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They have been setting oven performance records in laboratories for almost 40 years. They are your guarantee that every feature found in "Precision"—Freas Constant Temperature Equipment has been tested and proved . . . not in an engineering department . . . nor in a factory testing line . . . but right in the largest and most efficient laboratories in the country. Consider this when you purchase your oven . . . your choice of "Precision" — Freas Equipment means years of efficient, dependable, trouble-free service . . . backed by a positive five year guarantee. Be sure you s p e c i f y "Precision"—Freas when you purchase your next constant temperature unit.
Precision Scientific Company 3 7 3 7 WEST CORTLAND STREETfiESEECiSSEDIini3j CHICAGO 4 7 , ILLINOIS, U. S# A. I
Scie+Uifcc HeAea/udt a*ui Production-
Ga*U>icX Zqulpstvertt
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New, Positive, Accurate, the "Precision" Dual Thermostat gives added safety, prevents loss of time and is particularly useful in those tests which require maintaining constant temperatures over long periods of time. The "Precision" Dual Thermostat consists of t w o complete thermal control systems; two sensitive elements and two capillaries each terminating in a separate bellows and switch* ing system. If for any reason the master control system becomes inoperative, the aux. iliary takes over and maintains the |^^ oven temperature. A single microadjustment knob, graduated in both :-•% Fahrenheit and Centigrade, governs ;S> both control and auxiliary systems. ••/; The D u a l T h e r m o s t a t is standard v'j equipment on all "Precision"—Freas H mechanical convection ovens, and can if be installed on gravity convection ovens l§ at slight additional cost. The Dual ^ ^ ^ Thermostat carries the regular "Pre^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J s i o n " — F r e a s 5 yr. guarantee. ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ t h i s N E W "PRECISION" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f e i j ^ o u r laboratory,