PPG's percarbonate initiators give you faster polymerization, higher

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: November 29, 1971. Copyright © 1971 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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PPG's percarbonate initiators give you faster polymerization, higher production and better product. Our credentials? We've been leaders in percarbonate development ever since we originated IPP in the 40s. That leadership gives us unmatched experience in use, handling and storage to share with you. And we're dependable—we haven't missed a delivery in 15 years. We supply three types: IPP (diisopropyl peroxydicarbonate or isopropyl percarbonate) . . . SBP (di-sec-butyl peroxydicarbonate or sec-butyl percarbonate) . . . and NPP (di-n-propyl peroxydicarbonate or η-propyl percarbonate). PPG peroxydicarbonates are highly efficient initiators for the polymeri­ zation of unsaturated monomers. They provide free radicals at much lower reaction temperatures than other initiators.

Easier polymerization control. Rate of heat evolution is constant. No large exotherm at end of run. Easier termination of a batch polymerization than with other commonly used peroxides. Improved polymers. Percarbonates work at lower temperatures, have linear conversion rates, leave less residue than other peroxides. Color, electrical resistivity and stability in exposure to ultraviolet light and weathering may also be improved.

SBP and NPP. Used as a polymeri­ zation and copolymerization initiator chiefly with ethylene, vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride. Both are most efficient for producing mediumdensity polyethylene and for PVC. Shipped and handled as liquids. Both have superior solubility in aliphatic solvents.


IPP. Used as a polymerization and copolymerization initiator chiefly with vinyl chloride, ethylene, allyl diglycol carbonate, methyl methacrylate and other vinyl and allyl monomers. Can produce mediumGENERAL ADVANTAGES density polyethylene (approaching 0.95) in conventional high-pressure Faster conversion. No induction equipment. For films, gives improved period. Fast rate of conversion during processing and handling characterthe first hour. Conversion stays high istics, plus better clarity, stability and constant throughout the run. and electrical properties. Shipped as a solid. Τ

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Normal shipment to the northeast and north-central regions is byspecial Ε refrigerated containers. Also nonΦ ι-1 scheduled deliveries anywhere in α> North America by contract carrier. 50 Skilled, experienced technical service ~| sΟ) staff available for consultation on c handling, storage and use. 6 8 IO ο ο We'll be happy to send you Hours to reach 80% conversion Ο literature and samples. Write to Figure 1. Vinyl chloride polymerization at 40 1 1 Ι three temperatures. 120 130 140 I 5 0 PPG Industries, Inc., Chemical Division, One Gateway Center, Production, % Higher production. Batch-runtime Figure 2. Vinyl chloride polymerization Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. is shorter than for other peroxides, initiated by IPP compared with lauroyl so a much higher annual output of peroxide initiated production. Runs were PPG : A Concern for t h e Future polymer can be produced with made at 130 F in 2700-gallon reactors. existing equipment.


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Lower initiator costs. Because less initiator produces more polymer, PPG percarbonates cost less per pound of polymer than most other initiators. 22 C&EN NOV. 29, 1971

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