Bronze Inside Screw Rising S t e m Gate Valve.
Fig. 3O03
Fig. 19003
Fig. 1793
Fig. 2193
C a s t Steel Flange End G a t e Valve.
Cast Steel Pressure Seal Valve-
Iron Body, Bronze Mounted Gate Valve.
Ni-resist O.S.&YGate Valve.