Precision Scientific Co

the “bucking technique." When putting your money intocirculation, be sure it s in Temptrol. Get complete performance data on individual Temptrol uni...
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Circulatory problems? Try Temptrol If you are experiencing hot and cold spells with your lab circulators, Temptroi offers positive relief! You can select the level of precise temperature control you need, the capacity you need, the temperature range you need. Temptroi combination constant-temperaturebaths-and-circulating-systems provide accurate temperature control both within their built-in baths and in separate instruments or baths through which the bath media is circulated. Baths and circulating systems may be used simultaneously or either may be used alone. There are nine T e m p t r o i m o d e l s . Those equipped with a hydraulic thermostat achieve uniformity of i 0 . 5 C or better and sensitivity of :''0.3C; those with a thermoregulator, uniformity of 0.02C and sensitivity of =0.1 C. Pumping ca-

pacities range from 42.5 to 300 gal./hr. at 0 head. Reservoir capacity range is: 1.25. 2.25 and 2 75 gallons, plus the Lo-Temptrol which is a 15 gallon capacity unit that cools to --30C. Two versatile portable units. Stir-Pump and Porta-Temp, complete the Temptroi line. When used with the Precision Porta-Cool, the PortaTemp converts any container into a low cost, wide range—0 to 90C—constant temperature bath and circulating system, giving you the advantages of the "bucking technique." When putting your money into circulation, be sure i t s in Temptroi. Get complete performance data on individual Temptroi units from your Precision Scientific Dealer or write us. Precision Scientific Co., 3737 W. Cortland St., Chicago, III. 60647.