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Precision-Made Quality-Certified £arbon Blacks Γ clumbl.«l*·» D«* Each of the eight Columbian carbon black plants utilizes efficient manufacturing methods and is equipped with chemical and bead labora tories staffed with expert technicians to test and re-test, check and re-check "in-process" production all along the line from oil feed stock to finished product. Every effort is exerted to make sure each shipment of carbon black meets specifications with precise uniformity. In-plant testing is only part of the quality-assurance story. Sam ples are also sent to Columbian master control at Monroe, Louisiana, where they run the gamut of the most advanced techniques ever devised for testing carbon blacks in chemical and rubber laboratories. One of these techniques is the use of an electron microscope which magnifies particles up to 300,000 times. Quality-certification by Columbian is an accurate appraisal of carbon blacks. It is the full-time occupation of more than 70 chemists, engineers and technicians. And, their dedication is supported by the fully-staffed carbon black section of the modern-as-tomorrow Cities Service Research Center at Cranbury, New Jersey. This Center creates and monitors new products and processes for the rubber industry and assists the entire Columbian technology. Among its many facilities is a pilot plant for making tire treads using dif ferent carbon blacks. The treads are then put through the wringer of many miles of road-testing by Columbian. These are only a few of the high points of the Columbian quality assurance program. Get all the facts about the complete program from your Columbian representative or contact the address below. You'll quickly discover why it pays to put your confidence in Columbian.
Cities Service Company · Columbian Division Marketing Headquarters: 3200 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio 44313